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1、五年级英语下册试题Module3 Things arou nd us单元测试 牛津上海版含答案及解析一、单项选择题共9题l.lt's 9: 00 a. m. Hestill in bed. Hetired last night.A. is; wasB. was; isC. was; was2. Rose Chi nese?A. Is; anB. Does; aC. Does; speak3. Wherethe dog? rm not sure.Ithere this morning.A. was; isB. is; wasC. is; is4.Imy car outside the b

2、uildi ng but it is not there now.A. madeB. builtC. parked5.Ca n you tell me the way to the restaura nt?A. go to the restaura ntB. where is the restaura ntC. how to get to the restaura nt6is weather in win ter in Shan ghai?A. WhatB. HowC. What about7. Good morni ng! What can I do for you?A. Ca n I he

3、lp you?B. what's the matter?C. How are you?8. What isin side the room?A. the dateB. the timeC. the temperature9. do you con tact your pare nts when you are not in Shan ghai?.A. WhatB. HowC. Where二、阅读理解(共2题)10. 阅读理解Rose is a middle school stude nt. She likes En glish very much and she does well i

4、n it. She ofte n tells her father about her En glish. Now she is talk ing with her father.Rose: Our En glish book is very nice. There are many in teresti ng dialogues and nice pictures in it.Father: DO you speak only En glish in class or does your teacher expla in everyth ing to you in Chin ese?Rose

5、: Oh, no. We speak En glish for most of the time in class. So I must work hard at it.Father: That's good! I'm sure you'll study better.(1) Rose's English i.A. goodB. wallC. bad(2) DO Rose and her classmates speak only English in class?A. Yes, they do.B. Yes, they did.C. No, they don&

6、#39;t.(3) The dialogues in Rose's English book.A. are difficultB. are in terest ingC. are bori ng(4) Rose works hard at EnglishA. to talk to DadB. to speak En glishC. show herself(5) Rose's father she'I1 study better.A. thi nksB. hopesC. doesn't think11. 阅读理解Mr. Joh nson had his week

7、e nd with his old gra ndfather - Dr. Joh nson yesterday .In the morning he got up at seve n o'clock. He had his breakfast at half past eight. Then he went out in his yellow car and arrived at old Dr. Joh nson's cab in at about 9. At noon Mr. Joh nson had lunch with his gra ndfather. They pla

8、yed cards at half past two. Dr. Johnson was good at playing cards. He beat (打败)Mr. Johnson at last. So he laughed: "See? I am not too old to play with young people!"(1) How did Mr. Johnson spend his weekend yesterday?(2) Where did Mr. Johnson have breakfast ?(3) What did they do after lunc

9、h?(4) Who won the game at last?(5) How did Dr. Johnson think of himself?三、句型转换(共5题)12.I like all the robots.(对划线局部提问)robot do you like?13. They're Lin da's bookshelves.(对划线局部提问)bookshelves are they?14. Miss Li lives in Pudong.(对划线局部提问)Miss Li live?15. They go to the park and play games.(改为一般

10、过去时 )Theyto the park andgames.16. We have our Chinese lesson at ten o'clock.(对划线局部提问) do you have your Chin ese less on?四、翻译(共1题)17. 翻译以下词组(1) 建一所新房子(2) 过得很快活(3) 呆在舒适的房子里(4) 来自中国东海答案局部【答案】 A【考点】be动词,一般现在时,一般过去时【解析】【分析】句意:上午 9点了。他仍然在床上。昨天晚上他很累。根据第一句时间,第二句用一般 现在时,句子主语是第三人称单数,用is,第三句根据时间 昨天晚上,句子用一般

11、过去时,句子主语是第三人称单数,用 was。故答案为:A。【点评】这是考查时态的题目。要掌握一般现在时和一般过去时的判定。第2题:【答案】C【考点】助动词,一般疑问句【解析】【分析】句意:罗斯汉语?如果用A选项,冠词an不能和Chinese搭配,淘汰,用B选项, 缺少谓语动词,淘汰。只有 C选项结构的意思都正确。故答案为:C。【点评】这是考查疑问句的题目。要掌握一般疑问句的句子结构。第3题:【答案】B【考点】be动词,一般现在时,一般过去时【解析】【分析】句意: 一狗哪里?我不确定。 一它今天早上它 这里。第一句表达现在的情况, 用一般现在时,用is适宜,第二句根据时间 this mornin

12、g,句子用一般过去时,用 was。故答案为:B。【点评】这是考查单词适当形式的题目。要掌握现在时和过去时的句子结构。第4题:【答案】C【考点】动词辨析【解析】【分析】句意:我把我的车 在大楼外面可是现在它不见了。A选项是:制作;B选项是:建造;C选项是:停。根据句意,C选项正确。故答案为: Co【点评】这是考查词汇的题目。要掌握所学常用动词的词义和用法。第5题:【答案】C【考点】同义句【解析】【分析】句意:你能告诉我去饭店的路吗?A选项是:去饭店;B选项是:饭店在哪里; C选项是:如何去饭店。句子在这里做 tell的宾语,A选项淘汰,B选项语序错误。只有 C选项正确。故答案为: Co【点评】这

