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1、高中英语必修五module2 a job worth doing单元练测卷二单元练测卷二. 单项选择1. how do you like his plan?it may be so in theory, but how will it work in practice?a. the; the b.; c. the; d.; the2.can you describe his ?hard-working, easy-going, and very patient.a. background b. appearancec. talent d. personality3. i never thoug

2、ht of it before, all that my parents had done for me for granted.a. taking b. takenc. to taked. took4. i really appreciated it when i was in trouble he always to help me.a. afforded b. stuckc. refusedd. offered5. entertaining and written in good english,this book is worth buying and .a. to readb. re

3、adsc. readingd. being read6. id go to the seaside for a holiday with my family as soon as i what i was doing.a. would finish b. had finishedc. was finishingd. finished7. such a heavy loss in the earthquake, they got help from all over the world.a. suffer b. having sufferedc. suffered d. to suffer8.

4、id like a table for six.sorry, sir, but we dont have any table tonight.a. usableb. suitablec. available d. comfortable9. i was doing my homework in my bedroom the light went out. i did it with a candle on.a. whichb. whilec. whend. where10. the runners their positions on the starting line at the soun

5、d of the whistle.a. made upb. took upc. turned upd. set up11. you are required by law seat belts.thanks for your reminding. ill do it right away.a. wearingb. being wornc. to weard. to be worn12. i ran across david while walking along the street yesterday. i him for three years.a. hadnt seenb. didnt

6、seec. havent seen d. dont see13. everyone in my class passed the exam.oh, really? it difficult.a. cant have beenb. neednt have beenc. must bed. mightnt be14. the effect a teacher has children may be greater than that of their parents.a. in b. onc. at d. with15. you can hardly imagine how excited i w

7、as when the day i had been looking forward to at last.a. coming b. comec. came d. comes. 完形填空 teaching second grade is always a challenge. each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. one year a student called billy 16 me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements.

8、 he struggled daily with his 17 emotions and often became angry or violent. i knew that,to make 18 progress, his emotions needed controlling.one 19 i tried to help billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school. billys mom would 20 me to alert提醒me to a particularly

9、emotional morning at home. then, i would focus on 21 his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived.one week our class was studying 22 i thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog rocky to school for the day.that day began as normal. i was preparing ac

10、tivities focused on dog themes 23 i was told that billy had a 24 morning at home and i might need to get him 25 . as i was talking to his mom,billy 26 into the classroom. to billy's 27 , rocky immediately ran up to his new 28 , wagging his tail and licking billys face with doggy affection. billy

11、 couldnt 29 rockys charm魅力and began laughing as his anger melted away.throughout the day,billy never left rockys side,feeding him, being gentle with him and even 30 the other students while rocky was sleeping.billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid 31 , but on this day he found a good d

12、og story, “cliffords puppy days, and read it to rocky. how 32 i was at the sight of billy reading happily! my little dog was able to 33 billys day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter, gentleness and 34 .that day rocky more than helped me with my 35 ; he helped to change the life of

13、a child! after that billys behavior definitely improved.16. a. challenged b. cheatedc. benefitedd. betrayed17. a. unforgettableb. uncontrollablec. unconscious d. unfortunate18. a. physicalb. mentalc. academicd. authentic19. a. advantageb. agendac. reason d. way20. a. awakeb. callc. visitd. sign21 .a

14、. tolerating b. observingc. relievingd. ignoring22. a. emotions b. petsc. botany d. diet23. a. afterb. asc. when d. before24. a. boring b. fantasticc. busy d. rough25. a. settledb. punishedc. treated d. excited26. a. fledb. stormedc. joggedd. floated27. a. surprise b. delightc. shamed. fear28. a. pr

15、otectorb. trainerc. friend d. owner29. a. resistb. describec. reduce d. forget30. a. educating b. envyingc. comforting d. quieting31 .a. explodingb. readingc. arguingd. apologizing32. a. surprisedb. disappointedc. amused d. confused33. a. urge b. shortenc. transformd. expand34. a. admirationb. curio

16、sityc. anxietyd. love35. a. familyb. teachingc. houseworkd. performance. 阅读理解aas a solo artist,brightman has sold 26 million albums and two million dvds in 34 countries. her musical styles put opera, pop and jazz together. she is popular in the states but not herebritainthe image of her and her seco

17、nd husband, andrew lloyd webberhe much older, she his muse) seems for ever frozen.the 47-year-old singer talks about the new album symphony that came out of a “very dark time, including her decision to give up trying to have children. “people have suggested i could adopt, brightman says. “but work i

