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1、passage one sensory evaluation of fooda polish proverb claims that fish, to taste right, should three timesin water, in butter and in wine. the early efforts of the basic scientists in the food industry were directed at improving the preparation, preservation, and distribution of safe and nutritious

2、 food. our memories of certain foodstuffs eaten during the world war ii suggest that, although these might have been safe and nutritious, they certainly did not taste right nor were they particularly appetizing in appearance or smell. this neglect of the sensory appeal of foods is happily becoming a

3、 thing of the past. bow, in the book “principles of sensory evaluation of food, the authors hope that it will be useful to food technologists in industry and also to others engaged in research into problem of sensory evaluation of foods. an attempt has clearly been make to collect every possible pie

4、ce of information, which might be useful, more than one thousand five hundred references being quoted. as a result, the book seems at first sight to be an exhaustive and critically useful review of the literature. this it certainly is, but this is by no means is its only achievement, for there are m

5、any suggestions for further lines of research, and the discursive passages are crisply provocative of new ideas and new ways of looking at established findings. of particular interest is the weight given to the psychological aspects of perception, both objectively and subjectively. the relation betw

6、een stimuli and perception is well covered, and includes a valuable discussion of the uses and disadvantages of the weber fraction of differences. it is interesting to find that in spite of many attempts to separate and define the modalities of taste, nothing better has been achieved than the famili

7、ar classification into sweet, sour salty and bitter. nor is there as yet any clear-cut evidence of the physiological nature of the taste stimulus. with regard to smell, systems of classification are of little value because of the extraordinary sensitivity of the nose and because the response to the

8、stimulus is so subjective. the authors suggest that a classification based on the size, shape and electronic status of the molecule involved merits further investigation, as does the theoretical proposition that weak physical binding of the stimulant molecule to he receptor site is a necessary part

9、of the mechanism of stimulation. apart from taste and smell, there are many other components of perception of the sensations from food in the mouth. the basic modalities of pain, cold, warmth and touch, together with vibration sense, discrimination and localization may all play a part, as, of course

10、, does auditory reception of bone-conducted vibratory stimuli from the teeth when eating crisp or crunchy foods. in this connection the authors rightly point out that this type of stimulus requires much more investigation, suggesting that a start might be made by using subjects afflicted with variou

11、s forms of deafness. it is well-known that extraneous noise may alter discrimination, and the attention of the authors is directed to the work of prof. h. j. eysenck on the “stimulus hunger of extroverts and the “stimulus avoidance of introverts. 1. the reviewer uses a polish proverb at the beginnin

12、g of the article in order to a. introduce, in an interesting manner, the discussion of food. b. show the connection between food and nationality of food. c. indicate that there are various ways to prepare food. d. impress upon the reader the food value of fish. 2. the reviewers appraisal of “princip

13、les of sensory evaluation of food is one of a. mixed feelings. b. indifferencec. high praise. d. faint praise. 3. the writer of the article does not express the view, either directly or by implication, that a. sharply defined classifications of taste are needed. b. more research should be done regar

14、ding the molecular constituency of food. c. food values are objectively determined by an expert “smeller. d. temperature is an important factor in the value of food. 4. the authors of the book suggest the use of deaf subject because a. deaf people are generally introversive. b. the auditory sense is

15、 an important factor in food evaluation. c. they are more fastidious in their choice of foods. d. all types of subjects should be used. vocabulary1. preservation 保鲜,保存2. sensory appeal 感官的魅力3. be provocative of脱颖而出4. exhaustive 详尽的,无遗漏的5. discursive推论的6. be provocative of引起争论/兴趣等的7. crisp 有力的,有劲的8.

16、perception 感觉,知觉,直觉9. modality 方式 modality of taste味感觉到10. discrimination鉴别力11. localization 地区性,定位12. merit 值得,有价值13. crunchy 嘎吱作响的14. extraneous外部的15. extrovert 外向性格的人16. introvert 内项性格的人难句译注1. although these might have been safe and nutritious, they certainly did not taste right nor were they par

17、ticularly appetizing in appearance or smell. 【结构简析】 in appearance or smell 应译成:色或香。【参考译文】 虽然这些饭菜可能是平安又有营养,但是肯定味不正,特别是在色,香上难以增进食欲。2. this it certainly is, but this is by no means is its only achievement, for there are many suggestions for further lines of research, and the discursive passages are cri

18、sply provocative of new ideas and new ways of looking at established findings. 【结构简析】 复合句。this 指前一句内容:书既详细又是对有关食品学的文字做了十分有用的评论。 be provocative of 引起争论或兴趣。【参考译文】 确实如此,可是这并不是书的唯一成就,因为书内有许多关于进一步研究范围的建议。推论性篇章及能令人非常感兴趣的看待现存成果的新观点和新方法。3. the relation between stimuli and perception is well covered, and inc

