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1、省市柯岩5月九年级英语调研试卷一、 听力局部25分 1-5题为每题1分,6-15为每题2分第二节,听较长对话,答复下列问题10分 6. what are they going to do ?a. to play volleyball. to have a swim. c. to have a walk. 7. when are they going to meet? a. at 10:30 b. at 10:00 c. at 9:30听第二段对话,答复第8-10三小题。 8. how long has the man been ill?a. one day. b. two days c. th

2、ree days. 9. whats the mans trouble?a. he cant fall asleep at night.b. he doesnt get enough exercise.c. he coughs much at night. 10. what did the doctor tell the man to do ?a. to visit the doctor often. b. to go to bed at the same time. c. to drink more tea at night.第三节,听对话,答复下列问题。10分 11. where did

3、the accident happen ?a. on highway 5. b. on highway 17 c. on highway 77. 12. what is the news about ?a. a traffic accident. b. the weather . c. a school bus. 13. what happened to the school bus?a. it was burnt. it was hit by a truck c. it didnt work. 14. how many people died?a. no people . b. fiftee

4、n. c. sixteen. 15. what caused(引起) the accident?a. some students. b. a careless driver . c. bad weather. 二、单项选择。此题有10小题,每题1分,共10分 16. it is _film i told you last night. ive never seen _better one before. a. a / a b. the / a c. a / the d. the / the 17. you didnt watch the fashion show last night, did

5、 you? _.but i missed the beginning.a. yes, i did. b. no, i didnt c. yes, i didnt d. no, i did 18. the book belongs to _. it isnt a book of _.a. millies, mine b. millies, our c. millie, mine d. millie, our 19. does john know any other language _ french?a. except b. but c. besides d. beside 20. if you

6、 go to see the man in hospital , so _he.a. did b. do c. will d. could 21. what did your father ask you? he asked me _.a. who i was chatting with b. where i am with my friendsc. when would i go home d. if i have finished my homework 22. of the population in our country _ farmers.a. two-third, are b.

7、two-thirds, is c. two-thirds, are d. second-three, are 23. you look _. yes. ive just returned from the _ holiday ive ever had. a. well; best b. healthy; wonderful c.well, good d. better, well 24. -where did you go last week?-i went to jims hometown and visited the house _he was born in.a. that b. wh

8、ere c. who d. whose 25. could you help me carry the heavy box? _. a. with pleasure b. its my pleasure c. not at all d. thats all right三、完形填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分once upon a time, there was a group of forest deer. in this group was a clever and respected  _26_ , he taught the ways and strategies of

9、 _27_  to the young deer.one day, his younger sister brought her son to him, to be taught  _28_  is important for deer. she said, “oh brother teacher, this is my son. please  _29_  him the ways and strategies of deer. the teacher said to the young deer, “  very wel

10、l , you can come at this time tomorrow for your_30_lesson.   , at first , the young deer came to the lessons as he was  _31_ to. but sooner, he became more interested in playing with the other young deer . he didn't realize how  _32_ it would be for a deer who learned _3

11、3_but playing. so he started not having classes. soon he was playing hooky(逃课) all the time.  _34_ , one day the young deer who played hooky  _35_   in a snare(陷阱) and was caught . as he was missing, his mother _36_ all the time. she went to her brother -the teacher- and asked him, “m

12、y dear brother, how is my son? have you taught  _37_  the tricks and strategies of deer?the teacher replied, “my dear sister, your son was  disobedient (不顺从的) and unteachable. out of respect for you, i tried my best to teach him. _38_he did not want to learn the tricks and strate

13、gies of deer. he played hooky! how could l _39_   teach him?later they heard the  _40_ news. the naughty young deer who played hooky had been killed by a hunter . he cut him up and took the meat home to his family.( )26. a. leader( )27. a. living( )28. a. that( )29. a. learn( )30. a.

14、first( )31. a. saved( )32. a. interesting( )33. a. nothing( )34. a. generally( )35. a. sat( )36. a. ill( )37. a. her( )38. a. and( )39. a. possibly( )40. a. happyb. studentb. playing   b. whatb. studyb. lastb. thoughtb. dangerousb. somethingb. luckilyb. caughtb. pleasedb. meb. althoughb. luckil

15、yb. goodc. pupilc. arrivingc. howc. teachc. recentc. askedc. wonderfulc. everythingc. howeverc. steppedc. shockedc. himc. insteadc. happilyc. sadd. teacherd. travelingd. itd. bringd. secondd. taughtd. scaryd. anythingd. unfortunatelyd. broked. worriedd. themd. but d. certainlyd. popular四、阅读理解共15小题;每

16、题2分,总分值30分awelcome to phillip island nature park and the penguin parade(企鹅列队). you will see the world's smallest penguins- the little penguins appearing from the ocean and crossing the beach to their home in line. it's a natural experience. remember the little penguins are wild. you are a vi

