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1、南通市高三第一次模拟考试英 语第I卷 (三部分 共85分) 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How did the man find the lecture?A. Good. B. Boring. C. Average. 2. What will Susan

2、do very soon?A. Leave Beijing. B. Go to Beijing.C. Take a job in Beijing.3. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Manager and secretary. B. Taxi driver and passenger. C. Customer and waiter. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In an office. B. At home. C. In the street.

3、 5. How does the man think the woman plays the piano?A. Worse than him. B. Better than him. C. As well as him.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When does the woman arrive in W

4、ellington?A. On Monday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Friday.7. What do we know about the woman? A. She will have a rather busy week. B. She will have a comfortable journey. C. She will meet her friend in Australia.听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. Who is Jackson popular with?A. The teachers. B. The students. C. The reporte

5、rs.9. Why does Jackson give his students little homework?A. To play football with them.B. To give them enough free time.C. To relax himself and have a rest.10. What is Jackson like in his free time? A. Active. B. Helpful. C. Hard-working.听第8段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. What kind of music is the womans favouri

6、te? A. Pop music. B. Country music. C. Classical music. 12. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Go to a concert. B. Go out for a walk. C. Go to the cinema.13. How will the man find out the information? A. By making a call. B. By asking a friend. C. By going downtown.听第9段材料,回答第14至第16题。14. Why

7、does the man refuse the first flat?A. Its too small. B. Its too expensive. C. Its not on the top floor. 15. Why does the woman let the man look at the flat first?A. He is clean and quiet. B. He is kind and polite.C. He is poor and honest. 16. How much will the man pay before moving in?A. $100. B. $5

8、0. C. $30. 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17. What does the speaker want to help students do? A. To realize their problems. B. To analyze their problems. C. To overcome their problems.18. How do students usually learn English? A. In their own language. B. By practising every day. C. Through the radio and TV.19.

9、 Why can students hardly understand English-speaking people? A. Those people speak too fast. B. Those people have different accents. C. Students lack practice in listening.20. Which is the speakers advice? A. To learn English in English-speaking countries. B. To speak with English natives as much as

10、 possible. C. To stop learning English in language laboratories. 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Below the topsoil of the earth is the subsoil, _ layer that contains stones mixed with a small amount of _ organic matter.A. a; the

11、B. the; theC. 不填; 不填D. a; 不填22. Mike, have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy?  Yes, of course, but I havent decided whether to buy _. A. itB. oneC. thisD. that23. I counted sheep, I drank milk and I tried everything, but nothing helped.It seems you _ too much recently

12、. Try some sleeping pills.A. workedB. workC. had workedD. have been working 24. L is a free site _ visitors can not just learn languages but also chat online.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what25. John is really expert at fighting cybercrime! Yes, but he _ his potential if it had not been for his de

13、sire to meet the new challenge.A. never realizedB. would never realize C. would never have realizedD. had never realized26. Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.  Yes, that might _ why he didnt do well in the test.A. account for B. push forC. make for D. compensate for27. How long will it be _ t

14、he professor makes another visit to China?  It all depends.A. untilB. beforeC. sinceD. when28. Generally, _ to a university in the USA, foreign students need to prove their strong ability in using English.A. admittingB. admittedC. to be admittedD. being admitted29. Are you going to find a job b

15、ack in your hometown?   Well, I havent decided yet. I _ find some other choices.A. wouldB. mustC. shouldD. might 30. When electric cars become _, well need to build more charging stations.A. availableB. accessibleC. attractiveD. alternative31. As he was getting onto the stage, Dan clo

16、sed his eyes and took a deep breath to rid himself _ his fears.A. byB. ofC. fromD. to32. Peters injuries were severe and he bled too much.    Yes. Ten minutes late _ he would have died.A. butB. orC. soD. and33. When will the expert come and give the lecture on intellectual property?&#

17、160;Not until our program _ by the authorities.A. approves B. has been approvedC. is to approveD. will be approved34. _ Chinese culture with overseas cultures is a challenging job, but you will learn a lot from it.A. ComparingB. ComparedC. Having comparedD. Compare35. Furniture and flooring usually

18、come to mind when we think of ways to use bamboo. Not many of us, _, think of bamboo clothing.A. therefore B. thusC. thoughD. meanwhile 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Ive been in the taxicab business for thirty-five years, and I know there is a lot ab

19、out it that is not so good. Taxicab drivers have to be 36 fellows to be able to work in New York. Youve got to fight the New York 37 eight hours a day these days, so people get the wrong 38 that they are bad. Actually, taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will 39 as honest fellows.

