



1、六年级(PEP)上册英语Unit 1 How can I get there?单元测试题(时间:60分钟满分:100分)题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIvinIXX总分得分听力部分(30分)I .Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。)(10 分)( ) ( ) ( )II .Listen and judge.(听录音.判断正 T 误 *二 )(1()分)()1.There is a pet hospital in my city.()2.1 want to go to an Italian restaurant.( )3.Turn left at the bookstore.

2、( )4.Thc cinema is next to the hospital.()5.1 want to buy a postcard.m.Listen and choose.(听句子,选答语。)(10 分)( )LA.It' s near the hospital.B.I want to go to the museum shop.C.The museum is far.()2.A.We are in front of the cinema.B.There is a restaurant.C.Go straight and turn left at the bookstore.()

3、3.A.Yes, it is.B.It' s next to the park.C.Let' s go.()4.A.It can find the pet.B.It can find the way.C.It can find the stars.( )5.A.Sure.B.Yes, I am.C.Excuse me.笔试部分(70分)IV.Look and choose.(看图片,选短语.比比谁最棒!)(10分) front of B.turn right C.go straight D.tum left toV.Read and choose.(单项选

4、择我最棒!)(10分)l.It is interesting film.A.aB.anC./)2.can I get to the restaurant?Sorry. I don' t know.A. WhereB.HowC.What)3.They buy a new bag.A.wantB.want toC.wants to)4.Let' s go to the hospital .A.oneB.the firstC.first)5.Can you help me the bookstore?Sure.A.findB.findsC.findingVLRead and choo

5、se.(读一读,选一选正确的答语。)(10分)()L Where is the hospital?()2. Is there a park near here?()3. Is it far from my home?()4. What do you want to buy?()5. Is Grandpa there?VD.Read and write.(根据汉语提示完成句子。)(10分) L现在我们在医院的后面。Now we the hospital.2 .迈克想去书店。Mike wants to to the 3 ,科学博物馆在哪儿? is the museum?4 .我家靠近邮局。My h

6、ome is near the .5 .医院在那儿。The hospital is .VID.Read and write.(根据图片提示完成对话,)(10分)A. Yes, he is.B. No, there isn't.C. Yes, it is.D. I want to buy a storybook.E It's near the museum.A: Excuse me. 1.can I get to the school, please?B: First, go 2. Turn the second traffic lights(交通信号灯).Then g

7、o straight again. Next, 4. 5, at the library. You' 11 see the school.A: Thank you very much.B: You are welcome.DGRead and write'T'for Due or “F" for False.(读对话,判断正 T 误 "F”, )(10 分)Amy: Li Jun. is there a fast food restaurant in this city?Li Jun: Yes. there is.Amy: Where is it?L

8、i Jun: It' s near the cinema.Amy: Let' s go there for lunch.Li Jun: Great!Amy: Is it far from here?Li Jun: No, it isn' t.Amy: How can we get there?Li Jun: Go straight down (iS着)this street. Turn right at the bookstore. The cinema is in front of it.Amy: OK. Let' sgo. T m hungry.()1.Th

9、ere isn' t a fastfood restaurantinthiscity.()2.They go to the fastfood restauranttohave lunch.( )3.The fast food restaurant is far from the cinema.()4.Thc bookstore is behind the cinema.()5.Amy is hungry.X.Writing.(小作文。)(10 分)你的朋友们想去你的学校参观,但是不知道去你学校的具体路线。请以“Where is my school?”为 题,写一篇小短文。不少于5句话。

10、Where is mv school?Hi. my friends! Follow me, please!答案:听力材料:I .Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。)1.cinema Z.bookstore 3. office 5.hospitalII .Listen and judge.(听录音,判断正 T'误 "F'1.There is a pet hospital in my city.2.1 want to go to a Chinese restaurant.3.Turn right at the bookstor

11、e.4.The cinema is next to the post office.5.1 want to buy a postcard.【.Listen and choose.(听句子,选答语° )1 .Where is the museum shop?2 .How can I get there?3 .1s it far from here?4 .What is the function of GPS?5 .Can you help me?答案:I .4 3 152H.1.T2.F3.F4.F5.TIII.1.A2.C3.A4.B5.AIV.1.B2.C3.D4.E5.AV.1.

