2011届高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高三册Units1-2_第1页
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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高三册 units1-2.单词拼写1The American soldiers, though _(装备) with the most advanced weapons in the world, had no way to deal with the worldwide terrorism.2There were many _(志愿者) in the 29th Olympic Games that was held in Beijing in 2008.3I cant _ on(专心于) what Im doing while the noise is g

2、oing on.4You dont seem _(热情) about the suggestion.5It is said that in this country the army is under the queens _(掌握)6For an hour and a half we _(游荡) around the old city, enjoying the beautiful scenery.7It is still a _(谜) why the movie star killed herself when her career was so successful.8My paper

3、is an _(尝试) to find some answers to these questions.9He was too shocked to give an _(叙述) of what had happened.10The age of the candidates ranged from 29 to 49 with an _(平均) age of 37.11The report _(得出结论) that the school should be closed immediately.12What he observed _(证实) his judgement.答案1equipped2

4、.volunteers3.concentrate4enthusiasticmand6.wandered7puzzle8.attempt9.account10.average11concluded12.confirmed.完成句子(湖北专用)1_(不要被他的言语所蒙蔽), she is completely truthless.2_(政府的理由是) that they must first aim to beat pollution.3Its really hard these days, I should say, to _(收支平衡)4_(她好像完全不顾人格了) when it is a m

5、atter of making money.5Although he is blind, _(他有很敏锐的嗅觉)6Benjamin _(做了大量的实验) in which he showed what electricity is.7On the telephone, _(我辨不出他的声音来)8On my way to the shop, _(我顺便拜访了我的老师)9Paper _(是由草做的) and iron _.(炼成钢)10The teacher asks us to _.(好好利用时间)答案1Dont be taken in by what he said2The governmen

6、ts argument is3balance our income and expenditures (make both ends meet)4She seems to have no principle at all5he has a sharp (keen) sense of smell6conducted a large number of experiments7I couldnt recognize his voice8I dropped in on my teacher9is made from grass; is made (tempered) into steel10make

7、 good use of our time.单项填空1I tried to concentrate on my lessons, but it was often the case that my attention _ soon after classes began.A. aroseB. registeredC. wandered D. volunteered2So the guard didnt let you in?No, _ I told him I came at the invitation of the headmaster.A. even if B. as ifC. unti

8、l D. since3_ with the new machine, the explorers went into the cave, hoping to find the buried treasure.A. Equipping B. EquippedC. Being equipped D. Having equipped4In the skills of driving, we are neck and neck. But when _ comes to cooking, I am no match for my brother.A. there B. whatC. one D. it5

9、The agreement they reached with their employer was to reduce their pay _ a shorter working week.A. in return for B. in case ofC. in the name of D. in view of6It is _ puzzle why many people dont take everything fully into account in planning their careers.They always think they will be in _ better co

10、ndition if they can get themselves through college.A. a; the B. the; aC. /; a D. a; /7Mr. Columbus was always ready to help others. _, he was liked by everyone.A. In conclusion B. In returnC. In return D. In particular8The chairman made a wonderful speech, _ it by wishing all the people present the

11、very best of luck.A. concluded B. concludingC. included D. including9In my opinion, _ really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and do afterwards.A. as B. whichC. it D. what10You must ask _ permission before taking any photographs inside _ church.Thanks for reminding me.A. th

12、e; a B. /; theC. a; the D. /; /11I couldnt _ my work last night with the party going on upstairs.A. set down B. center uponC. care about D. concentrate on12You look tired, Julie.So I am. I _ busy preparing my son for the coming job interview recently.A. could be B. had beenC. have been D. would be13

13、What _ performances! The entire audience watched the artists on the stage, _.A. fascinating; fascinatedB. fascinated; fascinatingC. fascinating; fascinatingD. fascinated; fascinated14Now that you are so interested in the position, why not apply _ the company _ it?A. for; about B. for; withC. to; for

14、 D. to; with15(2010·宁夏银川一中期末)In China, _ pressure to pass _ exams gives students the impression that learning comes from textbooks.A. /; / B. the; theC. the; / D. /; the答案1C。wander“(精神、思想)漫游;开小差”。句意:我也试图集中精力听课,但往往上课没多久,我就会开小差。2A。No在此表示门卫确实没让我进去,与“我跟他说我是应校长邀请”之间为让步关系,even if“即使”表示此意。3B。be equipp