20、You read in the 40 almost every week where a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or bonds that people 41 in their cabs. If they werent honest, you wouldnt be reading those stories in the papers.One time in Brooklyn, I found a diamond ring in my cab. I 42 helping a lady with a lot of packages that d

21、ay, so I went back to where I had 43 her. It took me almost two days to trace her down in order to return her ring to her. I didnt 44 as much as “thank you”. Still I felt good 45 I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she did.I was born and 46 in Ireland and lived there until I was ni

22、neteen years old. Then I came to this 47 in 1913 where I held several jobs to earn a few dollars before enlisting (参军) in World War I. After being discharged (退役), I had a family and bought my own cab. Life hasnt been too 48 at times, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit 49 for

23、 a rainy day.When I 50 driving a cab, Park Avenue was mostly a bunch of coal yards. Hoofers Brewery was right next to where the Waldorf-Astoria is now. I did pretty well, 51 in those days.In all my years of driving a taxicab, I have 52 had any trouble with the public, not even with drunks. I believe

24、 53 is one of the greatest gifts there is. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like integrity (正直), etc. But it doesnt make any 54 what they call it; its still what makes a man a good 55 . This is my code, and I try to live by.36. A. cheerful B. tough C. familiar D. popular37. A. we

25、atherB. pollution C. condition D. traffic38. A. impression B. suggestion C. expression D. information39. A. talk B. performC. behave D. wander40. A. websites B. papers C. posters D. magazines41. A. leave B. findC. giveD. place42. A. regretted B. continued C. remembered D. tried43. A. noticed B. supp

26、ortedC. met D. dropped44. A. say B. overhear C. claim D. get45. A. though B. whileC. because D. unless46. A. raised B. married C. employedD. trained47. A. college B. country C. company D. village48. A. easy B. busy C. hardD. simple49. A. left behind B. used up C. put away D. sorted out50. A. started

27、 B. consideredC. recalled D. learned51. A. maybe B. only C. definitely D. even52. A. always B. never C. often D. seldom53. A. personality B. security C. honesty D. dignity54. A. sense B. profit C. differenceD. progress55. A. servant B. customer C. businessman D. citizen第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请

28、认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Papas jaw dropped when Mama told him that Sister had cheated on her final examsnot to succeed but to fail. “Its unbelievable!” he said. “Sister has always been so proud of her good grades!”“Yes, she has,” said Mama. “But its not unbelievable. It ju

29、st shows how badly she wanted off the swimming team.”“Wanted off the swimming team?” said Papa. “She never said anything about that to me.”“Of course she didnt,” said Mama. “She was afraid youd blow your top. You already had her getting a swimming scholarship to college and winning gold medals at th

30、e Olympics. Can you imagine how much pressure she must have felt? For her, being on the team couldnt have been much fun.”“Oh, my gosh!” Papa said, clapping a hand to his forehead. “Ive been so stupid! I just thought shed want to be a champion swimmer because shes so good at it.”“Its like anything el

31、se, dear,” said Mama. “No matter how good at it you are, if it stops being fun, you wont want to do it anymore.”Papa put his head in his hands.“She must be really mad at me,” he mumbled. “Maybe I should say sorry to her.”Sisters footsteps could be heard on the stairs. She came into the kitchen and l

32、ooked hopefully up at her parents.“Honey,” said Mama with a smile, “your papa and I have decided that theres no reason for you to be on the swimming team if you dont want to.”Sisters face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Yippee!” she cried.“And,” added Papa, “theres no need for any more drills. Im sur

33、e youll bring your grades back up all by yourself.”Sister ran to Papa and jumped into his arms. She gave him a big hug. “Im going to go play cards with Lizzy!” she said. “See you later!”From the kitchen window, Mama and Papa watched their daughter run down the sunny road toward Lizzys house.“Its goo

34、d to see her happy again,” said Mama.“It sure is,” Papa agreed. “As for the swimming team, theres always next year.”“If?” Mama prompted him.“Oh, right,” said Papa. “If she wants to.”Mama smiled. “At least youre learning, dear,” she said. She kissed him.“Well, you know what they say,” Papa said. “Bet

35、ter late than never.”56. Sister wanted off the swimming team because _. A. she was not as good at swimming as ever beforeB. she intended to improve her grades in her studiesC. she wanted to play cards far more than swimmingD. she felt it boring to struggle for Papas expectation57. Mama insisted that

36、 the child should do _. A. what she was willing to B. what she felt easy to C. what she was able to D. what she felt right to 58. What do you think of Papa?A. Cruel but reasonable. B. Crazy but confident. C. Stubborn but honest. D. Ambitious but considerate.59. Which might be the proper title for th

37、e passage?A. Easier Said Than Done B. Health Is Better Than WealthC. Better Late Than NeverD. Something Is Better Than NothingBFood CuresOur Price: $31.96 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. SKU: 79133In StockUsually ships in 1 business dayDescription:Did you know that fish oil

