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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。中考口语情景对话训练(1) Class_Name_1. 史密斯先生离开伦敦三个月了,他将于一周后返回。How long has Mr Smith been away from London? He has been away for three months.When will he be back? Hell be back in a week.2. 王先生喜欢集邮,自2000年以来,他已收集了3,000多枚邮票。What does Mr Wang like doing? He likes collecting stamps.How many

2、stamps has he collected? He has collected more than 3,000 stamps since 2000.3. 今天早上Mary上学迟到了二十分钟,因为她的自行车在路上坏了。How long was Mary late for school this morning? She was late for 20 minutes.Why was she late for school? Because her bike broke down on the way to school.4. 我父亲是老师,他教书20年了。What does your fat

3、her do?/Whats your father? He is a teacher.How long has he been a teacher? He has been a teacher for 20 years.5. 山姆大叔下周一回纽约,航班号是UA 306。When will Uncle Sam go back to New York? Hell go back next Monday.How will he go back? He will take the plane. His flight number is UA 306.6. 我今天必须完成家庭作业,明天将要去北京旅游。W

4、hen shall I finish my homework? You should finish it today.What for? Because youll go to Beijing for a trip tomorrow.7. 我在学校门口等Lucy,我们要一块儿去放风筝。What are you doing here at the school gate? Im waiting for Lucy.What are you going to do together? We are going to fly a kite.8. 李雷的妈妈每天早上7点开车送他上学。When does

5、Li Lei go to school every day? He goes to school at seven.How does Li Lei go to school every day? His mother drives him to school.9. 你和迈克上周六晚上一起去红星电影院看电影,票价25元。What did you do last Saturday?I went to see a film with Mike at Red Star Cinema.Whats the price of it?Its 25 yuan each.10.史密斯全家计划去海南度假,由于交通堵

6、塞,他们错过了飞机。Where did the Smiths plan to have a holiday?They planned to have a holiday in Hainan.Have they got there?Not yet, they missed the plane because of the heavy traffic. 11. 露希下周六将去伦敦出席一个国际会议。Where is Lucy going next Saturday? She is going to London. What is she going there for?She is going to

7、 have an international meeting there.12. Black认为这部电影很有趣,他已经看过三遍了。 What does Mr Black think of this film?He thinks its very interesting.How many times has he seen it?He has seen it three times.13. Lily自从六年前开始学英语,就一直觉得英语有趣。 When did Lily begin to learn English?She began to learn English six years ago.

8、 Why did she learn English?Because she thinks its very interesting.14. 他正在阅览室复习迎考。Where has he gone?He has gone to the reading room.What is he doing there?He is revising for the coming exam.15. 这个寒假,史密斯一家人打算去哈尔滨滑雪。Where do the Smiths plan to spend the winter holiday?They plan to go to Harbin.What ar

9、e they going to do there?They are going ice-skating.16. 昨晚,由于大雨发生了一起车祸。When did the traffic accident take place? Last night.Do you know the cause of the accident?The heavy rain caused the accident17. 我表哥加入英语俱乐部差不多三年了,现在他的英语说得不错。How long has your cousin been in the English Club?For nearly three years

10、.How is his spoken English now?He speaks English well.18. 上周五约有两百个人出席了Johnson先生的生日晚会。When was Mr Johnsons birthday held?Last Friday.How many people attended the party?About two hundred. 19. 目前他们正忙于那个工程,工程将于六个月后完成。What are they working on at present?They are working on the project.How soon will it fi

11、nish?It will finish in six months.20. 我最好的朋友汤姆擅长打篮球,他长大后想周游世界。What is your best friend Tom good at?He is good at playing basketball.What does he want to do when he grows up?He wants to travel around the world.21. 俱乐部每个星期举办一次篮球比赛,票价是10元。How often does the club hold the basketball match?It is held eve

12、ry week.How much is the ticket? Ten yuan for each. 22.迈克迷恋足球,放学后经常花1小时左右的时间踢足球。 What is Mike crazy about?He is crazy about football.How long does it take him to play football every day? It takes him one hour to play football after school. 23. 你推荐了海伦为俱乐部的负责人,她总是积极参加俱乐部活动。Who did you recommend as the

13、chairperson of the club?Hellen.Why did you recommend her?Because she always takes an active part in the club activities.24.上周的时装表演,约翰看起来像个绅士,他的衣服来自20世纪90年代。What did John look like in the last weeks fashion show? He looked like a gentleman.What were his clothes from?His clothes were from the 1990s.25

