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1、高考英语分类题库、解析第26集: 说明文02 cioze 1 millions of people in britain struggle out of bed each morning, fumble(乱摸)into some clothes, and made their way to a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. they need something 1 to nanind them that the rest of the day will be 2 different than getting up. this need ma

2、y be the 3 that many of them turn their 4 eyes to the cartoons section of the newspaper as they sip(呷)their first cups of the day. cartoons reflect (反映) the times and the troubles and worries of people. they give people an opportunity(时机) to 5 themselves and at familiar situations. in times of prosp

3、erity (繁荣), for example, cartoons show people 6 the good economic(经济上的)situation. they also make fun of the 7 that people make for themselves like making a problem out of which type of car to buy. in 8 times of economic troubles people want someone or something to_9_their troubles on. cartoons provi

4、de scapegoats (替身). they also help people to see the 10 in a not-so-funny situation. 11 , a cartoon might say that the government of a country is responsible for the bad economy and 12 show the government leaders as a group of ridiculous(可笑的) people. being able to use the leaders as scapegoats and t

5、o laugh at the leaders somehow make people feel 13 about their situation. cartoons also make people laugh at their own personal 14 . young people who are not always 15 of how to act can smile at their awkwardness(为难). cid people whose 16 children pay little attention to them can chuckle(暗笑) at their

6、 neglect (疏忽)and loneliness. students who have studied too 17 before an examination can laugh at their worries. anyone's problems are made bigger than life in the cartoons. perhaps the problems 18 funny because there is humor in something that is real being made unreal.a cartoon combines(结合)art

7、and humor. when it is skillfully 19 , a simple line drawing and a few words can make people laugh. their trouble seem less 20 and they enjoy life more fully. 1. a. cheerful b. dull c. pretty d. different 答案: a 指导:英国人想在平淡的日子中找点乐趣,故用cheerful。different与后面重复;dull与题意产生矛盾;pretty般修饰人。2. a. most b. already

8、c. nearly d. less 答案: d 指导:lessdifferent用于说明英国人日子的平淡。由后面的than可排除其他选项。3. a. way b. reason c. fun d. doubt 答案: b 指导:前面所提到的需求就是英国人如此偏爱卡通的“原因。从因果关系人手可排除其他选项。4. a. sharp c. half-open c. near-sighted d. bright 答案: b 指导:前文提到英国人早晨刚刚起床就上看卡通。从“刚刚起床这一语境可排除其他选项。5. a. laugh at b. play ticks on c. encourage d. wo

9、rry 答案: a 指导:此处表示英国人借卡通来“自嘲。playtrickson意为“捉弄,英国人不可能捉弄自己,故不用b,其他不合题意。6. a. praising b. enjoying c. making d. improving 答案: b 指导:经济状况好的时候,卡通也反映了英国人“享受生活的情景。c、d两项与前面“经济繁荣在语意上矛盾;“赞扬太片面。7. a. families b. names c. questions d. problems 答案: d 指导:此处还是表示英国人喜欢“自嘲,嘲笑自己制造的问题。questions为“疑问,不是实际要解决的问题;其他不合题意。8.

10、a. happy b. good c. hard d. modern 答案: c 指导:后面有timesof economic troubles作为信息提示,因此用“艰难时期。由信息提示可排除其他选项。9. a. blame b. share c. place d. burden 答案: a 指导:后面有英国人“找替罪羊的信息提示,因此此处是找“责备、发泄的对象。由信息提示可排除其他选项。10.a. pleasure b. humour c. hope d. chance 答案: b 指导:卡通的作用就是在枯燥的环境中为人们提供乐趣,令人发笑。从后面的“不太滑稽这一信息提示,可捧除其他选项。1

11、1.a. as a result b. for example c. what's more d. on the other hand 答案: b 指导:下文是举例说明英国人从卡通中“找乐的情况。12.a. too b. only c. also d. either 答案: c 指导:and说明前后文是并列关系。either一般用于否认句;too用在此处位置不对。13.a. better b. worse c. dearer d. mom puzzled 答案: a 指导:英国人通过嘲笑政府官员在经济不景气的环境中找点好心情。从前面“嘲笑官员可知,英国人是为了发泄白己的不满,使自己心情

12、好一点。14.a. success b. happiness c. failure d. worries 答案: d 指导:后文所述皆是生活中的“烦恼。15.a. sure b. proud c. fond d. hopeful 答案: a 指导:由后面“为难可知,这些年轻人对自己缺乏自信。16.a. cruel b. grown c. bad d. useless 答案: b 指导:由后面老年人孤独、被忽略可知,孩子已长大成人。17.a. much b. hard c. late d. little 答案: d 指导:由后面“担忧可知,这些学生考试之前没有下工夫。18.a. seem b.

