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1、高考英语热门考点强化专练:阅读理解十含解析(1)the united states became a rich industrial nation toward the end of 1800s. there were more goods, more services, more jobs, and a higher standard of living. there was more of everything, including problems. one problem was monopoly, that is, to be the only seller of a certain

2、 line of products or a service. in some cases, several companies that manufactured the same product would agree not to compete with one another. they would all agree to charge the same price. these arrangements made it impossible for customers to shop around for lower prices for certain products.som

3、e people decided that huge corporations had too much power and controlled too many markets. because of their wealth and power, they could see to it that governments passed laws favorable to them. many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad for customers and bad for the country so th

4、at they should be broken up.finally the national government and some states passed laws that placed limits on corporations and big companies. these laws made it illegal for companies to make agreements to charge only a certain price. later on the national government forced monopoly to be broken up.s

5、uch laws and government action didnt entirely do away with monopolies. nor did they stop the growth of huge corporations. but they did show that american people had decided that some of the changes that had occurred were harmful. (from nmet168 )1. the underlined word “monopoly in the first paragraph

6、 most probably means _.a. the production of certain kinds of goods b. complete control and possession of tradec. a big corporation of company d. an agreement on prices2. because of the agreements between big companies _.a. people had to buy things at certain shops b. the prices of their goods were m

7、uch lowerc. customers had no choice but to buy d. there were fewer markets in some states3. according to the laws, companies _.a. were not allowed to control the markets b. could not force the customers to buy their productsc. should have fixed prices for their productsd. must produce the same kind

8、of goods for the same markets4. which of the following is not true according to the passage?a. big companies could not influence the government.b. a large number of markets were controlled by big companies.c. many americans were worried about the changes in their country.d. some of the laws were in

9、favor of customers.(2)when most people think of tropical islands, lined with white sandy beaches and bright blue seas, it is often the caribbean or south pacific that comes to mind. but for chinese tourists who want a taste of paradise on earth there is a new place to consider.mauritius, an island l

10、ying off the southeast of africa in the indian ocean, has just been added to chinas list of tourist destinations. rich in history, natural beauty and culture, the island has been a popular destination for the worlds tourists for many years.on december 15 a total of eight african countries were added

11、 to the list. the others are tunisia, tanzania, ethiopia, kenya, zimbabwe, zambia and the seychelles.the island has passed through the controlling hands of a number of european powers, including dutch, french and british. in 1968, mauritius won its independence.at present, over half the population o

12、f mauritius is hindu and another fifth is muslim. both groups are descendants(后裔) from workers brought to the island from india by the british. some chinese were also brought over to work. there are also descendants of african slaves and franco-mauritians, the original settlers of the island.one of

13、the best things about the island is the food. there is a mouth-watering mix of european, chinese and indian flavours and seafood is very popular. a typical mauritian dinner might have indian chicken curry, chinese pork, british roast beef and french-style vegetables. boiled rice is served with just

14、about everything. all that is washed down with a plentiful supply of local beer and rum(朗姆酒).the pleasant tropical climate and scenery provide the perfect setting to enjoy everything. the sea is full of colorful life that lives around the coral reef. this makes mauritius a wonderful place for swimmi

15、ng and diving. the large number of interesting fish means it is also an exciting place for those who like to go fishing. (from nmet168 )5. which of the following cant be used to describe mauritius?a. tropical island, white sandy beach and bright blue sea.b. beautiful scenery, rich history and cultur

16、e.c. most of the people in mauritius are black.d. delicious food mixed with eastern and western flavours.6. which group of the following topics is not discussed in the text?a. food and history. b. scenery and population. c. location and sports. d. natural resources and agriculture.7. which of the fo

17、llowing is true?a. mauritius has something similar to the caribbean or south pacific.b. mauritius has a history of less than 40 years. c. mauritius has been a popular destination for chinese tourists for many years.d. the main food in mauritius is local beer and rum.8. the underlined word “this in t

18、he last paragraph refers to _.a. pleasant tropical climate b. beautiful scenery c. the sea with colorful life d. the coral reef (三)the medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play a significant role in the process of recovery from illness.as part of

19、a nationwide effort in britain to bring art out of the galleries and into public place, some of the countrys most talented artists have been called in to transform older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. of the 2,500 national health service hospitals in britain, almost 100

20、now have significant collections of contemporary art in corridors, waiting areas and treatment rooms.these recent initiatives owe a great deal to one artist, peter senior, who set up his studio at a manchester hospital in northeastern england during the early 1970s. he felt the artist had lost his p

21、lace in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.a typical hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. what a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art and paintings, in the outpatients waiting area of the manchester royal hospital in 1975. b

22、elieved to be britains first hospital artist, senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduations.the effect is striking. now in the corridors and waiting rooms, the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colors, playful images and restful courtyard.t

23、he quality of the environment may reduce the need for expense when a patient is recovering from an illness. a study has shown that patients who had a view onto a garden needed half the number of strong painkillers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.9. what

24、does the author mean by using the phrase “to soften the hard edge of modern buildings, in the second paragraph?a. to hold exhibitions of art and paintings in hospitals.b. to tear down the old hospital and build a new one.c. to decorate hospitals with art collection. d. to paint the walls of hospital

25、s in soft colors.10. what is true about peter senior?a. a famous doctor in manchester hospital and a talented artist.b. britains first hospital artist and a patient in manchester royal hospital.c. one of the six young art school graduations.d. a talented artist and a pioneer introducing art into hos

26、pitals.11. what can we conclude from the fact that six young art school graduates joined peter?a. artists should take an active part in social activities.b. the role of hospital environment is being recognized.c. artists are more important to patients in hospitals.d. hospitals need more young art sc

27、hool graduates to attend the patients.12. what does the last paragraph suggest?a. the improvement of hospital environment may help the patients recover from illness.b. the improvement of hospital environment may cost the patients more than before.c. the patients needed no painkillers when they had a

28、 view of a painting.d. the patients had no pain at all after the improvement of hospital environment. 【答案与解析】1. b 词义猜想题。根据该词之后的解析句“to be the only seller of a certain line of products or a service可猜想出其意义。2. c 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“these arrangements made it impossible for customers to shop around for

29、lower prices for certain products分析可知3. a 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“these laws made it illegal for companies to make agreements to charge only a certain price一句可知。4. a 事实确认题。第二段“because of their wealth and power, they could see to it that governments passed laws favorable to them一句的意义是:因为拥有财富和势力,他们能确保政府通过有利于他们的法律。由此可确认“大公司对政府是有影响力的。5. c 事实细节题。第五段“over half the population of mauritius is hindu的意义:毛里求斯现在一半的人口为印度人。根据我们生应该具备的常识,印度人不属于黑色人种,由此推断可知6. d 事实归纳题。通读全文,短文中没有涉及“自然资源和农业。其他几项都能找到。7. a 推测题。短文第一段的意义是:一提起以白色的沙滩和迷人的大海而著称的热带群岛,人们大多会想起加勒比海或是南太平洋上的岛屿。而现在,中国


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