12、B2.B3.B4.C5.AVI.1.E2.B3.C4.D5.AVII. 1.are behind 2.go; bookstore 3.Where; science office S.over thereVTlI.l.How 2.straight 3.1eft 4.turn 5.rightIX.l.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.TX .One possible version'.Where is my school?Hi. my friends! Follow me. please!My school is near the hospital. h" s not

13、 very far if you start from the bookstore. Turn left at the bookstore first. Then turn right at the hospital. Go straight and you can see my school on your right.六年级(PEP)上册英语Unit2 Ways to go to school 单元测试题(时间:60分钟满分:100分)题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIvniIX总分得分听力部分(30分)I .Listen and choose.(听录音,选择正确的图片o )(10分)()2

14、.【Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语。)(10分)()1.A.I come by bike.B.They come on foot.C.You come by bus.()2.A.I can take the No. 3 bus.8.1 t* s near* s near the library.( )3.A.Certainly. You can go on foot.8.5 ure. You can go there by bike.C.Of course, you can.( )4.A.Great!8.6 hat about you?C.S

15、ee you then!()5.A.On foot.8.7 t* s not* s too expensive.DLListen and judge.(听录音,判断正"T"误 "F”。)(10 分)( )1.1 go to Beijing in my winter holiday.( )2.My grandparents and I go to Beijing by plane.()3.We take a taxi to the Great Wall.( )4.1 am happy in Beijing.( )5.Beijing Universi

16、ty is near; so I go there by bike.笔试部分(70分)IV.Read and choose.(火眼金睛选不同。)(10分)()l.A.oftenB.usuallyC.near()2.A.shipB.taxiC.traffic()3.A.wearB.touchC.must() C.slow()5.A.parkB.playC.zooV.Read and choose.(读一读,选择合适的单词或短语填空。)(10分)at a red a green a yellow light.people drive o

17、nthe left side of the road.,people must drive on the right side of the road.VI.Read and choose.(单项选择我最棒!乂10分)()1.1 always go to school foot, because my home is; fastB.on; near; far()2.You can take bus.A.the No. 10B.10 No. C.No. the 10()3.Usually I go to school by bus, it' s fast.A.bec

18、auseB.but C.and()4.How can I get the park? parents often watch TV home in the evening.A.inB.atC.onVII.Read and write.(根据汉语提示完成句子。)(10分)1 .我们必须注意交通信号灯。We must pay attention to the .2 .我经常骑自行车去自然公|尤I often go to the nature park .3 .你怎么从中国到达美国?How do you the USA from China?4 .你可以乘坐那边的

19、公共汽车。You can the bus over there.5 .在哈尔滨,冬天下雪很多。In Harbin, it snows in winter.Vffl.Read and choose.(读短文,选择正确的答案。)(15分)My name is Mike. I, m twelve years old. I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I go by bike, because my home is not far from the school.I have a good friend. His name is Wu Meng. He

20、 is twelve, too. His school is near our school. He always goes to school on foot. He is my best friend.)1.Mike sometimes goes to school by C.ship)2.Wu Meng is Mike' s .A.friend B.classmate Meng always to school.A.takes a bus B.walks C.rides his bike)4.How old are they

21、?A.ll. B.12.C.13.)5.Why does Mike go to school by bike? A.Because he doesn' t want to walk to school. B.Because he likes riding a bike.C.Because his home is not far from the school.DCWriting.(小作文,)(15 分)以"How do I go to school?”为题,写一篇不少于50词的小作文。答案:听力材料:【.Listen and choose.(听录音,选择正确的图片。) 1.h

22、elmet 2.subway 3.plane 4.bus 5.taxiII .Listen and choose.(听录音, 选答语。)1 .How do you come to school?2 .Where is Linda' s home?3 .Can I go there by bus?4 .Let * s go to the zoo.5 .How does Amy go to the park?【.Listen and judge.(听录音,判断正"T"误"F",)It' s summer holiday. I take a t

