八年级英语上册 重点短语归纳讲解Module 1 外研版_第1页
八年级英语上册 重点短语归纳讲解Module 1 外研版_第2页
八年级英语上册 重点短语归纳讲解Module 1 外研版_第3页
八年级英语上册 重点短语归纳讲解Module 1 外研版_第4页




1、八年级上册英语重点短语归纳讲解Module 1 - Module 2 1.match with 把和搭配起来 2.translate into 把翻成 3.give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物 4.advice (不可数名词)建议 a piece of advice 一条建议 take/follow advice 采纳建议 advise v. advise sb to sth 建议某人做某事 /advise doing sth 建议做某事 5.write down 写下,记下(若名词做宾语,可放在 write down 中间或后面,但代词做宾语只能放在后面) 6.e

2、lse/other 其他的,别的( else 通常用于特殊疑问词或不定代词之后; other 通常放在名词前修饰名词) 7.that/this/last/next + n. 前面不加介词 8.be good at doing sth =do well in doing sth 善长做某事 be good for 对有好处 9.help sb with sth/help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 10.send v.(sent,sent) 发送 send to 送给某人某物 /send away 开除 /send for 派人去请 11.ask (sb)for sth 征求

3、12.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事( practise/finish/advise+doing sth ) 13. 花费 take ( took,taken ) take sb sometimes to do sth 花费某人多长时间做某事 spend(spent,-) 人 +spend sometime on sth/ ( in ) doing sth 某人花费多长时间做某事 pay(paid,-) 人 +pay+money+for sth 花费某人多少钱做某事 cost(-,-) sth cost sb money 花费某人多少钱做某事 14.a way/ways+to do

4、 sth/of doing sth 做某事的方法 15.enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得愉快 16.doing sth 做主语,谓语用单数 17.remember+to do sth 记得去做某事 forger+to do sth 忘记做某事 remember+doing sth 记得做过某事 forger+doing sth 忘记做过某事 18.the number of +n. 的数量( n. 用单数) a number of+n. 许多( n. 用复数) 19.say hello to sb 向某人问好 20.look up in the diction

5、ary 在字典里查找 21.experience n. 经验(不可数名词);经历(可数名词) 22.around+n.= all over+n. 全 23.before prep./conj. 在之前 表示时间 / 表示方位 / 表示顺序 24.price n. 价格 the price of 的价格 at a +adj. ( low 或 high ) price 以的价格 当 price 做主语时, low 或 high 做表语 25.reckon v.=think 认为 reckon as 把认为成 26.dream of/about +sth 梦见某事 dream of/about +d

6、oing sth 梦想做某事 27.have/has been to 去过了 have/has gone to 去了 28.fly to + 地点 =go to+ 地点 by plane=take a plane to + 地点 乘飞机去某地 29.also/too/either/as well 也 also 用于句子中间, do 前 be 后,第一个助动词后面 too 位于句末,逗号隔开,用于肯定句 either 位于句末,逗号隔开用于否定句 as well 位于句末,用于肯定句 30.a lot=very much 非常 31.more than 多于( =over ) 不仅( no mo

7、re than 仅仅) 32.beside prep. 在旁边 / 与无关 / 除了还有( except 除了没有) 33 Why not+do=why dont you+do 何不? 34.how/what about doing sth 做某事怎么样 35.Its a good idea to do sth 做某事是个好主意 36.you should do 你应该做某事 37.try to do sth 试图做某事 Module 3 - Module 4be up to 忙于 latest adj. 最新的 send sb sth = send sth to sb 给某人某物 It ta

8、kes sb sometime to do sth 花费某人多长时间做某事 discover v. discover+ 句子 eg.Idiscover he was ill. 我发现他病了 discover sb doing sth不定代词做主语,谓语用单数 show v. 展示 show sb sth=show sth to sb 把给某人看show sb around+ 地点 带某人参观某地 show up 出现 on business 出差 bring sth back 带回来 take+ 冠词 + 交通工具名 +to+ 地点 乘坐去某地 millions/thousands/billi

