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1、C级统考选词填空真题题库(分析答案版)Passage 1 When people talk about 21 (谈论) the cities of the United States, the first that comes to mind(进入脑海) is New York. New York is the largest city in the United States. That is, it has the largest population(人口), with 22 about 8 million people. It is also one of the most impor

2、tant cities 23 in the world. New York is the business headquarters(商业总部) of the country as well as(以及) its leading industrial center(工业总中心). In the downtown section(商业区) of the city is Wall Street(华尔街) - where you find the world famous 24(世界著名的) New York Stock Exchange(纽约股票交易所). It is said that over

3、 90 percent of the stocks bought and sold in the United States are handled(处理) in the Wall Street area. Wall Street is not only 25(不仅) the financial center of the whole nation, but also(而且) the heart and nerve(神经) center of American politics.1) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous2) A:with B:abou

4、t C:only D:cities E:famous3) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous4) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous5) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famousPassage 2 It was a large house that stood among other identical(同样的) large houses in a tree-shaded square(树形广场). At first 21 (最初) I wondered if ther

5、e could be some mistake(错误). But the address in the advertisement(广告) was clear enough, so I rang the doorbell(门铃). A colored maid(黑人女仆) answered it. When I said I was looking for 22(寻找) a room she nodded(点头) pleasantly, and led me up four flights of stairs(四阶楼梯). The carpets(地毯) were thick and red,

6、 and wall decorations(墙壁装饰) were of a kind 23 (是一种) I had only seen in Hollywood films(好莱坞电影). I had a feeling that I was about to be shown a very expensive flat(公寓) and that 24 I should feel very foolish(愚蠢的) explaining that I was looking for something about ten times as cheap(便宜十倍). But she led me

7、 up a final narrow flight of stairs with no carpet 25 , and showed me a tiny(小的) room with a gas-fire(煤气炉), a single bed(单人床), an armchair(扶手椅) and a table. It was icy cold(冰窖一般的冷).1) A:carpet B:kind C:that D:first E:for2) A:carpet B:kind C:that D:first E:for3) A:carpet B:kind C:that D:first E:for4)

8、 A:carpet B:kind C:that D:first E:for5) A:carpet B:kind C:that D:first E:forPassage 3 An old friend from abroad (来自国外的), whom I was expecting to 21 stay with me, telephoned from the airport to tell me he had arrived. I was still in the office at the time, but I had made arrangements for 22 his arriv

9、al. I told him where my new flat(公寓) was and explained that I had left the key under the door-mat(门垫). As I was likely(可能的) to be home rather late, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink. Two hours later 23 my friend telephoned me from the flat. At the moment, he sai

10、d, he was listening to my new records after having had a wonderful meal. He had fried two eggs and helped himself to the cold chicken from the refrigerator(冰箱). He was now drinking a glass 24 of orange juice in the sitting room and hoped that I would join him. When I asked if he had any trouble 25 f

11、inding the place, he answered that he had not been able to find the key under the door-mat, but fortunately(幸运的) the living-room window by the apple tree was left open and he had climbed in. I listened to all this in astonishment(惊讶的). I knew there was an apple tree in front of my neighbor's fla

12、t.1) A:later B:glass C:for D:trouble E:to2) A:later B:glass C:for D:trouble E:to3) A:later B:glass C:for D:trouble E:to4) A:later B:glass C:for D:trouble E:to5) A:later B:glass C:for D:trouble E:toPassage 4 The dark clouds (乌云) in the sky meant one thing and one thing only 21: there was going to be

13、a storm(暴风雨). None of us had brought an umbrella(雨伞) or even a raincoat(雨衣), so 22 when Jane suggested we go to a museum(博物馆) nearby we all agreed immediately(立即). As(由于) we had been shopping all morning and were feeling tired, it would be a pleasure to sit down. We arrived just as large drops of ra

14、in(雨滴) were beginning to fall 23 . The museum was quite deserted(偏僻) and very peaceful. We sat 24 down in the main hall and listened to the rain beating against the windows. Suddenly there was a great noise at the entrance(入口). A large party of schoolboys was led in by 25 a teacher. The boys were ma

15、d(疯狂的) with excitement(兴奋) and ran all over the place. The poor teacher tried to keep them quiet but no one listened to him. In the end the noise proved(证明) too much for us and we decided to leave. After all the boys had come for a visit and we were there simply to get out of the rain.1) A:fall B:so

16、 C:only D:by E:sat2) A:fall B:so C:only D:by E:sat3) A:fall B:so C:only D:by E:sat4) A:fall B:so C:only D:by E:sat5) A:fall B:so C:only D:by E:satPassage 5 Last weekend (周末) I went to see 21 Tom. He is an old friend of mine and works in the town library. At the time he was busy making arrangements(安

17、排) for a well-known(著名的) writer to give 22 a talk on modern literature(文学). As I was greatly interested in 23 the subject I gladly accepted Tom's invitation(邀请) to go with him. Tom was going to introduce the speaker that evening so we went to the library to meet him. Since the speaker had not ar

