



1、-上学期兴化市高三英语好题集:完形填空6aonce there was a princess who had a beautiful diamond necklace. but later it was stolen. the princess then offered a _1_of $50,000 for anyone who found it. one day a clerk was walking home along a river, which was _2_, polluted. as he was walking, he saw something _3_in the rive

2、r and there he saw the diamond necklace. he decided to catch it to get the money. he put his hand in the _4_ river but missed it. he tried again, this time he _5_ in the river and put his whole _6_ in to catch the necklace. but _7_, he still missed it! he came out and started walking away, feeling _

3、8_ then again he saw the necklace, right there. this time he was _9_ to get it. he plunged(纵身跳入) into the river, which was a disgusting thing as the river was polluted, and searched everywhere. but he _10_ again. this time he was really_11_. just then a saint圣人 saw him and asked him what was the_12_

4、 . not wanting to share the _13_with him, he refused to tell the saint anything. _14_the saint could see this man was _15_, so he again asked the clerk to tell him the problem and _16_ not to tell anyone about it. the clerk _17_ his courage and told the saint about the necklace and how he tried to c

5、atch it, but. _18_ failing. the saint then told him that perhaps he should try looking _19_, toward the branches of the tree on the bank of the river. the clerk did so and true enough the necklace was there .he had been trying to catch a mere reflection (倒影 of-the _20_ necklace all the time. 1. a. r

6、eward b. chance c. present d. salary2. a. nearly b. often c. heavily d. exactly3. a. moving b. blowing c. floating d. shining4. a. distant b. dirty c. deep d. clear5. a. walked b. swam c. ran d. jumped6. a. hand b. arm c. feet d. leg7. a. nervously b. strangely c. secretly d. immediately8. a. shocke

7、d b. worried c. embarrassed d. disappointed9. a. unable b. afraid c. content d. determined10. a. failed b. struggled c. lost d. tried11. a. delighted b. puzzled c. ashamed d. interested12 a. event b. matter c. accident d. results13 a. experiment b. opinion c. feeling d. secret14 a. otherwise b. ther

8、efore c .but d. whether15 a. troubled b. sad c. excited d. amazed16 a. pretended b. chose c. wanted d. promised17 a. combined b. connected c. gathered d. found18 a. kept b. stopped c. regretted d. forgot19 a. outside b. downward c. upward d. inside20 a. first b. next c. real d. wrong 出处 学英语报体裁 记叙话题

9、一个男的在河里捞树上宝石的倒影入选理由 故事有趣,引人入胜答案 15 acdba 6-10 bbdda11-15bbdca 16-20 dcacc1 谁能找到就会得到报酬,所以选a2 根据第三段提到的disgusting得出河被严重污染,所以选c3 宝石应是发光 所以选d4 河被严重污染,脏的选b5 根据下文排除b 所以选a6 把整个胳膊伸进去,选b7 仍然摸不到,感觉奇怪 选b8 找不到宝石,感觉很失望 选d9 他决定再试一次,选d10 从下文得知又失败了,选a11 明明看见,可是拿不到,感觉很迷惑 选b12 怎么了,固定搭配13 他不想把这个秘密告诉别人,拿到宝石可以得到报酬14 从上下两

10、句看出是转折关系,选c15 从下句看到problem,所以得出选项16 应是容许不告诉别人,才愿意说17 鼓起勇气,固定搭配18 懊恼失败19 在树上应向上看20 真正的宝石在树上 b 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened america, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. in the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed

11、to be, _1_ that the building was _2_.after the unforgettably shock, he _3_ the promise he had made to his son: "no matter _4_, i'll always be there for you!" and tears began to _5_ his eyes. as he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his _6_ to his s

12、on. he rushed there and started _7_ the ruins.as he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, _8_: "it's too late! they're all dead! _9_, face reality, there's nothing you can do!" to each parent he responded with _10_: "are you going to help me now?" no one helped

13、 and then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. courageously he went on alone because he needed to know _11_: "is my boy _12_ or is he dead?" he dug for eight hours.12 hours.24 hours.1 hours.then, in _13_ hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son's _14_. he scream

14、ed his son's name, "armand!" he heard back, "dad!?! it's me, dad! i told the other kids not to worry. i told them that if you were alive, you _15_ me and _16_ you saved me, they'd be saved you promised, 'no matter what happens, i'll always be there for you!' yo

15、u did it, dad!" "what's going on in there? " the father asked"there are 14 of us _17_ _18_ 33,dad we're scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you're here. when the building collapsed, it made _19_, and it saved us.""come out, boy!""no, dad! let the

16、other kids out first, _20_ i know you'll get me! no matter what happens, i know you'll always be there for me!"1 aonly discovering bonly to discover conly realizing donly to realize 2 aas flat as a pancake bas high as a mountain cas strong as an ox das weak as a kitten3 amemorized bforg

17、ot ckept dremembered4 awhat bwhat happen cwhich dwho5 afill bfill in ccome dburst6 apicture bpromise cpresent dencourage7 adigging bdigging through cdigging out ddigging into8 ato saybsaid cand sayingdsaying9 acome out bcome again ccome on dcome off10 aone word bone sound cone row done line11 afor h

18、imself bof himself cby himself dto himself12 alive bliving calive dlively13 a3 bthe 3 c3th dthe 3th 14 asound bvoice cnoise dtone15 awill save bwould savecsave dwould have saved 16 awhen bbecause ceven if dthough17 aremained bmissing cleft dgone18 afor bbehind cout of dover19 aa promise bspace croom

19、 da triangle20abecause bthough cwhen deven though出处 学英语报体裁 记叙话题 一位父亲对儿子的承诺入选理由 故事生动,极具感染力1b only to do sth.“结果却,不料,作结果状语,表示该结果在主语的预料之外;现在分词作结果状语,表示由主句所产生的逻辑上的结果。 realize在脑海里经过思维“认识到,了解;find在外表上就能“发现, 看出。2a 这四个选项都是英语成语,根据本段第一句an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened america判断,选择a项。3d 从意义上判断,“他想起了他曾对他儿子许下的诺

20、言;memorized是“背诵,熟记。4a 从结构上分析,该句是省略了谓语动词的省略句,省略谓语之后,意义仍然清楚,如不省略动词,那么使用第三人称单数happens。从意义上分析,可排除c、d项。5a 表示“流泪,这几个动词都可能表示这种意义,但句式搭配不同,其表现形式分别为tears fill his eyes;tears come into his eyes;he bursts into tears。6b 从上下文意义判断,“他不停地想起他对他儿子许下的诺言。7b 动词和动词短语是完形填空设项的重点之一。此题要分清这四项的不同含义。dig及物动词,“掘土,挖;dig through“为找在里挖掘;dig out “开掘出 dig into“钻研。8d 从结构上分析,应该用现在分词作伴随状语,用and那么表示并列,用said。9c come on表示加油10d 从词义上判断one line“一句话台词,a项中的one word干扰性较大,它表示“一个词,如用words 是正确的。11a “介词+反身代词有固定含义,for oneself单独地


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