15、ed with为固定短语,表示“(某人)装备有”,这里使用的是过去分词作状语。句意:探险家们带着这台新机器,进了山洞,希望能找到埋藏的金银财宝。4D。when it comes to.为习惯表达,意思是“当涉及到的时候”。句意:论开车技术,我们不分上下。可要说到做饭,我比我弟弟可就差远了。5A。in return for“作为回报;以为变换”。句意:他们与雇主达成的协议是降低他们的工资标准,但每周工时要缩短。6D。句中puzzle表示“难解,费解之迷”,常用单数,其前加不定冠词;in better condition“情况会更好”。7B。in return“作为回报,作为报答”。句意“他总是乐

16、于助人,作为回报,大家都喜欢他”。in conclusion“最后”;in turn“轮流”;in particular“尤其”。8B。句意:大会主席作了精彩演讲,结束时,祝愿所有人事事如意。concluding it.为动词ing形式作状语,表示伴随情况。9D。what really counts是主语从句,what在从句中作主语。句意:在我看来,重要的不是失败本身,而是我们对待失败的态度以及失败之后的所作所为。10B。ask permission为固定短语,意为“征求许可”;指说话双方都知道的人或物前要用定冠词the。11D。句意:昨晚,楼上举行晚会,这使得我无法聚精会神地做功课。conc

17、entrate on sth.“专心致志于”。set down“写下,记下”;center upon“把当作中心”;care about“关心,在乎”。12C。此处用现在完成进行时表示某一动作从过去某一时刻起一直持续到现在,而且还有可能持续下去。13A。fascinating与fascinated都用作形容词,其中前者常修饰物,表示“使人着迷的”,后者多修饰人,表示“(某人)着迷的”。14C。句意:既然你对该职位如此感兴趣,为什么不向公司申请呢?apply (to sb.) for.“(向某人)申请”。15C.完形填空(2009·江苏联考)I grew up in an ordina

18、ry family, which is not so well off. I could understand the _1_ my parents were bearing at that time. _2_, I work very hard now in the hope of entering the university and change the _3_ of my family and me.I think that in a certain sense, difficult situations can _4_ a persons potential and pave the

19、 way for him to _5_. One can be strong, brave and _6_ after all these hardships he has _7_. All in all, I think that flowers from a greenhouse can never _8_ a storm and that a hard life is good for children.So I think parents should make their children grow strong, by helping them experience life in

20、 bad conditions, _9_ a child will value the labour and be capable of facing hardship.I lived a happy childhood. Not only did my parents love me from the _10_ of their hearts, but also they gave me chances to increase my ability. My parents _11_ primary importance to the management of my pocket money

21、, which led to the _12_ that often I could only watch my friends eating candies with my empty pocket. This experience helped me _13_ the truth that my parents worked hard to earn a life, and so would I in the future.As the saying _14_, “No pains, no gains.” It is _15_ that the way one lives in his c

22、hildhood plays an important part in his development. If one is _16_ in a family that is wasteful, he is likely to be lazy when he grows up. _17_, a child who lives a hard life in his childhood, learning that one must be independent and frugal to face the challenge, is _18_ be strong. On parents part

23、, they can teach the child to help support the family. More can be done _19_ food, hard work and bad conditions.Instead of being _20_, children should eat bitter food to learn to be frugal, do hard work to learn to cherish, and be sent to somewhere tough to learn to be brave.1A. poverty B. thoughtsC

24、. richness D. hardships2A. However B. ThereforeC. Besides D. Otherwise3A. situation B. stateC. location D. position4A. seek B. stimulateC. shape D. secure5A. failure B. successC. pleasure D. recreation6A. awful B. carefulC. merciful D. faithful7A. looked through B. got throughC. put through D. gone

25、through8A. understand B. withstandC. enjoy D. outstand9A. to which B. at whichC. which D. with which10A. bottom B. topC. centre D. tip11A. approached B. attainedC. attached D. attempted12A. experience B. evidenceC. convenience D. consequence13A. realized B. recognizedC. admitted D. reflected14A. say