13、appear c. feel d. look 答案: a 指导:此处表示通过夸张使“问题显得好笑。seem和appear都表示“显得,但seem往往表示有根据的判断,而appear含有“外表上看是一回事,而实际并非如此之意。c19.a. taken b. asked c. brought d. done 答案: d 指导:done此处相当于drawn,表示卡通如果画得好。20.a. necessary b. important c. comfortable d. expensive 答案: b 指导:有了卡通带来的幽默,人们可暂时忘掉生活中的烦恼、难题。cioze 2 the benefits

14、 of puppy love "have a talk with your dog and call me in the morning." that's 1 doctors might say after reading the studies that have been done about people and their 2 the studies are showing that pets are good for your health. it doesn't seem to 3 whether your pet is a dog or a l

15、izard (蜥蜴) or a gold- fish. pets may do 4 for you than you will ever do for them. 5 you have had a long and tiring day, and feel a little anxious. the best way to 6 may be to chat with your cat or hug (拥抱) your dog. 7 of people and pets was done at the university of pennsylvania. this 8 was discover

16、ed: the blood pressures of some people who were studied stayed the same or 9 when they spoke to animals. 10 blood pressure is important to good health. and, doctors say, blood pressure often goes up when people talk to 11 ! animals also seem to help people who are sick or lonely. people in nursing h

17、omes showed great 12 when pets were brought to them. they liked to 13 the animals and talk to them. and they liked to talk to one another about the animals. one man had 14 a stroke (中风) and had not spoken for a long time. a puppy (小狗)was placed in his wheelchair. suddenly the man was laughing softly

18、. "puppy,' he whispered. 15 at a mental hospital were given small animals, such as white mice, birds. caring for the pets gave these patients a reason to talk and work together. many became 16 and more helpful in france, people found that pets helped children who 17 not talk to other people

19、. the children first touched and played with pets, then began speaking with adults (成年人). do animals have magic(有魔力的) 18 to help people? scientists think the magic is simply love and trust. pets are likely to 19 people and show them affection (感情) . they give people something to 20 about. they make

20、people feel wanted and needed.the studies seem to show that animals are "good medicine". maybe the animals have known that all along. 1. a. what b. when c. why d. how 答案: a 指导:what引导表语从句,本身作宾语。其他选项也可以引导宾语从句,但不是作者要表达的问题。2. a. dogs b. friends c. hobbies d. pets 答案: d 指导:从下文看,研究的是人跟宠物之间的关系。其他

21、选项都偏离了文章的中心。3. a. mind b. care c. matter d. show 答案: c 指导:此处表示养什么宠物没有关系。mind"介意,care“关心、在乎都不合题意,而且作主语的都是人。4. a. less b. better c. more d. worse 答案: c 指导:本文介绍的是养宠物的好处,因此选more。不能说宠物做的“更好。其他不合题意。5. a. imagine b. suppose c. remember d. think 答案: b 指导:此处是“假设某种情况。“想像、“思考不合逻辑。6. a. calm down b. slow d

22、own c. relax d. ease 答案: c 指导:从前面人们劳累了一天以及后面“跟宠物聊天及拥抱宠物判断,这儿指人们“放松的方式。calmdown"镇静下来;slowdown'"放慢速度;ease"变得容易都不合题意。7. a. study b. relation c. friendship d. search 答案: a 指导:前面已经有信息提示,因此此处还是指对人类跟宠物之间的关系的研究。8. a. news b. rule c. fact d. theory 答案: c 指导:研究所发现的只能是“事实。“新闻、“规那么、“理论都不合题意。9

