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1、文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持译林小学英语六上 Unit 7 单元分析一、教学内容:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写词汇 protect,Earth,save, useful,use,waste,much,drive,save water/trees,too much /many,use/waste water,protect the Earth,make tables 。2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 We drink water and use waterto clean things every day.We should use.We should n

2、otuse.3 、 能听懂、 会说、 会读日常交际用语和句型 Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.Water is useful.Let medraw the EEarth first.I think it s really cool.That looks nice!4、了解并掌握字母组合“ oo”的发音。5、能够表达怎样保护地球,制作保护地球的英语海报。二、单元教学重点:1、能用正确的语言描述如何保护地球。2 、通过学习加深学生对保护环境的意识。三、单元教学安排:共八课时。第一课时:第二课时:第三课时:第四课时:第五、六课时是综合练习课第七、

3、八课时综合练习及单元测试3Unit 7 Protect the earth一、 教学内容: 6A Unit7 Protect the earth Story time二、教学目标:a. Aims of knowledge1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the new words of“protect the earth ” fluently.2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the whole“storytime

4、"fluently, especially for the We should, We should not We use.b. Aims of abilities.1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences ” We should and We should not ” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth.2. At the end of the class, the students

5、 will be able to retell one of the stories.c. Aims of emotions.1 .At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand that “We should protect the earth ” because earth is our mother.2 .At the end of the class, the students awareness of“protect the earth ” shouldbe aroused and do it in o

6、ur daily life.三、教学重难点1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences ” We should and We should not ” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth.2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories.四、教学准备:PPT, books, teach

7、ing plans.五、教学过程:Step 1. Warm upT : I have lots of hobbies, can you guess what are my hobbies?T: Yes, you re so clever, I like riding bikes best, but why ?T: Yes, because it s very “green ” and healthy(PPT presents the picture ofStep 2 .Presentation1 .T: The PM2.5 is so heavy, now let s watch a vide

8、o called ”Our home ”, please watch it carefully and tell me what things can you see in this video?(play the video)S5: The earth is in danger. Animals are in danger/ Water is in dangerT: Yes, and also this(PPT presents the plastic bags and plastic bottles. )T: So today we re going to learn ” Protect

9、the earth ”.2 .T: First, Let s listen to the story and circle the problems.3 .T:Now let s listen to the tape again and tell the names of each story.(listen, name and check)4 .T: Well done , now let s try to fill in the blanks.Energy comes from andTeach oil and coal(PPT presents oil and coal)comes fr

10、om the treesTeach wood.5 .T: Now let s read and judge, please read it by yourselves.6 .T: Now we know water is useful, boys and girls, but why should we protect it and how?Please read and learn.用直线画出原因 (Why do we save water?)虚线画出方法(How do we save water?)listen to the tape and read after it.7 .Save e

11、nergyT: Now we know water is useful, what about energy? Please read and choose.51 :.Most of the energy comes from_B_.A. water and soil. B. coal and oil.52 . We should and we should not.save energy; drive so much drive so much; save energy T: Now let s find out why should we save energy and how to sa

12、ve it.用直线画出原因 (Why do we save energy?)虚线画出方法(How do we save energy?)3. Save treesT: Now we know water and energy are important, what else?S: They re trees.T: Yes, now please read by yourselves and then you can check with your deskmate.T: Perfect, now let s try to fill in the blanks, boys and girls.

13、comes from trees. We use to make tables, chairs and many other things. We cut downtrees because trees help .4. Don t use too much plasticT: Now boys and girls, wood comes from trees, do the plastic come from the trees?S: No.T: So what do you know about plastic? You can have a group discussion.T: Goo

14、d, now let s listen and answer, what can we use plastic to make? Should we use too much plastics?T: So what can we use? Please have a group discussion.T: Ok, it s time for reading, you can read by yourselves or get into a group.Homework1. Listen to the tape and read after it for at least five times.