9、ons/hundreds/tens + ofbe done 被动语态 one of + 可数名词复数 之一 have/has done + 一段时间 已经做多久了 to do 做主语谓语用单数 no one 指人不指物,不和 of 连用,谓语用单数 none 指人又指物,可以 of 连用,对 all 的完全否定 alone 单独的 lonely 孤单的 有情感变化 prefer 更喜欢 prefer sth to sth 比起更喜欢 prefer doing sth to doing sth 比起做更喜欢做 prefer to do sth 更喜欢做某事 prefer to do sth ra

10、ther than do sth 宁愿也不 for+ 一段时间 只能与持续性的动词连用或用系表结构代替 leave be away 离开 die be dead 死 marry be married 结婚 come be in 来 raise ( money ) for 为筹集(钱) have/has done +for 一段时间 /since 一段时间 ago/since 时间点 /since 句子(一般过去时) How long 提问一段时间 get on well with 与相处融洽 be the same as 和一样 speak+ 语言 hear from 受到某人来信 数字 +y

11、ear+old 放在名词前做表语 It is adj. for sb to do sth 做某事对某人来说怎么样 stop dong sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停止去做某事 look after=take care of 照顾 with the help of=with ones help 在的帮助下 in the last 在过去的里 通常用于现在完成时 because of+n./doing sth 因为 because+ 句子 因为 write to sb 给某人写信 write back sb 给某人回信Module 5lively adj. 轻松的 , 愉快的

12、 . eg.The music is lively.lovely adj. 可爱的 , 活泼的 . eg.She is a lovely girl.serious adj. 严重的;严肃的 . serious father 严父 noisy adj. 吵闹的 (noise n. noisily adv.) make a noise 制造噪音 eg. The boys make a noise (n.) The boys are noisy (adj.) They are laughly noisily (adv.)in the centre of 在的中心 play+the+ 乐器 演奏乐器

13、play+ 球类运动 elder adj. 年长的 eg.Your elder brother is tall. 你的哥哥很高 .(实际的年纪很大,用 older ;比年纪大 用 elder ) die v. 死( death n. dead adj. ) eg He died.(v.) He was dead.(adj.) We are sad because of his death.(n.)phone sb 给某人打电话 of course=certainly=surely 当然 of ones own 某人自己的 eg.This is a car of my own.it is by

14、被创造(被动语态) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 at the age of + 年龄 在岁时 take sb around+ 地点 带某人周游某地 eg.Tom took us around his school.a sort/kind/type of 的种类 a piece of music 一首乐曲 in addition to 除以外 eg.We have to learn English in addition to maths.In addition 另外 eg.In addition,I bought a book yserday.there be + 主

15、语 +doing ( 主动 ) eg.There is a student reading books. +done (被动) eg.Thers is a girl called Mary.使 make+ 宾语 +adj. eg.The students made the teacher angry. +do sth eg.The teacher made her stand. +n. eg.We made her monitor.not only but also 不仅而且 He can not only speak English but also speak French He is n

16、ot only a teacher but also a writer.( 连接两个并列主语时,谓语和靠近它的主语保持一致 ) Not only the teacher but also the students are in the classroom. Not only the students but also the teacher is in the classroom.21.even,much,a little,a lot 修饰比较级 eg.He is much better than you.22.be famous for 因为而出名 eg.He is famous for h

17、is works.be famous as 作为而著名 eg.He is famous for a writer.23.rest 剩余部分 eg. The rest of water is dirty. Group One clean the window,and the rest clean the floor. 24.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb25.belong to 属于 make sure 确保(通常用于 that 引导的状语从句)Module 6过去进行时 概念:过去的时间正在发生的动作结构: was/were doing否定结构: was/were not