18、rived yet I left Tom and entered(进入) the Reading Room where a large audience(观众、听众) was already gathered(聚集). I was disappointed(失望的) to find that there was not a single person that 24 I knew. Then I saw Tom waving to me(向我挥手) from the doorway(入口). I went over immediately as he looked worried. He to

19、ld me that the guest speaker had missed the train(错过火车) and would not be able to come. Then he asked me suddenly whether I would mind(介意) acting 25 as the speaker. I hardly(几乎不) had time to think about it when Tom led me in(带我进入) and began to introduce me to the waiting audience.1) A:give B:in C:see

20、 D:acting E:that2) A:give B:in C:see D:acting E:that3) A:give B:in C:see D:acting E:that4) A:give B:in C:see D:acting E:that5) A:give B:in C:see D:acting E:thatPassage 6 Henry Ford was the first 21 person to build cars which were cheap, strong and fast. He was able 22 to sell millions of his cars be

21、cause he mold-produced (模具生产) them. That is, he made a great many cars of exactly the same type. Ford's father hoped that his son would become a farmer, but 23 the young man did not like the idea. He left home and went to Detroit (底特律) where he worked as a mechanic(汽修工). in 24 1892 when he was 2

22、9, he built his first car. In 1903 he started his great Motor Company. In five years the first mass-produced car(大批量生产汽车) in the world appeared. This car 25 proved to be so popular that it remained unchanged(保持不变) for almost twenty years. Since Ford's time, mass-production methods have become co

23、mmon in industry(工业) and have greatly reduced the cost of production.1) A:able B:first C:In D:car E:but2) A:able B:first C:In D:car E:but3) A:able B:first C:In D:car E:but4) A:able B:first C:In D:car E:but5) A:able B:first C:In D:car E:butPassage 7 I always have a difficult time choosing birthday pr

24、esents 21 . But strangely enough it did not take me long to decide on Tom's birthday present. For the first time 22 in my life I had a good idea - I would buy him a bottle of champagne(香槟). Before his birthday 23 party began, Tom asked me to open the bottle. I put it between my knees(膝盖) and beg

25、an 24 to pull. But it would not open however I tried. Soon a crowd(人群) gathered around to watch the fight(斗争)between the bottle and me. I could hear all sorts of helpful suggestions from the guests. But I was losing the battle(战斗). We were struggling on the floor together when all of a sudden(突然) th

26、ere was a loud 'pop!' The cork(软木塞) shot up into the air and the angry bottle showered 25(淋浴、喷洒) everybody with champagne.1) A:showered B:time C:presents D:birthday E:began2) A:showered B:time C:presents D:birthday E:began3) A:showered B:time C:presents D:birthday E:began4) A:showered B:time

27、 C:presents D:birthday E:began 5) A:showered B:time C:presents D:birthday E:beganPassage 8 From Monday till Friday most 21 people are busy working or studying. But in the evenings and on weekends they are free to relax(放松) and enjoy themselves. Some stay at home watching TV programs or go out to the

28、 movies. Others would like to participate(参与) in sports. It depends on(取决于) individual interests(个人兴趣). There are many different ways to spend our spare time 22 . Not all the people like to work, but almost everybody likes to play. All over 23 the world, men and women, old and young, all enjoy sport

29、s. Since the days of long ago, adults(成年人) and children have called their friends together to spend hours or even days playing games. Sports help people to live happily 24 . They help to keep people healthy(健康的) and feeling good. When they are playing games, people move a lot. This is good for 25 th

30、eir health. Having fun with their friends makes them forget(遗忘) about their worries and feel happy. Many people enjoy sports by watching others play. In small towns families and friends often come together to play a baseball game or engage(参与) in a bicycle race. In big cities thousands of people buy

31、 tickets to watch basketball or football games in large stadiums(体育场) or gymnasiums(健身房).1) A:for B:over C:happily D:time E:most 2) A:for B:over C:happily D:time E:most 3) A:for B:over C:happily D:time E:most 4) A:for B:over C:happily D:time E:most 5) A:for B:over C:happily D:time E:most Passage 9 O

32、ne morning I had waited for fifteen minutes outside a telephone box 21. Inside a young lady was talking excitedly into the receiver(听筒). She was laughing and continually(持续的) moving around, spending a good deal of her time looking at me as I grew more and more 22 impatient(不耐烦的). Finally after she h

33、ad finished her call I stepped angrily into the box(生气的走进电话亭). When I tried to put my coins(硬币) into the coin box they refused to go(拒绝接受). While I tried again there was a knocking at23 the door. I took no notice and again attempted(试图) to insert(投入) my coins. Still they refused to go, and again the

34、re was a knocking, even louder than before. I turned very angry 24 and opened the door, beside which stood a man. I told him to go away, but very calmly(平静的) he said that he had been sent to repair the box because a coin had got stuck in it(卡住了). I wondered(奇怪) how the young lady had been able to ma

35、ke 25 her call.1) A:angry B:make C:more D:at E:box 2) A:angry B:make C:more D:at E:box3) A:angry B:make C:more D:at E:box 4) A:angry B:make C:more D:at E:box5) A:angry B:make C:more D:at E:box Passage 10 George and Betty live in a small village near some hills. A stream (小溪) flowing hills to the sea