23、rip with my parents. We go to Beijing by plane. Beijing is a beautiful city. We visit many places. We go to the Great Wall by taxi. We also go to the Summer Palace by bus. Beijing University is not far from my hotel, so I go there on foot. We have a good time in Beijing. Then we go back to Ji' n

24、an by train.答案:I .l.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B6 I.l.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.AIH.l.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FIV .1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.BV .l.D 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.CVI .l.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.BVII .l.traffic lights bike 3.get to 4.take 5.a lotVHI.l.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.CIX.One possible version:How do I go to school?My home is far from the sc

25、hool. So I can' t go to school on foot. I get up early in the morning. Then I go to school by bike. I ride on the right side of the road. I stop and wait at a red light. Sometimes I go to school by bus. It is fast. I am never late for school.六年级(PEP)上册英语第一次月考试题(Units2)(时间:60分钟满分:100分)题号IIIIIIIVV

26、VIVIIvinIXX总分得分听力部分(30分)I .Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词© )(10分)()1.A.scienceB.officeC.bus()2.A.planeB.trainC.Italian()3.A.rightB.mustC.left()4.A.followB.slowC.borrow()5.A.straightB.shipC.helmetII .Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。)(10 分)( ) ( ) ( ) (III.Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语。)(10 分)( )l.A.Yo

27、u must look right.B.You can take the No. 3 bus.C.Go at a green light.( )2.A.What a great museum!8.1 want to go to the' s next to the cinema.( )3.A.Yesz it , s over there.C.There is a hospital.)4.A.By bike.B.The zoo is near here.C.You can see this in the subway.)5.A.We must lo

28、ok right before crossing the road.B.OK.C.You must drive slowly.笔试部分(70分)谑mIV.Read and choose.(根据描述选一选正确的交通工具。)(6分) 送给缁“()1.1go to the park by subway.()2.1go to the USA by plane.()3.1go to Dalian by ship.()4.1go to Beijing by bus.()5.1go to the cinema by taxi.()6.1go to Hainan by train.V.Read and cir

29、cle.(小熊套圈©火眼金睛圈不同。)(10分)A. look B. fast C. slowA. bus B, car C, cinema2.VI.Read and write.(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)(14分)1.1 want (send) a postcard.2.1 can make sentences with (this) words.3.They are (talk) about a sports meet.4.Some (child) are playing football in the playground.5.You must (wear) a life

30、jacket(救生衣)when you go there by ferry.6John often (go) to school by bike.7.We must pay attention to the traffic (light).VII.Read and choose.(单项选择我最棒!)(10 分)()1.My brother is going to buy interesting book!A./ B.a is the restaurant?A.China B.ChineseC.China' s)3.Mike a new GPS.A.have B

31、.has C.having( )4.They can see many in the book.A.a C.places( )5.Wait! Don, t go the red C.onW.Read and choose.(你知道下面这五句话分别是谁说的吗?快来选一选吧。)(10分)Excuse me* Where is the library? ()1.How can I get to the hospital?()2Is the cinema far from the hospital?()3.How do you go to sch

32、ool?Ju)4.5, 一、Excuse me. Is there a bookstore near the post office?A .Yes, it, s near the post office.C.Noz there isn, t.D.l often go by subway.E.Go straight. Then turn left. Follow me!IX.Read and write.(读一读,按要求改写句子。)(10分)1.1 go to school by subway.(对画线部分提问) go to school?2.My home is near he

33、re.(改为同义句)My home is from here.3.1 often go to school by bike.(改为一般疑问句) you often go to school by bike?4.There are five cinemas in this city.(对画线部分提问) cinemas are there in this city?5.1 usually go to the post office on foot.(改为同义句)I usually to the post office.X.Read and choose.(读短文,选择正确的答案。乂10分)Hell