18、doing一般疑问句结构: Was/Were+ 主语 +doing特殊疑问句结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句语序 二、常用语 1.How is it going 最近怎么样?(通常用 Great!Good!Not bad! 回答)2. I see 我明白了 3.let me guess 让我猜猜 4.look at 看 5.strange(adj.) 奇怪的 stranger(n.) 陌生人 6.fall down 跌落 7.lose heart 灰心丧气 8.take out of 把从拿出来 9.How do you like ? =What do you think of ?你觉得怎么样

19、? 10.think of+doing sth=think about+doing sth 想起做某事 11.smile at sb 对某人微笑 12.once or twice 一两次 15.run v. 跑 构成短语 :run away 跑开 run after 追赶 run over 辗过 run out of 用完 , 耗尽 三、单词、短语、例句 1. 单词 解释 区别 例句across (prep.) 穿过 从表面穿过 He walked across the street. 他走过街道。through (prep.) 穿过 从内部穿过 He came into the classr

20、oom through the door.他走进教室。2. 单词/短语 解释 构成句型 例句go on继续 go on doing sth 继续做同一件事 He went on walking.他继续散步。go on to do sth 继续去做另一件事 He finished working and went on to walk.他结束工作,继续去散步continue (v.) 继续 continue doing sth 继续做某事 He continued reading. =He continued to read.他继续读书 continue to do sth 继续做某事 3. 短

21、语 解释 区别 例句in a tree 在树上 外来的物体在树上 A bird was in a tree. 树上有一只鸟。on a tree 在树上 树上本身就有的An apple was on a tree. 树上有一个苹果。 4. 单词 解释 例句pass v. 经过He passed my house. 他走过我的屋子。past prep. 经过 He walked past my house. 他走过我的屋子。cross v. 穿过He crossed the street. 他穿过街道。across prep 穿过 He walked across the street. 他穿过街

22、道。 5.without 没有 prep.without sth/doing sth 没有做某事 eg.I cant do it without your help. 没有你的帮助我没法完成它。 He left without saying goodbye, 他没道别就走了。 6.was/were doing when 某个动作正在进行的时候发生了另一个动作 I was walking when it raining 我正在散步时下雨了。 7. 否定前移: think 等词后跟的否定宾语从句,要把否定词放到 think 前面 eg.I dont think he is ill. 我认为他没病

23、8.see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事 eg.I saw a student talk. 我看到一个学生讲话。 see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 eg.I saw a man reading. 我看见一位男士在读书。Module 7表感觉和知觉的系动词概念:我们把后面接表语的动词称为系动词如 keep、smell、look、taste、sound、feel、be、become、turn等二、常用语 1.have a try 试一试 have a look(at) 看一看2.what s sb like 某人是什么样的人3.what doe s sb like 某人

24、长什么样4.I see what you mean 我知道你的意思了5.What s the matter(with sb)= What s the trouble(with sb)= What s wrong(with sb)= What happens (to sb) 怎么了6.get/be angry with sb 生某人的气7.can t wait to do sth 等不及做某事8.be proud of=take pride in 以而感到自豪9.a bit/little一点点 not a bit/at all一点也不 not a little=very很 10.at first

25、 首先 三、单词、短语、例句1.I m afraid+句子 我恐怕 eg.I m afraid I can t come here.我恐怕不能来了。be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 eg.I m afraid to go out along.我害怕一个人走。be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕(做)某事 eg.He is afraid of the dog.他害怕狗。2.wear (wore,worn) v. 穿着 表示状态,可以用于进行时,后面可以加一切附着在身上的东西put on 穿上 表示动作,后面通常加衣物dress sb 给某人穿衣服 eg.H

26、is mother dressed him.他妈妈给他穿衣服。dress oneself 自己穿衣服 eg.He dressed himself.他自己穿衣服。be dressed in+衣服 穿着 eg.He is dressed in a red coat.他穿着红色大衣。3.both adj.&pron.两者都 eg,Both coats are red.两件大衣都是红的。eg,Both of them are red.它们两个都是红的bothand两者都 eg.Both Sam and Tony do their homework.山姆和托尼都做了作业。否定词 neither 两者都不 eg.Neither of them do their homework.他们都没做作业。4.introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人


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