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1、一中初1112 度下期三月月考英 语 试 卷 全卷共八个大题 总分值:150分 考试时间: 120 分钟注意:全卷分为第i卷和第ii卷。第i卷的答案做在答题卡上,第ii卷的答案做在第ii卷试卷上。第 i 卷 共100分i. 听力侧试。共30分第一节:情景反响。每题1.5分,共9分 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从a、b、c三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. a. thank you all the same. b. the same to you. c. thank you.2. a. good idea. b. at 7 oclock. c. not at a

2、ll.3. a. its not very good. b. no, thanks. c. im glad to hear that.4. a. she is better now. b. she likes dancing. c. she is tall and pretty.5. a. who are you? b. im sally. c. hold on, please.6. a. i like it. b. id love to. c. have a good time.第二节:对话理解。每题1.5分,共9分 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从a、b、c 三个选项中选出正确答案,并

3、把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. a. he was late. b. he lost his ticket. c. he forgot the time.8. a. right now. b. quite soon. c. at four.9. a. its funny. b. its boring. c. its exciting.10. a. it was sunny. b. it was cloudy. c. it was rainy.11. a. on saturday. b. on sunday.c. on friday.12. a. he couldnt answer th

4、e question. b. he couldnt see the blackboard. c. he didnt hear the question clearly. 第三节:短文理解。每题1.5分,共12分听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从a、b、c三个选项中选出正确答案并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。a13. the man was eating a sandwich . a. at home b. at the police station c. by the roadside 14. the policeman was on the road. a. running b. on

5、duty c. talking 15. it seemed that the man was . a. thin b. fat c. tall 16. the man ran away because . a. he did something wrong b. he was a thief c. he did just what the doctor told him to dob17. the elephants cant if you are not very close to them. a. hear you clearly b. see you clearly c smell yo

6、u clearly18. the two kinds of elephants have different . a. ears and teeth b. ears and eyes c. eyes and teeth 19. the elephants are easily caught in . a. india b. africa c. india and africa20. the elephants in india can quickly learn to know a mans . a. face b. life c. voice ii. 单项选择。 (每题1分,共20分)从a、

7、b 、c、 d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. there was plenty of rain in summer of 2011 in the south.a. the b. a c. an d.22. dont worry. the bus will arrive ten minutes.a. at b. for c. in d. by23. this is mp4. is over there.a. mine; yours b. my; yoursc. my; your d. mine; yours24. june 1st is da

8、y and september 10th is day.a. childrens; teachers b. childrens; teachersc. childrens; teachers d. child s; teachers 25. who will teach you to speak english?the twins. lucy lily speak english very well. a. either; or b. both; and c. neither; nor d. not only; but also26. many athletes would like to t

9、he olympic games which will be held in london. a. join b. be c. take part d. take part in 27. are they talking about over there? ive no idea. maybe something about the movie.a. who b. which c. whose d. what28. how many people are there in the hall? about people are listening to the speech.a. two hun

10、dred ofb. two hundreds ofc. two hundred d. hundreds of29. if you study hard, your dream will one day.a. come out b. come over c. come true d. come into30. though mr. wang looks very serious, he is quite with us.a. angry b. busy c. afraid d. good31. he has read many books on science, so its easy for

11、him these questions.a. answers b. to answer c. answering d. answer 32. would you like to play football with us? sorry, i have to finish my diary before my parent back. a. come b. will come c. came d. comes 33. chinese by more and more people in the world. so we must learn it well.a. speaks b. spoke

12、c. is spoken d. will speak34. are you sure you can do well in todays test? . ive got everything ready.a. its hard to say b. im afraid notc. i think so d. i hope not35. im very happy to have a holiday.a. five days b. five-days c. five days d. five-day36. when did you ? ive here for half a day.a. arri

13、ve; arrived b. reach; comec. reach; reached d. arrive; been37. what you said made him .a. to laugh happily b. feel happily c. to feel happily d. laugh happily 38. dont forget to bring your id card. .a. of course, i will b. yes, i will c. i dont have one d. i wont39. do you think yesterdays math prob

14、lem was difficult? yes. i could work it out. a. hardly b. finally c. already d. easily40. please tell me . i have some good news for him.a. where frank lives b. where does frank live c. where frank lived d. where did frank liveiii. 完形填空。每题2分,共20分根据短文内容,从a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出一个能正确填人相应空格内的最正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答

15、案标号涂黑。every day after breakfast, my mother would go to read the paper and my father would wear that old apron(围裙). for the next hour 41 would do the dishes, singing songs. i thought it was strange for a boys father to wear an apron,especially for my hero. i thought it was a 42 work. but from last su