13、是考查同义短语的题目。要掌握短语的不同表达方式。【答案】B【考点】疑问词辨析【解析】【分析】句意:上海冬季天气怎么样?A选项是:什么;B选项是:如何;C选项是:怎么样。问天气状况,用 What's the weather like? 或 How's the weather? 故答案为:B。【点评】这是考查疑问词的题目。要掌握对天气的提问。第7题:【答案】 A【考点】同义句【解析】【分析】句意:早上好!你想要点什么?A选项是:你想要点什么?B选项是:怎么了? C选项是:你好吗? A选项意思相同。故答案为:A。【点评】这所考查同义句的题目。要掌握购物的常用口语。第8题:【答案】C【

14、考点】名词辨析【解析】【分析】句意:房间里的是多少? A选项是:日期;B选项是:时间;C选项是:温度。房间内外的日期和时间应该是一致的,只有温度有差异。故答案为:Co【点评】这是考查词汇的题目。要掌握What的用法。第9题:【答案】B【考点】疑问词辨析【解析】【分析】句意:当你不在上海时,你联系你的父母? A选项是:什么;B选项是:如何;C选项是:哪里。根据句意提示这是对方式的提问,用How正确。故答案为:Bo【点评】这是考查疑问词的题目。要掌握 How的用法。第10题:【答案】(1) A(2) C(3) B(4) B(5) A【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】这是一篇Rose和爸爸谈论她的英语

15、的对话。(1) 根据短文表达 She likes English very much and she does well in it.可知 Rose 的英语很好。A 选项正确。故答案为:A。2 根据对话句子DO you speak only En glish in class or does your teacher expla in everyth ing to youin Chinese? 和Oh, no.可知不是仅仅说英语。用否认答复。C选项正确。故答案为:C。3 根据对话句子There are many interesting dialogues and nice pictures i

16、n it.可知对话很有趣。B 选项正确。故答案为:B。4 根据对话句子We speak En glish for most of the time in class. So I must work hard at it.可知她努力去讲英语。B选项正确。故答案为:B。5 根据对话句子rm sure you'll study better.可知爸爸认为她可以学得更好。A选项正确。故答案为:A。【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。首先阅读短文和对话,掌握细节表达,然后根据表达来选择正确的答案。第11题:【答案】1 He spent his weekend with his grandfather

17、.2At home.3They played cards.4Mr. Johnson's grandfather did.5He did n't think he was too old to play with young people.【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍Johnson先生和他老爷爷过周末的故事。1 根据短文表达Mr. Johnson had his weekend with his old grandfather - Dr. Johnson yesterday.可知他和他的爷爷度周末。故答案为:He spe nt his weeke nd with

18、his gran dfather.2根据短文表达 He had his breakfast at half past eight. Then he went out in his yellow car andarrived at old Dr. Joh nso n's cabin at about 9. 可知推测他是在家里吃早餐。故答案为: At home.3 根据短文表达 They played cards at half past two.可知他们午饭后打牌。故答案为:They playedcards.4 根据短文表达 Dr. Joh nson was good at playi

19、ng cards. He beat 打败Mr. Joh nson at last. 可知 他爷爷赢了。故答案为:Mr. Joh nson's gran dfather did.5 根据短文表达 So he laughed: "See? I am n ot too old to play with young people!"可知他认为他还没有老得不能和年轻人一起玩了。故答案为:He did n't thi nk he was too old to play with you ng people.【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。首先阅读短文,然后根据题目问题找

20、到相关表达,然后答复以下问题。第12题:【答案】Which【考点】句型转换【解析】【分析】句意:我喜欢所有的机器人。句子划线局部是robots的修饰词,用 Which '哪一个来提问,和robot构成短语 Which robot,句子剩余局部变成一般疑问句跟在后面即可。故答案为:Which。【点评】这是考查句型转换的题目。要掌握疑问词Which的用法。第13题:【答案】 Whose【考点】句型转换【解析】【分析】句意:它们是Lin da的书架。句子划线局部是所有格,用疑问词Whose “谁的来提问,和bookshelves组成短语 Whose bookshelves,句子剩余局部变成一般疑问句跟在后面即可。故答案为:Whose。【点评】这是考查句型转换的题目。要掌握 Whose的用法。第14题:【答案】 Where ; does【考点】句型转换【解析】【分析】句意:李老师住在浦东。划线局部是位置,用疑问词Where “哪里来提问,句子剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面,这里主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词是实义动词,一般疑问句用助动词 does,谓语动词变成原形。故答案为:Where,does。【点评】这是考查句型转换的题目。要掌握疑问词Where的用法。第15题:【答案】 went ; played【


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