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1、Module 2 My New TeachersLOGOLanguage Points 1.(1)amusing词性为_汉语_例:I dont find his jokes veryamusing._ 他讲了一个好笑的故事,想使他高兴起来。 _ (2)amused词性为_汉语_ 构成短语_例:我对这部电影感兴趣。_. (3)amusement词性为_,构成短语:in amusement汉语为_;短语:to ones amusement_形容词有趣的,可笑的我不觉得他的笑话有什么好笑的。He told an amusing story to cheer her up.形容词愉快的,感到有趣的be

2、 amused at/by/withI was amused at the film名词感兴趣地使某人觉得有趣的是2.energetic adj. energy n.他是个精力充沛的网球手。他精力充沛。 He is an energetic tennis player.He has much energy.He is full of energy. 3.intelligent 形容词,_ 名词形式为_;intelligence quotient缩写为_汉语为_ 例句:He is a highly intelligent child. 4.nervous 词性为_,汉语_ be nervous

3、about 对紧张,担忧 be nervous of 害怕 Im nervous of (being in) large crowds. She was so nervous about her exams that she couldnt sleep.5.patientimpatient(反义词)(反义词)patience(n.耐心)耐心) be patient with sb/sth 对有耐心 patience n.耐心 patient n. 病人Shes very patient with young children. 6.Serious 形容词 _;副词为seriously 严肃地,

4、庄重地,构成短语”认真对待某人某物“_例如:You cant take her promises seriously: she never keeps her word.严肃的take sb/sth serously她答应的事不必当真,她从来说话不算数。7.Strict形容词,形容词,”严格的,严厉的严格的,严厉的”,例如:严师例如:严师_,禁止吸烟的严禁止吸烟的严格规定格规定_副词为副词为_意思为意思为”严格地,严密地严格地,严密地“,构成习语为构成习语为strictly speaking_;例句;例句:严格说严格说来,他没有资格做这份工作。来,他没有资格做这份工作。_(strict) sp

5、eaking, he is not qualified fo the job.strictly严格说来a strict teachera strict rule against smokingStrictly 注意:(1)be strict with +某人,对某人要求严格(2)be strict about+某事,对某事要求严格。(3)be strict in (doing) ones work 在工作上要求严格 例句:哪位老师对他的学生要求严格。 _; 经理对工作要求严格。 _ 她对作业之类的事要求严格。 _The teacher is strict with his students.T

6、he manage is strict in his work.She is strict about things like homework.7. Impression 名词名词_,动词为,动词为_意思为意思为”给予某人深刻印象给予某人深刻印象“,形容词为,形容词为_汉语意思为汉语意思为”给人以深刻印象的给人以深刻印象的“ones first impression of sb./sth.对的第一印象My first impression of Tom was that he was very handsome.leave/make/have a +adj.+ impression on s

7、b. 给某人留下的印象The thief left him a very deep impression.印象impressimpressive8. She avoids making you feel stupid.后跟v-ing形式作宾语的动词有:admit, keep, consider, suggest, finish, delay, imagine, avoid, mind, put off, enjoy, practise, cant help, give up, cant stand9. Ive always hated making mistakes后面既可跟to do 又可跟

8、v-ing的动词有:love, like, hate, prefer, begin, continue, stop, forget, remember, cant afford, intend, plan, 10. admit 承认admit sthadmit doing sthadmit having done 承认干过某事admit thatbe admitted to/into 被录取He admitted having stolen the car. I admit my mistake/that I was wrong. 11.respect v.&n. 尊重尊重, 尊敬尊敬

9、 (复复)问候问候 respect sb for sth 因某事而尊重某人因某事而尊重某人 win/earn/gain the respect of sb 赢得赢得的尊敬的尊敬show/have respect for sb 对对.表示尊敬表示尊敬 give/send ones respects (to sb) 致意,问候致意,问候 我们应该尊敬老人。我们应该尊敬老人。We should show/have respect for the old.她向我的父母问候。她向我的父母问候。 She sent her respects to my parents. He is an _ (精力充沛的)

10、boy; he enjoys sports. Our teacher is _ (严格的), so we have to do what he says. 3. What were your first _ (印象) of London?4. Give a _ (总结) of todays lesson.5. Make a _ (翻译) into French, please! energeticstrictimpressionsummarytranslationFill in the blanks.6. I known your leg hurts, just be p_ until the

11、 doctor arrives.7. We a_ your efforts for the development of the company.8. I_ means clever or bright .9. As soon as I got their letter, I wrote back i_.10. Students should show r_ for their teachers.11. She really enjoys reading Chinese _ (文学).atientppreciatentelligentmmediatelyespectliteratureTranslation:1. 我对学校的第一印象是它又大又漂亮。My first impression of our school was that it was large and beautiful.2. 白求恩大夫对他的病人都很耐心。Doctor Bethune was ve


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