



1、En glish lexicology英语词汇学Chapterl basic con cepts of words and vocabularyClassificati on of wordsChapter2 the developme nt of the en glish vocabularyModes of vocabulary developme nt 1150Chapter 3 word formati onMorphemes , allomorphsChapter 4 word formati on21. Affixation, prefixation suffixation ,2.

2、 Compounding (characteristics formation )3. Conversion , blending , clipping , acronymy4. Initialisms , acronyms5. Back-formation , words from proper namesChapter5 word meaning1. The meanings of meaning2. Referenee ,concept ,sense3. Motivation(onomatopoeic,morphological ,semantic , etymological)4. T

3、ypes of meaning Chapter 6 sense relati ons and sema ntic fieldPolysemy , homonymy , synonymy , antonymyChapter 7 cha nges in word mea ningExtension , narrowing , elevation , degradationChapter 8 meaning and con text1. Types of con text (extra-l in guistic, lin guistic)2. Role of con texta. eliminati

4、on of ambiguityb.in dicati on of refere neec.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaningChapter9 en glish idioms1. Classificatio n of idioms (no mi nal , adjectival , verbal , adverbial )2. sentence and useChapter 10 en glish Dictio nariesTypes of dicti onary , three good Dicti onarya. Lon gma n d

5、icti onary of con temporaryb. Colli ns COBUILD en glish Dictio naryc.A Chinese-english DictionaryUnit 1Methods of study ,there are gen erally two approaches to the study ofwords ,n amely synchronic and diachr onicAims and sig ni fica nee of the courseLan guage study invo Ives the study of speech sou

6、nds ,grammar andvocabulary .vocabulary has proved particularly importa nt and certai nly themost difficult .Willkins asserts ithout grammar very little can be conveyedwithout vocabulary nothing can be conveyed A good kno wledge ofmorphological structure of en glish words and rules of word-formati on

7、 willhelp lear ners develope their pers onal vocabulary and con sciously increase their word power.VocabularyAll the words in a Ian guage make up its vocabulary .The term vocabulary is used in differe nt sen ses1. It can refers to the total number of the words in a Ianguage2. It can stands for all t

8、he words used in a particular historical period3. Also used to all the words of a given dialectClassificati on of wordsWords may fall into the basic word stock and non basic vocabulary by usefreque ncy ,in to content words and fun cti on words by no tio n ,and into native words and borrowed words by

9、 origi nBasic word stock have characteristics1. All national character2. Stability3. Productivity4. Polysemy5. Collocability6 Neutral in style7 Freque nt in useWords void (lack)of the stated characters ,do not bel ong to the com moncore of the Ian guage ,they in clude the follow ing:Termino logy 术语,

10、专有名词Jarg onSla ng 俚语,黑话ArgotDialectal wordsArchaismsNeologismsContent words(二no ti onal words) and fun cti on words (=empty words)Native words and borrowed wordsApart from the characteristics men ti oned of the basic word stock ,incon trast to borrowed words ,n ative words have two other features Ne

11、utralin styleFreque nt in useBorrow ing words : words take n over from foreig n Ian guages areknown as borrowed words and loa n words or borrow ings in simple termsLoa n words un der four classesDenizens 同化词Alie ns异化词Tran slati on-loa ns 译借词Sema ntic-loa ns 借意词The In do-Europea n Ian guage familyWhi

12、ch can be grouped into roughly 300 Ian guage families on the basisof similarities in their basic word stock and grammar ,theIn do-Europe is one of them .it is thought to be a highly in flected Ian guageThey accord in gly fall into eight prin ciple groups ,which can begrouped in to an Easter n set Ba

13、lto-slavic, In do-Ira nian, America n andAlba nian; a Western set Celtic , Italic, Helle ni c,Germa nicA historical overview of the en glish vocabularyThe first people known to in habit the land wereCeltsThe sec ond major Ian guage known in En gla nd was thLati n of theRoma n Legi ons450- -1150- ( M

14、iddle) -1500- -NOWModes of vocabulary developme ntWe can con cluded that moder n en glish vocabulary develops throughthree cha nn els creatio n , sema ntic cha nge , borrowi ngCreati on refers to the formatio n of new words by using the existi ngmaterials n amely roots ,affixes and other eleme ntsSe

15、ma ntic cha ngemea ns an old form which takes on a new meaningto meet the new n eedBorrow ing has palyed a vital role in the developme nt ofvocabulary particularly in earlier timesMorphemes :mi nimal meanin gful un its are known as morphemes,other words ,the morphemes isthe smallest fun cti oning un

16、 it in thecompositi on of words Chapter5Word meaningWords are but symbols , many of which have meaning only whe nthey have acquired refere nee .1. refere nee is the relati on ship betwee n Ian guage and the word Therefere nee a word to a thi ng outside the Ian guage arbitrary andconventional 2. Co n

