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1、六年级(下)期中英语装 订 线 装 订 线班 级姓 名20112012学年度下学期期中考试 初一 学年 英语 学科验收卷 题 号一二三四总分得 分一听力 (本题共30分) 1情景再现 (每题1分)听句子,选出与所听句子相匹配的图画 1 / 122对话理解 I 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。(每题2分 )( ) 6. A. Some meat. B. Some fruits. C. Some popcorn. ( ) 7. A. A watch. B. Flower seeds. C. Some flowers. ( ) 8. A. Have a walk. B. Do some running.

2、 C. Go Swimming.( ) 9. A. Tomorrow. B. The day after tomorrow. C. Today. ( ) 10. A. At 15:21. B. At 15:30. C. At 15:51. II. 听对话,根据问题选择最佳答案。(每题1分)( ) 11. The girl and the boy are in the . A. zoo B. school C. shop ( ) 12. The boy keeps a at home. A. lion B. bear C. parrot ( ) 13. The boy can play with

3、 them . A. in the morning B. on Sundays C. after school ( ) 14. The boys asks him to do the homework first. A. grandmother B. father C. mother ( ) 15. The girl is when she sees all the animals. A. happy B. scared C. cute3 短文理解 (每题2分)根据所听短文内容,选出短文中出现的词的同义词或同义词组。 My good friend John comes from 16 . He

4、 is 17 . He loves all animals. He 18 many animals like dogs, cats, birds, fish and so on, and he 19 seeds, fruits and meat to them every day. He 20 says, “To help animals is to help people.”( ) 16. A. English B. London C. the UK( ) 17. A. a doctor B. a doctor for animals C. a zookeeper( ) 18. A. lik

5、es B. knows C. has( ) 19. A. has B. gives C. likes( ) 20. A. often B. never C. sometimes二单项选择 ( 本题共15分,每题1分 ) ( ) 21. _ people are beginning playing sports. _ people is becoming larger and larger.A. The number of, A number of B. A number of , The number of C. The number of , The number of ( ) 22. I

6、like doing many things _ my leisure time. _ bugs is my favorite one.A. in, Catch B. on, Catching C. in, Catching装 订 线 装 订 线班 级姓 名( ) 23. - Do you have any hobbies, Brian? - Of course. I have two hobbies. _ is growing flowers, _ is listening to music.A. One, the other B. One, another C. One, other( )

7、 24. I often write stories _ my hometown, because I often go there _ my parents in season.A. of, and B. about, with C. about, and ( ) 25. - Do you think the ruler is long enough? - Yes, its _ 25cm long.A. at least B. at most C. less than( ) 26. - Where is his mother waiting? - She is waiting _ the b

8、us station.A. in B. for C. at( ) 27. My mom cooks a _ dinner on my birthday.A. special B. leisure C. party( ) 28. You look nice _ white.A. as B. for C. in ( ) 29. Do you speak _ Chinese _ English?A. both, and B. between, and C. all, or( ) 30. - _ does the contest take place ? - It is _ Sunday aftern

9、oon.A. When, in B. What, on C. When, on( ) 31. - Snakes often eat _ a month. They are the best pets. - Oh, no! They are so scary. They are _ .A. once, the worst B. once, worse C. twice, bad( ) 32. - Are you hungry? - No, Im very full. Im _ full _ eat anything more.A. too, to B. so, that C. very, to(

10、 ) 33. - how often do you study English ever day? - _ .A. One a day B. Once a day C. First a week( ) 34. - I _ hold the parrot and look at it _ . - I like the parrot . A. gentle, carefully B. gently, careful C. gently, carefully( ) 35. Which word has a different stress?A. activity B. western C. cont

11、est三完形填空 ( 本题共10分,每小题1分 )Liu Chang and Li Jun are talking 36 the telephone. “The English Club is 37 a speech contest.” Liu Chang says. “Lets 38 up!”“ 39 does the contest take place?” Li Jun asks. “Its on Saturday, May 1st.”“Lets do it! What 40 we talk about?”“Lets speak 41 our favorite vacation.” “T

12、hats 42 good idea. Hey, Liu Chang, the Music Club is having a 43 music show.” “ Really? When? ” “Its on Friday, April 14th.”“What time 44 the show?” Liu Chang asks. “Its in the evening, at 6:00 p.m.”“Oh, no. I cant 45 . Im going to the English Club movie!” ( ) 36. A. in ( ) 37. A. have( ) 38. A. sig

13、n( ) 39. A. What( ) 40. A. does( ) 41. A. about( ) 42. A. an ( ) 43. A. western( ) 44. A. is( )45. A. goingB. ofB. havingB. signsB. WhereB. do B. inB. aB. westB. areB. goC. on C. hasC. signingC. WhenC. willC. forC. thenC. eastC. beC. goes四阅读理解 (本题共20分)( A )Swimming is one of the most popular water g

14、ames. People like swimming in summer because water makes people feel cool. It makes you healthy. It gives you lots of fun. But its also dangerous sometimes. If you swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe. These years lots of people lose (失去) their lives when they enjoy themselves in the water and

15、most of them are students. So if you dont know how to swim, dont go to deep (深的)water and never go swimming alone. Dont swim in the water if you dont know anything about it. If you remember these, swimming will be safe.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( ) 46. People like swimming in .A. winter B. summer C. both A and B