34、o, I , m Mike. T m a primary school(、学)student. Usually I go to school on foot, because my home is near the school. My father is a doctor. He goes to work by bus. Sometimes he goes by car. My mother is a teacher. She usually goes to work by bike. Sometimes she goes by taxi.()1.Usually Mike goes to s

35、chool busB.on foot car()2.Mike, s father is a C.worker()3.Sometimes Mike' s father goes to work A.on foot car bus( )4.Mike, s mother is a .A.nurse C.teacher()5.Mike* s mother usually goes to work bike bus car答案:听力材料:I .Listen and c

36、hoose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词° ) 2.train 3.left 4.follow 5.straightII .Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。)1 .Turn left at the first crossing.2 .Mike usually comes to school by bike.3 .You can see a hospital near here.3.1 am in front of the museum.5.1 often take my mother' s car to school.Ill Liste

37、n and choose .(听录音,选答语。)1 .How can I get to the post office?2 .Where is the museum?3 .1s the hospital far from here?4 .How do you come to the zoo?5 .Let, stake a bus. 较总5.A5.B5.C 6.E5.CI .l.A 2.B 3.C 4.A II .4 3 1 5 2III .l.B 2.C 3.A 4.AIV .l.D 2.B 3.A 4.FV .l.C 2.A 3.B 4.AVI send 2.these 3.ta

38、lking 4.children 5.wear 6.goes 7.lightsVU.LC 2.B 3.B 4.C 5,BVTII.l.B 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.CIX.l.How do you 2.not far 3.Do4.How many 5.walkX.l.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A六年级(PEP)上册英语Unit 3 My weekend plan单元测试(时间:60分钟满分:100分)题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVTIIIX总分得分听力部分(30分)I .Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。)(10 分)U.Listen and choose.(听

39、录音,选答语。)(10 分)t.( Jl.A.No, he canB.Yes, he is.C.Thank you.()2.A.I often play football.B.T m going to buy a book.C.l don' t like sports.()3.A.T m going by plane.B.T m going to a shoe store.C.l want to buy a pen.(), s near.B.You can go there on' s next to the hospital.()5.A.Yes

40、terday.B.Tomorrow morning.C.l , m going to buy some CDs.IILListen and choose.(听录音,选择最佳答案。)(10分) ()1.Sarah is going to the .A.cinemaB.library C.bookstore()2.Sarah is going to buy .A.a dictionaryB.a comic bookC.a postcard()3.Sarah is going to the bookstore the 4 o' 8 o&

41、#39; clock)4.Sarah is going to the bookstore bike bus car)5.Sarah is going to the bookstore withA.Mike B.Linda C.Wu Yifan笔试部分(70分)W.Read and choose.(找朋友,组成恰当的短语。)(10分))3.( C my<fDTasnowmariV.Read and choose.(火眼金睛选不同。)(10分)(Jl.A.tonight B.tomorrow C.trip()2.A.visit B.cinema C.park()

42、3.A.goingB.reading C.interesting()4.A.busyB.weekend C.good()5.A.libraryB.supermarket C.togetherVI.Read and choose.(单项选择我最棒!)(10分)()1.1 am going to the cinema this afternoon.A.on C./()2.What are you to ?A.go; buyingB.going; buyingC.going; buy()3.1 can see lots of over there.A.childB.childs C.chi

43、ldren()4.When are you going?I am going the cinemaB.this afternoon bike()5.can I get to the zoo?On foot.A.HowB.When C.WhereW.Read and write.(读一读,按要求改写句子。乂 10分)1 .T m going: to take a trip.(对画线部分提问) you going to ?2 .T m going to buy an English dictionary.(对画线部分提问) you going to ?1.1 ' mz

44、 supermarket, going, my, to, with, the, mother(.)(连词成句)4 .He is going to buy some comic books.(改为否定句)5 .We' re going to Tianjin next week.(对画线部分提问) you going to Tianjin?Vffl.Read and order.(根据对话内容排列顺序。)(15分)Amy: What are you going to do this weekend?Sarah: I , m going to buy some books on Saturd