14、. 每周两次,汤姆帮助奶奶打扫房子。What does Tom help Grandma with?He often helps Grandma to clean up the house. How often does Tom help? Twice a week.26. 昨天米莉买了一条漂亮的连衣裙,给妈妈作为生日礼物。What did Millie buy yesterday?She bought a pretty dress.What did she buy it for?She bought it as her mothers birthday present.27. 你们将乘长途汽

15、车去湿地公园,车程约为一个半小时。How will you go to the Wetland Park?By coach.How long will it take you to get there?About one hour and a half/one and a half hours by coach.28. 昨天汤姆牙疼,医生叫他每天服三次药。Why did Tom go to the doctors yesterday? He had a toothache.What did the doctor advise him to do?The doctor asked him to

16、take the medicine three times a day. 29. 十月一日是我生日,妈妈将给我买一双新运动鞋。When is your birthday? My birthday is on October 1.What present will your mother give you? She will buy me a new pair of sports shoes.30. 我今天早上遇到了凯特,我自从一月份以来就没有见过她。 Who did you meet this morning? I met Kate. How long havent you seen her?

17、 I havent seen her since January. 31. 在我们学校四楼有个图书馆,藏书约5000册。Where is the library in your school?It is on the fourth floor.How many books are there in it? There are about 5000 books.32. 通常我父母5点左右下班回家,我常和他们一起在家里吃晚饭。When do your parents usually come home from work?At about 5 oclock.Where do you often h

18、ave dinner?At home.33. 昨天我和父母去了动物园,在那里逗留了约4个小时。Where did you and your parents go?We went to the zoo.How long did you stay there?We stayed there for about 4 hours.34. 我父母和我空余时间喜欢野营,我们每个月进行一次野营。What do you and your parents often do in your spare time?We like going camping.How often do you go camping?O

19、nce a month.35. Smith先生去年4月搬到这里,到目前为止他在无锡交了10多个朋友了。When did Mr Smith move to Wuxi?Last April.How many friends has he made since then?More than 10 friends.36. 每周六,汤姆去帮奶奶打扫房子。What does Tom do to help his grandmother? He helped his grandmother clearn the house.How often does Tom help his grandmother? E

20、very Saturday.37. 昨天下午,他们在操场打篮球。Where were they yesterday afternoon? They were on the playground.What did they do yesterday afternoon? They played basketball.38. 他每天花10分钟步行去学校。How does he go to school every day? On foot.How long does it take him to go to school? Ten minutes.39. 布莱克太太经常帮组我们学习英语。Who o

21、ften helps you? Mrs. Black.What does she often help you with? She often helps us with English.40. 他们经常和一班的学生在游泳池里游泳。Who do they often swim with? They often swim with the students in Class 1.Where do they often swim? They often swim in the swimming pool. 41. 这个暑假,海伦将和父母去北京玩。When will Helen visit Beij

22、ing? This summer holiday.Who will Helen go to Beijing with? She will go to Beijing with her parents.42. 图书馆的这本书我们可以借三个月。Where is the book from? It is from the library.How long can we keep the book? We can keep it for three months. 43. 每天早晨,一群群老年人在公园进行晨练。Where do groups of old people do morning exerc

23、ises? In the park.How often do groups of old people do morning exercises? Every morning.44. 上周五汤姆病了,因此他没有去上学。Why didnt Tom go to school? Because he was ill.When didnt Tom go to school? Last Friday. 45. 自从李梅加入篮球俱乐部已经三年了。 What club is Li Mei in? She is in the Basketball Club.How long has Li shen in th

24、e Basketball Club? She has been in the Basketball Club for three years.46. 一下雪天,王先生开车撞到了树上,他被困在了车里。What was the weather like? It was snowy.What happened to Mr Wang? His car crashed into the tree and he was trapped in the car.47. 我昨晚太累了以至于没完成作业就睡了。 Did you finish your homework last night? No, I didnt

25、.Why didnt you finish your homework last night? Because I was so tired that I went to bed without finishing my homework.48. 汤姆喜欢游泳,每个月在游泳池游泳两次。What does Tom like? He likes swimming.How often does he go swimming in the swimming pool? Twice a month.49. 下星期天,我将乘飞机去上海参加姐姐的婚礼。What will you do next Sunday

26、? I will go to Shanghai to take part in my sisters wedding.How will you go there?By plane.50. 奥运会每隔四年举办一次,今年第三十届奥运会将在英国伦敦召开。How often are the Olympic Games held? Once four years.When and where will the thirtieth Olympic Games be held? In London, England this year.51. 我想买一双鞋,穿6码的。Can I help you? I wa