36、 goes through the village 21 . Last Saturday there was a bad storm in the hills. There was very heavy rain 22 during the night and the stream was flooded (泛滥). Water started to go into many of the houses. George heard the rain. It woke him up(吵醒了他), so he looked out 23 of the window. It was not very

37、 dark because the moon was shining(发光). George saw the water. He woke his sister, Betty and said to her, "You must wake up Mummy and Daddy. I'll go and wake up other people near our house." George knocked on 24 the doors of many houses. He woke the people up. Then he went home. George,

38、 Betty and their parents went to stay in a friend's house 25 . It was on high ground, so the water did not go into the house. On Monday, George and Betty returned to their own house. There was a lot of mud(泥巴) on the walls and floor, so they helped their parents to clean the house.1) A:house B:v

39、illage C:rain D:out E:on 2) A:house B:village C:rain D:out E:on 3) A:house B:village C:rain D:out E:on 4) A:house B:village C:rain D:out E:on 5) A:house B:village C:rain D:out E:on Passage 11 When I went to bed last 21 night, I fell asleep immediately. I must have been tired because I had been worki

40、ng so hard 22 for several hours. So I forgot to close the windows before getting into bed. If I had remembered, the thief(小偷) would not have got in23 . But he was given a perfect opportunity(绝佳的机会) to enter the house. The next time, I work late I will lock(上锁) the house carefully. A policeman came t

41、o see me about 24 the theft(盗窃). "I've been told to investigate(调查)," he said, "so I want to ask you some questions." "First, how did the thief get in?" I told him that I had left the window open 25. "You should be more careful, "he said, "If people l

42、ooked after their houses properly(正确的), we wouldn't have much work to do."1) A:hard B:in C:open D:about E:last 2) A:hard B:in C:open D:about E:last 3) A:hard B:in C:open D:about E:last 4) A:hard B:in C:open D:about E:last 5) A:hard B:in C:open D:about E:lastPassage 12 The man in the room ne

43、xt to mine 21 is a very noisy(吵闹的) neighbor indeed(事实上). He often has large numbers of friends in for a meal . They talk at 22 the tops of their voices for hours on end. Sometimes I bang (猛撞) loudly on 23 my wall. This does no good whatever. They cannot ever hear me. Once I knocked at his door. I co

44、mplained (抱怨) about the noise. "Noise," he said, looking extremely puzzled(极度迷惑的), "what's noise?" I gave up after that. At night before turning in (就寝) he runs the water in his basin(浴盆、洗手池) for 24 at least half an hour. After getting up in the morning he 25 closes his windo

45、w noisily. Leaving the room he always bangs the door. No wonder(难怪) I usually look tired.1) A:he B:on C:mine D:at E:for 2) A:he B:on C:mine D:at E:for 3) A:he B:on C:mine D:at E:for 4) A:he B:on C:mine D:at E:for 5) A:he B:on C:mine D:at E:for Passage 13What must you do when you receive a present 21

46、 for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you note(写一封感谢信). The words "Thank you." are very important. We have to use them on so many occasions. We say them when someone gives us a drink, helps us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book or gives us a lift.Ano

47、ther important word is "please". Many people forget to use it. It is rude 22 to ask someone to do something without saying "please". We have to use it when we ask for something, too. It may be a book or a pencil, more rice or more sauce(调料), help or advice. It may be in the class

48、room, at 23 home, at the bus-stop or over the counter(柜台). We have to use "please" to make request(要求) pleasant.We have to learn to say "sorry" too. And feel sorry, we will have to use the same 24 word. When we have forgotten something or broken a promise(不遵守诺言), we will have to

49、explain with that word, too. "Sorry" is a healing (和解的) word. We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincerely(真诚的).These three words are simple but 25 important. When we have hurt someone's feelings, we'll have to go up and say we're sorry. Our children will have to use

50、them again. They are pleasing words(请求词) to use in any language.1) A:at B:present C:but D:rude E:sameA:at B:present C:but D:rude E:same3) A:at B:present C:but D:rude E:same4) A:at B:present C:but D:rude E:same5) A:at B:present C:but D:rude E:samePassage 14 What is exactly a lie? Is it anything we sa

51、y which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that? For example 21, suppose(设想) a friend wants to borrow some money from you, you say: "I wish I could help you but I'm short of money(缺钱) myself." In fact, you are not short of money but your friend is in the habit (有的习惯)of not

52、 paying his debts(付账) and you don't want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of 22 this. Is this really a lie? A scientific study(科学研究) of lying(撒谎) shows women are better liars than 23 men, particularly when telling a 'white lie'(善意的谎言), such as when a woman at a party tells another w

53、oman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks terrible. However, this is only one side of the story(一部分情况). Other researches show that men are more 24 ikely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention(倾向) of fulfilling(兑现、实现). This is the kind of lie politicians(政治家) and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at(善于做): the lie from which the liar hopes to profit(获益) or gain in(增长) some way. Research has also been done 25 into the way people's behavior(行为) changes in a number o


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