19、ludes a valuable discussion of the uses and disadvantages of the weber fraction of differences. weber fraction 为ernest heinrich weber所著,他生于1795年,死与1878,是德国生理学家。【参考译文】 书中详细论及刺激和感觉的关系。还包括了一篇很有价值的讨论文章:谈论威伯分数在评价差异上的缺点和实用性。写作方法和文章大意这是一篇介绍“感官评价食品的原理“一书的序言。评者从书的读者对象,书的篇幅到内涵具体涉及片谈起,从主观到客观论证,采用例子和比照说明。第一段全面介

20、绍,点出此书不同于过去的书。它们都把重点放在改善准备,保养和销售上。此书信息多,引证参考资料多,对今后研究有新建议; 对已有成果有新关点。第二段,从客观到主观的论述味觉,嗅觉并加以比照。第三段从众多其它感觉中,以听觉为重点论证。答案详解1. a. 以有趣的方式开始介绍食品讨论。文章一开始,评者就用“波兰有一谚语说,鱼,要想品味正,应游泳三次在水里游,在油里游和在酒中游。这是国外广告式论说文经常才用的一种写作方式。目的是吸引读者,激起他们想读下去的欲望,以到达推广作用。b. 说明食品和国籍的关系。c. 说明有各种准备食品的方法。 d. 加深读者对鱼的价值的影响,三项都不对。 2. c. 评价高。

21、评论者当然对此书评价极高,这是序言的必然途径。贬的就是批评文章了。全篇文章也说明这点。3. c. 食品价值由专家的嗅觉客观决定。这和第二段后半段的内涵有联系。他说,味道可分甜,酸,咸辣,而味觉生理性却无明确无误的证据。“至于嗅觉闻,由于鼻子特别灵敏,对外界刺激的反映主观性强,所以任何分类体系均无价值。作者建议以“大小,形状和涉及分子电子态为根底的分类值得进一步探讨研究,就像理论性前提一样。刺激物分子和受体之间弱的物理结合是刺激生理机能的必要组成局部。这段文章谈到味觉,嗅觉但并没有直接或间接表达这种观点:食品的价值是通过专家的嗅觉客观判定。a. 需要明确无误的味觉分类。酸,咸,辣就是味觉的分类。

22、 b. 有关食品分子构成进行更多研究。文内也讲到有关分子电子态应进一步研究。d. 温度是食品评价中的一个因素。文内只在第三段提到了“除了味觉,嗅觉外,口中食品还有其他许多种感觉成分,根本为疼,冷,热,触碰以及震动感,鉴别力和地区性都可能起作用。“作者直接说明热是可能有作用的。4. b. 听觉在食品评价中是一个重要因素。这在第三段内提到。除了味觉和嗅觉外,口中食品还会产生许多其它感觉。根本可分为痛,冷,热,触碰以及震动感,鉴别力和地区性都可能起作用。就像在吃脆硬或嘎嘎作响的食品时,听觉接受了来自牙齿骨操纵的震动刺激。在这方面,作者真确指出这种刺激需进行更多探讨研究,建议运用受各种听不见痛苦折磨的

23、 病人作起点研究。众所周知,外部的噪声会改变分辨力和注意力。“这说明b. 听觉在食品评价中起着重要作用。是对的。a. 聋子一般是内项的。 c. 他们在选择食品时很挑剔。d. 各种物体都应当应用。都和本文无关。passage two analysis and interpretation of the newsthe newspaper must provide for the reader the facts, unalloyed, unslanted, objectively selected facts. but in these days of complex news it must

24、provide more; it must supply interpretation, the meaning of the facts. this is the most important assignment confronting american journalismto make clear to the reader the problems of the day, to make international news as understandable as community news, to recognize that there is no longer any su

25、ch thing (with the possible exception of such scribbling as society and club news) as “local news, because any event in the international area has a local reaction in manpower draft, in economic strain, in terms, indeed, of our very way of life. there is in journalism a widespread view that when you

26、 embark on interpretation, you are entering choppy and dangerous waters, the swirling tides of opinion. this is nonsense. the opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor shall confine himself to the “facts. this insistence raises two questions: what are the facts? and: are the

27、bare facts enough?as to the first query. consider how a so-called “factual story cones about. the reporter collects, say, fifty facts; out of these fifty, his space allotment being necessarily restricted, he selects the ten, which he considers most important. this is judgment number one. then he or

28、his editor decides which of these ten facts shall constitute the lead of the piece (this is important decision because many readers do not proceed beyond the first paragraph. ) this is judgment number two. then the night editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one, where it

29、has a large impact, or on page twenty-four, where it has little. judgment number three. thus, in the presentation of a so-called “factual or “objective story, at least three judgments are involved. and they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation, in which reporter and edito