16、nday, the tradition ended. “tommy, its time for you to take a greater role(角色) in the 43 . starting today, i want you to do the dishes. the news made me unhappy. my favorite breakfast seemed 44 . then, my father said to my mother, “lets go to read the paper together. “wont you do the dishes? my moth

17、er asked. “our son would be glad to do that every 45 from now on. but i 46 didnt like doing housework. just when i had decided not to do it, my father came into the kitchen. in his right hand was the old apron. “itll keep your clothes 47 getting wet. and 48 i could protest(抗议), he had put the thing

18、on me“thanks, son. your mother and i appreciate(感谢)this. i looked 49 at the dishes. i could see my dad washing them. soon i began to 50 as my father did. then i knew the kind of man i wanted to be.41. a. she b. he c. i d. we42. a. mans b. dirty c. womans d. fun43. a. family b. school c. office d. wo

19、rld44. a. delicious b. dry c. clean d. terrible 45. a. morning b. noon c. afternoon d. night46. a. truly b. even c. really d. only47. a. to b. out of c. from d. by 48. a. after b. before c. when d. until49. a. up b. down c. forward d. out50. a. read b. think c. sing d. play iv. 阅读理解。每题2分,共30分阅读以下材料,

20、从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出最正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。ahave you realized that time has passed very quickly since you entered grade nine? maybe you think you have so much homework to do every day but you do not have enough time. all the holidays are far away, so you may feel very upset. however, you neednt be ups

21、etthere are some ways for you to save time and cheer up.1. do less. please remember: if you want to do everything in one day, you can do nothing well. so youd better make a list of things you need to do first, and then decide which things are the most important, and then put all your energy and time

22、 into them.2. dont meet other people too often. not all meetings will waste your time, but many will. you should say no to your friends sometimes when they invite you to do outdoor activities. if you always say yes to those invitations, it may mean that you are giving up your own time and that you c

23、ant do the things you need to do.3. dont make long conversations. you may have one or two close friends in your school and they may be good at chatting. if you dont want to waste time, youd better try not to have a long conversation with them. you should learn how to spend your time.51. the writer t

24、ells us to do first in one day. . a. the most important things b. the most difficult things c. as many things as we can d. something interesting52. according to the passage, if you want to save time, . a. you need to study with friends b. you neednt make a list c. do outdoor activities with your fri

25、ends d. youd better have a short conversation with your close friends 53. ways to save time are talked about in the passage. a. two b. three c. four d. onebif you open todays newspaper, what do you see? ads! look through a magazine. more ads! turn on the tv. still more ads! everywhere you look, some

26、one has something to sell.      here are some ways ads get us to buy. some ads use famous people. stars are paid to sell a product. think about it. do they really know about medicine? do they know about soft drinks? there people may be famous, but they may not know about wha

27、t they are selling.      some ads make you think youre getting the word of an expert(专家). they say, “doctor said. a man in a white coat comes on tv. he looks nice. “i use bright and white, he says. this man looks like a doctor. but he is an actor. he has been paid to sell th

28、is product.      does soap have anything to do with a pretty child? but ads may show their product with something nice, such as the sun, the flowers and so on. such an ad is about feelings rather than facts. ads are full of strong words. words like “new and “improved have st

29、rong influence. they can help a product sell. the soap may be called “spring rain. a car may be called “tiger. strong words work on our feelings.      some ads make promises承诺. but can they keep them? no. some ads use our fear of being too late. “buy now! they say. “selling

30、ends soon. check to see if this is true. dont hurry. take time to think. all ads hope we will buy something, do something, or think in a certain way. know what ads are doing. ask questions to yourself. dont let their words and pictures fool you.54. we can see ads   . .   

31、60;      a. on tv      b. in magazine      c. in newspaper d. all the above 55. some stars show in the ads because . .      a. they know every product well       

32、60;   b. they are famous     c. they are all experts d. they all like white coats56. according to the passage, we know that “spring rain is the name of .    a. a kind of soap            b. a kind of car

33、60;         c. a kind of medicine d. a kind of flower57. the writer thinks the words and pictures in the ads . .     a. tell us a story        b. always make us strongc. sometimes fool us    

34、0;      d. keeping promisecnow more than 40 million foreigners around the world are learning chinese,according to a report. the relationship between the united states and china is becoming more and more important in the world. this has really influenced the growth of chinese

35、 language learning in u.s.i am chris from the united states. i am one of the many people who are learning chinese. i am studying at a confucius institute(孔子学院)in new york. there are 10 students in our class. some are over thirty years old. some are middle school students. our teacher comes from beij

36、ing. he is fun and often tells us interesting things in china. i think chinese is difficult to learn. the biggest challenge for american learners is the writing. chinese is completely different from any other language in the world. it will take me a lot of time to learn enough chinese characters汉字.

