1、II精诚凝聚7=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼Unit4 Earthquakes八(新人教版必修1)高一年级英语备课组主备人课型验收结果:合格/需完善时 间年 月日分管领导课时第周第课时总第 课时教学目标:1. Let the stude nts lear n the usage of the word“ shake”.2. Enable the students to master the usage of th e pattern“All. . . is not. . . ” and understandsome difficult and long senten ces.
2、重点、难点1. Enable the students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as shake, injure, destroy,shock, rescue, right away, a great nu mber of, give out, etc.2. Get the stude nts to master the usages of the patter ns:“ It seemed that the world was atan end ” and “All hope was no
3、t lost”.教学过程学生活动修改意见TStep 1 Revisio n1. Check the homework exercises.2.Ask some students to make sentences with attributive clauses.TStep 2 Warmi ng upTell the stude nts:As we all know, earthquakes are disasters to every one.But why do earthquakes happe n? Can we avoid or at least reduce the losscau
4、sed by earthquakes? Can we foretell earthquakes? Nowwe will do somelistening and the listeningtextwill tell us the an swers.TStep 3 Liste nin g(o n Page 62 in the Workbook)1. Look through the part Liste ning on Page 62 and guess what the listeningmaterial may be about. Then listen to the tape forthe
5、 first time to see whether their guessing is right or not.(This liste ning material is about the cause of earthquakes and how we canreduce losses from them.)2. Read the following statements and listen to the tape for the second time.Then decide whether they are true or false.1)It is believed that on
6、 the surface of the earth are a number of plates.2)The plates are always moving.3)lf the plates stop moving, there is an earthquake.An swerthequesti ons.Liste ning.listen to the tapethe ndecide whetherthey are true orfalse.II精诚凝聚7=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼4)lf the plates move, there is an earthquake.5
7、)Wherever you live, you are in an earthquake area.6)China has two plates pushing on her and they make mountains andearthquakes.Check the answers and try to correct the statements which are false.3. Listen to the tape again and then answer the questions and complete thefollow ing senten ces.Part 1:1)
8、Why do earthquakes happe n?2)Why do California,China and Japan have alot ofearthquakes?Part 2:1)Do not built .2)Make sure you build.3)You must. buildi ngs will falldow n andones may.A few minu tes later, check the an swers with the whole class.4.Discuss thisquestionin small groups: Why do someearthq
9、uakes kill more people tha n others?5. Readi ng and retelli ngShow the stude nts the liste ning text and let them read it. Then ask them toretell the cause of earthquakes and the ways of reduci ng losses fromearthquakes.LISTENING TEXTWhy do earthquakes happen? Scientistsexplainthat theoutside of the
10、 earth is made of a nu mber of differe nt plates. At San Fran cisco,the Pacific plate which is moving towards the northwest meets the North Americanplate. The Pacific plate is mov ing very slowly at 5. 3 cen timeters a year.Sometimes thesetwo plates stop and do not move for years. Then sudde nly, th
11、ey jump and anearthquake is felt. As a result of the moveme nt of these plates, California hasalways had a lot of earthquakes. When the 1906 earthquake happened, thePacific plate jumped 5-6 meters to the n orth.China also has an uniucky place on the earth. The Pacific plate is also pushing on China
12、from the east as the plate moves west.Likewise, the Indian plate is pushing on China from the southwest as that platemoves no rtheast. The same power that produced the great Himalaya n Mountainsnow causes earthquakes in China.Wecannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things to make sure they do notde
13、stroy whole cities. First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lineswhere two of the earth s platesjoin together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake,An swerthequesti ons andcomplete thefollowi ng sentences.Readi ng andretelli ngListe ning toPage 66.精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照
14、亮人生 .鑼it is better to build houses on rock than on sand. Third, you must make the housesas strong as possible. Weak buildi ngs will fall dow n in an earthquake, but stro ngones may stay up.TStep 4 Liste ning task(o n Page 66 in the Workbook)Turn to Page 66. Look at the pictures and discuss what the
