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1、 Containerization Containerization Chapter Chapter ThreeThreechapter outline lintroduction to container and containerization lcontainer network lcontainer operation lfreight rate for container transportation lcontainer bill of lading What is ContainerizationlContainerization is a method of distribut

2、ing merchandise in a unitized form adopting an inter-modal system which provides a possible combination of sea, road and other modes of transportation.lStow cargo into standard-size and reusable vans.lShip the containers in unit loads to its destination.Containerization has reshaped maritime shippin

3、g industry lshorter transit time and less labour lbigger vessels and bigger ports are builded lreduction of transport costlrelocation of international ports laround-the-world trip become possible Operating Costs of Panamax and Post-panamax Containerships (in USD) Please watch the VCR and find out ho

4、w a container port is operated lContainer stacking area 集装箱堆场lLoad sequense 装载顺序lCrane起重机, 吊车 lLorry 卡车,接驳车lStraddle carrier 跨车Advantages of container transportationlTo facilitate multimodal transportation and achieve door to door servicelHow ?lTo ensure the safety of cargolNot necessarily lTo incre

5、ase efficiency of transportation, reduce operational costlOffset by imbalance of shipment ,security issue l How containers facilitate multimodal transportation and achieve door to door service?Container standarization Standard External Container DimensionslContainer Length 20ft 30ft 40ft 40HQlContai

6、ner Width 8ft 8ft 8ft 8ftlContainer Height 8ft 6ins 8ft 6ins 8ft 6ins 9ft 6insl Truck,rail 短途运输短途运输truck./railOcean voyageAs container move along this network, they can be either empty, loaded with single consignment (Full container load, FCL整箱运输), or loaded with multiple consignments (Less than con

7、tainer load, LCL拼箱运输) Under FCL operation What is shippers responsibility ?What is carriers responsibility ?In case of product shortage or damage, who should be responsible, shipper or carrier? FCL lFCL cargo is large enough to completely fill a containers volumelNormally, FCL export cargo are broug

8、ht to a carriers container yard (集装箱堆场CY) after being put in a container at the shippers factory or warehouse.lAt the destination port, FCL cargo remain in the container when being handed over to a carriers consignee at a CYl shipperCYCYconsigneeUnder LCL operation What is shippers responsibility ?W

9、hat is carriers responsibility ?In case of product shortage or damage, who should be responsible, shipper or carrier? LCLlLCL cargo is usually small-lot cargo not sufficient enough to load a full containerlLCL cargo are brought to a carriers container freight station (集装箱货运站CFS) where they are conso

10、lidated by the carrier together with other LCL cargo bound for the same destination.lAt the port of landing, the cargoes are removed from container by the carrier at a CFS, sort out and then handed over to each consigneeshipperCFSCFSCYCYconsignee18集装箱运输货物的交接方式l整箱交,整箱接(FCL/FCL) l拼箱交,拆箱接(LCL/LCL) l整箱交

11、,拆箱接(FCL/LCL) l拼箱交,整箱接(LCL/FCL) 集装箱运输货物的交接地点DoorCYCFSDoorCYCFSDifferent types of container service(9)lCY/CY Container ServiceThe CY/CY (read as CY to CY) container service-broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shippers or the forwarders warehouse, and the de

12、livery of that same whole container to the consignees warehouses. In a related term, door-to-door service, refers to a type of freight service available from a forwarder whereby the cargo is picked up at the shippers warehouse and delivered to the consignees warehouses.lCY/CFS Container Servicebroad

13、ly means that the shipper packs the container in his own warehouse and then send it to carrier at Container Yard, and that same whole container is emptied at the Carriers Container Freight Station at the port of destination,the consignee arranges the delivery of the loose cargo from the container fr

14、eight station to his/her warehouse.lCFS/CY Container Servicebroadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carriers Container Freight Station at the port of origin is packed into the whole container, and the delivery of that same whole container to the at the destination port,consignee th

15、en pick up the whole container from CY.lCFS/CFS Container Servicelbroadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carriers container freight station at the port of origin is packed into the whole container, and that same whole container is emptied at the carriers container freight station

16、at the port of destination. The consignee arranges the delivery of the loose cargo from the container freight station to his/her warehouse. lTo ensure the safety of cargolNot necessarily lWhen the container transport system was being designed and rolled out, the initial assumption was that using con

17、tainers would substantially simplify or completely solve many problems relating to caring for, packaging and maintaining the quality of cargoes during maritime transport. lIt was soon obvious, however, that simply putting the goods inside the container was not enough, that in addition to simplifying

18、 matters new problems arose in terms of maintaining quality The risk factors are: lTemperature lGases, Self-heating/Spontaneous combustion 自燃自燃lMechanical influences lHumidity/Moisture lToxicity lHazards危险危险 to health lVentilation 通风通风lOdor 臭气臭气lShrinkage/Shortage/Theft lContamination 污染污染lInsect in

