



1、文献出处:S Jockel. The Study of Movie Marketing J. TheIn ternatio nal Journal on Media Ma nageme nt, 2021, 8(2): 84-91.原文The Study of Movie Market ingS JockelAbstractMovie marketi ng means that movies and other in dustrial products in society, i n a period of excess capacity, directly or in directly, fr

2、om the in dustry in side and outside competiti on makes the film market in the market domin ated by the buyer's dema nd. Movie marketi ng n eed to select the target market, value and experienee of creation and transfer to cater to the audienee, from the movie the position of consumer values for

3、planning, production, marketing. Related en terprises must meet the con sumers in dow n to gain adva ntage in the market, will eventually film into consumer products to create more econo mic value, can be devoted to reproducti on cycle in the link. Keywords: film marketi ng, media, and econo mic val

4、ue1 In troducti onAfter the adve nt of the Intern et, in formati on tech no logy and the con ti nu ous developme nt of digital tech no logy and more and more perfect film lovers feel the charm of the film .In the film market ing, Hollywood movies can be said to be the movie marketi ng model in the w

5、orld. Due to the rapid developme nt of new media tech no logy and its characteristics of transmission allows the film to use the advantage of new media for film marketing, and achieved good results. After arrival in the era of big data, film and television in dustry started in the new media, on the

6、basis of making use of big data for film and television production and marketing, in order to gain the audie nee's good reputati on and bey ond cost several times at the box office. 2 Literature reviewRichard matt white lear ning mono graphs in the movie the Hollywood movie - 1891 years the hist

7、ory of the American film in dustry,from the external review commercial on behalf of the Hollywood film industry, but through the Hollywood film works, form characteristic and history process, critical environment these Hollywood itself the real level of inspection, the Hollywood commercial character

8、istics were analyzed. He stressed the first movie as a ki nd of recreatio nal goods attribute, thi nk that the film is en terta ining first is the profit for the purpose of film in dustry.Wirth, Bernd in外文文献译3 Film goods attribute and market ingFilm, as a kind of mass en terta inment con sumer goods

9、, it is one of the most fun dame ntal, the main purpose is to attract the audie nee, and the audie nee into the cin ema drives the box office, eve ntually. Film itself as a ki nd of material con sumpti on of in formatio n goods, This shows that the public on the choice of film is based on the effici

10、ency of their leisure time, or do other things to, people have time to rest or do something cheaper, you may choose to watch movie to meet their own n eeds. Accord ing to the film con sumptio n has timeli ness and seas onal product we can an alysis and research on film con sumers, capable of hitti n

11、g the target, cost sav ings in terms of movie market ing.Film marketi ng can be divided into three levels: product market ing, film of brand marketing of enterprise culture and film industry. Marketing is the lowest level of film products, the quality of the products mai nly in clude films, marketi

12、ng strategy, film, pric ing, etc. Film brand marketi ng is esse ntially a medium provided by the spirit of product quality evaluation in the eyes of the audienee, and the quality of commercial value, it has the cultural uniqueness, comprehe nsive ben efit, exte nsibility and con sumer brand loyalty

13、sexual characteristics. Film marketing, corporate culture is through the model's unique corporate culture to stre ngthe n en terprise image and the marketing characteristics of the enterprise, through the movie marketi ng behavior to con ducti on en terprise material culture, system culture and

14、spirit of en terprise culture to complete image of the en terprise.McLuha n's thesis thatWith film in dustry thriv ing and developme nt, the en thusiasm of the audienee viewing is also growing. Movie marketing partial entertainment more get the favor of our film consumers, more and more enterpri

15、ses also has attention on the film of entertainment marketing. For commercial film, in order to get higher profits and returns, and through the entertainment channel to implement the spirit of social fun cti on can help to solve this problem. For commercial movie of this ki nd of social fun cti on,

16、j.t Farrell said:Film market ing, because of the large data and nu merical an alysis of new media has brought more opportunities, let marketers can through the use of people of different requirements of audienee segmentation, will shift the marketing activities can satisfy personalized viewing needs

17、. Search engine can be very effective segmentation of public access to a particular movie website, colu mns, and thus for the audie nee accurate positi oning. User and information, including user preferences, age, gender, academic and view ing prefere nces, etc., can be predicted through the an alys

18、is of large data system, accord ing to the records in the database search, marketers can do marketing for a film at a later date when can according to the data in order to develop the corresponding marketi ng activities.In the marketi ng of the en terprise, the first thi ng to recog nize it can prov

19、ide the best service of the market, the n the market segme ntati on for multiple targets, and for each segment to develop detailed product developme nt and market ing pla n. Film as a mass media, is born from it as a medium of the popular culture spread across class, across groups, the in flue nee of the mass there are in dividual differences, however, this is due to the cultural background, pers on ality, and pers onal econo mic con diti ons caused by differe nt.“In a wide range of content, can be obta ined by each member of the tran sfer to pay spec


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