2010年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson 2 On the move同步练习 北师大版必修3_第1页
2010年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson 2 On the move同步练习 北师大版必修3_第2页
2010年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson 2 On the move同步练习 北师大版必修3_第3页
2010年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson 2 On the move同步练习 北师大版必修3_第4页
2010年高中英语 Unit 9 lesson 2 On the move同步练习 北师大版必修3_第5页
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1、lesson 2 On the move 试题听力部分略单项选择部分 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21You know, _ knowledge of _computer is necessary to a secretary(秘书). Aa; /Bthe; theCthe; /Da; a22The room was empty_ a computer and a desk. AexceptBwithoutCexcept forDbesides23A big earthquake_ Pakistan on October 8

2、, 2005, _ over 70,000 people. Astrikes; killingBstruck; killingCknocked; killedDhit; kills24The terrible flood swallowed the village _ the villagers could get away. No one survived it.AafterBasCsince Dbefore25 What terrible weather! It _ for ten days, more or less. The rain season will last about a

3、month. ArainsBis rainingCrainedDhas been raining26He said he had never seen her before, _ was not true. AitBthatCwhichDwhat27. The wallet _ several days ago was found _ in the rubbish. Astealing; lieBstolen; lyingCstealing; lainDstolen; to lie28. I wont go to his birthday without _. A. inviting B. b

4、eing invited C. invited D. to be invited29. He told me a piece of news, _ terrible.A. I think it is B. I think which is C. which I think it is D. which I think is30. The yellow house _ windows face south is the place _ I spent my childhood. A. whose, that B. whose, where C. which, where D. where, wh

5、ich31The child dreamed that he had once lived in a _ house in the forest. A. wooden pretty littleB. little pretty wooden C. pretty little woodenD. wooden little pretty32Is this factory _?A. the one your father works in B. where your father worksC. which your father works D. your father works in33Ton

6、y was very unhappy for _ to the party. Ahave not been invitedBnot having invitedChaving not invited Dnot having been invited34_ in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital. ASeriously injuredBTo be injuredCInjuring badlyDHaving injured35Did he _ to escape being punished by the police? No, he _ to,

7、but failed. Atry; managedBsucceed; tried Cmanage; triedDsucceed; managed 完形填空部分(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Anna lived on the side of a valley. One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses 36 Anna's were washed away. Anna's house was hig

8、h enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were _37 there with no roof and no walls and all covered with _38 , her house was 39 quite all right. Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children , 40 Anna took in one of the families

9、that had lost 41 in the flood and she 42 her home with them until it was 43 for them to rebuild their houses. Anna's friends were 44 when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give 45 so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to 46 .&qu

10、ot;Well," Anna 47 her friends, "at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I 48 lived found herself very poor, because her husband 49 in the war and she had a lot of children, 50 I have now. The day before Christams, this woman said to her children, We wont be able to hav

11、e much for 51 this year, so Im going to 52 only one present for all of us. Now Ill go and get it. She came back 53 a girl who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents. Heres our present, she said to her children. The children were 54 to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl, and

12、 she grew up as their sister. 55 was that Christmas present.”36Adown belowBjust aroundCnext toDabove37ArisingBappearingCfallingDstanding38AwaterBtreesCdustDmud39AjustBalreadyCyetDstill40AsoBbutCforDsince41AnothingBeverythingCanythingDsomething42AmadeBfoundCsharedDbuilt43ApossibleBnecessaryCimportant

13、Dvaluable44AworriedBdisappointedCpuzzledDimpressed45AthemBherselfCthem allDher46AsupportBsupplyCgrowDkeep47Aexplained toBasked forCtalked withDspoke as48AactuallyBthenCbeforeDlater49Ahad killedBmight be killedChad been killedDkilled50AforBasClikeDthat51AyouBusCChristmasDyour birthday52AgetBsendCbuyD

14、make53AforBfromClikeDwith54AsadBhappyCworriedDsorry55AItBSheCSuchDI阅读理解部分 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEducation is required and free for every child in the United States. Most children start school by the age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four year

15、s of high school (or secondary school ).The money for free public schools comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its own educational system .State legislatures (立法机关) set the educational requirements but leave the management of the schools in the hands of the local communities .Most sta

16、tes require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the laws of the individual state. The Federal government contributes funds to the states for additional schools and schools services.After graduation from high school, a student can start

