



1、编号Number浙江大学兼任教师聘期总结报告Term Report for Adjunct Appo in tme ntZhejia ng Un iversity姓名Name院系College/School/Departme nt/ln stitute兼任类别:Title兼任教授Adjunct professor兼任副教授Adjunct Associate Professor兼任专家Adjunct Expert兼任研究员Adjunct Researcher兼任副研究员Adjunct Associate Researher兼任教师Adjunct Faculty填表日期Date(yy/mm/dd)

2、浙江大学人事处制Made by Huma n Resource Departme nt, Zhejia ng Uni versity岗位Title姓名Name出生年月Date of Birth(yy/mm)国籍Nati on ality最后学历HighestDegree毕业时间Graduati onTime(yy/mm)毕业院校及专业Graduati ngIn stituti on andArea of Specialty原聘期起讫年月TermofPrese ntAppo in tme nt原聘期每年工作时间WorkDays Per Year原工作单位及职务Prese ntEmployeran

3、d Positi on聘请院系、所College/Departme nt/In stituti on联系电 话Teleph one电子邮件Email聘期内到岗具体时间Worki ng Time简要工作内容Major Resp on sibilities年 月日至 年 月日共天Fromto(yy/mm/dd);Total:Work Days年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天年 月曰至年 月曰,共 天教学工作情况:Teachi ng Activities授课名称(或学术讲座名称

4、)Titleof CoursesTaught / Lectures Give n授课对象、人数Type and Number of Stude nts实际讲课学时数Class Hours授课学期Semester, School Year招收研究生的姓名、专业与年级Name, Major, and Grade of Graduate Stude nts Recruited协助指导研究生的姓名、专业与年级Name, Major, and Grade of Graduate Stude nts Supervised科研工作情况(以浙江大学名义发表论著等):Research (Journal /Boo

5、ks Publications with Zhejiang University as Affiliation )论文题目Title of Paper刊物名称Name of Publicatio n发表年月Dateofpublicatio n (yy/mm)第一作者单位Name of the firstaffiliatio n排名Ranking取得的科研项目名称Research Project项目来源Source of ResearchGrant经费Amount ofFu nd起讫时间Durati on排名Ranking其他工作(包括合作研究、学科建设、学科梯队和青年教师Other Work

6、(Disciplinary Development/ Talents Cultivation/Young Teachers/ I ntern ati onal Collaborati on/ Academic Excha nge, et(卩队伍培养、国际学术交流等)Academic Team Building / Supervision of : )对照岗位目标和计划,工作开展过程中有无困难、问题,有何建议Summary of Major Difficulties and Problems or Suggesti ons at Work Accord ing to Work Goals and

7、 Pla ns合作教授签名:联系电话:Cooperating Professor ' Signature:Tele.:电子邮箱:年月日Email :Date (yy/mm/dd)研究所或学科意见:(请根据所签疋的工作协议作出评价)Comme nts from In stitute / Academic Un it (Evaluatio n accord ing to the Employme nt Con tract)负责人签子Sig nature:(公章)Seal:年 月日(yy/mm/dd)院 系 意 见Comi聘任期间实际支付津贴标准及渠道Source of Funding and Stan dard of Payme nt院系考评意见Comme nts from College/ School/ Departme nt/ 1 nstitutements from如需续聘请说明:聘期、每年工作时间、待遇、经费支付渠道等Further Acti on, if any (e.g. Title, Term of Employme nt. Job Scope, Remun erati on and Source of Funding, etc.)负责人签子Sig nature :(公章)Seal年 月日Date人事处意见:Comme nts from Huma n Res


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