26、s B. goesC. states D. explains15A. various B. seriousC. obvious D. tedious16A. brought in B. brought upC. brought about D. brought out17A. On the contrary B. On earthC. On the whole D. Whats worse18A. ready to B. anxious toC. determined to D. bound to19A. away from B. apart fromC. except D. more tha

27、n20A. accustomed B. ashamedC. spoiled D. puzzled答案作者通过自己的经历、感悟向我们讲述了为什么逆境能帮助人成功。正所谓:只有经历风雨,才能见彩虹。1D。语境化选词。上一句说作者家里不富裕(not so well off),所以作者能理解父母所遭受的苦难。hardship“艰难,困苦”。第二段有暗示,也可以从动词bear的搭配上得到启示。poverty“贫穷”有很大的干扰性,但该词含义较窄,不符合语境。2B。副词辨析。前后是因果关系。因为理解了父母所承受的苦难,所以作者才努力学习,希望考上大学。therefore“因此”。3A。语境化选词。由语境可

28、知,作者认为,考上大学就可以改变家庭的境况。situation“处境,境遇”。下一段也有暗示。4B。动词辨析。句意为:困难的处境能激发一个人的潜力,铺就其成功的道路。所以选择stimulate,意思是“激发,激励”。seek“寻找,探索”;shape“塑造”;secure“保护”。5B。语境化选词。句意见39题解析。pleasure“高兴,愉快”;recreation“娱乐,消遣”。6D。语境化选词。这几个词中只有faithful“忠实的,守信的”和strong, brave同属于渡过困难后形成的品质。awful“极坏的,可怕的”;careful“仔细的,谨慎的”;merciful“仁慈的,宽

29、大的”。7D。动词短语辨析。look through“看穿”;get through“通过,拨通(电话)”;go through“经历(苦难等)”。一个人只有经历所有的苦难之后,才会变得坚强、勇敢和忠诚。8B。动词辨析。withstand“禁得起”。这里是作者打的比方,意思是:温室里的花是经不起风暴的。understand“理解”;outstand“突出”。9D。定语从句关系词的判断。从句意为:通过这些,孩子将会重视劳动,并能够面对困难。with which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代“parents should make.in bad conditions”。10A。语境化选词。f

30、rom the bottom of ones heart意思是“真心地,深深地”。句意:我有一个幸福的童年,我的父母不仅真心爱我,他们还给了我提高能力的机会。11C。动词辨析。attach importance to“重视”。父母非常重视对“我”零花钱的管理。approach“接近,靠近”;attain“(经过长期努力)获得,得到”;attempt“试图,尝试”。12D。名词辨析。从后面对该词解释的同位语从句的内容来看,这里说的是父母对我零花钱严格管理的结果(consequence):口袋空空,只能看着别人吃糖。lead to与consequence搭配。experience“经验,经历”;e

31、vidence“证据,证明”;convenience“便利;方便”。13A。动词辨析。realize“意识到,领悟”,指从不知道到知道的过程。句意:这段经历使我意识到:为了谋生,父母在辛苦地工作,将来我也得这样。recognize“认出”;admit“承认”;reflect“反映,反省”。14B。动词词义辨析。as the saying goes,意思是“正如谚语所说”,是固定用法。15C。形容词辨析。It is obvious that.“很显然”。很显然,一个人小时候的生活方式在他一生的发展中起着重要的作用。various“不同的”;serious“严肃的,严重的”;tedious“乏味的

32、”。16B。动词短语辨析。bring up“抚养”。句意:一个人如果在一个浪费成性的家庭里长大,长大后他很有可能变得懒惰。而bring in“引进,赚取”;bring about“引起,导致”;bring out“说出,使显出,出版”,均不符合文意。17A。语境化选词。这里说的是生长在不同的家庭中的孩子长大后不同的特点。所以应该选择on the contrary,意思是“相反”。on the whole“总的来说”。18D。语境化选词。be bound to“注定,一定”。句意:孩提时代生活艰难的孩子,为了迎接挑战,学会了自立和节俭,这样他一定会更加强大。be ready“预备,即将”;be anxious to do sth.“急于做某事,渴望做某事”;be determined to do sth.“决心做某事”。19B。语境化选词。apart from“除去,除了”,相当于besides; except表示“除去,不包括”,强调所排除的内容;away from“远离”。20C。语境化选词。这一部分是对全文的总


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