19、festation/Diseases These issues can be addressed in three waysl1. the development of special containers in order to adapt them to the requirements of the goodslVentilated container 通风集装箱通风集装箱, refrigerated container冷藏集装冷藏集装箱箱, open-top container 敞顶集装箱敞顶集装箱l2. increasing the fitness for container tra

20、nsport of the goods by additional treatment (e.g. drying, preservation) or by suitable packagingl“fitness for container transport” means the cargo can withstand the cryptoclimate内部小环境内部小环境 in a standard container l3. providing appropriate cargo care for containers carrying critical products by selec

21、ting a suitable type of container and stowage space, stuffing 装箱装箱the cargo properlyFind the right container for your cargoHow to stuff your cargo properly lBuffer materials between cargoes to avoid scratches and collisionlDistribute the cargo without any gaps over the entire floorlMake sure the car

22、goes to be stowed together have compatible characteristics Certain drawbacks of Container transportation :lAdditional costslContainerisation increases the fuel costs of transport and reduces the capacity of the transport as the container itself must be shipped around. But for most goods the increase

23、d fuel costs and decreased transport efficiencies are more than offset by the handling savings. lHazard安全隐患安全隐患lThere are concerns on using container for smuggling and containers that lost at sea ( a shipping hazard that is difficult to detect)lEmpty containers空箱调运成为难题lin some cases, the cost of tra

24、nsporting an empty container to a place where it can be used is considered to be higher than the worth of the used container. Read material and answer questions:lWhat cause the shortage of dry and reefer containers in some part of US ?lShortage of container means higher cost for both carrier and shi

25、pper, what were their responds to protect their interest?lRepositioning empty containers take up lots of space in a vessel and has always been a great concern for the carriers, do you have any idea to help carrier to save cost? Freight rate for Container transportation Fees and ChargeslFor Full Cont

26、ainer Load: lFREIGHT = No of container *box rate 包箱费率+Surcharges附加费lWhat is box rate ?lThe flat rate per container for FCLlIs convenient in simplifying the freight cost calculation in consignments consisting of wide range of productsSurcharges:lBAF: Bunker Surcharge (bunker adjustment factor ,also k

27、nown as fuel surcharge, a sample of percentage surcharge, which must be added to the sea freight rate燃油附加费 ) lCAF: Currency Surcharge (currency adjustment factor l 货币贬值附加费lPCS: Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费l ORC :Origin Receive Charges本地收货费用 THC:Terminal Handling Charges 码 头操作费 l DOC:Document ch

28、arges 文件费Surcharges:Transshipment Surcharge 转船附加费Deviation Surcharge 绕道附加费Port Surcharge 港口附加费Heavy lift additional / Extra charges on heavy lifts 超重费 (over 5 M/T)Lengthy cargo additional / Extra charges on over lengths 超长费 (over 9m)Bulky cargo additional 超大费 (over 6cbm)Additional on direct 直行附属费lNo

29、t at basic port, volume over 1000 M/TAdditional on optional discharging port 选卸港附属费Additional for alternation of destination 变更卸港附属费Qotation example:l始发港始发港 目的港目的港 20GP/40GP/40HC 附加费附加费lGuangzhou-LOS ANGELES 1640/2050/2310 ORC,BAF,DOClhttp:/lhttp:/ LCL :lFREIGHT = No of freight ton运费吨* freight rate

30、(per FT) + surchargeslExample:lORIGIN: CFS Los Angeles, CA, USA lDESTINATION: CFS Rome, ItalylETT: 33 DAYS (ETT - Estimated Transit Time).lOCEAN FREIGHT RATE PER FREIGHT TON: USD130 W/M; MINIMUM 1 FT or USD130lBAF 17% (BAF - Bunker Adjustment Factor)lCAF 3% (CAF Currency Adjustment Factor)lDOC- USD1

31、5 per shipment (INTERNATIONAL SEA FREIGHT BILL OF LADING FEE )lThen your ALL-IN CFS-CFS international ocean freight rate will be?What is W/M W (weight ton) calculated per metric ton on weight, suitable for heavy goods (重货一公吨为一个重量吨)M (measurement ton) calculated per cubic meter (CBM)on measurement, s

32、uitable for light goods (轻货一个立方米为一体积吨)W/M on the basis of either weight ton or measurement ton (both under the name of freight ton), subject to the higher one, suitable for goods with high value (Note: 1WT=1MT)Note: TypicallyLCLoceanfreightratesarecalculatedisBYVOLUME(percubicmeter/cubicfoot)butNOTB

33、YWEIGHT.Sincecargovesselscapacityisnotreallylimitedbyweightofcargobutbytheholdoftheship,ingeneralWEIGHTOFLCLFREIGHTISNOTAPRICINGFACTORl$(130 + 130 X 0.17 + 130 X 0.03) per freight ton + $15 to the total ocean freight rate=$156+$15=$171lLets assume that you export from the USA 3.25 cubic meters of cargo which weight 2.65 ton . You self-deliver it to CFS that loca


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