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1、会话理解复习方法1,会话理解常考口语2,生活场景常考内容3,历年考卷1、会话理解常考口语After you 你先请I just couldn ' t help真忍受不了Don' t take it to heart不要往心理去Let' s face让我们面对吧I am really dead 我要累死了I have done my best 我已经尽力Is that so ?真是那样吗?Don' t play games wh me不要和我开玩笑I am going to kid you 我不是和你开玩笑的That ' s something棒了Bril

2、liant idea 好主义Do you really mean it? 此话当真?I am behind you我支持彳尔Mind you 记得哦You can count on it 你尽管放心好了come on别打岔了It's a deal 一言为定that depend看情况再说 2,生活场景常考内容朋友见面Bob: How are you ?你好吗?Tom: I am fine, thank you , and you ?/what about you?我很好,谢谢!你呢?Bob: I am fine too.我也很好。Bob: am afraid must go now恐怕

3、我必须要走了。Tom: Take care |.see you later (tomorrow) / bye bye路上小心!再见。Bob: see you / bye再见。朋友初次见面 Bob: Hi , my name is Bob, What's your name?/May I have your name?你好,我的名字叫Bob, I我能知道你的名字吗?Tom: My name is Tom.我的名字叫Tom.Bob: How do you spell it ?怎么卮足?Tom: T-O-MT-O-MBob: oh, how do you do , dice to met y

4、ou ,Tom./I m glad to meet you.哦,你好,:高兴认识你| Tom.Tom: how do you do , nice to met you too .你好,我也很高兴认识你问电话号码Bob: May I have your telephone number please ?我能知道你的电话号码吗?Tom: 2236556522365565Bob:pardon ?能再说一遍吗?Tom: 22365565.问路与感谢Bob:Excuse me |could /can you tell me the way ?劳驾,田能告诉我怎么去.吗?Tom: sure/ of cou

5、rse , get down the road and turn right at the first cross .可以。往这条路一直走在第一个十字路口右转Bob: get down the road and turn right at the first cross .?往这条路一直走在第一个十字路口右转?Tom: that is right.是的。Bob: thank you very much谢谢。Tom: you are welcome / not at all /it is my pleasure / Never mind不客气。祝贺与祝福 Bob: congratulation!

6、 Tom祝贺你,TOM.Tom: thank you谢谢。 Bob: happy New year ,Tom.祝你新年快乐。Tom: thank you. The same to you./ you too.谢谢,你也一样。 Bob: I am going to take part in the exam next week.下个星期我将去参加考试。Tom : good luck祝你好运。Bob: but I feel nervous.但我现在感到很紧张。Tom : oh ,take it easy.放松一下。 Bob: I will go to see my parents next wee

7、k下个星期我将去看我父母。Tom: don't forget to Ray hello to them for me/ remember to sby hello to them for me 别忘了代我向他们问好。 Bob: We will go to honleywood for our holiday.我们将去好莱乌度假。Tom: have a good times/ if only I Could go with you.祝你们玩得开心/懊是我能和你们一起去多好啊。一邀请与答谢Bob: we are having a few people for a dinner on Fri

8、day , we would love to have you.我们星期五邀请几个朋友一起吃饭,希望除能来。一Tom: I'd love to .thank you for your invitation/ But I am afraid I can't .我十分愿意去,赫谢你的邀请/我十分愿意去,但我恐怕去不了借东西Bob: May I use your computer, please ?我能用你的电脑吗?Tom: sure / of course . |here you are.当然,给你厂Bob: thank you谢谢。Tom: you are welcome不客气。

9、Bob: How about going out for dinner?Mary: Why not? / No problem请客吃饭Bob: Would you like to h|ave a cup of tea?愿意来一杯茶吗?Tom: yes, please ./ No, thanks.好的。/不了,谢谢。 Bob: how delicious the meal is .多么美味的一顿饭啊!Tom: help yourself / take yourself.请自便。去商店买东西Bob: can I help you ?/ What can I do for you ?请问有什么需要帮