38、 is emerging as a real treatment for depression? That coffee and cinnamon can actually lower blood sugar in people with diabetes? Here youll find detailed food prescriptions, based on the latest research, for more than 57 common health problems, including colds, hay fever, memory loss and so on. Plu

39、s dozens of practical suggestions for getting more of the foods that can help prevent disease, and simple recipes for immune-boosting smoothies, healing teas, and more.Product Details:Hardcover: 352 pagesPublisher: Readers Digest AssociationPublication Date: 2007-09ISBN: 0762107308 Average Customer

40、Rating: based on 3 reviewsAverage Customer Review: Exactly As Described Feb 15, 2010Product arrived quickly. The description said there was a tear on the cover of the book. I was pleased that it was just a small tear and otherwise the book was in very good condition. This seller was honest and did n

41、ot try to overplay the condition in order to make a sale.Some good information Feb 06, 2010This book does have some good information, but it does not talk at all about eating organic food, grass fed beef, free-range eggs, etc. The poisonous pesticides (杀虫剂) and artificial hormones (激素) in our societ

42、y have a huge effect on our health and some illnesses probably wouldnt even exist if it werent for them.Fantastic Aug 05, 2009This book is perfect for any questions you have about using food to help your body. We all know chicken soup helps colds, but did you know? This book will tell you exactly wh

43、ats special about each food and what part of the body or disease it helps. Combat any health problems you have with this common sense food guide.60. Who is the advertisement mainly intended for?A. People who learn to treat patients. B. People who publish books on health.C. People who cook food for c

44、ertain patients. D. People who try to improve their health.61. Which of the following statements about the book is WRONG? A. It contains information about specific foods. B. It has been poorly evaluated by its readers. C. It is useful for people with diabetes. D. It was published in September, 2007.

45、62. The underlined word “combat” in the last paragraph probably means “_”. A. discuss B. identify C. fight D. presentCSYDNEYAustralias economic boom is encouraging a steady stream of unexpected visitors looking for work: Americans.U.S. citizens are heading to Australia in small but growing numbers a

46、s near-10% unemployment at home drives more to look for jobs Down Under, where Chinas thirst for iron ore (矿石) and energy is transforming the Pacific nation into an economic powerhouse.A bricklaying student from Silver Trowel, a leading provider of quality education and training in the building and

47、construction industry, apprentices (当学徒) on a building project in Western Australia, where workers are in short supply.Daniel Davila, a 23-year-old floorer from Camarillo, California made the 14-hour move across the Pacific two years ago. He had been forced to take a job stocking shelves at a local

48、grocery store for $8.90 an hour when he couldnt get work fixing floors.On a good day in Australia, he now makes as much as 50 Australian dollars (US$50.21) an hourabout twice the amount for a typical flooring job in the U.S. He plans to start his own flooring business. “I can make what I did in a we

49、ek in the U.S. in less than a day here,” said Mr. Davila, who lives near a mining boom town in Western Australia.Australian government figures show just under 7,000 Americans currently working on long-term visas, an 80% jump over the past five years. U.S. citizens are now the third-largest group app

50、lying for so-called 457 work visas, after British and Indian nationals. Americans with degrees in areas such as accounting or mine engineering, as well as other skilled workers, can obtain a nonrenewable(不可续期的) permit for as much as a three-year stay. After that, they can apply for the renewable 457

51、, which allows up to a four-year stay. The need for workers is particularly pressing in Western Australia. The mining states unemployment rate was 4.5% in November, below the national average of 5.2%. Drivers of heavy trucks can pull in six-figure salaries while experienced crane (起重机) operators can

52、 earn hundreds of thousands a year. Attracting skilled workers is a shift for Australia, which historically sent many of its most highly educated to the U.S. and Europe, according to migration data.63. _, a growing number of Americans go to work in Australia. A. As a result of the encouragement of A

53、ustraliaB. As a result of high unemployment in the U.S.C. Out of their ambition of finding valuable resourcesD. Out of their determination to realize their dreams64. It can be inferred from the passage that 457 work visas are _. A. for skilled workers in some fieldsB. for students on the building pr

54、ojectC. especially for American workers D. especially for those out of work65. It is implied in the passage that _. A. foreigners have to give up their original professional jobs when working in AustraliaB. it is possible for foreigners to earn more money in Australia than in their own countriesC. t

55、here are more U.S. citizens hoping to work in Australia than from other countries D. Australians think it fair to exchange their talent with American skilled workers66. In which of the following cities are workers probably most needed? DScientists have long understood the key role that oceans play in regulating the Earths climate. Oceans cover 70 percent of the globe and store a thousand times more heat than the atmosphere does. Whats newer is the understanding of how this key component of our climate system responds to global warming.A brake on global warmin


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