16、( ) 47. The underlined word “ alone ” in the passage means “ ” in Chinese. A. 孤独地 B. 单独地 C. 亲自地( )48. If you dont know how to swim, you should . 装 订 线 装 订 线班 级姓 名( ) 49. Linda wants to learn how to swim, she should .A. learn by herself B. go to the sea C. swim with others( ) 50. Which of the followi

17、ng is TRUE according to the passage?A. Many students lose their lives when swimming because they are too young.B. We must be sure the water is safe when we want to swim in it.C. Everyone should go to swim in the deep water because it makes us healthy.( B )Students Favorite Animals in Class One根据表格所提

18、供的信息选择最佳答案( ) 51. like snakes from the table.A. Most of the students B. Many students C. Only a few students( )52. The number of students who like snakes is smaller than that who like Koalas.A. 3 B. 4 C. 5( ) 53. are popular in Germany, China and the UK.A. Birds B. Dogs C. Ants( )54. students like t

19、he animals because they are both lovely and clever.A. 21 B. 8 C. 32( ) 55. Which of the following if NOT wrong according to the table? A. There are 60 students in Class One.B. The unique feature(主要特点) of the bird is the smallest.C. Dogs are the most popular among the five animals.( C )根据图示所提供的信息选择最佳

20、答案( ) 56. About students take part in the survey (调查).A. 200 B.210 C.235( ) 57. Most students like in their leisure time.A. playing instrument(乐器) B. playing ball gamesC. reading books( ) 58. Girls who like going hiking are about fewer than boys.A. 10 B.25 C. 40( ) 59. We can know is popular with gi

21、rls.A. planting flowers B. going hiking C. playing ball games( ) 60. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The numbers of boys and girls who like reading books are the same.B. Planting flowers isnt as popular as (同一样) playing instrument (乐器).C. Fifty boys like playing football in their leisure time

22、.( D ) I am a middle school student. I like eating meat and chocolate, but I dont like doing sports, so I am fatter than others. I hear that there is a new restaurant near my home. Its name is “Chinese Jujube”, and all of the food there is made of (由做成) vegetables. One day my mother and I eat dinner

23、 there. The restaurant is clean and quiet. I order (点餐) a dish. It looks and tastes like a ham(汉堡). But its made of cabbage(卷心菜) and potatoes(土豆). I like it because its so delicious and good for my health. I also like the drinks there. They are all made of fresh fruit. 根据短文内容判断正确(A)错误(B)( ) 61. The

24、writer likes eating meat and vegetables.( )62. There is a new restaurant near the writers home.( ) 63. One day the writer eats dinner in the restaurant with Dad.( ) 64. The dish is made of cabbage and potatoes.( ) 65. The passage tells us that vegetables are good for health.装 订 线 装 订 线班 级姓 名五任务型阅读 (

25、 本题共10分,每小题1分 )( A ) cloth uncle run wear specially Susan and Liu Chang are good friends. They usually walk to school together. Susan usually wears a dress. Her dress is very pretty. Pink is her favorite color. She even has pink 66 shoes. She often wears pink shirts and pink sweaters. But today she

26、doesnt wear her pink running shoes. She is wearing her dress shoes for her 67 birthday party. Today is a 68 day. Liu Chang often 69 blue jeans. Blue jeans are comfortable. Blue is his favorite color for 70 . He even has a pair of blue gloves for winter. ( B )I think birds are the best pets. They are

27、 more interesting than ants. They live in small cages. And they can sing, too! I love that sound. Birds are popular pets here in China. I think snakes are good pets. They are the longest. Big snakes only eat once a month. So, they are easy to look after. Snakes are popular pets in the UK. No. Snakes

28、 are the worst animals in the world! I dont like them! They are scary!任务1:用方框里所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,连贯,合理。(每词限用一次)66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 任务2:根据英文释义及字母提示,拼写单词。 71. p_ _ _ _ _ _ enjoying by most of people 72. e_ _ _ not hard任务3:同义词转换,每词一空。 Snakes are the worst animas in the world! Snakes are worse than 73 74

29、 animal in the world.任务4:根据短文内容简单回答问题。 Where are snakes popular pets? 75. . 六交际运用 (本题共10分,每小题1分 )( A ) 从AG选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. They usually eat things like apples and bugs.B. Thats right.C. Do parrots eat popcorn?D. Touch it gently.E. What do you usually on weekends?F.I am not sure ab

30、out that.G. Popcorn is not good for parrots.A: Can I touch the parrot?B: Yes. 76 Parrots get scared easily. A: Like this?B: 77 A: What do parrots eat?B: 78 They also eat very small plants.A: I have some popcorn. 79 B: Please dont give the parrot any popcorn. 80 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. ( B ) 填入一个适当的词补全对话

31、,每空一次。 A: Wang Danan, what are you wearing?B: Im 81 a black dress. What 82 you, Tim? A: Im wearing blue jeans and a white T- shirt. Blue is my 83 color. Whats yours?B: Green. Do you have many blue clothes?A: Of 84 ! What about you? Do you have many green clothes? B: Yes, I 85 .81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 七词语运用(本题共5分,每小题1分) 用所给单词的适当形式填空,将答案写在下面的横线上。(每词一空)86. Ants are the animals. (bad)87. The zookeeper gives water to the animals ( regular )8


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