10、忙的?Tom: I would like to have a look the shirt .我想看一看那件衬衫。Bob: here you are给你。Tom: it looks good, Can I try it on ?看起来很好,我能试穿吗?Bom: sure /of course./by all mean当然。Tom: pretty good , I will take it .hOw much is it?很好,我想买了,请阿多少钱? 一Bob:100 yuan.100 元。问天气Bob: what is the weather like today? How is the we

11、ather today?今天天气如何?Tom: it is fine/ pretty good./too bad ,it is raining很好/糟糕,下雨了。打电话Bob: Hello? This is Bob speaking. Who is that calling?你好,这是Bob,请问你那边是谁?Tom: hello. This is Tom speaking你好,这是Tom.Bob: May/could I speak to Lucy?请问我能和Lucy说话吗?Tom: I am sorry , she is out , Any message?对不起,她外出了,需.留言吗?一征

12、求意见Bob: do you mind my smoking here?介意我在这里吸烟吗?Tom: Not at all ,do it please / am sorry, you had better not没事,你做吧/k寸不起,请最好不要 Bob: we will go to park tomorrow , shall we meet at 7 o 'clock ,ok?我们明天早上去公园,7点钟见面,好吗?Tom: No problem ./ That 's all right .没问题/府的。问时间 Bob: What time is it ?/现在几点了?Tom:

13、 it is 7 o 'clock7点. Bob: What day is today?/今天星期几?Tom; It is Sunday星期天。 Bob: What's the date today?今天几月几号?Tom: April 4 20072007年4月4号。(病Doctor : What's wrong with you?/ what is the matter with you?身体哪里不舒服?Patient: doctor, I have got a headache.医生,我头痛Doctor: have you have your temperature

14、 taken yet?你量过体温了吗?Patient: yes, it got to 39 degree.是的,39度。Doctor: you are fever. Let me describe some medicine to you 你发高烧了,我开一些药给你吧。宛惜与难过Bob: I miss the wonderful film last night .昨天晚上我错过了那场精彩的电影。Tom: What a pity !多可惜啊! Bob: my sister was ill .我姐姐病了。Tom: I am sorry to here that./I am sorry about

15、that.听到这个消息我很难过。答题技巧:1,虚拟语气是答案;afraid,would, actually, sorry, should, but for, suppose , but that, if only, would rather , would just as soon , would sooner , would prefer, lest , for fear that , in case2,注意对话的人物身份,一般来说,客气委婉的是答案,直接回答的不是答案, 根据中文字面翻译的不是答案。3,不要死记硬背,要根据生活的场景真正理解句字的意思。2005广东学位英语试题1. Clie

16、nt: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith? Secretary: lA Hello. Thanks for calling. lB Speaking, please.lC Hello, who' re you, please? lD I'm sorry. He's at a meeting now.2. Roommate A: I wish you wouldn't have your radio so loud. Roommate B: lA I'm afraid so. lB It's none of your

17、business.lC Sorry! Is it disturbing you? D Really? It's not my fault.3. Mary: We're having a few people over for a dinner Friday. We'd love to have you.Tom: lA Oh, I'd love to. But I'm afraid.18 Oh, really! What time should I come?lC No. I have to prepare for the exam.D Yes, thou

18、gh I have to take the exam.4. Son: I'm terribly sorry. Mom, I've broken an Italian vase.Mom: IA Oh, what a shame! B Oh, dear, how awful it is!IC Oh, that doesn't matter. ID Oh, I'm sorry about that.5. Jane: Hello.Danny: Hi, Jane. Is John there, please?Jane:A No. He's not here at

19、the moment. B No. He's away. Call back later.C Sorry. I don't know where he is. D Sorry. He's not here right now. Any message?6. Teacher: You're late again!Student: Sorry, All won't do that anymore.BI but it's my own businessIC I' m afraid I' ve overslept ID but I nee