17、sitor to their home.making the most of your visithere are some helpful hints(提示) :the penguins parade last 50 minutes from the time penguins first cross the beach.dress in warm clothes, for the parade is in the open air on the beach.it is best to get down to the beach at least 15 minutest before the

18、 parade begins.protecting the penguinswe do have some simple rules-designed to protect the penguins and make your visit more enjoyable.photography-including video cameral is not allowed. photography during the parades. make sure that your cameral is placed inside your bag, or in a bag provided, befo

19、re walking down to the beach, photographs can be bought at proper price in the gift shop.smoking is not allowed anywhere.and remember, the penguins are wild birds so please don't try to touch them. a. are allowed to smoke            

20、60; b had better wear warm clothes.c. have to hand in their bags              d. can take photos of the penguins 42. which of the following statements is wrong?a. the little penguins go back home in line.b. the whole penguin parade las

21、ts 50 minutes.c. people have a chance to touch the penguins.d. the penguin parade takes place on the beach. 43. the passage is written mainly to_.a. help make people's visit more pleasantb. introduce the life of the little penguinsc. welcome people to phillip bland nature parkd. encourage people

22、 to protect the little penguinsbwe often hear people say, “life is not perfect. but when problems really come to you, what do you do? are you able to get through hard times? liang jiaxiang has a story to tell. the 13-year-old beijing boy once went all out to win the election (竞选) for class monitor.

23、but he failed, which left him feeling frustrated. “all the books and tv shows say that as long as you work hard toward your goal, you will make it, said liang. “but why didnt i make it? does it mean hard work makes no difference? he spent some time feeling upset. then he decided to talk to his class

24、mates to find out why he was not chosen. “through the talks, i learned problems with myself that i never noticed before, said liang. “i cheered up again, since i saw what to improve. i will fight for the next vote. like liang, cao yuhan, a 12-year-old beijing girl, used to have difficulties, too.it

25、all started when she was told to learn how to swim. cao hated swimming. she didnt practice, so one time she fell into the pool and nearly drowned (溺死). feeling scared, the girl said she suddenly felt challenged to learn the sport. “i told myself that i should beat swimming so that i would never almo

26、st drown again. now im an excellent swimmer. if i had given up back then, i would never have learned how much i could enjoy the sport. a positive (正面的) attitude helps make bad things turn good, says hou ying, a psychological counselor (心理咨询师) at beijing bacui bilingual school. “students at my school

27、 come to me with different problems, she says. “some are angry. some are worried. some blame (责备) their problems on others. i always advise them to face their problems, accept them and fix them. it may sound tough, but once you choose to face them, it becomes easier. 44.from liang jiaxiangs story, w

28、e can learn the following except _.a. failure is the mother of success b. hard work will make the difference in the endc. we should not easily give up on things d. children vote for the wrong reasons 45.according to cao yuhans story, which of the following is true?a. she was too young to learn how t

29、o swim. b. all her practice didnt help her swimming.c. she is a girl who likes to challenge herself. d. she learned swimming to have a good figure. 46. according to the passage , which is true?_a. liang jiaxiang didnt know why he failed at last . b. liang jiaxiang lost the election because he didnt

30、work hard toward his goalc. cao yuhan hates swimming because she have drowned.d. if you want to solve your problems, face and accept them positively 47. in the last paragraph, the counselor hou ying tells students _.a. how to face real problems b. how to get along with classmatesc. how to solve prob

31、lems in their studies d. how to turn difficult things into easier onescin the past two days, ive been to two very different bookstores. they were both in beijing, and both attracted people in their 20s and 30s. so why were they so different? because one store was for chinese people, and one was for

32、westerners. at the western bookstore, in sanlitun, the books put on display in front the ones expected to be the most popular were biographies (传记), books about history, and books about politics and current (现在的) events. farther back, there was a big shelf full of novels. at the chinese store, at th

33、e beijing airport, there were very few books on history, and books on politics and current events were even harder to find. there were a few biographies, but they seemed to be of an instructive (教育性的) nature; almost all of them were about rich people, and how they got rich. what the store did have w

34、as lots and lots of books on how to learn english. as a westerner, i found this surprising. the kinds of books im used to seeing people read the kinds that were at the first store are the kinds people read to escape (逃脱) their daily lives. but here most of the books were on how to get rich and how t

35、o study english how to work better and how to study better. these chinese books offered no escape from daily life only ways to improve it. perhaps this is another area where westerners and chinese people can learn from each other. we westerners could certainly read a bit more for practical purposes

36、(目的). but i also think chinese people might benefit (受益) from more of something my teachers always encouraged: reading for fun. 48.how old were the people in the bookstore that the writer visited?a. in their 40s b. in their 50s c. in their 20s and 30s d. in their teens 49. what kinds of books may we