18、s central to my life now. and so i am going to put it to one side. after a while not having children becomes the norm and perhaps that might sound alarming, to parents especially, but i have never known anything different. im not hurt by not having children. my life and career are incredibly rich.ta

19、lking about growing up in a large family in berkhamsted father a property developer who later committed suicide, she says: “i was gifted as a child, and very musical. i seemed to be good at anything to do with the arts. at 5 i understood the music i was dancing to and had an eye for costume. she fir

20、st appeared in a west end musical at 11 and hated boarding school.brightman led the saucy dance troupe辣妹三人舞hot gossip and had her first hit with i lost my heart to a starship trooper in 1978. at 18 she married a music manager called andrew graham stewart. “i was probably in love but i cant remember.

21、 girls change such a lot between 18 and 22. it didnt really work out. in 1981 she was spotted by lloyd webber. she became his leading lady in song and dance, requiem and phantom of the opera. they married in 1984.brightman says she felt hostility敌意 “from the beginning. i havent tried to understand i

22、t. ive done very well everywhere else, especially the uk, where i now live. i just accept it for what it is. the more you are away from britain, the more you appreciate it. but i dont miss it, although i miss my family. our profession can be uncomfortable but i enjoy what i do. i get on with it.36.

23、the first paragraph tells us that _.a. brightman is very popular around the world except in americab. brightmans musical style is a mixture of opera, pop and jazzc. the british people dont like her for her style of musicd. brightman is much older than andrew lloyd webber37. brightman decided to give

24、 up having children because _.a. she could adopt oneb. her life and career were unbelievably rich without childrenc. she felt it normal not to have childrend. she was too busy38. the following statements are true except _.a. brightman first appeared in a west end musical at 5b. brightman disliked li

25、fe on campusc. brightman was very gifted when she was youngd. the saucy dance troupe made brightman famous39. the underlined word in the fourth paragraph probably means _.a. located b. admiredc. followedd. found40. what does the author try to say in the last paragraph by quoting brightmans words?a.

26、brightman has to accept the fact that she isntliked in britainb. brightman lives in america but she loves her own countryc. the british coldness towards brightman led to her hatred to her homelandd. brightman was at a loss why she was not welcome in britainbmany american youngsters earn their own al

27、lowance零花钱by doing temporary jobs for their neighbors. babysitting is one of the common of these jobs. most couples do not have maids or relatives living with them, and they need to have someone watch the children if they want to go out.another way is by mowing lawn in summer and clearing snow from

28、sidewalks and driveways in winter. many people mow their own lawns,but often people prefer to give the job to a neighbors child. in winter, snow clearing from streets and highways is the governments responsibility. homeowners or tenants, however, must clear sidewalks and driveways. since clearing sn

29、ow is very tiring, many people prefer to hire teenagers for this job rather than do it themselves.besides, many american teenagers usually work two to three hours after school and all day on saturday or sunday at the local supermarket. they work as cashiers or stockroom clerks. or they help customer

30、s carry things to their cars. other favorite jobs are waiting on tables in restaurants or working part-time at stores or gas stations.by earning their own allowance,teenagers acquire a feeling of independence and a sense of responsibility which prepares them for a productive life in society.41. what

31、 does “babysitting mean in the first paragraph?a. watching a baby when its parents are out.b. working as a maid.c. sitting with a baby.d. selling something.42. how do american youngsters earn their allowance? which one is not one of the ways?a. by mowing lawn in summer.b. by clearing snow from sidew

32、alks and driveways in winter.c. by working two to three hours after school and all day on saturday or sunday.d. by doing some housework for the family.43. when it comes to clearing snow,what do many people like to do?a. hire teenagers for this job rather than do it themselves.b. they do it themselve

33、s.c. they hire their own children to do so.d. they dont clean it at all.44. what is the advantage of youngsters earning allowance?a. they acquire a feeling of independence.b. they acquire a sense of responsibility.c. the actions prepare them for a productive life in society.d. all of the above.45. w

34、ho will clear the snow on the streets?a. the inhabitants.b. the neighbors.c. the government.d. the police.cin 1939 two brothers, mac and dick mcdonald, started a drive-in restaurant in san bernardino, california. they carefully chose a busy corner for their location. they had run their own businesse

35、s for years, first a theater, then a barbecue烤肉restaurant, then another drive-in. but in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: french fries, hamburgers, and sodas. to this small selection they added one new idea: quick service,no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.their hamburgers

36、 were sold for fifteen cents. cheese was another four cents. their french fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity一致性, for the brothers had developed a strict routine程序for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks sticking to their routine. their new drive-in became sur

