已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。仁爱版八年级英语下册第六单元第一个话题 Section A教学设计Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A一、教学内容分析教学内容为:仁爱版八年级英语下册第六单元第一个话题 Section A。 本课谈论如何用英语预订车票及旅馆以及如何为旅游筹集资金、制定出行计划。它由三个部分组成,用课时完成。通过学习SectionA,学生可以更多的了解旅游知识并提高实际能力;语法内容主要有动词不定式作定语、表语、宾语、目的状语等,内容紧密相连,环环相扣。二、学生学习情况分析 1.学生对旅游较感兴趣,但对

2、旅游知识了解较少。 2.学生的词汇量掌握不多。 3. 学生平时较少用英语与他人交谈并表达信息.。三、设计思想 对于农村学生,学英语的最佳环境只有学校、英语课堂,他们的听说读写能力主要是在英语课堂上及校内的课外兴趣活动中得到训练、提高。本节课重点在于通过引导、启发,让学生自主探讨、合作学习去感知对话内容,分析、比较、归纳对话中出现的语言点、语法现象。并以此框架为借鉴去模仿编写类似的对话(中下学生)或创造性地根据自己实际情况编写新对话(能力较强的学生),培养学生自主学习的习惯和综合应用语言的能力。四、教学目标新课标指出要从英语学科的特点出发,激发培养学生的兴趣,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心,克服学习

3、中产生的畏惧心理和困难,建立语感,掌握语言基本知识和技能。所以,本节课的教学目标为:1、 知识目标: 要求学生牢记SectionA所有新学的四会单词、短语和重点句型;掌握不定式“to do”的用法。、技能目标: 能用英语与他人谈论关于旅游的话题。培养学生提高语言交际能力,能在小组中积极与他人协作,从而开阔自己的视野,扩大知识面。、情感目标:培养学生爱护大自然,热爱旅游积极参与课堂上各种英语实践活动的兴趣。培养学生分工合作和团体协作精神。五、教学重点和难点 1、重点:谈论关于旅游的话题。2、重点和难点:不定式“to do”的用法。六、教学过程设计 作为教育工作者,一个很重要的任务就是要

4、消除“理想的学习结构”与学生“原有的学习结构”之间的差异,设计出“实施的学习结构”。下面,我根据教学需求及学生实际情况,为了消除结构差异而拟定的教学程序如下:教学环节教学设计学情预设设计意图检查预习、复习准备(Review)1、Duty Report: One or more students have a duty report.2、Revise the words by competition:Learn the new words: field, vehicle, airplane, airline3. Learn the phases/new word by making senten

5、ces:find / look for /find out decide / decide on   学生轮流造句,部分学生会有困难,或只能说一些简单句。教师鼓励学习有困难的学生模仿课文语句,或只要能造出简单的句子就给以表扬。1、检查复习、预习效果,引入竞争机制,活跃课堂气氛。2、复习单词、应用词组,为学习新知识做铺垫,有利于新旧知识的接轨。3、引导学生坚持值日生报告,为英语交际能力的培养提供舞台。语言材料整体输入(Presen-tation)1.      Talk about travelling between teacher

6、and students: e.g.T: Do you like travelling?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Where have you been?S1: Ive been to Mount Wuyi.T: How did you go?S1: By train. Lets listen to the tape, and answer the question: where will Miss Wang take her class for a spring field trip.2.      listen to 1a and

7、 answer the question above.3.      Listen to 1a again and read after the tape.从生活实际入手,讨论旅游的几要素:时间、地点、交通和费用,熟悉新的语言。但是有的学生由于缺乏经验可能无法描述。所以,我就提供一些信息,帮助他们有话可说。多媒体辅助教学,从学生想象、视听说入手,拓宽信息接收渠道对对话进行整体理解, 激发他们的兴趣,开拓思维空间。制造气氛让学生感知语言材料,完成信息的输入和理解。同时也训练了听力。 语言点探究 (Dis-cussion)

8、60;Ask the students to pick up the difficulties or the important language points, then discuss them individually od together:1.      exciting news to tell you2.      go on a two-day visit to3.      But it will take us a few d

9、ays to get there by bike.4.      Its too far to cycle.5.      Its hard to say.6.      other vehicles for us to choose7.      the cost to go by train8.      your task is to fin