20、d more sleep7. Guest: Oh, it's ten o'clock. I must be leaving now.Host: IA It's OK. Please walk slowly.B Why do you want to go now?C Yeah, it's really late. Do as you like.D Won't you stay for another cup of tea?8. Cathy: Do you mind opening the door for me?Robert: IA Yes, I'

21、ll do it BI It' s nothingIC That's all right DJ Not at all9. Katherine: Haven't seen you for ages, Linda! How are you getting on?Linda: Quite well. And you?Katherine: Pretty good. How' s your husband?Linda: Oh, we've got divorced.Katherine: IA Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. B

22、I What a shame!ICI It's really a problem. DJ Hope you'll get better.10. Customs officer: Could I have your name, please?Passenger: It's Paine, Sarah Paine.Customs officer: ?Passenger: It' s P-A-I-N-E.IA How do you spell your last nameBI What's your last name, pleaseC How to prono

23、unce your last nameD How could I speak your last name11. Stranger: ? . Do you know where the nearest bank is, please?Resident: Sure. It's on King Street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenue.Stranger: Thank you.IAI Help me BI Forgive me ICI Excuse me ID Trouble you12. Mary: Peter, would you like to

24、go to a party this Sunday?Peter: ? . What kind of party you mean?Mary: It's a birthday party.IA Sounds good BI Looks nice C Seems all right ID Feels great 13. Susan: That's a beautiful skirt you have on!Lily: IA Actually, I don't like it very muchIB Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday

25、C Yes. But it isn't so as you saidID No, it' s not that beautiful, ours is beautiful14. John: May I use your computer this afternoon, Susie?Susie: Sure, but I have to finish typing my term paper today.John: IAI Do as you please BI Oh, I'm sorryIC Thank you just the same ID Never mind it1

26、5. Patient: I feel terrible today. My stomach doesn't feel well at all.Doctor: A You should take something for it lB That's too bad for your healthICI It serves you right D 、 Remember. Don't do that again2006年学位英语试题1. Helen: Hello?Danny: Hello. Could I speak to Helen?Helen:Danny: Hi, Hel

27、en. This is Danny.lA I am Helen lB This is HelenlC Yes, I am D Yes, I am her2. Tom: I've decided to spend the summer holidays traveling in America. Jane: Oh, lA if only I could go with you.lB what good news it is!C how happy I was to hear that. D how exciting to hear the news!3. Salesclerk: Can

28、I help you, madam?Customer: No, thanks. I IA have just looked aroundB just look aroundC am just looking aroundD just looked around4. Tom: I'm afraid I must be going now. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Lucy: A Take careB It's just so-soC I'm not good at itD I'm glad you enjoyed i

29、t5. Adam: It's very kind of you to come to see me off, Betty.Betty: A That's my dutyB Not at all. It's the least I could doC Don't be so politeD Never mind it6 Tom: nice to meet you , Jim.Jim:A Same here B same to youC Thank you all the time D The same again, please7 Tom: Jane, may I

30、 come into your office and talk to you ?Jane: sure. I have some free time now. ,pleaseA come into B come on in C go ahead D Enter come in8 Jack: Thanks for your invitation. How thoughtful of you, Spencer, Shall I bring something?Spencer: Nothing. I mean we re got plenty to eat. A just take yourself

31、B just come yourselfC just bring yourself D just come over9 Smith: you are leaving soon. We'll be sorry to see you off.A nderson: I m sorry too. But tha t s life .Smith: yes, I suppose A we can t help B it can t be avoidedC we can 't do anything D it can 't be helped10 Jame:Gerge, did yo

32、u tell Bob to come to this meeting ?George: I m terribley sorry. I forgot all about it .Jame: let's get started without him.A good luck . B come on C no problem D good heavens11 Passenger A: Do you mind my smoking here ?Passenger B: not at all . A I m sorry. B smoke as you likeC go right ahead D