37、prisingly popular, particularly for lunch. people drove up by the hundred during the busy noontime. the self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. they were content with this modest success until they met ray kroc.kroc was a sale

38、sman who met the mcdonald brothers in 1954 when he was selling milkshake-mixing machines. he quickly saw the special attraction of the brothers fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise特许经营other copies of their restaurants. the agreement included the right to duplicate复制 the menu, the

39、equipment, even their red and white buildings the golden arches拱门.today mcdonalds is really a household name. in 1976, mcdonalds had over1 billion in total sales. its first twenty-two years is one of the most surprising successes in modern american business history.46. this passage mainly talks abou

40、t .a. the development of fast food servicesb. how mcdonalds became a billion-dollar businessc. the business careers of mac and dick mcdonaldd. ray krocs business talent47. mac and dick managed all of the following business except .a. a drive-inb. a theaterc. a cinemad. a barbecue restaurant48. we ma

41、y infer from this passage that .a. mac and dick mcdonald never became wealthy, for they sold their ideas to krocb. the place the mcdonald brothers chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-inc. forty years ago there were lots of fast-food restaurantsd. ray kroc was a good busi

42、nessman49. the passage suggests that .a. creativity is an important element of business successb. ray kroc was the close partner of the mcdonald brothersc. mac and dick mcdonald became broken after they sold their ideas to ray krocd. california is the best place to go into business50. which of the f

43、ollowing statement is not true?a. today mcdonalds is very popular in the world.b. the first twenty-two years of mcdonalds is the most surprising success in american business history.c. mac and dick mcdonald were content with their business at first.d. it is convenient to eat in a drive-in.di am serg

44、ey brin! i was born in moscow. in 1979, when i was 5, my family immigrated to the united states. i remember that on my 9th birthday i got my first computer “commodore 64”.later i graduated with honors in the university of maryland in mathematics and it. the main field of my science research was the

45、technologies used to collect data from unsystematic sources as well as large quantities of texts and science data. i was the author of dozens of articles in leading american academic magazines.the greatest event in my life happened when in 1998 i was preparing for the defense论文辩论of my doctors degree

46、 in stanford university. there the fate made me meet larry pagea young computer genius. larry belonged to the intellectual society. larry and i quickly became friends when we worked together.we were searching day and night on the internet. we were finding a lot of information but with the feeling we

47、 still couldnt find enough of what we were looking for. naturally the idea for a search engine that would allow specific information to be found in the endless pool of data was born like it came to us. it wasnt our plans but we gave up the education at the university. you know the next part, maybe w

48、e managed to turn an ordinary garage in meplo park, california, the u. s. a. into our first office, in which google was born. with excitement we typed the name of the thing which we created with love on september 14th 1998. now, after those years we bought this garage. as a symbol it will always rem

49、ind us that everything is possible.51. sergey brin actually graduated from .a. the university of marylandb. the university of moscowc. the university of californiad. stanford university52. from the passage we know that larry page _.a. was brins important partner in starting googleb. was born in a ri

50、ch merchant familyc. was once a student in the university of marylandd. was a professor from stanford university53. which is the right order of what happened?a. my family moved from russia to the u. s. a.b. i met larry page.c. i was given a computer as a present on my 9thbirthday.d. google was born

51、in an ordinary garage in california.a. c-a-b-db. c-b-a-dc. a-c-b-dd. a-c-d-b54. which of the following would be the best title for this passage?a. the history of googleb. the great contribution of googlec. the great success of googled. the birth of google55. which of the following statements is true

52、?a. the main field of my science research was computer.b. i wrote many articles in leading american magazines.c. larry is one of my classmates.d. when i was 5, i got my first computer “commodore 64”. 阅读表达阅读下面短文,根据题目要求,完成下面五个小题。注意题后的词数限制the girl looking for the job turned out to be excellent but she

53、ended up giving her employer a headache when it also turned out that she used an unreal diploma文凭.in december, a civil administration bureau民政局in the city of wuhan, hubei province, announced that it needed five new staff members. some 120 people applied and took the exam. applicants申请人were required

54、to show proof of a college degree at least.mei jing beat everyone in the test and the interview. when a follow-up check was done, however, her education certificate证书was discovered to be an unreal one.this was a bit of an embarrassment for the employers. a dilemma, one might say. if she were hired b

55、ecause of her excellent performance, she still wouldnt have the qualifications on paper. but, if she were dropped out because she didnt meet the education requirements, they would lose a good worker. tough problem.while meis future hung in the balance, the public having learned of the case, got involved. some people said the bureau should employ her, since results are the only important thing. “after al


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