



1、购销合同FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT合同编号:Con tract No.:BETWEENThe Buyer甲方:一公司Tel:Fax:The Supp lier乙方:公司Tel:经甲、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。Follow ing frie ndly discussi ons and based on the principle of mutual in terest, the Buyer agrees to pu rchase from the supp lier the un der men ti oned good

2、s on the terms and con diti ons stated below.I General terms of Purchasing1 .订单发出:以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。订单中所包含的其它不同条款必须经我公司书面批准 后,方具有法律效力。认可订单或交货条件表明供应商已认可这些采购条款。当事人保证以书面形式确认特定的口头协 议。1. Issue of orders:Our orders shall only be legally binding whe n issued in writ ing on the basis of these p u

3、rchas ing con diti ons. Different con diti ons contained in the order acce ptance shall only be legally valid if we app rove these differe nces in writ ing. The acce ptance of the order or the delivery shall in dicate that the supp lier has recog ni zed these pu rchas ing con diti ons. The p arties

4、un dertake to confirm forthwith any p articular verbal agreeme nt in writi ng.2.接受订单供应商收到订单后必须在 2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。电子定 单不需另外确认。2. Acceptance of orders:Our orders must be ack no wledged in writ ing withi n 2 work ing days of their rece ipt by the supp lier, uni ess other con diti ons were a

5、greed for a sp ecific con tract. Electr onic orders do no t require an exp licit con firmati on.3.价格除非交货条件另有说明,所有价格都是固定且有效的,包括所有交付买方工厂()和包装费用,运输保险费和法定增值税,均由乙方负责。3. Prices:All prices are fixed prices and including all delivery to the buyer factory () packaging cost, as well as transport in sura nee c

6、harges and the statutory VAT shall all be p aid by the sdeller.4.交货时间:约定的期限和限期有法律约束力,不可抗力除外。货物是否到达指定交付地址决定交货期是否被满足。如果供应商出现延迟交付,如果我公司接受,那么我公司将确定一个合理的延迟交货期,延迟交货期满,我公司有权维护我公司的权益。如果供应商意识到可能出现交货延迟,必须立刻通知我公司。4. Delivery times:The agreed deadli nes and time limits shall be binding, excludi ng the in terve

7、nti on of force majeure. The arrival of the goods at the sp ecified delivery address shall be decisive in determ ining whether the delivery deadli ne or time limit has bee n met. If there is a delay in the supp lier services, the n, if we so choose, we are en titled, hav ing set a reas on able p eri

8、od of grace and after exp irati on of the same, assert ing our rights. If the supp lier realizes any delay in deliveries, he must inform us without delay.5.交货:仅交付采购的数量。多交付的货物我方有权不预先通知即返回,费用由供应商支付,将在供应商的发票金额中扣除。在 所有情况下,我公司将对按期交货的货物支付合适的付款。如果有数量或者重量的分歧,以我公司货物收料部门确定的 数量或重量为准。5. Deliveries:On ly the ord

9、ered Qua ntities may be delivered. Excess deliveries may be returned by us without no tice at the expense of the supp lier and the approp riate deduct ions may be made from his in voice. In all cases we shall be obliged to make approp riate p ayme nt on the basis of the agreed delivery time. If ther

10、e are differe nces in qua ntity or weight, the n the qua ntities or weights determ ined in our Incoming Goods Dep artme nt shall be decisive.Ill Payme nts and Inv oic ing1. 付款:在货物/服务收到和验收合格后,付款将按协议支付。甲方验收合格并且于每月30日之前与乙方核对账单,如双方均无异议,则甲方将于次月20日安排支付货款。交付时应提供相关的检测、工艺及原材料的信息报告,这一点至关重要。若发生客户投诉抱怨,甲方有权行 使延期

11、付款要求。2. Payme nts:We will effect p ayme nt as agreed - p rovided that the goods/services have p reviously bee n received and app roved formally.All the incoming goods data will be checked by both p arty by end of each mon th, if no disagreeme nts, Ibex will arra nge p ayme nt by 20th of next mon th.

12、 Measureme nts / Craftsma nshi p / Raw material prop erties and rep orts are critical poin ts. Ibex reserve its right to hold p ayme nt in case of com plain from the final customer./X、一3. 发运:供应商应该随货将一份包含定单数据的详细发运单提供给甲方。4. Disp atch:A sin gle copy of a p recisely itemized dis patch note containing ou

13、r order data should be sent to the buyer.3.发票:每月账单核对完成后,乙方应该向甲方开具发票。发票上必须说明订单内容和订单号。交付给不同厂的货物不要放在一 组,每次应单独开具发票。开具发票时涉及的尺寸、重量和数量以我方确定的为准。5. In voices:Origi nal VAT In voices should be released to the buyer, and sent after the mon thly incoming check by both arty . In voices must in elude our order de