33、 do it , please12 Customers: Can I have a look at the blue jacket over there?Salesman:here you areGustomer: oh, it s too big. May I have a size smallere ?Saleman: A by all means B by no meansC by any means D by some means or other13 Lncinda: can you come and have dinner with us ?Jonathan: sounds goo

34、d. When shall I come?Lucinda: at eight. A we 'll be seeing you B we wait for youC we wait until you come D we 'll be expecting you14 A Strange : . can you tell me where the big hen supermaket is ?A passer-by: got me . boy, I m a stranger here myself .A strange: well , thank you anyway.A I m

35、sorryB Excuse meC Never mind D Glad to meet you15. Student A: How is everything with Mary?Student B: She had an accident in her new car and she's still in hospital.Student A:lA That's great!lB That's too bad.D That's OK.lC That sounds nice.2007年学位英语试题1. Clerk: Please fill out the for

36、m.Guest: All right.,please?Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.Al What day is it todayB What's the numberICI What's the date todayID What's the time now2. SpeakerA: Can you tell me the way to the library?Speaker B: Sure Turn left at the next crossing.Speaker A: Is it on King Street?Sp

37、eaker B:IA That's alright18 Yes. You can't miss itICI It's obviousID OK.Justdo it3. Patient: Could you arrange for me to see Doctor Smith tomorrow morning?Nures:.He won't be free until 12:00.A You can call laterlB You' re unluckyICI I can't do thatID I'm afraid not4. Lisa

38、: You look great. Any good news?Alex: I just came back from my vacation.Lisa: Wow,Maybe I should take a vacation, too.IAII didn't see itBI good for youICI I didn'tfind itID hard to believe6. Heather: Look, I've got a problem here. Will you help me?Rebecca:,but I'll try.IA No, I won&#

39、39;tBI I'm really willing toICI Yes, I'm gladID I'm not sure if I can7. Conductor: Good morning,please?Passenger: Here you are.IAI can I have your ticketBI anything to declareICI can I help youID anything special8. Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?Customer:,but this soup is too sa

40、lty.Waitress: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll change it for you.BI Sorry to do itIAI I can't stand itICI I hate to complainID Sorry to bother you9. Student: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!Professor: . Are you a student of biology?Student: No. I major in chemistry.

41、BI I'm glad to hear thatID It's not so interestingB What do you wantD What's the matterIAI I think soC It must be10. Clerk: Central Ballet. ?Customer: yes, what's on tonight?Clerk: Sleeping Beauty.IA May I help youC Can you speak out11. Mary: I'm sorry, but I can't seem to fi

42、nd that tape you lent me. I must have lost it.Susan: Oh no!Mary: But don't worry. I'll buy you a new one.IAI Don't do thatBI What a shameICI Don't say thatID How pity it is12. Richard: . my name is Richard Stewart. May I take a picture of you?Mrs. Vann: By all means. I'm Mrs. Van

43、n. Glad to meet you.A I m sorry B Excuse me ICI Pardon me ID Attention, please 13. Susan: Let' s; go to the restaurant and have dinner right now!Marilyn: OK. Let' s get in.Susan: Thanks. A After youB You go firstC I'll follow youD Have fun14. Alexandra: Excuse me, officer. Can you tell m

44、e how to get to Linden Street?Policeman: Sure. You should take No. 1 Train to Van Cortland Park.Alexandra: Thank you.Policeman: Anytime. _A CongratulationsB Pleasant journeyC God bless youD Good luck15. Richard: Oh, I have got to go. Robbie: It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Bye-bye.A It was nice

45、of you to meet meB It was nice to have met youC It was nice meeting you hereD It was nice for you to meet me2005广东学位英语试题1. Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith?Secretary: lA Hello. Thanks for calling. lB Speaking, please.lC Hello, who' re you, please? lD I'm sorry . He's at a meeting

