



1、学习必备欢迎下载填 空【解题指导】用所给词的适当形式填空是深圳市中考试题类型之一, 旨在通过各种句型、 固定搭配等考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力。解此类型的试题可遵循以下步骤:1. 明确所给词的词性;2. 弄清所给句子的意思;3. 确定空白处所需的词性及形式;4. 正确写出所填的词。【填空训练营】 (一)1. My family take a trip abroad _ a year. (one)2. Don t forget _ your mother the news when you get home. (tell)3. There are _ of things I wan

2、t to do this week. (thousand)4. Mr Green is a nice teacher and he teaches _ Spanish. (we)5. Children s Day is one of my favourite _ in a year. (festival)6. Is July the _ month in Shenzhen? (hot)7. Who wants to learn about Chinese _ culture? (tradition)8. How did you spend _ the story? (read)9. The l

3、onger you wait, the _ it will rain. (hard)10. Why did all of you look so _ when he appeared? (surprise)(二)1. Could you tell me some _ between the two boys? (different)2. Fifteen people got _ in the traffic accident. (injure)3. The girl made up her mind _ much harder the next year. (study)4. Albert E

4、instein was a great _ in human history. (science)5. The little boy behaves as _ as his elder brother. (polite)6. Two _ of the students said they loved the concert. (five)7. When we were young, we enjoyed _ around the garden. (play)8. Do you like sunny summer or _ winter? (snow)9. What kind of _ inst

5、rument can you play, Jenny? (music)10. Our world has become smaller and _. (small)(三)1. They had an _ at the meeting. (argue)2. The science teacher told us that a leopard ran _ than a lion. (fast)3. It seems difficult for us _ whether to leave or to stay. (decide)4. I think it is _ for the children

6、to go across the road by themselves. (danger)5. Do you have any _ in your English learning? (difficult)6. We are looking forward to _ the Eiffel Tower. (visit)7. Jane s _ birthday is coming. Let s arrange a party for her. (thirteen)8. Nowadays, Chinese is more and more _ used around the world. (wide

7、)9. I won t tell you the _ unless you tell me why you want to know. (true)10. The old man began to learn drawing in his _. (sixty)学习必备欢迎下载(四)1. Leave the work for the time _. Let s do it together later. (be)2. Thank you for your _ welcome. (friend)3. My father had his car _ yesterday. (repair)4. It

8、s necessary for us _ teeth at least twice a day. (brush)5. The little girl is old enough to look after _. (her)6. About 10,000 people in this area died of illness _ by smoking last year. (cause)7. The workers are made _ too much work every day. (do)8. On my way to the park, I found a little dog _ on

9、 the ground. (lie)9. Did you burn anything? The room is _ with smoke. (fill)10. John stayed up last night and now he can hardly keep himself _. (wake)(五)1. We had trouble _ with the people in the small village. (communicate)2. Unluckily, we got _ in the forest in the evening. (lose)3. What was _, sh

10、e couldn t find her mobile phone. (bad)4. The construction outside is so _ that I can t fall asleep. (noise)5. Tom did _ in the English test among his friends and he felt very excited. (well)6. In the test paper, the _ part is the most difficult. (two)7. When he got to his office, he found his key _

11、. (miss)8. It s a great _ for me to have a talk with you about your hobby. (please)9. Sally prefers listening to music to _ TV in her free time. (watch)10. Our Maths teacher always makes his classes lively and _. (interest)(六)1. A bookshelf is used _ books. (store)2. That novel is well worth _. (rea

12、d)3. _ too many sweets is bad for your teeth. (eat)4. The bridge is 2,056 metres in _. (long)5. Sally sent me an _ to her birthday party. (invite)6. It s _ to ask a lady about her age in Western countries. (polite)7. The phone is one of the greatest _. I can t imagine our life without it. (invent)8.

13、 The policeman asked that woman to give a _ of the robbery. (describe)9. How _ Mary was when she heard her parents would come to see her. (happily)10. The new building is much _ than the old one. (high)(七)1. They had a _ trip during the winter holidays. (please)2. My mother is kind enough _ a big gi

14、ft for me. (buy)3. We must be _ to animals when we are in the zoo. (kindly)4. To our _, John got a higher mark than Jim. (surprised)5. My dream is _ an engineer like my father when I grow up. (be)6. The students practise _ the drums hard every day. (play)7. Best _ and Happy New Year. (wish)学习必备欢迎下载8

15、. My parents are busy _ for the Spring Festival. (prepare)9. Don t worry. With _ help, you will finish the work earlier. (we)10. It is _ to your health to play computer games too often. (harm)(八)1. Andy looks upset. What happened to _? (he)2. It is said that eight _ of water a day can help you keep

16、healthy. (glass)3. Which river is _, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? (long)4. My uncle is going to _ his car and buy a new one. (sale)5. His 9-year-old son used to _ the piano at weekends. (play)6. Tom, take the medicine _ a day after meals. (two)7. You may be _ if you are in trouble and no o

17、ne can help you. (worry)8. The science teacher told us that the Earth _ around the Sun. (move)9. He tries his best to do the things that he can _ others. (help)10. I m not quite well today. I don t feel like _ anything. (do)(九)1. This is your dictionary, but where is _? (my)2. Guilin is famous for i

18、ts _ scenery. (beauty)3. I don t think Debbie does her homework as _ as her brother. (care)4. Why did you keep _ water the whole afternoon? (drink)5. This shirt is too small. Can you show me a _ one? (large)6. We were very tired so that we stopped _ and had a rest. (work)7. All of us were _ moved by his story. (deep)8. Mr Smith s report gave us a deep _. (impress)9. When we got off the bus, we saw several people _ round an old man. (stand)10. Father asked me not _ TV before finishing


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