17、 his higher education in two year college, a four-year college, a university or a specialized professional school-either public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high-school records. The cost of a college education is expensive in private universities, but it is much les

18、s in those supported by states and cities. Many students receive scholarships from the schools, the government, or private foundations and organizations. More than 50 percent of the college students work to help pay their college expenses.Only 2 percent of the population of the country cannot read a

19、nd write.56、Where does the money for public schools come from ?A. From the Federal government. B. From the state legislatures.C. From taxes. D. From the parents of the school children.57、What is the educational system in the United States based on ?A. The Federal government B. Individual schoolC. In

20、dividual state D. Local communities58、What percentage of the population is illiterate (文盲) ?A. 50 B. 2 C. 4 D. 659、How are college expenses of most students paid ?A.      They won earnings from part-time work .B.      Scholarship from the schools, th

21、e government or private foundations.C.      Taxes .D. Both A and B.BToday, roller skating is easy and funBut a long time ago, it wasnt easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didnt exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlins work was making musica

22、l instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball(化装舞会). He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began t

23、o think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very p

24、roud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Su

25、ddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlins grand entrance for a long time!60The text is mainly about _.Aa strange man Ban unusual partyChow roller skating began Dhow people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century61Pe

26、ople thought Merlin was a dreamer because he _.Aoften gave others surprises Bwas a gifted musicianCinvented the roller skatesDwas full of imagination62Merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to _ .Aimpress the party guestsBarrive at the party soonerCtest his inventionDshow his skill in walking on

27、 wheels63What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?AThe roller skates needed further improvement. BThe party guests took Merlin for a fool.CMerlin succeeded beyond expectation. DMerlin got himself into trouble.CSouth Korean films Beijing audience(观众) can view five new

28、 South Korean films, all with Chinese subtitles(中文字幕), until April 19 at the Tuixin Cinema on the Beijing National Library grounds. Two other South Korean films completed their full runs(展出) at the Tuixin Cinema earlier this month. Location:Tuixin Cinema, Beijing National Library, 39 Baishiqiao Road

29、, Haidian District Telephone:86425566 My love, My Bride April 15: 9: 00, 13: 00, 15: 30, 17:30, 19:30 Kim's War April 16: 9:00, 13:00, 18:15 Because You Are a Woman April 17:13:30, 18:15 Marriage Story April 18:9:00, 13:30, 15:30, 18:15 Sopyonje April 19:9:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30Leon'

30、s show Hong Kong popstar.Leon Lai will give a personal performance at 7:30pm from tomorrow through to September 21 at the Shanghai Gymnasium. The show is to celebrate the opening of the 93 Huangpu Tourism Festival. Tickets:60, 90, 120, 180 yuan RMB, available (有票) at 66 Jiangning Road. Address:Shang

31、hai Gymnasium, 1111 Caixi Road N. Tel:29189188, 29171145, 49384952, 29197113Russian Concert The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra will put on some excellent Russian choral(合唱的) works at 7:15pm on September 26 and 27 at the Shanghai Concert Hall. They will sing Russian folk songs and a Mass under a Rus

32、sian conductor who is very famous for conducting chorus(歌唱队) and has given a successful choral concert in Beijing. Tickets:6, 8, 10, 12 yuan RMB, available at the hall's ticket office. Address:523 Yanan Road M. Shanghai Tel:32275694Korean songs The Song and Dance Troupe of the Republic of Korea

33、will give a Song and Dance show at 7: 30pm tonight at the Shanghai Centre Theatre. Tickets:10, 20, 30 yuan RMB available at the theatre's ticket office. Address:1376 Nanjing Road W. ShanghaiTel:2979866364The audience in _ can watch the performance given by Leon Lai from tomorrow through to Septe

34、mber.ABeijing BKorean CShanghai DHong Kong65_ will be on April 18The cinema's telephone number is_.AKims War; 29798663BMy love, My Bride; 32275694CBecause You Are a Woman; 29189188DMarriage Story; 8642556666_will give a Song and Dance show at 7:30 pm tonight at Shanghai Centre Theatre.ALeon Lai,

