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1、高考英语外研版必修1module1my first day at senior high单元强化训练.单项填空1people take an _ of waiting and seeing towards the new policy.aattitude bidea cview dopinion【解析】句意为:人们对新政策采取观望的态度。attitude to/towards sb./“对某人/某事的态度。【答案】a2those relatives were _ people. after a few days,i was getting _ and homesick.aboring;bori

2、ng bbored;boredcbored;boring dboring;bored【解析】考查boring和bored的区别。boring可修饰人,说明人的特点;get bored“厌烦,厌倦。句意为:那些亲戚真无聊。一段时间之后,我开始厌烦并且想家了。【答案】d3pe will be part of the high school graduation examinations._,you will have to be strong and healthy graduate.aafter all bas a matter of factcin other words dwhat'

3、s more【解析】考查交际用语。after all“毕竟;as a matter of fact “实际上; in other words “换句话说;what's more“而且。由句意可知后一句话是对前句的解释,所以正确答案为c项。【答案】c4having good table manners will help you make a good _ on people.aimpression bchangecexpression dexperience【解析】make an impression on sb.“给某人留下印象。句意为:好的餐桌礼仪将会帮助你给别人留下好的印象。【答

4、案】a5will $1,000_the cost of the trip?i'm afraid not.perhaps i need another $400.apay bchargeccover dafford【解析】句意为:1 000美元够这次旅行的花费吗?恐怕不够,或许我需要400美元。cover此处意为“(钱)够用符合句意。pay“支付,主语一般为人;charge“收费;afford“负担得起。【答案】c6tom had a good time at the party._,and _.aso he had;so did ibso had he;so i didcso he d

5、id;so did idso did he;so i did【解析】考查短语look forward to“期望,盼望。其中to是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词的­ing形式。句意为:我们六点整到中央公园门口,希望见到你。【答案】b8bob told you that there wasn't anyone in the room at that time,_?awas there bwasn't therecdidn't he ddid he【解析】考查反意疑问句。反意疑问局部应与主句局部相一致。【答案】c9mr brown knows little japan

6、ese,so he can't understand the _on the bottle of the pills.aexplanations binstructionscdescriptions dintroductions【解析】由句意“看不懂药瓶上的说明,选instructions,意为“说明。introduction“介绍;explanation“说明,解释;description “描述。【答案】b10i'll go to the post office.do you have any letter to be sent?yes,thanks,but maybe i

7、t is too early now.it _ at 8:30.awill open bopenscis opening dis going to open【解析】考查时态。表示一件经常性反复进行的动作,用一般现在时。【答案】b.完成句子1他对我的态度是朋友式的态度。his attitude to/towards me is that of a friend.2令我失望的是,我们的足球队又失败了。to_my_disappointment,our football team was beaten again.3让我们分成五个小组吧。let's_divide ourselves into_

8、five groups.4这门课程一点儿也不像我期待的那样。the course is_nothing_like_what i expected.5李阳英语学习进步很快,不久就赶上了其他同学。li yang_made_rapid_progress_in english and soon caught up with his classmates.完形填空it was my first day of high school,and i was late. my next class,spanish,scared me. i just could not speak that _1_. as th

9、e bell rang,i ran to the classroom.at the door,a hand reached out and _2_ mine firmly. i looked up. a man with large glasses smiled. he _3_ himself as profe,which means teacher in spanish. _4_,his warm smile and _5_ words eased my fears. that year,i _6_ his classes a great deal because i learned _7_

10、 just spanish.i admit i only speak a little spanish. _8_ i try to live out the life lessons i learned from profe.every day profe stood _9_ his classroom before and after class to give his “hand hug. after school his room was always filled with students and he would _10_ to and chat with them_11_ tho

11、se not in his class. he taught me that every person is _12_ your time.one time,i was rejected(排挤)by my friends, profe told me, “lindita, life gives you _13_. but learning its lessons will turn those ashes to jewels. therefore, i learned to look at my troubles _14_ and not to fear any difficulty.in m