15、might have learned.1. In four let the stude nts discuss what would be the bestway to protect on eself if there was an earthquake.2. Ask one memberof the group to give their ideas to the class.3. Let the class evaluate each group s idea and see if theyagree. If they do, write the idea on the board. C
16、ollect the ideas all the groups havecon tributed.4.Ask the stude nts to choose the three that they think are the most useful ifan earthquake comes.5. Listento the tape for thefirst time and see if the ideason the tape are the same. Discuss why the pla ns on the tape arediffere nt from the ones sugge
17、sted by the class.6. Now make the earthquake plan. Then listen to the tape forthe sec ond time to improve the earthquake pla n.My Earthquake Plan1st thing I must do:I must drop to the floor and cover my head and n eck withmy arms.2nd thing I must do:Make sure I hide un der someth ing like a table to
18、 protectmyself from things falling on top of me.3rd thing I must do:I must hold onto the furn iture so it does n t move awayfrom me duri ng the earthquake.7. Liste n to the tape a third time and the n write dow n any other advice thatyou think is useful.My Earthquake AdviceIf you are outside, you sh
19、ould keep away from power lin es, trees, sig ns,cars and buildi ngs.If you are in the living room, you should make sure that the bookcases arefaste ned to the wall and the TV set is tied to a table so that they can t move.If you are in the house alone, you should ring a family friend to tell themwhe
20、re you are and collect your pers onal earthquake bag.8. Read the listening text and make it more clear what to do duri ng anearthquake.TStep 5 Liste ning(on Page 31 in Using Ian guage)1. Tell the stude nts: We are going to liste n to a story toldby a man who was a survivor of the great San Fran cisc
21、o earthquake of 1906.2. Go through the sentences in Exercise 2, then listento theListen to thetapeListe ning onPage 31.精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼tape for the first time, and try to tell whether the statements are true or false.The teacher plays the tape for the stude nts to liste n and finish
22、the task.After liste ning, the teacher checksthe an swerswith the class.3. Go through the questions in Exercise 3, then listen to the tape for thesecond time and answer the questions.After listening,the teacher asks some students to answer thequesti ons and checks the an swers with the whole class.4
23、. Tell the students:While listeningto the tape, you shouldnot only pay attentionto the contents, but also the pronunciationand intonation.The sentences in Exercise 4 show us the sequenee.I will play the tape again, and you should pay attention to liaison and in completeexplosi on in these senten ces
24、. The n practice readi ng them aloud.5. Readi ng and retelli ngShow the stude nts the liste ning text and let them read it. Then ask them toretell it.LISTENING TEXTI awoke as I was thrown from my bed. When I tried to walk, the floor shookso that I fell. I grabbed my clothing and hurried dow nstairs.
25、 Sudde nly the lightswent out, and every one rushed for the door. Outside I saw things I n ever want tosee aga in .It was daytime. The air was filled with falling rocks. People around mewere gettingburied under buildings that were crashing down. Otherhuge buildi ngs were shak ing. Every mome nt ther
26、e were terrible soun ds. Iasked a man sta nding next to me what happe ned. Before he could answer,hundreds of bricks fell on him and he was killed. All around me were great fires.As I ran people everywhere were crying and call ing for help. I thought the end ofthe world had come! Then 1 met a man wh
27、o knew the way to a boat, and we ranin itsdirection.Men, women and childrenwere tryingto digthemselves out of the ruins. Thousa nds of people, crazy with worry, wererunning dow n the street and every minute some one was hit by falling bricks. Insome places, the streets had cracked and ope ned. Huge holes were all aroundme. I saw many frighte ned cows rush up Market Street and drop into a greatcrack in the earth. How I reached the boat I cannot say. Some people eve n torethe clothes from the backs of others as they tried to get int
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