23、. a. went up b. went down c. changed d. reduced 答案: b 指导:人们跟宠物聊天,心情放松,血压应是“下降。a项不合题意;c项“改变没有说明是好的方面还是坏的方面;d"减少不合逻辑。10. a. average b. natural c. ordinary d. normal 答案: d 指导:“正常血压对人的健康有好处。average,natural,ordianary都不能用来修饰血压。11. a. people b. children c. enemies d. leaders 答案:a 指导:从“血压升高这一信息可推断出此处指人

24、与“人交谈。12. a. surprise b. joy c. courage d. happiness 答案: b 指导:当宠物被带到养老院时,人们的表现自然是“快乐。“幸福语意太强,用在此处不适宜。其他不合题意。13. a. touch b. feed c. raise d. love 答案: a 指导:此处表示人们喜欢“爱抚宠物。14. a. hit b. caught c. suffered d. struck 答案: c 指导:此处是指“中风的人,“遭受为最正确答案。catch当“染上某种疾病讲,从后面好长时间不说话可知,此处不表示“刚刚染病的情况,而是长期患病。hit,strike

25、当自然灾害“袭击某个地方讲。15. a. workers b. patients c. nurses d. doctors 答案: b 指导:此处指用宠物对“病人进行治疗。16. a. calmer b. wanner c. clever d. worse 答案: a 指导:宠物对病人有抚慰作用,因此他们变得“更安静了。17. a. should b. could c. would d. might 答案: c 指导:would此处表示“意愿。此处是指那些性情古怪,不愿跟人讲话的孩子。其他情态动词无此用法。18. a. strength b. power c. energy d. wonder

26、 答案: b 指导:power当“巨大或神奇的力量讲。strengh“体力,energy"精力,自然界的能,wonder"惊奇都不合语境。19. a. welcome b. greet c. help d. treasure 答案: a 指导:狗会对人表示“欢送。greet“问候、打招呼,treasure"珍惜不能用来形容狗的行为。20. a. think b. go c. care d. bring 答案: c 指导:狗为人提供了可以“关心的对象。cloze 3i would like to share with you a story of the monke

27、y. in thompson's the outline of science there is story about a scien- tist who 1 several chimpanzees and monkeys in order to 2 animal psychology, he took a glass bottle, 3 its cork (瓶塞) and put two peanuts inside the bottle. needless to say, the peanuts dropped to the bottle and were easily seen

28、 from the 4 . he then passed the bottle to a monkey, who shook it 5 for a long while and was 6 able to get the peanuts when they 7 fell out. the scientist then put some peanuts into the bottle again 8 he had done before and showed the monkey that it only needed to 9 the bottle upside down for the pe

29、anuts to drop out. 10 the monkey always ignored his 11 . each time it just shook the bottle frantically, wlth great 12 but without necessarily achieving 13 result. now the question is why the monkey was unable to under stand what the scientist instructs. 14 because all its attea-tion was focused on

30、the peanuts. as it was simple mindedly concentrating on reaching the food, it had no time for understanding 15 learning. to learn, it must take its eyes off the peanuts and shift its attention to the 16 movement of the man and the 17 the bottle was turned upside down. to shift its attention, it had

31、to 18 down and not be taken ow by the impulse (诱惑) of its appetite. yet the monkey was tx able to understand this. it is instances like this 19 revea (提示)the monkey's lack of 20 .1. a. kept b. raised c. fed d. caught 答案: a 指导:keep"饲养,此处指科学家饲养了几只黑猩猩和猴子,以研究动物心理。此题干扰性最强的是raise,但raise一般当“抚养长大讲,

32、相当于bringup;feed"喂食,意思不全面。2. a. learn b. know c. study d. find 答案: c 指导:科学家饲养黑猩猩和猴子显然是研究它们的心理。3. a. moved b. removed c. taken d. loosen 答案: b 指导:科学家要把两个坚果放到瓶子里面,应首先把瓶塞“除去。“移动“松开等都不合逻辑。4. a. inside b. top c. upside d. outside 答案: d 指导:因为坚果是在瓶子里面,所以我们从“外面可以看得到。其他选项不合语境。5. a. happily b. anxiously c

