



1、【 2019 最新】精选广东中考英语复习第一部分语法知识盘点第 9 讲动词的时态和语态检测一般现在时()1.Don'tworry.Billwillhelp you look afteryour dogwhen you _ away on business.(2016年重庆 )Aare B were C will be Dhave been()2.Grandpa _ glasses when he reads.(2016年河北 )Awears B wore C has worn D was wearing一般过去时()3. Have you ever climbed Mount Tai,

2、 Carol? Yes, I _ in Taianfora week lastyear and reachedthe top of it twice.(2016年泰安 )Ahad stayed Bstay Cstayed D have stayed()4. Where did you go last weekend? I _ to the Great Wall.(2016年)Ago B went C will go Dhave gone一般将来时()5. Did you call Jenny? Oh no, I forgot.I _ her right away.(2016年临沂 )Acall

3、ed Bhave calledCcallD will call()6.Justgo down thisroad and you _ the librarynext to the bank.(2016年河北 )Asee B saw C have seen D will see现在进行时()7.Look!Adog _ablindman acrosstheroad.(2016 年昆明 )Aleads B leadC is leading Dled()8. Can John play soccer with us, Mrs.Black? One moment, please.He_on the pho

4、netohis欢迎下载。cousin.(2016年云南 )Atalks Btalked Ctalking Dis talking过去进行时()9.Sun Hai _ his mother make dinner when hisfather got home from work.(2016年济南 )Awas helping Bhelps C helped D is helping()10.Steve _ TV in the living room when hismother came in.(2016年吉林 )Awas watching Bwatches C is watching(现在完成

5、时)11. Ithinkourteacher,Mrs.Allen,knowseverything. I agree.Because she _ over 2,000 books.(2016年济南 )Aread B has read C reads D is reading()12. “I want to go to Mars( 火星 ),because it'sa placethat no one _ to before,” said Carson.(2016年临沂 )Ahas gone B has been C was D went被动语态()13.More chances _ fo

6、rstudentsto learnfromeach other if working in groups.(2016年泰安 )Aprovide Bare provided Cprovided Dwillprovide()14. There aren't any libraries in our town, arethere? No, but it is said one _ next year.(2016Awill be built Bis built Cwill build()15.It is said that the project connecting mainlandand

7、Hong Kong _ soon.(2016年潍坊 )年威海 )()16.Football _ to our school subjects lastyear.(2016年陕西 )Ais(added Badds C was added D added)17.Childrenshould _ to be honest from a youngage.(2016 年青岛 )Aeducate B be educated C punish D be punished()1.I will call you as soon as I _ the ticketfor the football match.【

8、2019最新】精选广东中考英语复习第一部分语法知识盘点第讲动词的时态和语态检测Awill get Bget C got D am getting()2.They _ about eighthundred Englishwords bythe end of last term.Awill learn Bhad learnedCare going to learn Dhave learned()3. How clean the bedroom is! Yes, I am sure that someone _ it.Acleans B cleaned C has cleaned Dhad clea

9、ned()4. Wow,what a cool bike!Howlong have you _it? Two weeks.Abought B got C had D bought()5. Is Mr.Green at home? No, he _ Shanghai.Ahas been to B has gone to C is going to D has beenin()6.The teachers_ the officefora few minuteswhen we arrived.We didn't meet them.Ahad been away from Bhad leftC

10、have been away from Dhave left()7. Did you go to the flowershow in the City Square? No, I _ how to make food then.Alearn B learned C was learning D am learning )8. Have you read a book called Jane Eyre? ( Who_ it?Awrites Bhas written Cwas writing Dwrote()9. Nobody believes he's read 100 books so

11、 far. But in fact he _.You can see the news on the school website.Adoes B has C is D have( )10.The zoo keeper is worried because the number of visitors _ smaller and smaller.()11.Itisreportedthatmorenewteachingbuildings_ in our school next term.Awas built Bhas builtCwill be built Dwill build3 / 53 /

12、 5()12. Would you like to go to the movie with me? Sorry, I _ to go out tonight.Awon't be allowed B amallowed C don't allow D will allow()13.The question_ at theirclassmeeting now.Ais discussed BdiscussedCis being discussed Dbeing discussed()14.China'ssportstarsYao Ming and LiuXiang_ Goo

13、dwill Ambassadors (亲善大使 ) for Shanghai.Ahas been named Bhave been named Chas named Dhavenamed()15.This kind of book _ well.They _already.Asell; sells Bare sold; are sold outCsells; have been sold out Dis sold; are sold out()16. Can I play football for some time, Mum? You can, if your homework _.Awil

14、l doBdoes C is doneDwill be done()17.Hurry up! The film _ for half an hour.Ahas begun B began C was beginning D has been on()18.A doctor _ to examine the old man as soonas we found him lying on the ground.Acalledin B callsin C was calledin Dhas calledin()19.His friend, like many boys, _ getting upea

15、rly.Alike Bdon't like Cisn't likeDdoesn't like()20.The Greens _ supper at the moment.Ahas B have C is having Dare having()21.AfterLiuShenglan's story_ on CCTV, manypeople are learning from him.Awas reporting Bwas reportedCreportedDreport()22.Ihope allthe dictionaries _thelibraryagain

16、 by everyone from now on.Awill be taken out of Bwon't be taken out ofCwill take out of Dwon't take out of()23.The factory supports many workers.As a result,hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.【2019最新】精选广东中考英语复习第一部分语法知识盘点第讲动词的时态和语态检测Alose B()24.will be lost Care lost Dwill loseA new amus

17、ement park _ in our hometownnext year. Really ?Our hometown must be more beautiful.Awill build Bwill be builtCis built Dis going to build()25. Where are my books? Don't worry.They _ here in two days through the EMS.Aare sent B have sent C are sending D willbe sent()26.Where's Fred?His mother

18、 _ him now.A is looking for Bwill look for C has looked forDlooks for()27. Listen! Lily _ the piano in her room. Wow! How beautiful the music is!Ais played Bis playing Cwas playing Dplays()28. Have you considered_ yourjob as ateacher? Yes.I like the job because a teacher is often considered_ a gardener.Ato change; to be Bto change; beingCchanging; being Dchanging; to be()29.Jackiscrazyaboutbasketball.Heplay


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