45、ay morning.Amy: And then?Sarah: In the afternoon, I , m going to visit my grandparents. And in the evening I' m going to read books.Amy: When are you going to the science museum?Sarah: I * m going to the science museum on Sunday afternoon. Would you like to go with me?Amy: Sure.Sarah: And in the

46、 evening we can watch TV together. OK?Amy: Great!()Sarah is going to read books.()Sarah and Amy are going to the science museum.()Sarah is going to visit her grandparents.()Sarah is going to buy some books.()Sarah and Amy are going to watch TV together.DCWriting.(小作文。)(15 分)请你采访3位同学,了解一下他们的周末计划,并用几句

47、话把你们的计划写下来和大家分享。不 少于50词。答案:听力材料:1 .Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。) l.have a big dinner2 .take a trip3 .draw pictures4 .make a snowman5 .see a filmII .Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语。) l.Can Mike go swimming today?2 .What are you going to do tomorrow?3 .How are you going to Ji' nan?4 .Where is the cinema

48、?5 .When are they going to the supermarket?HlListen and choose.(听录音,选择最佳答案0 )W: Hello, Wu Yifan!M: Hello, Sarah! Where are you going this afternoon?W: I' m going to the bookstore.M: What are you going to buy?W: T m going to buy a comic book.M: I like comic books too. When are you going?W: T m go

49、ing at 4 o' clock.M: How are you going then?W: By bike.M: Can I go with you?W: Sure.竺括I .5 3 2 4 1H.l.A2.B3.A4.C5.BIII .l.C2.B3.B4.A5.CIV .l.E2.C3.A4.B5.DV .l.C2.A3.C4.B5.CVI .l.C2.C3.C4.B5.AVII .l.What are; do2.What are; buy3.1 " m going to the supermarket with my mother.4 .He isn' t g

50、oing to buy any comic books.5 .When areVHI.3 42 15IX.One possible version:My friends and I are going to be busy this weekend. Sarah is going to Kunming to take a trip with her parents. John Is going to help his mother with the housework. He is going to water the flowers and clean his room. Mike is g

51、oing to have an art lesson on Saturday and he is going to read books in the library on Sunday. I* m going to visit a science museum and do my homework. Wow! We will have a busy and happy weekend.六年级(PEP)上册英语期中测试题(时间:60分钟满分:100分)题号IIIIIIIVVVIvnvinIXX总分得分听力部分(30分)I .Listen and choose.(听录音,选择正确的图片。)(10

52、分)II.Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语。)(10 分) ()1.A.T m going to Ji' nan.B.She' s going to Ji, nan.C.He' s going to Ji' nan by bus.()2.A.I usually get there on' s not far from here.C.My school is next to the bank.()3.A.I want to buy some books.B.l' m going to the bookstor

53、' s next to the museum.()4.A.We are going next weekend.B.We go there on foot.C.Go straight and then you can see it.( )5.A.They work in a post office.B.They are going to visit my grandparents.C.They can take the No. 4 bus to go there.Ill.Listen and match.(听录音,连线。)(10 分)a. by subway1.SarahA.

54、her grandparents t home2.Chen Jie B.tne supermarket b. by bike3 .Amy C.the nature park4 .Mike D.the bookstore5 .Wu Yifan E.the cinemac. on footd. by care. by bus笔试部分(70分)IV .Look and write根据图片补全短语。)(10分)V .Read and write.(根据汉语提示完成句子0 )(10分)1.1 usually go to school (步彳亍).2 .(减速)and stop at a yellow l

55、ight.3 .The cinema is (紧挨着)the nature park.4 .Amy is going to buy a (连环画册)tomorrow.5 .What are they going to do (卜周)?VI.Read and choose.(单项选择我最棒!乂10分)()1.Are they going home by bus on foot?A.andB.butC.or()2.In China, you must drive on side of the road.A.the left B.the rightCboth( )3.The cinema is the science museum.A.farB.nextC.far from()4.T m going to buy a book flowers.A.inB.about are you going?I* m going to the Great Wall.A.What B.Where C.WhenVH


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