30、r, calling upon their general background, and their “news neutralism, arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news. the two areas of judgment, presentation of the news and its interpretation, are both objective rather then subjective processesas objective, that is, as any human being ca

31、n be. (note in passing: even though complete objectivity can never be achieved, nevertheless the ideal must always be the beacon on the murky news channels. ) of an editor is intent on slanting the news, he can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation. he can do it by the sele

32、ction of those facts that prop up his particular plea. or he can do it by the pay he gives a storypromoting it to page one or demoting it to page thirty. 1. the title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is a. interpreting the news. b. choosing facts. c. subjective versus objective processe

33、s. d. everything counts. 2. why does the writer of an article select ten out of 50 available facts?a. space is limited. b. his editor is prejudiced. c. the subject is not important. d. he is entering choppy and dangerous. 3. what is the least effective way of “slanting news?a. interpretation. b. his

34、 editor is prejudiced. c. placement. d. concentration. 4. why should the lead sentence present the most important fact?a. it will influence the reader to continue. b. it will be the best way to write. c. some readers do not read beyond the first paragraph. d. it will gratify the editor. vocabulary1.

35、 unalloyed 纯粹的,没有杂物的2. unslanted 无偏见的,不歪曲的3. scribble胡写,乱写;粗制滥造的文章4. manpower draft人力征用,券集5. economic strain经济紧张,压力6. embark on 开始,从事7. choppy 波浪滔滔的,变动频繁,紊乱8. query 疑问,质问9. come about发生10. allotment 分配11. beacon 信标,灯塔,烽火12. murky 阴暗的,雾等浓的13. prop up给撑腰,支持14. demote使降级。相应词 promote15. news neutralism

36、无倾向性新闻,新闻中立主义16. lead新闻等导语,提要难句译注1. this is the most important assignment confronting american journalismto make clear to the reader the problems of the day, to make international news as understandable as community news, to recognize that there is no longer any such thing (with the possible excepti

37、on of such scribbling as society and club news) as “local news, because any event in the international area has a local reaction in manpower draft, in economic strain, in terms, indeed, of our very way of life. 【结构简析】 主从句,句中连用三个不定式,是实际的主语,也就是this 的内容。后跟宾语或宾语从句。【参考译文】 美国报界面临最重要的儿女物是向读者讲清今日存在的问题,使国际新闻

38、像地区社区新闻一样明白易懂,使他们认识到不再有什么“本地新闻这类事情社团或俱乐部粗制滥造的文章可能要除外,因为国际上任何新闻在人力征用,募集,经济负担,事实上在生活的各方面都会引起地区反响。2. there is in journalism a widespread view that when you embark on interpretation, you are entering choppy and dangerous waters, the swirling tides of opinion. 【结构简析】 the swirling是说明语。【参考译文】 报界有一种普遍存在的观点:

39、当你从事解释新闻的工作对新闻进行解释时,你就进入了波浪滔天,险情还生的水域,意见漩掀的浪潮。3. and they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation, in which reporter and editor, calling upon their general background, and their “news neutralism, arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news. 【结构简析】 句中有定语从句in whi

40、ch 修饰interpretation. 定从中calling on 分词短语作伴随状态,修饰reporter and editor。【参考译文】 这些判断评价就像解释新闻多涉及的判断一样。在这里,记者和编辑要动用他们的新闻调查研究资源,他们一般的背景材料以及新闻“中立态度来得出有关新闻意义的结论。4. the two areas of judgment, presentation of the news and its interpretation, are both objective rather then subjective processesas objective, that i

41、s, as any human being can be. (note in passing: even though complete objectivity can never be achieved, nevertheless the ideal must always be the beacon on the murky news channels. )【结构简析】 a note in passing 义;顺便说一句,附带的谈一下。【参考译文】 这两个判断领域:提供新闻内容和解说新闻领域可不是主观过程,而是客观过程也就是说,要像任何人能做到的那样客观。顺便说一句,就算达不到绝对的客观,

42、那客观的理想必须始终如一的是迷雾漫漫新航道上的信标。写作方法与文章大意文章论及“新闻评价问题。采用一般到具体手法。文章一开始就提出新闻要客观,真实的事实,解释要清楚,使读者明白今日世界的问题。国内外大事和我们生活休戚相关。然后讲述选材过程,版面布置。最后谈到提供和解说新闻中评价要客观。答案详解1. a. 解释新闻。文章虽提及两个领域见难句译注4,但重点在解释见难句译注2。提供是“解说的前提,但作为标题不适宜,因为它是作为“解释的比照而写的。见难句译注3 not at all unlike及难句译注4 are both objective rather thanb. 选择事实。这只是提供新闻中一