35、 a Hong Kong pop starBThe Shanghai Philharmonic OrchestraCThe Song and Dance Trupe of the Republic of KoreaDA Russian Philharmonic Orchestra67The address of the Shanghai Centre Theatre is_. A1111 Caoxi Road N B1376 Nanjing Road WC523 Yanan RoadD66 Jiangning Road68Which of the following statement is

36、TRUE? AWe can see all the South Korean films in the morning. BLeons show is to celebrate a festival.CThere are some famous pop singers in Russian concert.DWe can enjoy the Korean songs at the Shanghai Concert Hall.EThe British are the most voracious(如饥似渴的) newspaper readers in the world. They read n

37、ewspapers at breakfast ; they walk to the bus reading a newspaper; they read a newspaper on bus, as they go to work; and on the way back home, after work, they are engaged in reading an evening newspaper. There are many" morning papers", both national and provincial. The most famous is The

38、 Times. Different from what many foreigners believe, this is not a government newspaper. The various newspapers usually have their own views of the Communist Morning Star. The Labor Party and the Trades Union Congress no longer have a daily newspaper to represent them.Bold headlines and a variety of

39、 photographs are features of the British press. Some newspapers, such as the sober Daily Telegraph and The Times, use photographs sparingly(节省). The more“popular”newspapers, using the small or "tabloid"(小报) format, such as the Daily Express, the Mail, the Daily Mirror and the Sun, use pict

40、ures extensively and also run strip cartoons and humorous drawings, some of which present striking pictorial comment on politics.Besides offering features common to newspapers all over the world, British newspapers specialize in pages devoted to criticism of the arts and a woman's page. One feat

41、ure found in many foreign newspapers is missing in British papers:the serial(连载).Nearly all papers pay special attention to the reporting of sports and athletics. The evening newspapers are often bought because the buyer wants to know the winner of a race, or to get good tip for a race that is still

42、 to be run. There is no censorship(审查) of the press in Britain (except in wartime), though of course all newspaperslike private personsare responsible for what they publish, and can be sued for libel (为诽谤而被起诉) for publishing articles that go beyond the bounds of decency(正派), or for ignorance of cour

43、t”. (e.g. calling a man a murderer while he is still being triedSuch cases are not often)69Which of the following does NOT serve as an evidence(证据) that the British are the great newspaper readers?AThey read newspapers at breakfast. BThey read newspapers at work.CThey read newspapers on bus. DThey r

44、ead newspapers on the way back home.70Many of foreigners think that_.AThe Times is an organ (喉舌) of the governmentBThe Times has its own views on politicsCThe Times is the most famous newspaper in the worldDThe Times pays too much attention to the reporting of political events71British newspapers ar

45、e characterized by _. Abold headlines Bvarious kinds of photographsCstriking pictorial comment on politics Dboth A and B72Which of the following conclusions can NOT be drawn from the passage?AEnglishmen always take every possible chance to read newspapers.BIn Britain, newspapers must be carefully ex

46、amined by the authorities(当局) before their publication for fear that they present anything offensive.CFew British newspapers publish libelous articles.DThe Times is one of the world-famous newspapers.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work everyday. In New City, some bike ri

47、ders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They declare that if more people rode bicycles to work, there would be fewer automobiles(汽车) in the downtown part of the city and so less dirty air from car engines. For several years this group has been trying to get the city government t

48、o help bicycle riders. For example. They want the city to draw special lanes(通道) for bicycles only on some of the main streets, because when bicycle riders must use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a Better city feels that if there were special lanes more people would use bikes.

49、But no bicycles lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks they are a good idea-they say it will slow traffic. Some store owners on the main streets don't like the idea-they say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business.The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wan

50、ts to keep everyone happy. On weekends, Central Park-the largest place of open ground in New York-is closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bicycles only. But Bike for a Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown. 73. The bike riders suggest that

51、_.A. bicycles should be used instead of cars B. bicycle lanes should be drawnC. fewer buses or cars should be used D. the number of special lanes should be increased74. The advantage(好处) of the special lanes is that _.A. they will make cars and buses run slowly B. they will make it easier for bike r

52、iders to go to parksC .they will make the city more beautiful D. the lanes will prevent accidents75. The government has not decided whether special lanes should be drawn _.A. so that everyone is disappointed B. because there are different opinionsC. because most people travel by train D. because Bike for a Better City is not strong enough词汇与句型部分:(共20小题,每题1分,满分20分)单词拼写:76. Light , heat, and electricity


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