



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小学生英语口语交际大赛主持词各位老师各位同学,下午好!Good afternoon everyone!在这个晴朗的日子里,我们育英学校迎来了首届小学生英语口语交际大赛。There is a great contest to be held in the sunny day! That is our first English contest of Yuying School.这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。This is our exciting day and happin day!意味着我们育英学校的孩子们也能大胆流畅的说英语了。It means

2、we can speak English,bravely ,easily.在这里,我们要大声对我们的英语老师说声谢谢!感谢她们对我们英语学习的高度重视,So we say thanks a louder for our English teachers !They have a high regard to our English learning.预祝本次比赛圆满成功!And wish this contest enjoy success!我们的评委老师是高老师,康老师、罗老师和张老师。The judges are Miss Gao, Miss Kang, Miss luo and Mr Z

3、hang.现在比赛正式开始Now the contest begins.第一环节:介绍组内成员。有请第一组。The first step: Introduce the members of your group. Please the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.现在宣布第一环节各组得分。Now proclaim t

4、he score of the first step.第二环节:现场问答The second step: Ask and answer in the locale先有每组的同学分年级作答,答对一题得六分,共五题30分。第一组作答。First , let the students of the group answer. Right is six. All is thirty. Please the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third

5、group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.现在宣布第二环节各组得分。Now proclaim the score of the second step.第三环节:给情景自编对话表演。The third step: Make the dialogue and act.各组先抽顺序,然后按抽签顺序准备表演。First, cast lots,then prepare and act.有请第一组。Please the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢

6、,请大家欢迎第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.现在宣布第三环节各组得分。Now proclaim the score of the third step.第四环节:你做我猜.The fourth step: You do and I guess.各组先抽签,再抽题,然后完成。猜对一题5分,共四题20分。First,cast lots,then do and guess. Right is five. All is twenty. 有请第一组。Ple

7、ase the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.现在宣布第四环节各组得分。Now proclaim the score of the fourth step.第五环节:儿歌、童谣朗读The fifth step:Children's song or children's ballad各组先抽签,再抽题,然

8、后完成。First,cast lots,then read. 有请第一组。Please the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.现在宣布第五环节各组得分。Now proclaim the score of the fifth step.第六环节:现场互动The sixth step :Mutual exchange on

9、 site请我们的选手和现场的老师或同学进行互动。Let the contestants interact with our teacher or student.有请第一组。Please the first group.谢谢,有请第二组。Thank you. Please the second group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第三组。Thanks, lets welcome the third group.谢谢,请大家欢迎第四组。Thanks, lets welcome the fourth group.再次感谢同学们精彩的表演!Thanks again for their wonderful performance.最后,我们宣布比赛结果。At last , proclaim the contest outcome.请柴主任对本次活动作点评。Please Mr. Chai talks about the contest.谢谢柴主任的精彩点评。Thank you, Mr. Chai.今天下午的比赛就到此结束!育英学校首届小学生英语口


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