33、. hurriedly d. easily 答案: b 指导:猴子急于想吃到坚果,因此应是“着急地晃瓶子。 6. a. quite b. only c. of course d. not 答案: b 指导:根据语境分析,只有当坚果出来的时候,猴子才能吃到它们。7. a. suddenly b. accidentally c. occasionally d. quickly 答案: b 指导:由语境判断,猴子并没有很好的方法把坚果取出来,因此在晃动下,坚果只能“碰巧、偶然掉了出来。oceasionally"偶而说明的是频率,都不合逻辑。8. a. as b. that c. what

34、d. until 答案: a 指导:as引导方式状语从句,当“以的方式讲。其他都不能引导方式状语从句。9. a. hang b. put c. turn d. hold 答案: c 指导:turn sthupside down是“把倒转过来之意。只要把瓶子口朝下,坚果就会被倒出来。10. a. but b. then c. therefore d. thus 答案: a 指导:通过后面猴子无视指令判断,此处应是转折关系。11. a. directions b. explanationsc. performances d. instructions 答案: d 指导:这儿指猴子无视了教授的“指令

35、、命令。directions当“产品、药品的说明讲;“解释、“表演不合语境。12. a. effort b. strength c. power d. force 答案: a 指导:指猴子“非常吃力地摇晃瓶子。with great effort意为“非常卖力地。此处猴子摇晃瓶子,不仅是用“体力,也不是用“权利和“武力。13. a. expecting b. interesting c. desired d. satisfyin 答案: c 指导:desired过去分词作定语,当“所期望的讲,相当于expectedo猤子没有获得期望的纬果。其他不合语法。14. a. probably b. li

36、kely c. simply d. nearly 答案: c 指导:simply"仅仅此处用来加强语气。指猴子仅仅把注意力集中在坚果上而无视了科学家的指令。15. a. nor b. and c. but d instead 答案: b指导:此处是并列关系。16. a. gesture b. mouth c. hand d. eye 答案: c 指导,科学家在教猴子怎样把瓶子颠倒过来,因此是“手的动作。17. a. manner b. way c. method d. direction 答案: b 指导:此处应是瓶子被颠倒的方式。猴子没有注意到科学家的演示。manner指的是人的“

37、行为方式,mothod 指具体做事情的“方法,用法比way正式。18. a. sit b. get c. let d. calm 答案: d 指导:此处指猴子要想转移注意力,必须首先“冷静下来,不被诱惑所控制。其他选项不合题意。19. a. that b. which c. how d. what 答案: a 指导:that此处引导强调句。其他不合语法要求。20. a. speech b. ability c. training d. wisdom 答案: d 指导:这个实验说明猴子缺乏“智慧。其他选项都脱离了文章的中心。cloze 4 the western world has always

38、 been divided into two type of people-the cool and uncnol. it is a 1 that starts in school the 2 kids are good at sports. they are good looking and people want to 3 their style. they can do the homework but they don't 4 a big effort. that would notcool. the uncool kids are in 5 corner of the pla

39、yground.they are very bright, but they don't have great 6 skills they are 7 at sports. when they are not 8 computers doing calculus (微积分) in their heads, they are reading come books and watching shows. they are 9 as the geeks. here's the geeks. the geeks are taking over (占上风 )make friends wi

40、th them now 10 they will put virus (病毒)in your computer and 11 your maths homework to geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, mt 12 good degrees. the most important 13 of the 21 st century, comput es and it, has been

41、 at least partly created by geeks. geck hens like bill gates 14 others to follow their examples. be: a geek is a way of earning good money. and the creation of the internet gave them a 15 of their own to work and play in making them a global force. 16 , the effect of the geeks popular culture has st

42、arted a new trend (趋势). it is dw cool to be 18 .geek culture is becoming an important rtm of general popular culture, in which what you know is bore important than 19 you look like.but there are also 20 . geeks were of ten bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in school. now a geck may be your boss. perhaps it