10、d out the cost by bus9.      Id love to go 10.  well decide on the best way to go on our field trip.Summarize the usage of infinitives.引导、鼓励学生自主探讨、分析课文语言点,先个别探究,后集体研究,集思广义。采取竞争、鼓励及分组措施,激发他们参与活动。1、对课文进行精要讲解,做到在 文中讲词、句,突出重点,以讨论、 解释等方式解决学生在课文内发现 问题和提出问题。使学生加深对课 文的理解,促进语言知识

11、的巩固和 深化。2、在探究活动中,培养学生分析、 比较、归纳的思维能力。3语法随机集中教学,引导学生以旧引新,比较、分析、归纳动词不定式的多种用法。口、笔头操练(Consolidation)1. Ask the students to read 1a in roles.2. Students discuss the sentences on Bb, e.g(1) I want ot buy something to eat.(2) It took me two hours to finish the homework last night.(3)His plan is to visit his

12、 grandparents this weekend.3Ask some students to finish 1b in pairs. Then share their conversations with the others. 1、学生分角色朗读对话,再次感知文中意思。2、学生分析动词不定式的用法,加强对新语法的理解。3、在描述交通费用及旅游路途时间,会有一些学生感到困难,我采取分组合作方式,让每个学生先开口训练一遍,完成后请部分学生口头报告。口、笔头操练,分组合作,给每个学生开口说话、动笔练习的机会。巩固所学语言、语法。整体综合应用(Practice)1. Finish 3 alone

13、, according to the infinitives that have been learned. Then ask the students to share their dialogs with the others.E.g.Whats the baby learning?He is learning to walk.2Discuss 2 in pairs or groups: Discuss which place is the best to visit and make the similar conversation in pairs. Then show some st

14、udents writing on the screen.3. Analyze the difficulties or the importance on the Blackboard.4. Finish the exercises:1)There are many kinds of v_ in our city.2) _ is easy to work out this math problem.A .This B. That C. Its D. It3) Spring is the best time _there .A. visiting B. visit C. visits D. to

15、 visit 4) It is not easy to learn English well.(同义替换)_English well is not easy.学生在编写对话时,会有词汇、表达上的困难。我的解决方法是:小组合作帮助;我在教室内巡走帮助。模仿应用,培养学生举一反三、学会写作。鼓励创新,呈现几篇学生的对话,一起分析讲评。及时反馈、收集、评价,以鼓励为主。训练学生的“读“写”能力及训练学生理解和应用重点、难点的能力。布置作业(Homework) 1.Revise Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A.2.Finish off the exercises in th

16、e workbook3. Make up a conversation: A Visit to in the Exercise-book.做家庭作业时,可能有部分学生会偷懒,所以我要求要上缴。设计各种口、笔头巩固和活用性练习,围绕课文整体层层叠进,完成深层信息输入,使学生将所学知识在语言环境中多次实践。完成信息的输出。 七、 板书设计                    &#

17、160;  Unit 6 Topic 1 Were going on a spring field trip. Section A   Learn the new words: field, vehicle, airplane, airlinefind / look for /find out decide / decide on(1) I want ot buy something to eat.(2) It took me two hours to finish the homework last night.(3)His plan is to visit h

18、is grandparents this weekend.1. exciting news to tell you2.      go on a two-day visit to3.      But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.4.      Its too far to cycle.5.      Its hard to sa

19、y.6.      other vehicles for us to choose7.      the cost to go by train8.      your task is to find out the cost by bus9.      Id love to go 10. well decide on the best way to go on our field trip.&#

20、160;1. Show the pictures of vehicles.2. Show and analyze Students exercises. 八、设计说明面对新课程标准的实施,我们该如何引导学生以教材为载体,去学会学习?该以什么样的方式去让学生掌握语言技能、语言知识,以高度的热情、浓厚的兴趣去深入了解不同的文化氛围,以自主科学的学习策略去实现新课标的目标:培养综合语言运用能力?该如何设计好每节课,去引导学生主动探究、合作学习来优化课堂教学模式?这节课的教学设计,主要有以下几个特点:一、在课堂活动设计中,体现了教材的整体性概念。 本课是对话教学及语法随机集中教学,引导学生整