15、2. Try to retell the story.3. Finish the exercises book.板书设计:教学反思Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Period 2)Teaching contents 教学内容:Grammar time, & Fun time文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:1 Pupils have a review of the story time.2 Pupils can grasp the use of th

16、e modal verb: should/should not.3 Pupils can make sentences with use to 4 Pupils can reuse the things and they can describe.5 Pupils realize the earth is the only home, they should try their best to protect the Earth.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重难点:1 Pupils can grasp the u

17、se of the modal verb: should.2 Pupils can make sentences with use to Preparation 教学准备:PPT,预先请学生做好二次利用的物品,Teaching procedures 教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1 T shows the picture of the earth, it s healthy, then shows another picture of it, it s ill.T: Boys and girls, what s wrong with the Earth?Ss: It s ill/unh

18、ealthy.T:What should we do?Ss: We should (出示 protect the Earth)T: Do you want to be the little environment protector?Let s try to be one, Mr Brown, Chairman of the World Environment Organization, will recruit some Chinese volunteers, do you want to be the volunteers? You must finish some tasks.Step

19、2 RevisionTask1: Know how to protect the EarthSs answer this question: Save the water, save energy Teacher shows respective pictures. (Review main ideas of the story time)T: Let s review some new words.Show pictures: coal, oil, wood, plastic, paper.Task2: Know how to deal with these thingsRead and j

20、udgeThink and writePupils fill in the blanks and show the answers.Step 3 Presentation & PracticeTask3 Know the meanings of the signs and obey( 遵守 ) themTeacher shows 4 public signs, pupils must use we should/should not .to make sentences.Teacher guides pupils to learn the use of should/should no

21、t: Grammar time.T: There are some sentences in story time about should/should not, read them and try to find the rules.Task4 Brain storm!Q: What else should we do/not to do to be a good environment protector?Pupils can discuss in a group, then teacher asks the volunteers to answerit.Task5 Know how t

22、o use the things on the Earth correctly( 正确地 ) Teacher shows 3 sentences( 课本上 ).Q1: Which one is not the right way?Q2: What else can we use on the Earth correctly?Task6 Know how to reuse the thingsT: We use almost everything on the Earth, after using, we throw them, what a pity! I t think clever peo

23、ple can reuse something.T shows four pictures.1.I collect some paper cups.I can reuse them to make T: Boys and girls, you are clever too, can you show your DIYs? Please use this dialogue.A: Hi ; look, this is aB: Oh, really?A: I reuse a .to make this .,do you like it?B: Yes, it ' s nice / cre48V

24、创意的I like it very much.Show time.Step4 ConsolidationTask7 Write an application ( 申请 )T: Boys and girls, you meet all the rules to be the environment protector, now you can write an application to Mr Brown !Step 5 Homework1.Share your DIYs to your classmates.2.Go on to finish the application.Blackboa

25、rd design 板书设计:教学反思Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Period 3)Teaching contents 教学内容:Sound time, Cartoon time & Culture time教学目标:Teaching aims and learning objectives1 能理解并体会字母组合oo 在单词中的发音2 能理解Culture time 的内容,并适当扩展3 能理解Cartoon time 的内容并动手实践4 能意识到保护环境的重要性并付诸于实际生活Focus of the lesson and predicted area of

26、 difficulty 教学重难点:1 能理解Culture time 的内容,并适当扩展2 能理解Cartoon time 的内容并动手制作海报3 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力Preparation 教学准备:PPT, poster, CDTeaching procedures 教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1 Free talk2 RevisionT: As we know, Nanjing has been covered by fog and haze recently. Itsnot good for our health. ( Show a picture of fog

27、 and haze) We have experienced this terrible result. The world environment is getting worse too. What should we do? Discuss with your desk mates. You can use the sentences pattern: We should / We should not.S: We should We should not.Step 2 PresentationSound time1 T: We should do a lot of things to

28、protect the environment our big home “the earth ”, and I think we should start from the little things around us, like our little home school.T: (PPT 呈现 ) Everyday I go to school.I think it's really cool.We have fun in the classroom.Every morning and afternoon.( Play the Sound time)2 T: Who can r

29、ead it?Invite several students to read.3 T: Read Sound time by yourselves and find the same rhyme.S: school, cool, classroom, afternoon“oo ” pronounces /u:/4 T: Say more words with letters“oo ” pronounces /u:/S: Food, wool, moon, fool, oops Write them on the blackboard.Read these words.5 Game: Findi

