



1、Character of a society, so complicated as it is, has always been a heatedtopic among social science scientists, the study of which involves people,customs, environment and various other aspects, physically and psychologically.Concerning this, the author suggests that to understand the feature and va

2、luesof a society, it is best to examine the character of the men and women that thesociety worships, which, in my eye, gets the point in some sense despite that itignores other measures effective in studying a society.To better present myviewpoint let me illustrate it in details.To begin with, admit

3、tedly, since character of heroes or heroines, whetherfactual or imaginary, reflect, at least from a specific visual angle, mainstreamvalues and moralities that a society and its member worship, the author'sassertion gets the point in this sense. Rev. MartinLuther King, leader of thecrusade fight

4、ing for equal right and against racial discrimination andsegregations, is admired by the majority of American people, even scores ofyears after he delivered the renowned speech-"I have a dream"-that inspiredand encouraged thousands of black people to strive for equal rights. Thisprecisely

5、mirrors one thing that all Americans ardently pursue and advocate:democracy-thatis, all men are created as equal,regardless ofrace,nationality, and origin. Without efforts of Martin Luther King, blacks maystill be separated to the back of buses and inflict what forcefully impose onthem. Similarly, i

6、n the fight against gender bias, two heroines, Susan Stantonand Elizabeth B. Thorn,have been forever remembered and memorized for theircontribution in paving the way for womenrights, which, again, reflects that theAmerican society is one that worships equal rights for women and men.While the foregoi

7、ng example involves heroes and heroines in social science,people,devoted themselves to natural science andhumanity areas, that areadmired by general populace can also aptly illustratethe credibility of theauthor's assertion. A society whose members worshipGalileo, one who bravely andperseveringl

8、y overthrew Ptolemy and Aristotlealtogether with evidence collectedby turning his own-made telescope to the universe, isvery likely to be oneemphasizing truth and righteousness, and less likely to compromise when confrontpower and authority; similarly, a society whose member admire Ludwig vanBeethov

9、en, the German musician whose status is unparalleled and who composed themost famous Pathetique and Moonlight, masterpieces that have strike a cord withnumerous audience, is probably one stressing artistic appreciation and thepursuit of what is eternal and universal-beauty. In short, heroes and hero

10、inesa society respect may be a mirror for the mainstream ideology and practices.Nevertheless, by broadening this assertion to the extent that heroes andheroines are the best source of studying the character of a society, the authordraws too hastily a conclusion, with other ways such as studying hist

11、ory,politics, legal systems, education, etc, also available. As we all know, the USis most characterized by its diversity of nationality, including Indians asnative citizens, Spanish-Americans, Latin-Americans, Black-Americans, andAsians. However, to get a full understanding of this phenomenon, one

12、can onlyturn to the American history, studying of which affords the answer that the Warof Independence, the westward movement as well as the gold rush all contributeto this hodge-podge of nationality. Furthermore, studying of school curriculumsof a society also tells us something about the contempor

13、ary and probably futurecharacters of a society, due to the indisputable fact that children are thefuture and hope of a society. For example, that curriculums of Americanelementary and middle school are filled with courses nurturing creative thinkingas well as innovative ideas and reject courses requiring pure memorization aptlyshow the significance of creation and innovation inAmerican Society.In summary, from all the discussions above, we can safely dr


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