21、体理解、分析、归纳语言材料,局部理解、探究,解决具体语言点,整体综合应用,描述自己喜欢的旅游。从整体出发,回到整体中去。二、利用计算机和多媒体辅助教学, 探索新的教学模式。通过人机对话,教学英语单词, 调动视觉、听觉功能, 提高单词记忆效率。通过丰富、生动的图片呈现, 创设活灵活现的情境,使学生在轻松愉悦的氛围里感知、理解新语言材料,综合应用所学知识, 完成表层信息输入和深层信息理解、输出.三、利用网络资源和图片, 开发英语教学资源, 既拓宽学生的眼界,又增加课容量,提高课堂教学效果.四、本课以课改为目的,结合教材重点、难点及英语学科的特点,利用多媒体辅助教学,体现“自主,合作,探究”的学习方

22、式,它较之传统教学更能使每位学生都能积极参与到课堂学习及课外活动中去。使学生的听.说 .读.写能力得到全面提高,在愉快轻松的氛围中掌握知识。与此同时,带来的问题是:每个学生接受知识,获取知识的方式与快慢存在着差异,这就决定了在学习成效上的差别。为此,老师要对每个学生作深入了解,并制定相应“水平线”以鼓励学生超越。,>1. Ask the students to read 1a in roles. 2. Students discuss the sentences on Bb, e.g(1) I want ot buy something to eat.(2) It took m

23、e two hours to finish the homework last night.(3)His plan is to visit his grandparents this weekend.3Ask some students to finish 1b in pairs. Then share their conversations with the others. 1、学生分角色朗读对话,再次感知文中意思。2、学生分析动词不定式的用法,加强对新语法的理解。3、在描述交通费用及旅游路途时间,会有一些学生感到困难,我采取分组合作方式,让每个学生先开口训练一遍,完成后请部分学生口头报告。

24、口、笔头操练,分组合作,给每个学生开口说话、动笔练习的机会。巩固所学语言、语法。整体综合应用(Practice)1. Finish 3 alone, according to the infinitives that have been learned. Then ask the students to share their dialogs with the others.E.g.Whats the baby learning?He is learning to walk.2Discuss 2 in pairs or groups: Discuss which place is the be

25、st to visit and make the similar conversation in pairs. Then show some students writing on the screen.3. Analyze the difficulties or the importance on the Blackboard.4. Finish the exercises:1)There are many kinds of v_ in our city.2) _ is easy to work out this math problem.A .This B. That C. Its D.

26、It3) Spring is the best time _there .A. visiting B. visit C. visits D. to visit 4) It is not easy to learn English well.(同义替换)_English well is not easy.学生在编写对话时,会有词汇、表达上的困难。我的解决方法是:小组合作帮助;我在教室内巡走帮助。模仿应用,培养学生举一反三、学会写作。鼓励创新,呈现几篇学生的对话,一起分析讲评。及时反馈、收集、评价,以鼓励为主。训练学生的“读“写”能力及训练学生理解和应用重点、难点的能力。布置作业(Homework

27、) 1.Revise Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A.2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook3. Make up a conversation: A Visit to in the Exercise-book.做家庭作业时,可能有部分学生会偷懒,所以我要求要上缴。设计各种口、笔头巩固和活用性练习,围绕课文整体层层叠进,完成深层信息输入,使学生将所学知识在语言环境中多次实践。完成信息的输出。 七、 板书设计        &

28、#160;              Unit 6 Topic 1 Were going on a spring field trip. Section A   Learn the new words: field, vehicle, airplane, airlinefind / look for /find out decide / decide on(1) I want ot buy something to eat.(2) It took

29、 me two hours to finish the homework last night.(3)His plan is to visit his grandparents this weekend.1. exciting news to tell you2.      go on a two-day visit to3.      But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.4.    &#

30、160; Its too far to cycle.5.      Its hard to say.6.      other vehicles for us to choose7.      the cost to go by train8.      your task is to find out the cost by bus9.     