27、nt to buy a pair of shoes.What size do you want? Size 6.52. 你将与汤姆一起去观看篮球决赛。票价30元。 What will you do? I will go to watch the basketball final with Tom.How much do the tickets cost?They are thirty yuan each.53. 我的电脑出故障了,我明天会请人修一下。 Whats wrong with your computer? It has gone wrong.How can I deal with it

28、? I will have it repaired tomorrow.54. 你喜欢看电影,每个月去看一次电影。 Whats your hobby?I like watching films. How often do you go to the cinema?Once a week.55. 我家离学校大约五公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。How far is your home from the school? Its about five kilometres from the school. How do you usually go to school? By bus.56. 我

29、们国家最重要的传统节日是春节,那时我们会走亲访友。 What is the most important traditional festival in your country?Its Spring Festival. What do you do on Spring Festival? We usually visit our friends and relatives.57. 我姓布朗,我的电话号码是80047562。 Whats your family name?My family name is Brown. Whats your telephone number?My teleph

30、one number is 80047562.58. 我一般早上六点起床,早饭吃面包、喝牛奶。 When do you usually get up in the morning?I usually get up at 6 in the morning. What do you have for breakfast?I have bread and milk for breakfast.59. 美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。Whats the capital of the USA?It is Washington DC.Whats the biggest city in America

31、?Its New York.60. 今天是9月9日,明天是教师节。 What day is it today? Its September 9th. What day will it be tomorrow?It will be TeachersDay tomorrow. 61. 去医院应该沿着街走,在第一个拐角处往左转。从这里大约要走10分钟。 Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital? Go along the street, and take the first turning on the left. How far is it from her

32、e?Its about ten minuteswalk from here.62. 现在我的手表显示时间是10点30分,火车10点45分开。 Whats the time now? Its half past ten by my watch. When will the train leave?The train will leave at a quarter to eleven. 63. 大熊猫是黑白相间的,它们出生时只有约600克重。What colour are the giant pandas? Theyre black and white.How do they weigh when

33、 they are born? They weigh 600 grams.64. 我的梦想是成为一名芭蕾舞演员,我通过观看录像来学跳舞。Whats your dream? My dream is to be a ballet dancer.How do you learn to dance? I learn it by watching videos.65. 上星期天六中学生在大剧场举行一场近两个半小时的慈善义演。When and where did No. 6 Middle School hold the charity show? Last Saturday in the theater.

34、How long did it last? It lasted for two and a half hours.66. 昨天杰克出了车祸受了重伤,他将住院两个月。What happened to Jack yesterday? He had a traffic accident and was hurt badly.How long will he stay in hospital? For 2 months. 67. 格林先生上周买了个机器人。他期望他的机器人可以至少持续使用二年。What did Mr. Green buy last week? He bought a robot.How

35、 long does he expect it to last? He expects to last at least 2 years.68. 任何需要力量的人应该穿红色因为红色代表力量What colour does anyone in need of energy need to wear? He needs to wear red.Why does he wear red? Because red represents strength. 中考口语情景对话训练(2) Class_Name_69. 昨天米莉给妈妈买了一件漂亮的连衣裙作为生日礼物。What did Millie buy f

36、or her mother yesterday? She bought a nice dress for her mother yesterday.Why did Millie buy the present for her mother? Because yesterday was her birthday.70. 今天上午你在街上遇见大卫,你自从三月份以来就没见过他。When did you meet David? I met David this morning.How long havent you seen David? Since March.71. 你认为这项工作是容易的有趣的。

37、你将在半小时内完成。What do you think of the work? It is easy and interesting.How soon will you finish the work? Ill finish the work in half an hour.72. 第三十届奥运会将于2012年在伦敦举行。When will the 30th Olympic games be held? In 2012Where will the 30th Olympic games be held? In London.73.一名灾区的学生芳芳将来你们班。她将来你班学习一年。Who wil

38、l come to your class? Fangfang from the disaster area.How long will she stay with you? Shell stay with us for a year.74. 上周六下午,你班同学去上海旅游。由于糟糕的天气,许多学生生病了。When did you take a trip to Shanghai? Last Saturday afternoon.Why were many students ill on the way? Many students were ill because of the bad weat

39、her.75. 你将与汤姆一起去观看篮球决赛。票价10元。What will you go to watch with Tom? Ill go to watch the basketball final match with Tom.How much is the ticket? 10 yuan. 76. 你们乘长途汽车去世界公园的旅行花费了大约两小时。How did you go to the World Park? We went to the World Park by coach.How long did it take you to go to the World Park? It

