



1、31 词形转换当堂达标题1.Would you mind mak ing a little less_? They are havi ng a meet ing at themome nt. (no isy)2.The Smiths live on the_ floor of the buildi ng. (nine)3.All the great_are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent)4.My pet is a_cat. She is very lovely. (male)5.Ill do my homework more_ next time. (c

2、are)6.When you study a foreign Ianguage, its important to make a good_.(begi n)7.Every one knows such kind of books is_ to childre n. They should ntbe sold at any bookstore. (harm)8.In the past puni shme nt(惩罚)was decided by the uni versity.The stude nt hadno_ but to accept it. (choose)9.Our teacher

3、 told us the _story I had ever heard at yesterdays classmeeti ng. (sad)10.The_ Less on is very difficult but very importa nt. You must lear n itby heart.(twelve)11.They looked very_ in the idea. (interest)12.After they got on the bus, they found two_. (sit)13.Help_ to the fish, everyone. (you)14.Wha

4、twehave had is just part of the truth. Weshould try to get_ informationabout it. (far)15.A_ sight stopped them fr , om going forward. (frighten)16.He seemed very_. He got a D in the English test. (happy)17.Before you start this work, you should try to realize its _. (important)18.March 8 is_ Day. (w

5、oman)19.This book belongs to you. Where is_ ? (me)20.The visitors are_ students. (main)21.Do you know about the_of the book? (write)22.Can you show me your_of coins? (collect)23.To my_ , I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised)24.In this new housing esta te there stand a lot of high and mag

6、nificent _(build)25.In winter, most of the rivers and lakes are_. It becomes a world of2ice. (freeze)Then he slowly walked_the house. (pass)Do you know who is the_ of the En glish con test? (win)Peter is very _ . Im sure he will cometo take care of your baby when hesasked to. (help)The Yan gtze Rive

7、r is the_Ion gest river in the world. (three)_to meet all of you here. (please)Now more and more gar de ns are being built in our_. (n eighbour)Its very important for us to learn English_. (good)Both our teacher and my mother are satisfied with my_ . (ho nest)Oliver Twist ate the cake_ . (hun gry)Of

8、 all the boys, Li Mi ng studies_ . (hard)We are all pleased to hear that the_ wentonverywell.(_ operate)The childrenin this kindergartenhave been trained to take care of _though they are only six years old. (they)Could you tell me who will give us a_ on childrens education?(speak)These moder n mach

9、ines work. (automatic)This carto on film is_tha n th.e one I saw last Saturday. (fun)Will you please tell me how much the_ is? (post)The twin sisters used to be_ in Hollywood. (act)Actions speak more_tha n words. (loud)I am_ about my schoolwork because I have nt worked hard this term. (worry)Your pe

10、t dog is so_that all of us li ke to play with. it. (love)It has bee n snowing_ for a whole day. (heavy)We have bee n told the_ of the case. (true)Have you made your_ yet? (decide)People from Ital y are called_ . (Italy)I_ where he comes from. (won derful)

11、参考答案:1.noise 2.ninth 3.inventors 4.female 5.carefully 6.beginning 7. harmful8.choice9. saddest10.twelfth11. in terested12.seats13. yourself14.fur ther15.frighte ning16.unhappy17.i mportanee18.Women s19.mi ne20.mai nly21.writer22.collectio n23.surprise24.buildi ng25.froze n26.past27.w inner28.helpful29. third30.Pleased31. neightborhood32. well33.h on esty34.hu ngrily35. hard


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