17、cept=n otio nIn many cases meaning is used in the sense ofon cept mea ning andcon cept are closely conn ected but not ide ntical3.Se nse:ge nerally speak ing ,the meaning of meanin gis perhapswhat is termedensW. sen s6de no tes the relatio nships in side theIan guage.Motivation Motivati on acco unts

18、 for the conn ecti on betwee n the lin guistic symboland its meaningOno matopoeic motivati on 拟声的理据Morphological motivation 形态的理据Semantic motivation 语义 的理据 Sema ntic motivati on refers to the men tai associati ons suggested bythe con ceptual meaning of a wordEtymological motivation 词源的理据The meaning

19、if many words ofte n related directly to their origi ns, Typesof meaninga. Grammatical meaning an Lexical meaning 语法和词汇意义b. Conceptual meaning andassociative meaning 概念和联想意义Chapter 6The subjects that have long held the in terest and atte nti on ofsemanticists are polysemy 多义的,homonymy , synonymy , a

20、ntonymy ,and hyp onymyTwo approaches to polysemyDiachr onic approach and synchronic approachThe meanings were acquired byexte nsion ,n arrowi ng ,an alogy ,tra nsferThe developme nt of word-mea ning from mono semy to polysemyfollows two courses,traditi on ally known as radiati on and con cate nati o

21、nHomonymy vdiffere nt meaning but same sound and spelli ng Based onthe degree of similarity ,ho monyms fall into three classesperfecthomonyms ,homographs and homoph ones1. Perfect homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling butdiffere nt meaning .Bank n. The edge of the river ,lakeBank n

22、 . An establishme nt for money bus in essBear n. A large heavy animalBear v. To put up withDate n. A kind of fruitDate n. A boy or a girl frie nd2. Homographsare words identical only in spelling but different in sound andmeaningBow n. Bending the head as a greet ingBow n. The device used for shooti

23、ng arrowsSow v. To scatter seedsSow n. Female adult pig3. Homoph ones are words ide ntical only in sound but differe nt in spelli ngand meaningDear n. A loved personDeer n.a kind of animalRight a. correctWrite v.to put dow n on paper with a penRite n. Ceremonial procedureSon n. A male child of some

24、oneSun n. The heavenly body from which the earth gets warmth and lightOf three types homoph ones con stitute the largest nu mber and are mostcom monOrig ins of homonymsChange in sound and spelli ngBorrow ingShorti ngAs homonyms are ide ntical in sound or spelli ng particularly homopho nes,they are o

25、fte n employed to create puns 双关 for desired effect of ,say,humor,sarcasm or ridiculeOn Sun day they pray for you and on Mon day they prey 折磨 on youSo-called piousgentleman and ladies 善男信女 The sard onictone is unm istakable 讽刺的语气是不言而喻的 SynonymySynonymy is one of the characteristic features of vocabu

26、lary of n aturalIan guagesTypes of synonyms1. Absolute synonyms also known as complete synonyms are words whichare ide ntical in meaning in all its aspects,both in grammatical meaning andlexical meaning ,in clud ing con ceptual and associative meanings2.Relative synonymy also called n ear-s ynonyms

27、are similar or n earlythe same in deno tati on ,but embrace differe nt shades of meaning or different degrees of give n quality.For example .to cha nge a thing is to put ano ther thing in its place ;to alter athing is to alter it in different manner and at different times man cha nge hishabits ,alte

28、rs his con duct ,and varies his manner of speaking Look atstagger /reel/totter.stagger implies un steady moveme nt characters by aloss of bala nee and failure to maintain a fixed course . Stagger un der aheavy load ;reel suggests a sway ing or lurchi ng so as to appear on theverge of falli ng .Silen

29、t 沉默的,无言的,寂静的/ tacit , shine 闪耀,发光/ glitter 华丽 夺目炫耀/sparkle 闪耀,活跃,焕发活力和才智/glare 强光,瞪眼,炫耀,different/various, idle 空闲的,懒惰的,无意义的 /lazy/indolent , strange 奇怪的/odd古怪的/ queer 古怪的,可疑的 large / huge 庞大 的/tremendous 极大的,巨大的,惊人的,极好的 /colossalSources of synonyms1.BorrowingAs a result of the borrow ing ,words of

30、 n ative orig in form many couplets andtriplets with those from other Ian guage2.Dialects and regional english3.Figurative an euphemistic4.Coincidenee with idiomatic expressionsDiscrim in ati on of synonymsThe differe nces betwee n synonyms boil dow n to three areas: deno tati on ,conno tati on ,and

31、 applicati on1. Differenee in denotation .Destitute / opule ntdull / livelydid not comprehe ndhis argume nts although iun derstoodthe Ianguage , and all the senten ceSA lump of sugar 一块糖 ,a slice of meat 一片肉,a chunk of wood , a sheetof paper A cake of soapTypes of antonyms1. C on tradictory termsThe