46、now.2. Roommate A: I wish you would n't have your radio so loud. Roommate B: lA I'm afraid so. lB It's none of your business.lC Sorry! Is it disturbing you? D Really? It's not my fault.3. Mary: We're having a few people over for a dinner Friday. We' d love to have you. Tom: l

47、A Oh, I'd l ove to. But I'm afraid .lB Oh, really! What time should I come?lC No. I have to prepare for the exam.D Yes, though I have to take the exam.4. Son: I'm terribly sorry . Mom, I've broken an Italian vase.Mom : IA Oh, what a shame! B Oh, dear, how awful it is!IC Oh, that does

48、n't matter . ID Oh, I'm sorry about that.5. Jane: Hello.Danny: Hi, Jane. Is John there, please?Jane:A No. He's not here at the moment. B No. He's away. Call back later.C Sorry. I don't know where he is. D Sorry. He's not here right now. Any message?6. Teacher: You're late

49、 again!Student: Sorry, Al I won't do that anymore.BI but it's my own businessIC I' m afraid I' ve overslept ID but I need more sleep7. Guest: Oh, it's ten o'clock. I must be leaving now.Host: IA It's OK. Please walk slowly.B Why do you want to go now?C Yeah, it's real

50、ly late. Do as you like.D Won't you stay for another cup of tea?8. Cathy: Do you mind opening the door for me?Robert: IA Yes, I'll do it BI It' s nothingIC That's all right DJ Not at all9. Katherine: Haven't seen you for ages, Linda! How are you getting on?Linda: Quite well. And

51、you?Katherine: Pretty good. How' s your husband?Linda: Oh, we've got divorced.Katherine: IA Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that . BI What a shame!ICI It's really a problem. DJ Hope you'll get better.10. Customs officer: Could I have your name, please?Passenger: It's Paine, Sarah Pa

52、ine.Customs officer: ?Passenger: It' s P-A-I-N-E.IA How do you spell your last nameBI What's your last name, pleaseC How to pronounce your last nameD How could I speak your last name11. Stranger: ? . Do you know where the nearest bank is, please?Resident: Sure. It's on King Street, betwe

53、en Sixth and Seventh Avenue.Stranger: Thank you.IAI Help me BI Forgive me ICI Excuse m e ID Trouble you12. Mary: Peter, would you like to go to a party this Sunday?Peter: ? . What kind of party you mean?Mary: It's a birthday party.IA Sounds good BI Looks nice C Seems all right ID Feels great 13.

54、 Susan: That's a beautiful skirt you have on!Lily: IA Actually, I don't like it very muchlB Oh , thank you . I just got it yesterdayC Yes. But it isn't so as you saidID No, it' s not that beautiful, ours is beautiful14. John: May I use your computer this afternoon, Susie?Susie: Sure,

55、 but I have to finish typing my term paper today.John: IAI Do as you please BI Oh, I'm sorryIC Thank you just the same ID Never mind it15. Patient: I feel terrible today. My stomach doesn't feel well at all.Doctor: A You should take something for it lB That's too bad for your healthICI I

56、t serves you right D 、 Remember. Don't do that again2006年学位英语试题1. Helen: Hello?Danny: Hello. Could I speak to Helen?Helen:Danny: Hi, Helen. This is Danny.lA I am Helen lB This is Helen lC Yes, I am D Yes, I am her2. Tom: I've decided to spend the summer holidays traveling in America. Jane: O

57、h, lA if only I could go with you.lB what good news it is!C how happy I was to hear that. D how exciting to hear the news!3. Salesclerk: Can I help you, madam?Customer: No, thanks. I IA have just looked aroundB just look aroundC am just looking aroundD just looked around4. Tom: I'm afraid I must be going now. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Lucy: A Take careB It's just so-soC I'm not good at itD I'm glad you enjoyed it5. Adam: It's very kind of you to come to see me off, Betty.Betty: A That's my dutyB Not at all. It's t


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