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1、子宫正常超声图像子宫纵切面病人取仰卧位,在充盈的膀胱下方可见子宫。子宫呈倒置梨状,略向后 仰。其表面大部分覆盖一层腹膜,因而子宫外轮廓很光滑,围绕子宫表面似为一层线样反光 强的包膜,此为浆膜层;其下方为较厚的肌层,中度回声,表现为均质细小密集光点;子 宫的中央部分为宫腔及宫内膜,呈反光较强的线样、条状或梭状回声,此为官腔波。此波所 以表现不同是因为它随月经周期而变化。宫腔波在 前位子宫容易识别,因为声束垂直于子宫 内膜,内膜腔可清晰反映出来。Callen等证实,正常妇女约90-100%可看到宫腔波。少 数后倾后屈子宫腔与声束平行,宫腔波不易被查见。宫腔波可作为识别子宫的重要标志,特 别是在盆腔

2、在肿物、有粘连或炎性包块与子宫粘连严重的患者,盆腔正常解剖关系已被打 乱。何为肿块,何为子宫,就需依靠宫腔波来判断。一旦识别出宫腔波所在,则肿物与子宫 关系即可了然。宫腔波不易查见原因有以下情况:1、后倾后屈子宫;2、凡千万宫腔变形 的疾病,如多发肌瘤、内膜病变等。如子宫极度偏斜时,则正中纵切在膀胱后方查不到子 宫长轴,这时必须移动探头方向寻找。如还有困难时则需应用横切面,从耻骨联合上先找出 子宫颈,向上移动探头,寻踪扫查可寻到子宫所在处。有相当一部分正常妇女,子宫常偏向 一侧,并不认为是异常。因为子宫的位置常受体位、直肠、膀胱充盈度以及腹压的影响。子 宫的大小与形态亦随年龄的增长而不同,其大

3、小可从纵、横、厚、径测知。子宫的下部分为子宫颈。宫体与宫颈相接处,于子宫前表面可见一轻微角度,此处为子 宫峡部,亦为子宫内口所在水平。子宫颈呈圆柱形,纵切面观察,宫颈回声比宫体强,这是 因为宫颈结缔组织多,且其外面包裹一层质密坚韧的宫颈筋膜。宫颈管波亦可由超声查见。 有时可见梭状宫颈管及其内纵行皱。P the right to recovery of principal and interest and costs; Waiver of recourse againstrisks: customers based on in complete in formati on; Review and

4、 approvalbased on in complete in formati on; Review and 1 H 于王fl J-道向“野手M Vft UT- fW CM-M, V 5孚坏the party of in dividual credit rights; Behavior of other claims aga inst the Bank. TheAgency shall, in accordanee with the Bank's records man ageme nt systems requireme nts, regulate the collect ion,

5、 safekeep ing of personal credit file, pay attention to the following risks: customersHIUFE耳*蝮骨即f n y 上曲4 RJL TW恨-对机砂¥ 1 和K.靳框*童,中鳖盛须黑胄召 黑, JL植帏卞”且所n M F亩列口 IHI貌 vr- FR lu fl Mp the right to recovery of prin cipal and in terest and costs; Waiver of recourse aga inst the party of in dividual cre

6、dit rights; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with the Ban k's records man ageme nt systems requireme nts, regulate the collecti on, safekeeping of personal credit file, pay attention to the following risks: customers based on in complete in formati on; R

7、eview and approval可艳曙禺?萍闻*«MV t! * V. w耳乜取,W*斗电哄打晃舆1/liL |lft LIT-fj LW盲 a V-WA t >UUN«»、>然麻门Mf女n -卬用贰)ffMif. 9子宫横切面子宫最大横切面位于输卵管进入子宫水平。子宫最大横切面呈角形,前表面平坦,后表面略突。子宫两角部突出如鸟嘴状,包含有阔韧带的部分,测量子宫横径,用此平面。p the right to recovery of prin cipal and in terest and costs; Waiverof recourse aga in

8、st the party of in dividual credit rights; Behavior ofother claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with the Ban k's records man ageme nt systems requireme nts, regulate the collecti on, safekeeping of personal credit file, pay attention to the following和也行加力F««(nUT fW

9、 <AS 象,彳xiar/十*:冕<1力mn子宫大小的测量1、子宫的测量方法:子宫的测量通常测量子宫体不包括宫颈,因宫颈易受膀 胱、直 肠充盈度影响,如直肠窝内有肿物或手术后宫底与腹壁粘连均会将宫颈牵引得又细又长。 因此,测量子宫大小仅测量宫体的长、横、厚。本版权归河南省商丘市民权县中医院不孕中心所有子宫体长径为子宫底圆顶部外缘至子宫内口之间距离;子宫体横径为子宫体最大横径,即两鸟嘴开始收缩部位之间的距离;子宫厚度为子宫体的最大前后径。p the right to recovery of prin cipal and in terest and costs; Waiver ofre

10、course aga inst the party of in dividual credit rights; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with the Ban k's records man ageme nt systems requireme nts, regulate the collect! on. safekeeping of personal credit file, pay attention to the followingrisks: cust

11、omers based on in complete in format! on; Review and approvalPR 牛 f. Biff 4nKfMET «呼-尸内ri«» 详水* nH4 17 TBHWBITIB wwff«cn * ,年吐巾朋跖栩汗粉禹” mt FW»B1 *斗的牡专育供甘J| / IFt. X,桅)牛打内(2、子宫颈的侧量方法、子宫颈横切面为圆形,纵切面为柱形,回声略比子宫强。一般子宫颈居盆腔正中,在宫颈中央可见宫颈波,此波在妊娠期尤为明 显, 在某种情况下须测量之。p the right to recovery

12、 of prin cipal and in terest and costs; Waiverof recourse aga inst the party of in dividual credit rights; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with the Ban k's records man ageme nt systems requireme nts, regulate the collecti on, safekeeping of personal cre

13、dit file, pay attention to the following僖 IV f Fltrtll * Fw 什"于Kit畀暑薛翎L星味,J f卿印IJ亘Ht !* I*r 5口产出办口 UH身tlZW 里号左BK里内堡T历捧士陶真*43a尊/Bl.双 UT- fg ex ap the right to recovery of prin cipal and in terest and costs; Waiver of recourse aga inst the party of in dividual credit rights; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with theBan k's


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