12、y senior year, i _15_ president of one of the school's clubs, so i was very _16_. many times i didn't even have time to buy lunch. he served me by giving me his food as well as advice. he _17_ out what he taught us to do: _18_ others.the author william arther ward _19_: “the mediocre(平庸的) te

13、acher tells. the good teacher explains. the superior teacher demonstrates. the great teacher _20_. thank you profe, for inspiring me.1a.country blanguage cnation dword4a.once again bin additioncfor once dright away【解析】根据句意,“他的微笑和欢送的话语立即缓解了我的恐惧,可知答案为d。right away“立即,马上。【答案】d5a.exciting bwelcomingcdisa

14、ppointing dboring【解析】welcoming words“欢送的话语,符合题意。exciting“冲动的;disappointing “失望的;boring “无聊的。【答案】b6a.escaped bheard cenjoyed dpreferred【解析】enjoy“喜欢享受;prefer “更喜欢,偏爱用于两种情况的比照。句意为“我很喜欢他的课,因为我从到的不仅仅是西班牙语。【答案】c7a.more than bother thancless than drather than【解析】more than“多于,不仅仅是。【答案】a8a.and bsocbut dthere

15、fore【解析】前后两句是转折关系。【答案】c9a.within boutsidecbeyond dahead【解析】【答案】b10a.say blistenctalk dspeak【解析】【答案】b11a.ever byetcstill deven【解析】even“更,甚至。句意为“甚至那些人不是他班里的学生。【答案】d 12a.worth bworthycfull of dfilled with【解析】worth time“值得花费时间。【答案】a13a.troubles blessons cashes djewels【解析】由下句中的turn those ashes to jewels可

16、知选c,前后照应。【答案】c14a.frequently bsimilarlychopefully ddifferently【解析】【答案】d15a.made bbecamectook dheld【解析】作者成为一个俱乐部的领导。【答案】b16a.proud bcapablecbusy dfree【解析】由后面的 didn't even have time to buy lunch “没时间买饭可知选 busy“繁忙。'【答案】c17a.proved bpicked cput dlived【解析】与前面第三段 .try to live out the life lessons相

17、对应。【答案】d18a.serve boffer cgive dteach【解析】从篇章主题可以看出:效劳他人。故答案为a项。【答案】a19a.read bput ctold dwrote【解析】既然william arthar是作家,后面肯定是“wrote。【答案】d20a.inspires bencouragescpraises dexcuses【解析】与后面的for inspiring me 相对应。【答案】a厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比拟重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.阅读理解many people won

18、der why the united states has been a hot spot for chinese students for years, despite its extremely strict visa policy. on the other hand, china's rise as an economic powerhouse is resulting in a rapid expansion of its higher education system, making it the faster­growing destination for am

19、erican foreign exchange students.recently, according to a study by the institute of international education, a research organization based in new york, the number of american students seeking higher education in china has never been greater, increasing by 90 percent from to . alan goodman, president

20、 of the institute, believes that the phenomenon lies in the pace of change in china, which is spending billions of dollars to expand and transform its higher educational facilities into world­class institutions.“china is a job market, said professor chou, professor of east asian studies at prin

21、ceton university. “twenty years ago, only those interested in chinese literature would study chinese language. now all professors have opened up. china now ranks 9th as a host destination for american students, advancing from the no.12 spot it held a year earlier.the study revealed that britain cont

22、inues to be the leading destination, attracting 16.8 percent of all american students who study abroad. on the other hand, in the academic year, china sent more than 62,000 students to the united states, nearly 60 percent more than a decade earlier. according to the study, the chinese now make up 11

23、 percent of foreign students in the united states, the second­largest group behind students from india.1from the first paragraph, we know that for many years chinese students want to go to the us but _.achinese government refuses to give a visabit is extremely difficult to get a visacit results

24、 in a rapid expansion4what is the main idea of this text?aamerican students are looking for destination.bamerican students are interested in chinese culture.cbritain continues to be the leading destination.dchina grows as study hot spot for american students.【解析】概括文章主旨大意题。通篇文章讲述是中国成为美国学生炙热的学习地。【答案】d厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有


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