43、 is time for punishment. 1 a. division b. part c. group d. habit 答案: a 指导;这里指的是the cool和the uncool的“分类。由前面的divide可排除其他选项。2.a. pleasant b. cool c. crazy d. popular 答案: b 指导:由下文thatwouldnotbecool可知这里指的是第一类人,thecool"很酷的孩子往往擅长体育。从上下文的比照关系可排除其他选项。3.a. take b. act c. copy d. advance 答案: c 指导;copy用作动词

44、,当“模仿讲。此处是说,那些擅长体育的孩子长得很帅,因此人们都喜欢模仿他们。其他三个选项与style不搭配。4.a. have b. suffer c. support d. make 答案: d 指导:makeeffort是动词的固定搭配“付出努力。5.a. the other b. any c. other d. another 答案: a 指导:这里指和thecool相对应的另一个阵营。把事物分为两局部,其余的一局部我们往往用theotherother表示“另外的一些,是指把事物分为三局部以上;another表不三者或三者以上的“另一个。6.a. operating b. speakin

45、g c. social d. experimental 答案: c 指导;从后文看theuncool一类人不善“社交,即缺乏“社交技能。7.a.good b. active c. hopeless d. sharp 答案: c 指导:the uncool一类人在体育方面也不行,因此选hopeless"无望的?。其他形容词与此处所表达的语境正好相反。8.a.programming b.making c. repairing d. selling 答案: a 指导:programme用作动词,当“编程序讲,此处指信息产业的奇才们在里主要是编程序。9.a. admired b. thoug

46、ht c. known d. reeognized 答案: c 指导;beknownas意为“作为知名。他们就是人所共知的“奇才。从文章所给的信息看,这类人并不被人 看好,因此不用beadmiredasia作为被崇拜或berecognizedass!作为被成认。10. a. and b. so c. or d. that 答案: c 指导:or连接并列句,引出与前文相反的后果。11. a. put b. cause c. bring d. take 答案: c 指导;bring somethingtoruin是固定短语,相当于ruin“消灭。此处表达的意思是:如果不跟这些人交朋友,他们会报复你

47、,使你的电脑瘫痪。12. a. win b. take c. wish d. finish 答案: b 指导:takegetobtain a degree"获得学位。13. a. industry b. progressc. discovery d. improvement 答案: a 指导:这里指信息产业,故用industry14. a. excite b. discouragec. demand d. promise 答案: a 指导:信息产业人才迅速崛起,获得巨大成功,因此“鼓励人们仿效他们。15. a. space b. world c. chance d. heaven 答

48、案: b 指导:因特网的诞生为信息产业人才提供了广阔的“世界。前面有不定冠词a,因此不选space16. a. therefore b. howeverc. though d. besides 答案: d 指导;besides用作副词,表示“增补关系。therefore表“结果;however表“转折;though表“让步。17. a. in b. of c. on d. for 答案: c 指导:effect和介词on搭配,表示“对的影响。18. a. rich b. uncool c. attractive d. handsome 答案: b 指导:geeks一类人获得了巨大成就,对群众文

49、化也产生了巨大的影响,因此人们对什么是cool的观点也发生了变化;过去uncool的geeks现在成为人们真正崇拜的 对象。19. a. how b. that c. bow much d. what 答案: d 指导:现在人们意识到知识比外表更重要。what引导名词性从句,本身作表语。20. a. dangers b. questions c. possibilityd. chances 答案: a 指导:过去geeks在校园里是被人欺负和嘲笑的对象,而现在却当了老板。因此此处说,原来欺负他们的人也许就成了“奇才们的雇员,被他们所控制,就是一种“危险。cloze 5the task of b

50、eing accepted and enrolled (招收) in a university begins early for some students. long 1 they graduate from high school, these students take special 2 to prepare for advanced study. they may also take one or more examinations that test how 3 prepared they are for the university. in the final year of h

51、igh school, they 4 apphcations (申请)and send them, with their student records, to the oniversifies which they hope to 5 . sonae high school students may be 6 to have an interview with repre- senta-fives of the university. neatly 7 and usually very frightened, they are 8 to show that they have a good attitude and the 9 to succed when the new students are finally 10 , there may be one more step they have to 11 before registering for (登记)classes and 12 to work. many colleges and universities 13 an oftentation (情况介绍) program for students. 14 thesepregrams, the young people get to know t


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