43、个具体步骤。c. 主观对客观过程。也是一个具体方面见难句译注4。 d. 一切都要算在内。涉及面太广,文内没提及。 2. a. 版面空间有限。第四段三句:“举例说,记者收集50条新闻事实。他从50条中选出10条他认为是最重要的新闻,因为他的版面空间分配必定有所限制。b. 他的编辑有偏见。不对。 c. 他的文章主题不重要。 不对。 d. 他进到了波浪滔天的危险水域见难句译注2。这是讲新闻解释。3. a. 解说。最后一段最后三句:“如果编辑想要歪曲新闻,他可以采用其他方法,远比解说要有效的多。他可以通过选择支持他的观点的才,或通过他给每条新闻所定的位置到达歪曲的目的提升到头版,或者降低到三十版。这段

44、话说明其它方法歪曲新闻比解说新闻来歪曲有效的多。b. 选材。c. 定位。 d. 集中。4. c. 有些读者不读一段以下的问心,这是常识。有的读者就读大标题。a. 它将影响读者继续读下去。 b. 这是最正确的写作方法。 d. 这会使编辑快乐。passage three chemistry and biologyabout a century ago, the swedish physical scientist arrhenius proposed a low of classical chemistry that relates chemical reaction rate to temper

45、ature. according to his equation, chemical reactions are increasingly unlikely to occur as temperature approaches absolute zero, and at absolute zero, reactions stop. however, recent experiment evidence reveals that although the arrhenius equation is generally accurate in describing the kind of chem

46、ical reaction that occurs at relatively high temperature, at temperatures closer to zero a quantum-mechanical effect known as tunneling comes into play; this effect accounts for chemical reactions that are forbidden by the principles of classical chemistry. specifically, entire molecules can tunnel

47、through the barriers of repulsive forces from other molecules and chemically react even though these molecules do not have sufficient energy, according to classical chemistry, to overcome the repulsive barrier. the rate of any chemical reaction, regardless of the temperature at which it takes place,

48、 usually depends on a very important characteristic known as its activation energy. any molecule can be imagined to reside at the bottom of a so-called potential well of energy. s chemical reaction corresponds to the transition of a molecule from the bottom of one potential well to the bottom of ano

49、ther. in classical chemistry, such a transition can be accomplished only by going over the potential barrier between the well, the height of which remain constant and is called the activation energy of the reaction. in tunneling, the reacting molecules tunnel from the bottom of one to the bottom of

50、another well without having to rise over the barrier between the two wells. recently researchers have developed the concept of tunneling temperature: the temperature below which tunneling transitions greatly outnumber arrhenius transitions, and classical mechanics gives way to its quantum counterpar

51、t. this tunneling phenomenon at very low temperatures suggested my hypothesis about a cold prehistory of life: formation of rather complex organic molecules in the deep cold of outer space, where temperatures usually reach only a few degrees kelvin. cosmic rays might trigger the synthesis of simple

52、molecules, such as interstellar formaldehyde, in dark clouds of interstellar dust. afterward complex organic molecules would be formed, slowly but surely, by means of tunneling. after i offered my hupothesis, hoyle and wickramashinghe argued that molecules of interstellar formaldehyde have indeed ev

53、olved into stable polysaccharides such as cellulose and starch. their conclusions, although strongly disputed, have generated excitement among investigators such as myself who are proposing that the galactic clouds are the places where the prebiological evolution of compounds necessary to life occur

54、red. 1. the author is mainly concerned with a. describing how the principles of classical chemistry were developed. b. initiating a debate about the kinds of chemical reaction required for the development of life. c. explaining how current research in chemistry may be related to broader biological c

55、oncerns. d. clarifying inherent ambiguities in the laws of classical chemistry. 2. in which of the following ways are the mentioned chemical reactions and tunneling reactions alike?a. in both, reacting molecules have to rise over the barrier between the two wells. b. in both types of reactions, a tr

56、ansition is made from the bottom of one potential well to the bottom of another. c. in both types of reactions, reacting molecules are able to go through the barrier between the two wells. d. in neither type of reaction does the rate of a chemical reaction depend on its activation energy. 3. the aut

57、hors attitude toward the theory of a cold prehistory of life can best be described as a. neutral. b. skeptical. c. mildly positive. d. very supportive. 4. which of the following best describes the hypothesis of hoyle and wickramasinghe?a. molecules of interstellar formaldehyde can evolve into comple

58、x organic molecules. b. interstellar formaldehyde can be synthesized by tunneling. c. cosmic rays can directly synthesize complex organic molecules. d. the galactic clouds are the places where prebilogical evolution of compounds necessary to life occurred. vocabulary1. arrhenius equation 阿雷尼厄斯方程式2. arrhennius (svante august) 18591927 瑞典理化学家。


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