14、scri pti on and our order nu mber. Deliveries made to differe nt plants may not be grouped together for in voic ing purpo ses; sep arate in voices should be issued in each case. Only the dime nsions, weights and qua ntities determ ined by us shall be decisive for in voici ng purpo ses.V Con fide nti

15、ality, Warra nty, Breach of Con tract1.故障通知/保证书:供应商保证在生产期间采用加工过程质量管理并且进行最终检查,相应地彻底检查待交付的包装材料是否符合质量要求。在交付过程发现的缺陷应立即以书面形式通知供应商。除非另有规定,货物使用36个月内供应商承担我们提出的所 有投诉的法津责任。该条款不影响其它责任。由于工艺、材料和设计失误及其它误差而造成的拒收产品应按要求立即替换且运费由供应商承担,供应商应立即补救货 物缺陷。如果这批货物不符合合同规定,例如关于尺寸、刚性和硬度等,价值由我方确定,或者若供应商表明要求,那 么由供应商指定的中立专家确定的价值将作为解

16、决争议的有效值,聘请专家的费用由供应商承担。关于供应商与其它方 的关系,供应商应确保不使我方承担任何第三方的索赔。如果与供应商有协定,由我们或第三方返工,供应商必须承担 所有成本。如果情况紧急,经通知供应商后,或由我方或第三方进行返修,其它权益不变。我们有权向供应商索赔 额外 费用,不包括外部费用和我公司因故障通知造成的内部花费。1. Notice of defects/Warranty :The Supp lier is committed to apply in-p rocess quality con trol duri ng manu facturi ng and con duct f

17、inal Inspections, accord in gly check ing the p roducts to be delivered thoroughly for their comp lia nee with the quality requireme nts. Defects in delivery shall be com muni cated to the supp lier in writ ing as soon as they are detected in accords nee with the con diti ons un der which orderly bu

18、s in ess is con ducted. The supp lier therefore waives the rightto in vokethe provisi ons concerning lateno ticesofdefects. He acce pts legal liability for all complaints made by us withi n36 mon thsof putt ing the goods supp liedinto commission uni ess agreed otherwise. This p rovisi on shall not a

19、ffect any furtherliability.Materials that are p rocessed byus shallonlybe acce pted by us in a legally binding way if they have p rove n to be inaccorda nee withcon diti ons after p rocess ing.Rejected items as a result of errors in workma nshi p, materials and con structi on as well as other errors

20、 are to be repl aced on request immediately and free-of-charge with freight p aid or the defect on the goods is to be rep aired. If the goods deviate from what was con tractually agreed, e. g. i n res pect of dime nsions, rigidity and hard ness, the n the values determ ined by us, or if the supp lie

21、r exp ressly requires this, the values determ ined by an agreed n eutral expert appoin ted at the expense of the supp lier, shall be held valid in the eve nt of a dis pu te. The supp lier releases us from any claims by third p arties, as far as in exter nal relati on shi ps the supp lier is liable t

22、o us himself. If agreed with the supp lier the re-work ing may be done by us or by a third p arty. The supp lier is liable for the cost in curred. In the eve nt of urge ncy and after in formi ng the supp lier we are en titled to do the re-worki ng ourselves or let the re-worki ng be done by a third

23、p arty, not waiv ing other rights. We reserve the right to charge to the supp lier in additi on to the exter nal cost and expense our internal cost and expen ses caused by the no tice of defects.2.生产物资:数模、图纸、样品、模具、工装、检具和/或其他技术资源和提供给供应商或由供应商根据我们的标准提供的资料,不得转售、抵押或以其它方式处理给第三方,或在没有我们的书面批准情况下使用。这同样适用于这些 生

24、产物资产生的产品。除非我公司已经书面同意表示可作它用,否则只能提供给我公司。图纸、数模在我公司属于非卖 品,材料和知识产权必须在工作完成后返回,不需另外提出申请。如有侵权,供应商应承担责任。2. Producti on resources:Models, draw in gs, sampi es, dies, tools, gauges an d/or other tech ni cal resources and docume nts p rovided to the supp lier or p reduced by the supp lier accord ing to our sp e

25、cificati ons may not be sold, mortgaged orotherwise dis po sed of to third p arties or used for third p arties without our writte n app roval. The same shall apply to objects p roduced using these p roduct ion resources. These may only be supp lied to us, uni ess we have exp ressly agreed in writi n

26、g to ano ther use. Draw ings and models rema in our non-saleable, material and in tellectual prop erty and must be returned on compi eti on of the con tract without further request. The supp lier shall be liable for any infrin geme nt of these p rovisi ons.3.财产权:供应商应承担因屡行本合同开发产品而引起的针对侵犯第三方财产权的任何索赔,不得因第三方索赔而使我方承担责 任。因此,供应商负责承担产品损坏责任,且保证我公司避免任何因供应商的外部关系而引起的第三方损失赔偿。3. Prop erty rights:The supp lier shall be liable for any claims result ing from the infrin geme nt of third partyin volved by the con tractual use of the p roduct devel oped by him or by a p arty subc on tracted by himself and h


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