37、but 1 think there are many benefits (益处) of spending time in learning chinese. one important benefit is that it makes me see things from a different point of view, because chinese is such a different language from english. i think for american students the most important benefit is that learning a c

38、hallenging language can open up their eyes. 58. from the passage we know that . a. chris is an american b. chris is thirty years old c. chris has been to china d. chris is in china now 59. is the most difficult thing of the language for foreigners according to the writer. a. listening b. speaking c.

39、 reading d. writing 60. according to the passage, which of the following is true? a. more than 40 million americans are learning chinese. b. chris' chinese teacher is a chinese. c. chris thinks there are few benefits of learning chinese. d. most foreigners dont think its difficult to learn chine

40、se.61. the last paragraph is mainly about . a. the differences between chinese and other languages b. the reason for learning chinese c. ways of learning chinese d. the challenges and benefits of learning chinese donce upon a time, there was a farmer. he didnt have a lot of money, so he used an old

41、horse to plow(耕)his field instead of a tractor(拖拉机). one afternoon, while working in the field, the horse died. everyone in the village said, “oh, what a terrible thing! the farmer just said, “well see. he was such a good person that the villagers got together and bought him a new horse as a gift. t

42、hen many people said, “what a lucky man!and the farmer replied, “well see. a few days later, the new horse jumped over the wall and ran away. everyone in the village said, “what a poor man! the farmer smiled and said. “we'11 see. but finally, the horse found his way home, and everyone said, “wha

43、t a fortunate man! the farmer said, “well see. later in the year, the farmers young boy went out, riding on the horse. he fell off the horse and broke his leg. everyone in the village said, “what a poor boy! the farmer said, “well see. two days later, the army came into the village to ask people to

44、be soldiers. when they saw that the farmers son had a broken leg, they decided not to ask him to join the army. everyone said, “what a lucky young man! the farmer smiled again and said, “well see.62. the farmer used a horse to plow the field because . a. the horse was his best friend b. the horse wa

45、s very young and strong c. he was too poor to afford a tractor d. the field was only suitable for horses 63. after the horse died, the farmer was when he heard the villagers words. a. happy b. calm c. afraid d. angry64. when the farmers new horse ran away, the villagers . a. gave the farmer another

46、horse b. liked the farmers attitude (态度) c. hated the farmer d. felt sorry about it65. from the passage we learn that . a. we should do things when we can b. we should be sad when we are in trouble c. we should not believe what other people say d. if we are positive, all situations (境遇) are gifts 第

47、ii 卷 共50分v. 完成句子。每空1分,共10分根据所给提示,完成句子。(每空一词,含缩略词66. play outside, please. (改为否认句) outside, please. 67. the twins are of medium height. (对划线局部提问) the twins look like?68. they kept talking until the teacher came in.改为同义句they didnt until the teacher came in. 69. ms. black exercises more than before. (改

48、为反意疑问句) ms. black exercises more than before, ?70.在我孤独的时候我的宠物狗总使我的生活充满了乐趣。(完成译句)my pet dog always my life great pleasure when i am alone.vi.口语应用。每题1分,共5分 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 a. could you tell me why? b. well have more cars then. c. as for me, id rather use my old bike than buy a car.d. y

49、ou re right.e. i dont think it necessary for me to buy a car. f. it will turn out 500,000 cars a year. g. never mind.a: do you know that a car factory will be built in our city? b: yes, i do. 71 a: great! 72 b: but i think it will mean more pollution and heavy traffic.a: really? then you dont want t

50、o have more cars, do you? b: no, i dont. 73 a: well you think a bike is better than a car? 74 b: 75 i hardly travel to other places because i have no time, and no money, either.a: oh, i see. but i think things are getting better and better. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. vii. 短文填空。每空1分,共10分根据以下短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一

51、个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。      people use their mouths for many things. they 76 , talk, shout and sing. they smile and they kiss. in the english language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth. 77 some of them are not so nice.wzôø½×e¡p xmwebi ùÔ

52、;Öóvjsdb for example, if you say something 78 about a person, the person might protest(抗议)and say, "do not bad mouth me. sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret懊悔because it hurts that person's feelings. or they 79 the person something th

53、ey were not supposed to tell. the speaker might say, “i really put my foot in my mouth this time. that is to say, “i feel sad 80 saying the wrong thing.sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the 81 thing that his friend was going to say. when this happens, the friend might say, “you took the word right from my


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