40、took us about 2 hours to go to the World Park.77. 当你看到白宫模型时,你变得很激动。它是由石头制成的。How did you feel when you see the model White House? I felt very excited.What is it made of? It is made of stones.78. 最近由于天气糟糕,你们班级很多同学生病了。What happened to your classmates at present? Many of my classmates get ill.Why did th

41、ey get ill? Because of the bad weather.79. 格林夫人来无锡已经两年了。她将于下周返回法国。 How long has Mrs Green been in Wuxi? She has been in Wuxi for two years. When will she go back to France? She will go back to France next week. 80. 圣诞节是西方最重要的节日,在那时人们通常聚在一起吃大餐。 Which is the most important festival in Western countrie

42、s? Its Christmas Day What do people usually do on that day? They usually have a big meal together. 81. Jim经常和外国人交流,他每周去公园练习两次英语口语。 What does Jim often do? He often communicates with foreigners. Why does he go to the park twice a week? He practices spoken English there. 82. 我的老师告诉我晚上不要熬夜,以保证有足够的睡眠。 W

43、hat does your teacher tell you? She tells me not to stay up late. Why cant you stay up late? So that I can have enough sleep.83. 我最喜欢侦探小说,一般在星期天看。 What kind of novels do you like? I like detective novels. When do you read them? I usually read them on Sundays 84. 我们近来压力很大。经常熬夜来完成作业。 Whats the matter

44、with you these days? We feel stressed very much. Why do you feel stressed? Because I have to stay up to finish my homework. 85. 今天上午你在街上遇到艾米,你自从去年四月份以来就没有见到过她。Who did you meet in the stress this morning? I met Amy.How long havent you seen her? Since last April.86. 那个女演员每天喝8杯水以保持苗条。 How many glasses

45、of water does the actress drink? 8 Why does she drink so much water ? Because she wants to keep slim.87. 那位作家写了一本有关青少年的书,那本书很畅销。What kind of book did the writer write? He wrote a book about teenagers.How is the book? It sells well .88. 由于暴风雪,他们决定不开车,改为步行前往。 What did they decide? They decided to walk

46、ing there instead of driving there. Why did they make the decision? Because of the snowstorm.89. 我的机器人既聪明又幽默,我只需为它每月换一次电池。How is your robot? He is bright and humorous.What do you need to do for it? I need to change its batteries every month.90. 那张照片中穿红毛衣的就是我妈妈,照片是在阳光公园拍的。Who is the woman in red swea

47、ter in the photo? She is my mum.Where was the photo taken? It was taken in Sunshine Park. 91. 轮到我打扫教室了,我先擦黑板,然后拖地。 Whose turn is it to clean the classroom? Its my turn .What did you do then? I cleaned the blackboard and swept the floor./92. 上星期你去图书馆,借了3本书。 - When did you go to the library? - Last we

48、ek. - What did you borrow from it? - I borrowed three books. 93. 你昨天观看了电影。票价是30元。 - What did you watch yesterday? - I watched a film. - What's the price for the ticket? - Its 30. 94.Tom喜欢旅行,下个月将飞去新加坡游玩。 - What does Tom like? - He likes travelling. - Where will he go next month? - He will fly to

49、Singapore. 95. Lucy每天乘公车上班,需要40分钟。 - How does Lucy go to work? - He takes a bus to work. - How long does it take her to go to work? - It takes 40 minutes.96. 上周日他在超市给我买一只书包,花了80元 。 - What did he buy in the supermarket last Sunday? - He bought a schoolbag for me. - How much did it cost her? - It cost

50、 her 80 yuan.97. 他喜欢跳舞,每周跳两次。 - What is he fond of? - He is fond of dancing. - How often does he dance? - He dances twice a week. 98. 昨天他没赶上早班车,因为起床晚了。 - When did he miss the early bus? - Yesterday he missed the early bus. - Why did he miss the early bus? - Because he got up late.99. 每年三月,六班的学生都去公园种

51、树。 - When do the Students in Class 6 go to the park? - Every March. - What do they do there? - They plant trees there. 100. 这台电脑染上病毒有三天了。 Whats happened to the computer? - It has caught a virus. How long has it had a virus? - It has had a virus for three days.101. 前天,李先生在网上给他妈妈买了一件大衣,她很喜欢。 - What di

52、d Mr Li buy for his mother yesterday? - He bought a coat. - Where did he buy it?- On the Internet.102. 张老师每天花一个小时教我弹吉他。 - What does Mr Zhang teach me? - He teaches me to play the piano. - How Long does Mr Zhang spend? - He spends one hour a day.103. 今年暑假米莉将去海南看她外婆。 - Where will Millie go this summer holiday? - Shell go to Hainan. - What will s


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