30、ng home (PPT)Help students to distinguish the sound /u:/ and /u/.Cartoon time1 T: School is our little home. Earth is our big home. Bobby, Sam andBilly are doing a project for the big home. Watch the cartoon and answer the question: What project are they doing?S: They are making a poster.2 T: Why do

31、 they want to make the poster and how?Read the story in groups and answer.1 ) Why do they want to make the poster?S: The Earth is our home. We should protect it. All students should know this.2 ) How do they do? (order these sentences)() Let me draw some bananas on the trees.() Let me draw a rubbish

32、 bin.() Let me draw the Earth with trees and flowers on it.() Put the poster at the school gate.Do this exercise on the paper. Then check the answer.3 Read the story together4 Read in groups and act it out.5 T: What a nice poster! Can you add some other things to make it more meaningful?Eg:Let me dr

33、aw a tap. We should save water.(Teacher sticks a poster on the blackboard and encourage students to draw and practice the key sentences.)S: Let me draw We should Let me draw We should not Culture time1 T: Look! I have a poster too. What do you know from it?S: Earth Day is on 22 nd April.World Enviro

34、nment Day is on 5 th June.Read the sentences after the teacher.Invite some students to read the sentences.Pay attention to the expression of the date.2 T: We know Earth Day and World Environment Day. Do you know other days about environment protection?(Demand students to prepare before class. They c

35、an surf theInternet or refer to the books.)Invite students to answer the question.llthS:3 T: You introduced a lot of days about environment protection. Now I show you some pictures about it too.Eg: (Show the picture of World Food Day) World Food Day is on 16 October. We should not waste food. Becaus

36、e in many places, there is not much food for people, like Africa. We should save food. As a student, we should finish all the food every meal.(Show picture one) T: World Water Day is on 22 nd March.(Show picture two) S: World No-Smoking Day is on 31 st May.9文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.(Show pictu

37、re three) S: World Animal Day is on 4 th October.(Show picture four) S: World Wetland Day is on 2nd February.(Show picture five) S: Tree Planting Day is on 12 th March.(Show picture six) S: World Forest Day is on 21 st March.Group Activity: Every group choose one day and discuss in groups: what shou

38、ld we do or not do on these days. And why?ST: We should take activities not only on these special days but also in daily life.Step 3 ConsolidationT: Nowadays we face a lot of problems on the Earth, we should (lead students to say the sentence we should love and protect our Earth. ”)S: We should love

39、 and protect our Earth. (read)Share some sentences:Protect the environment, protect ourselves.We have only one Earth.Protect the Earth, benefit the people.Homework 作业:1 Recite Cartoon time2 Make a poster about environment protection in groupsBlackboard design 板书设计:Unit 7 Protect the Earth教学反思:Unit 7

40、 Protect the Earth (Period 4)Teaching contents 教学内容:Checkout time, Think and write & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:1 Fill in the blanks and learn to read the passage;2 Write a passage of protecting the Earth;3 Know the ways to protect the Earth;4 Discuss in groups and ju

41、dge their own study.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1 Write a passage of protecting the Earth;2 Know the ways to protect the Earth;Preparation 教学准备:Textbook, PPT, stickersTeaching procedures 教学过程:Step 1 Preparation1 Greeting and daily English2 Free talkQ1 What can we do to keep o

42、ur city clean?Q2 What can we do to protect the Earth?- should/ should notStep 2 Presentation1 Checkout timea.T: We all know how to protect our city and the Earth, and what we should do or should not do, that s great. Look at those people, do they do the right things? Why?(Show them the pictures of p

43、age 76 on the PPT, ask them to discuss in groups and fill in the blanks)Ss: They should not b. Ask someone to write the phrases and check the answers.c. Read the whole passage together.2 Watch the videoT: You did a good job! Now let s look at the animals. Watch the video carefully, and try to answer

44、 two questions.Q1 What do the animals do in the video?Q2 Why do they do like that?(Watch the video for the first time.)Ss: TheyT: How clever they are ! Shall we watch it again?(Watch the video for the second time.)T: From this video, What can we learn from the animals ?Ss: Avoid using plastic bagsUse the energy saving lightbulbsRecycle all you can(Learn those key words, read and spell several times)3 .Thi


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