31、 Id love to go 10. well decide on the best way to go on our field trip. 1. Show the pictures of vehicles.2. Show and analyze Students exercises. 八、设计说明面对新课程标准的实施,我们该如何引导学生以教材为载体,去学会学习?该以什么样的方式去让学生掌握语言技能、语言知识,以高度的热情、浓厚的兴趣去深入了解不同的文化氛围,以自主科学的学习策略去实现新课标的目标:培养综合语言运用能力?该如何设计好每节课,去引导学生主动探究、合作学习来优

32、化课堂教学模式?这节课的教学设计,主要有以下几个特点:一、在课堂活动设计中,体现了教材的整体性概念。 本课是对话教学及语法随机集中教学,引导学生整体理解、分析、归纳语言材料,局部理解、探究,解决具体语言点,整体综合应用,描述自己喜欢的旅游。从整体出发,回到整体中去。二、利用计算机和多媒体辅助教学, 探索新的教学模式。通过人机对话,教学英语单词, 调动视觉、听觉功能, 提高单词记忆效率。通过丰富、生动的图片呈现, 创设活灵活现的情境,使学生在轻松愉悦的氛围里感知、理解新语言材料,综合应用所学知识, 完成表层信息输入和深层信息理解、输出.三、利用网络资源和图片, 开发英语教学资源, 既拓宽学生的眼

33、界,又增加课容量,提高课堂教学效果.四、本课以课改为目的,结合教材重点、难点及英语学科的特点,利用多媒体辅助教学,体现“自主,合作,探究”的学习方式,它较之传统教学更能使每位学生都能积极参与到课堂学习及课外活动中去。使学生的听.说 .读.写能力得到全面提高,在愉快轻松的氛围中掌握知识。与此同时,带来的问题是:每个学生接受知识,获取知识的方式与快慢存在着差异,这就决定了在学习成效上的差别。为此,老师要对每个学生作深入了解,并制定相应“水平线”以鼓励学生超越。,>1. Ask the students to read 1a in roles. 2. Students discuss

34、 the sentences on Bb, e.g(1) I want ot buy something to eat.(2) It took me two hours to finish the homework last night.(3)His plan is to visit his grandparents this weekend.3Ask some students to finish 1b in pairs. Then share their conversations with the others. 1、学生分角色朗读对话,再次感知文中意思。2、学生分析动词不定式的用法,加

35、强对新语法的理解。3、在描述交通费用及旅游路途时间,会有一些学生感到困难,我采取分组合作方式,让每个学生先开口训练一遍,完成后请部分学生口头报告。口、笔头操练,分组合作,给每个学生开口说话、动笔练习的机会。巩固所学语言、语法。整体综合应用(Practice)1. Finish 3 alone, according to the infinitives that have been learned. Then ask the students to share their dialogs with the others.E.g.Whats the baby learning?He is lear

36、ning to walk.2Discuss 2 in pairs or groups: Discuss which place is the best to visit and make the similar conversation in pairs. Then show some students writing on the screen.3. Analyze the difficulties or the importance on the Blackboard.4. Finish the exercises:1)There are many kinds of v_ in our c

37、ity.2) _ is easy to work out this math problem.A .This B. That C. Its D. It3) Spring is the best time _there .A. visiting B. visit C. visits D. to visit 4) It is not easy to learn English well.(同义替换)_English well is not easy.学生在编写对话时,会有词汇、表达上的困难。我的解决方法是:小组合作帮助;我在教室内巡走帮助。模仿应用,培养学生举一反三、学会写作。鼓励创新,呈现几篇学

38、生的对话,一起分析讲评。及时反馈、收集、评价,以鼓励为主。训练学生的“读“写”能力及训练学生理解和应用重点、难点的能力。布置作业(Homework) 1.Revise Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A.2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook3. Make up a conversation: A Visit to in the Exercise-book.做家庭作业时,可能有部分学生会偷懒,所以我要求要上缴。设计各种口、笔头巩固和活用性练习,围绕课文整体层层叠进,完成深层信息输入,使学生将所学知识在语言环境中多次实践。完成

39、信息的输出。 七、 板书设计                       Unit 6 Topic 1 Were going on a spring field trip. Section A   Learn the new words: field, vehicle, airplane, airlinefind / look for /find out decide / decide on(1) I want ot buy something to eat.(2) It took me two hours to finish the homework last night.(3)His plan is to visit his grandparents this weekend.1. exciting news


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