32、 asserti on of one is the denial of the otherAno ther disti nctive feature of this category 类型 is that suchantonyms are non-gradable2. Contrary terms3. Relative termsHolds water 站得住脚的Characters of antonyms1. A ntonyms are classified on the basis of sema ntic oppositi on. wordsdenoting n ature, quali

33、ty or state of things have many antonyms2. A word which has more tha n one meaning can have more tha n oneantonym3. A ntonyms differ in sema ntic in clusi on .pairs of antonyms are see n asmarked and unm arked terms respectively4. C on trary terms are gradable antonymsHyponymyHyponymy deals with the

34、 relati on ship of sema ntic in clusio n.That is the meaning of more specific word word is in eluded in that of another more gen eral word .For in sta nee ,tulip and rose are hyp onyms of flowerSuperord in ate termsHammer , saw , screwdriver ,spa nner, plaice, cod , herri ng ,soleSema ntic field The

35、 massive word store of a Ian guage like en glish an be con ceived of ascomposed around a nu mber of meaning areas.An in tegrated system of lexemes in terrelated in sense 语义相互关联It is gen eral belief that.Personal address system 个 人称呼Kin shipTypes of cha ngesWord-mea ning cha nges by modes ofExte nsio

36、nv 扩展 ,n arrow ingv 缩小 ,degradati on,elevati on,a nd tran sferCauses of cha nges: it is in resp onse to some n eedExtra-li nguistic factors1. Historical reason2. Class reason3. Psychological 心理学的,精神上的 reasonThe role of con text 1. Elim in ati on of ambiguity 2.1 ndication of referents 3. Provision o

37、f clues for inferring word -meaning Defin iti onExpla nati onExampleSynonymyAntonymyHyponymyReleva ntdetailsWord structureChapter 9Idioms con sists of set phrases and short senten ces ,which are peculiarto the Ian guage in questio n and loaded with the n ative cultures andideas .therefore, idioms ar

38、e colorful ,forcible and thought-provok ing.For example fly off the han dle (become excessively an gry) and putup with ( tolerate)In a board sense ,idioms may in cluded colloquialisms ,sla ng experienee, proverbs .Character of Idioms1. Semantic unityBei ng phases or senten ces ,idioms each con sist

39、of more tha n oneword ,but each is a sema ntic uni ty. Idiom have their respective literalmeanings .for in sta nee,till the cows come home Keep in mi nd take off to no avail like a breeze 2. Structural stability 结构稳定First the con stitue nts of idioms cannot be replacedLip service is not to be cha ng

40、ed intomouth service . Kick the bucket bury the hatchetSecon dly ,the word order cannot be inv erted or cha nged ,forexample ,by twos and threesa nd tit for tat are n ot to be turned in toby threesand twosa nd tat for titThe lion share is最大的,份额Thirdly ,the constituents of an idioms cannot be deleted

41、 or added too .Not eve n an articleFinally many idioms are grammatically unanalysable forexampel,diam ond cut diam ond Sure as eggs is eggs It should be poin ted out that the idiomaticity of idioms is gradableand may best be thought in terms of a scaleHis promoti on stepped up vimprove or enhan ceTh

42、e boy playi ng in the river in the raw Turn over a new leaf , as cool as a cucumbe泰然 自若draw the certain vend or concealIdioms nominal in natureIdioms of this class have a noun as the key word in each and fun cti onas a noun in senten cesWhite elepha nt someth ing useless and unwan ted but big andcos

43、tly 华而不实的东西Pink elepha ntThe Elepha nt in the roomBrain trust 智囊团An appel of discord n+prep+nM 祸根Jack of all tradesv n+prep+det+n 万事通,三脚猫Fly in the oin tme nt somethi ng that spoils the perfecti on ofsometh ingFlesh and blood 亲情Idioms adjective in natureCut and dried va+aalready settled and unlikely

44、 to bechangedAs poor as a church mousehaving ,orearning ,barely enough money for onneedsWide of the mark vnot at all suitable ,correctBeyond the pale beyond the limit of proper behaviourUp in the air Idioms verbal in natureThis is the largest group of all . subdivided into phrasal verbs短语动词and other

45、 verb phrases动词短语Look into vinvestigate调查,研究go on Put off vdiscourage . from ; causeto ;dislike .Delay . make excuses in order to avoid a dutyTurn on兴趣盎然get away with vget something wrongwithout being punishedPut down to把.归因于Mak it赶上了follow onenose朝相同地方走Fall flat vfail completely in its intended or expected effectGive sb the bag炒鱿鱼Sing a different tune vchange ones opinion or attitudeCall it a day vdecide or agree to stop either tem


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