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1、A. filled outB. looked out2013-2014 学年外研八年级下学期期末试题Class: _ Name: _ Marks : _ (满分 100 分)一.单项选择(15 分)从下列各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1. I hope to be_ director like Ang Lee one day. What about you, JimBeing_ artist is my dre am.A. a; aB. an; aC. a; anD. an; an()2.1 m sure that you can improve

2、 your Chinese_ practising more.A. byB. withC. ofD. in()3. Do you know the song Gangnam StyleOf course. It_ in teresti ng.A. tastesB. smellsC. feelsD. sounds()4. My sister likes the_ of the cake. It is a heart.()5. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, and we felt excited and_A. n ervousB. proudC. patie ntD. I

3、on elyA. valueC. smellB.weightD. shapeA. laughB. laugh ingC. come outD. poin ted out()7. I want to buy_ for my mother s fortieth birthday.How about a pair of sun glassesA. special any thi ng B. someth ing specialC. nothing special D. special somethi ng()8. Chia ng Mai (清迈)has become one of_ tourist

4、places for Chin ese since the filmLost in Thailand was on.A. hotB. hotterC. hottestD. the hottest()9. Look, my dad bought a new iPad as my birthday gift.I don t think we need such an expsive gift though our parents can_it.A. affordB. allowC. refuseD. expect()10. If you must go,_ wait un til the bus

5、stops.A. at lastB. at onceC. at the endD. at least()11. Linda hurt her legs badly in the accide nt, so she could_ sta nd up.A. reallyB.probablyC. especiallyD. hardly()12. How long have you lived in the new flat_ 2010.A. InB. AfterC. Si neeD. Before()6. I hear that Han Hans new book has_. Lets go to

6、buy one.A. laughB. laugh ing()13. It was such a funny show that we couldn t help_again and again.C. to laughD. laughed()14. Work hard,you ll make much great progress soonA. orB. ifC. butD. and()15. I II go to the museum this after noon, so I can t go swim ming with you.A. It s my pleasuBe You re wel

7、comeC. That s a pity D. Don t mention it二.完形填空(10 分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。I am a mother of two childre n. In my 16 there is always a special place for those people who are old.Sometimes I feel sad for the old people, and sometimes I am also afraid of getting old.Elderly people 17 a lot o

8、f care. They should be helped with some housework. We can help them 18, wash clothes and so on. I like making friends 19 elderly people. I havelunch with them and 20 their stories. I help them do some shopp ing and cut their hair. I have noticed thatwhen a person gets 21, most people start to ignore

9、 (忽视)him or her. We allknow old people will have a bad 22 and lose their hearing. 23, it makes medisappo in ted to see doctors and even their families treat them as childre n. We n eed to take a minuteout of our 24 life to do something special for the old. It really makes them 25 that some one spe n

10、ds timetalk ing with them and cari ng for them.Actually we are sad whe n the old people are gone. So we should try our best to give them morecomfort and care whe n they are alive.()16. A. bagB.heartC. roomD. box()17. A. giveB.bring()18. A. drawB.cookC. hateD. n eedC. si ng()19. A. onC. at()20. A. li

11、sten toC. take off()21. A. olderC. taller()22. A. pressureC. memory()23. A. AsC. Though()24. A. simpleC. busy()25. A. sadC. bored.阅读理解(20 分)阅读下列材料,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。This spring, we have four kinds of field trips for families. The price of each field trip is $50 for a groupof four people or less. Y

12、ou may choose from the followi ng:FarmTourCome to the farm, meet those lovelyanimals and take a walk in the gardePla nti ngDo some pla nti ng with your childrenin the garden and enjoy the pleasureof it.D. writeB. toD. withB. look atD. hear fromB.youngerD. stron gerB. behaviorD. shapeB. PerhapsD. How

13、everB. differe ntD. hardB. happyD. i nterestedHoneybeeField TripCome and take a look at the honeybees.Lear n more about these busyani mals and maybe even taste somehoney (蜂蜜).Life on theFarmLear n about the farm life in spri ng!Enjoy watering, harvesting (收割 )and o ther activities about farm work,lo

14、cal food and someth ing else on thefarm.()26. How many kinds of trips are offeredB. Three.C. Four.()you choose Farm Tour, you will_ .A. see a lot of cute ani malsB. pla nt some crops in the garde nC. have some honeyD. eat some local food()you want to experie nee farmers life, you can chooseA. Farm T

15、ourB. Pla ntingC. Hon eybee Field TripD. Life on the Farm()29. What can we know from the passageA. The price of each field trip is $50 for any group.B. A th ree people s family should pay $50 for one trip.C. The honeybee is the only animal that you can see during the trip.D. You can go to the field

16、trip all year round.A. Two.D. Five.()30. What s the passage mainly aboutA. Life on the farm.B. Ani mals in the garde n.C. Some field trips.D. Travellers to the farm.BI m Anna. Early last week, my parents said we would spend our vacation in Grandpa s housewasn t excited because he lived far away from