37、sterners like to read most? a. the books about how to get rich and how to learn englishb. the books about how to work better and how to study better.c. the novels which are listed on the shelves.d. biographies (传记), books about history, and books about politics and current (现在的) events 50.according

38、to the passage, which is not true_. a. books on biographies are also very popular in china.b. westerners should read a bit more for practical purposes.c. chinese people could read something more for fun instead of reading practically.d. learning english is popular in china. 51. what does the writer

39、think of these books at the chinese store?a. they are better than the western bookstore. b. they are too practical and about ways to improve lives.c. they are the kinds people read to escape their daily lives.d. they are just like the books that the writer is used to reading.doscar is a 3-year-old m

40、ale chimpanzee (黑猩猩) who lives alone in a forest in africa. luckily, freddie, an adult male chimpanzee, adopts (收养) him and takes care of him. this is what happens in the documentary film chimpanzee, which is in theaters in many countries now. the movie was made by disneynature of the walt disney mo

41、tion pictures group and the jane goodall institute. jane goodall, 78, is an english scientist who has studied chimpanzees for half a century. she hopes that people will do something to protect chimpanzees after they watch the movie. “theyll learn how like us they are, absolutely, and hopefully under

42、stand them better. i think theyll come away caring because they understand, she said to people magazine. according to the national geographic, there are only about 200,000 chimpanzees in the wild now, in 21 nations in africa. chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, sharing more than 98 percent

43、 of our genes (基因). chimpanzees are a kind of great ape, which many scientists believe humans evolved (进化) from. a chimpanzee in the wild may live to be 50 years old. they live in communities made up of about 60 members. they use sounds and gestures to communicate with other chimps. chimpanzees eat

44、both plants and animals. they eat many different things, such as fruit, leaves, seeds, and insects, and sometimes the meat of small animals such as young baboons (狒狒). although they normally walk on four legs, chimpanzees can also stand and walk upright. they can move fast in the trees by swinging f

45、rom branch to branch. they sleep in the trees as well, in nests made of leaves. chimpanzees are some of the only animals that use they use tools mainly to eat ants. they get a longst 52. the author mentions all of the following except _.a. a baby chimpanzee named oscar b. a grown-up chimpanzee named

46、 freddiec. an american scientist named jane goodall d. a movie called chimpanzee 53. from the story, we learn that jane goodall _.a. hopes people will keep chimpanzees safe b. thinks chimpanzees can understand humansc. plans to make homes for chimpanzees d. teaches chimpanzees how to protect themsel

47、ves 54. according to the passage, which of the following is true?a. there are only about two million living chimpanzees. b. many scientists think great apes were humans ancestors.c. chimpanzees use their language to talk with other animals. d. chimpanzees always live in groups of about 50 members. 5

48、5. the last three paragraphs talk about _.a. how chimpanzees walk b. what food chimpanzees live onc. what tools chimpanzees use d. how chimpanzees livea. abc b. bcd c. acd d. abd五、词汇运用此题有15小题,每题1分,共15分a)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式每空一词now some women are spending a weekend at mothers camp. there, hu

49、sbands and children are _56_(拒绝). why would a woman want to take a vacation without her family? some women say they need time to be _57_单独的.at mothers camp a woman has room to _58_她自己. she can sleep, read or watch tv_59_自由地. no children will ask, “mom, whats for dinner? no husband will say, “oh, dea

50、r, i cant find any clean socks. in fact_60_(几乎) 50% of women in the united states work outside the home. many of them work full-time and then come home to a _61_第二job-taking care of their homes and families. these working women say one of their _62_大的 problems is housework.in the united states, work

51、ing women do about 75% of the housework. many of their husbands say they want to help. but then they burn the rice or they cant find the pans. they ask so many questions that their _63_妻子 decide it is easier to do the job themselves.some women go to mothers camp_64_(只是) to get a break from housework

52、. for two days they dont cook, they dont clean, they dont look after their children and husbands. what do they do? they enjoy warm, sunny weather, _65_躺on the grass, flying kites or boating in a lake. they relax away from home. they have a really wonderful vacation at mothers camp.b用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每

53、个单词仅用一次。care please twenty eat with66. “mr bean is the most _movie i have ever watched, it makes me happy.67. people cant even live for one day _water.68. my sister had her _birthday yesterday.69. the more _you do your homework , the fewer mistakes you will make. 70. my mother cooked so well that we had _up all the food.六、任务型阅读(此题有5小题;每题1分,共5分)请你阅读下面一篇短文,完成信息记录卡。the hawaii volcanoes (火山) national park is on the island of hawaii, it has two active volcanoes. one is mauna loa, which means “long mountain. maun


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