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1、Unit5 Signs(第一课时)1、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means . Nolittering/parking/smoking/ You can /caH t-.2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take - into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smelL3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor1、 句型: What does it mean? It means。; No littering/parki

2、ng/smoking/ 2、词汇:litter, restaurant, smoke, careful的读音。Step 1 Warming upGuessing gameT: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you like watching TV at weekends? Canyou guess what does Miss Liu like doing at weekends?PPT: She likes reading books, doing housework and going shopping.T: Who was right? Please

3、hands up.2、Buying thingsT: I like going shopping at weekends. If I want to buy some beautiful dresses and skirts, I can go to the shop. If I want to buy some food, I can go to the supermarket. I like going window shopping at the shopping centre. If I want to buy some books, I can go to the bookshop.

4、 I can buy some fresh fruit at the fruit shop. I like eating bread very much. So I often go to the bakeshop. If I want to have a big lunch with my family, we can go to the restaurant.PPT依次出现图片: shop, supermarket, shopping centre bookshop, fruit shop, bakeshop, restaurantT-S: shopping centre, booksho

5、p渗透单词 fruit shop, bakeshop restaurant) SignsT: When I go shopping, I always see these things. (PPT现公共标志图片)。T: They are signs. There are many signs. They mean different things. They can tell u what can we do and what we can ' t do.T-S: Unit 5 Signs.2、Look and say(PPT出示故事图片1)T: Who are they?Ss: Th

6、ey are Mike, Helen and Tim.3、 Listen and answer:T: Where are they? Please listen to the tape, then answer my question.Ss: They are in theT-S: juice shop, restaurant5、Look and answerT: What does it mean? (PPT出示标志 “ Wet floor”)S快速在书中找出句子It means the floor is wet.TS: It means 'Wet floor ' . It

7、means the floor is wet.采用此法依次教学:What does it mean?It means ' No littering ,/'No eating or drinking ' /It means you can ' t litter / eat or drink / smoke here.6、Listen and repeatT: Now let ' s listen to the tape, repeat the sentences.幸Unit5 Signs(第二课时)幸 当1加1 .能听T重、会说、会读、会与句型与日常交际用

8、语:What does it mean? It means. No littering/parking/smoking/ You can /caH t-.2 .能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor3 .掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即No+doing(动名词)结构幸 当 1 为掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即No+doing(动名词)结构教学过程Stepl. Warm upListen and pointT: You can find the sign in the park. It

9、 means you can' t litter here.T: You can find the sign in the shopping centre. It means the floor is wet依次复习Story time里提到的标识。Step2 PresentationT: You can see the sign in the street. It means you canStep3 Revisionthe pictures .Look and answer.1)Where are they?2) What shop do they see first?3) Doe

10、s Helen want to take her juice into the bookshop?4) What are they eating in the restaurant?5) Who is smoking in the restaurant?学生活动一完成表格(检查学生对词汇,句型的掌握)PlaceSignNameIt means-shopping centreWet litteringWe litterNo or_We can t restaurantNo't park yourar here.Step4 Grammar time's play a game Su

11、per bomb快速闪现公共标识的图片2.讨论本课出现的语法现象。Step 5 Fun time讲解规则,示范游戏Unit5 Signs (第三课时)考 当节1、能正确读出字母组合ir发音,并能够体会小诗的韵律。2、能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教 师的指导卜表演故事。3、了解美国和英国的地铁名称考 当1 %1 .能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的幽默之处,能在教师指导卜表演 故事。2 .能了解/、同国家的文化差异。教学过程Stepl: Review the text1 Who can retell the stor

12、y?2复习句型What does it mean?It means .No littering/parking/smoking/You can /can ' t .Step 2: Look and say (Sound time)1 Look at the picture. What can you see? What did they say?2 Try to listen and read it.3 Can you find some other words? thirteen thirsty first 等等Step 3: Look and match(Culture time)

13、1 Look, What' s this? metroIn the UK, people call the metro" underground ”In the US, people call the metro“subway”2 Read them.3 . Try to find some other differenceStep 4 Look and say.(Cartoon time)1 .导入故事Look at the picture. Where are they? What are they doing?谈论,适时教授词汇outing.the cartoon th

14、en answer the questions1) What time is it now?2) What does Bobby have for lunch?3) Does Bobby have a good time?3 .读故事,体会幽默回答二个问题后,接着追问学生 Why didn t Bobby have a good time?然后带领 学生读故事,重点放在第三、四段上,适时教授词汇walk on和around.What does the sign on the tree mean? Why can' t they eat bananas there?帮助学生体会故事的幽默

15、之处4 .跟读模仿Step 5:Ticking time教学反思幸 当Unit5 Signs(第四课时)幸 当 1 加1 .按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。2 .理解No+doing(动名词)结构,掌握单词的正确读首并能正确运用。3 .能够在表演和复述故事的过程中体会谛言的运用。4 .掌握字母组合“ ir”的发音规则。幸 当 1 为加强谛言输出的训练,促进综合谛言运用能力的提升Step 1 Revision and warm up1 BrainstormAsk the Ss to have a brainstorm to say out signs as more as possible

16、.Step 2 Presentation and practise1 Work in pairsA: What does this sign mean?B: It means.A: Where can we put it?B: We can put it at/in/on.2. Ask several pairs to make their own dialogues.And teach the new word "metro" timeListen and read听录音填词引出该板块的句子。T: Where was Shirly yesterday?(They are

17、talking about signs.)4. Magic eyes5. Clever earsStep 3: Show time英语标志征集大赛为了让我们的校园更美丽,更温馨,特举办英语标志征集大赛,请您为校园一最具创意角(教室,走廊,图书馆,操场,花坛等)设计英语标志。比赛分设 奖”和最佳口才奖”Step 4: Ticking timeUnit5 Signs(第五课时)教学目标教学重难点1 .能灵活运用所学公共标识并进行相关提问。2 .复习并巩固本单元所学的单词与句型。3 .完成补充习题Unit5。1 .能正确完成完成checkout time练习。2 .能对照Ticking time的三

18、个目标进行客观的自我评价Stepl Review1 .复习 Cartoon time2 .复习学过的标识T: Here' s a public sig(出示 Cartoon time 出现的标识)Now try to say other public signs.Ss:让学生说一说已知的公共标识。It means 3 .归纳公共标识句型结构(课件出示已学过的标识)Step2 PresentationCheckout time1. Listen and chooseT: Well. Here are some public signs for you.(标识分为红色和蓝色两种不同的颜 色

19、)What' s the difference betwen them?S: The red signs mean we can ' t do it.The blue signs mean we can do it.T: Great. Let ' s listen and choose the right signs.2. Draw and say a.T:教读蓝色公共标识的同时板书这两个标识图片。Here are two new signs. Look at this sign. What does it mean?(Parking.)S: It means we c

20、an park our car here.T: Where can we put it? (Where can we see the sign?)S: We can put it in the street/hospital/supermarket/park/zooT: What about this sign? What does it mean?S: It means we can eat or drink here.T: Where can we put it?S: We can put it in the street/at the airport板书 Draw and say 中的句型:What does this sign mean? It meansWhere can we put it?We can put it in/at b. T: This time design signs for some public places by yo


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