17、 us! Usually we flew there, but this time Dad said he would give us a cha neeto enjoy the beautiful sights.We drove for nearly three hours before meeting the first interesting sight: the World LargestPeanut. I thought it broke up the boredom (无聊)of the car ride.And the n we stopped for lunch at a se

18、afood restaura nt. Dad said the fish was n t as nice as that atthe Fishing Hall of Fame. After lunch, Dad drove to a place called Ruby Falls. I took lots of pictures there and started to havefun.We stopped at the World Isargest Catsup (番茄酱)Bottle the next day. I did find it veryin teresti ng. It was

19、 a water tower, but it could hold over 600,000 bottles of catsup.Whe n we fin ally got to Gran dpa s, I was too excited to jump out of the car. It was really a greattrip for me.()31. Why was Anna not exci ted about going to her grandpa s house at firstA. Because his house was n ear her house.B. Beca

20、use there was nothing to do at his house.C. Because his house was far away.D. Because she had to do a lot of house-work.()32. What does the underlined wordit ” refer toA. The World s Largest Pea nut.B. Ruby Falls.C. The Fishing Hall of Fame.D. The seafood restaurant.( )33. When did Anna and her pare

21、nts go to Ruby FallsA. Three hours after they left home.B. Before lunch on the first day.C. After lunch on the first day.D. The next day.( )34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passageA. Anna had a good time on the way to Grandpa s house.B. Anna s father likethde food at the seafood r

22、estaurant.C. Anna went to Grandpa s house by car every year.D. Anna s grandpa lived with them together.( )35. Which is the best title for the storyA. A Place on the Map.B. An Interesting Trip.C. Grandpa s House.D. A Boring Day.四. 词汇运用 (10 分 )A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。36. Lucy was shy. She would not i_ her c

23、lassmates to practise dancing with her.37. I can t eat anything sweet because I have got a t_ these days.38. Please m_ the sugar with the flour together.39. What a m_ you ve made! You d better clean it up before mum gets up.40. You d better check your homework carefully to a_ making some mistakes.B.

24、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。possible heroin eludepretty weigh41.1 believe that you will look much_if you don t wear glasses.42 . Superman, Spiderman and Iron Man are all_ in children s hearts.43. Yao Ming is about metres tall and_ kg.44. Our teachers ofte n tell us that nothing is_ if we work hard.45. Te

25、n people_ two babi es, were hurt in the crash. What terrible news!五. 改写句子(10 分)根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。46. Sandy could play the piano when she was four.(改为同义句 )Sandy_ play the piano when she was four.47. The girl can hardly see the words on the blackboard.( 完成反意疑问句 )The girl can hardly see the words on the

26、blackboard,_48. I have learned English for two years.(对划线部分提问)_ have you lear ned En glish49. Where does the girl live The old man asked me.(改为宾语从句)The old man asked me_ the girl _.50. I missed the early bus, so I was late for school.(改为同义句 )I missed the early bus, and _ _ _, I was late for school.六

27、. 情景交际(10 分)从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Hello, Mike! Are you free this eveningB: Yes. (51)_A: I hear Jay Chou s concert is on at Beijing Concert Hall this evening.B: Really (52)_A: I ve got two tickets for the conce53 )_B: Certainly, I tod Thanks for your invitation. (54_A: At seven o clock. Let s

28、go together.B: Great. (55)_A: At the gate of Beiji ng Con cert Hall at 6:45.B: All right. See you the n.A: See you.A. Would you like to go with meB. Where and whe n shall we meetC. Sorry. I don t have any time.D. What s upE. What time will it startF. What s the matter with youG. I m looking forward

29、to attending it.七.综合填空 (10 分)用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。but writecall result seemwhen use oldpart meanHave you ever picked up a pen to write some characters, but you can t remember what they look likeYou renot alone. CCTV-10 started a show (56)_ Chinese Character DictationCom-petition (中国汉字听写大会)last y

30、ear. On the show, only three out of 10 adults correctlywrote bingjiling (ice cream 冰激凌),and no one could (57)_ out penti (sneeze 喷嚏).According to a survey, % of people said they had memory lapses (差令错)(58)_writing some characters.It (59)_ that Chin ese characters are in dan ger. Since the digital ag

31、e bega n, fewer andfewer people (60)_ pens and paper. Most people now write Chin ese on keyboards usingpinyin . As a (61)_, many people would forget the features of a Chinese character, such asits structure and (62)_ easily.Chinese characters are one of the w orld s (63)_ written Ianguagedating back (追溯至 U )to 1100 BC. It s not only a way for us to record things, (64)_ itChinese culture. For example, the character nan (male 男)is made up of two (65)_, tian(farmland 田)and li (strength 力).We can tell from it that in the old times Chinese


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