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1、Section ASpeaking of Men and WomenBefore ReadingNew WordsPhrases and ExpressionsNew Words sex: n. 1) C male or female 男性,女性;雄性,雌性 There are members of both sexes in the team. 队里男女队员都有。 Hes always found it difficult to get on with the female sex. 他总觉得难以和女性相处。 2) U gender 性别 Do you mind what sex your

2、baby is? 你在乎生男孩还是生女孩吗? Note: female 和male只用于表示生物的性别。 I find it very interesting. (Para.2)Note: 词组very interesting是宾语补足语,补足宾语it的意义。类似的表达方式还有: I find that book very difficult to understand. 我觉得那本书很难懂。 We didnt find the film funny(可笑的). 我们不觉得这部电影有意思 Note: used to do sth. be used to (doing) sth., 前者只指过去

3、经常发生的事;后者可指过去、现在或将来的事,强调习惯于做什么。 I used to live on my own. 我以前是一个人住的。 Im used to living on my own. 我习惯一个人住。 vt. 1. say sth. indirectly 暗示Her silence suggested anger. 她的沉默暗示愤怒。 2. put forward an idea for consideration 建议;提出建议;提出(想法等)(想法等)subjunctive mood/v.ing Can you suggest how we should do it?你能建议我

4、们该怎么做吗 actually: ad. in fact 实际上 He said he was going to work, but actually he went to the cinema. 他说去工作,实际上去看电影了。 Actually, the two problems have quite a lot in common. 实际上,这两个问题有许多相同之处。 Note: actually 常用于对话中,用来引起别人的注意或有礼貌地更正别人。 I dont agree about the book. I think its quite good, actually. 我不同意对这本

5、书的评价。其实我觉得这本书不错。 的不同用法: prefer: vt. like one thing or person better than another 更喜欢 Would you prefer tea or coffee? 你爱喝茶还是爱喝咖啡? I prefer country life to city life. 我喜欢农村生活胜过城市生活。 Helen prefers going by train to flying. 海伦宁愿乘火车而不愿乘飞机。 Helen prefers to go by train rather than to fly. 海伦不愿乘飞机而愿乘火车。 My

6、 parents would prefer me to study law(法律) at university. 父母认为我还是在大学读法律好。 My parents would prefer it if I studied law at university. 如果我在大学读法律父母会更赞成。 My parents would prefer that I studied law at university. 父母会更赞成我在大学读法律。 special: a. 1) not usual or common 特殊的,特别的 You are a very special person. 你是个很

7、独特的人 2) for a particular purpose 专门的,特设的 There is a special train to Beijing at 1 p.m. 下午1点有一班到北京的专列。 think of: call to mind; remember 想起;记得 Will you think of me after Ive left? 我离开以后你会想起我吗? I cant think of her name right now. 我一时想不起她的名字 vt. have a high opinion of 尊敬,敬重 We deeply respect her courage

8、 (勇气). 我们深深敬佩她的勇气。n. U the feeling of having a high opinion of sb. 尊敬,敬重 They were looking at the professor with great respect. 他们用充满敬意地看着那位教授。 a. 受人尊敬的;体面的;正派的 It is not thought to be respectable to throw (扔) away waste paper in public. 公共场所扔废纸被认为是不文雅的。 I have to go and put on a clean shirt to make

9、 myself look respectable. 我得去换件干净的衬衫,让自己看上去体面一点。 Respcctful Respective ” is used in the following ways: 1)(询问消息或意见) 呢 What about the other problem? 另外那个问题呢 What about your new book? 你的新书呢? 2) (提出建议) 怎么样 What about stopping here for a picnic(野餐)? 在这儿停下来野餐如何? How about What do you think of How do you

10、feel. 1)get rid of 除去 His words removed doubts(疑虑) in her mind(心头). 他的话打消了她的疑虑。 He removed the dirt from his shoes. 他去除了鞋上的尘土。 2) take away 拿走;脱掉 Please remove your shoes before you come into the room. 请先脱鞋再进房间。 The picture was removed from the wall. 那幅画已经从墙上拿下来了。 all kinds of 各种各样的 Shes got all sor

11、ts of problems at the moment. 她现在有各种各样的难题。 sort: n. C a group of things that are similar in some way; type 种类,类别 What sort of music do you like? 你喜欢哪种音乐? Thats the sort of car Id like to have. 这正是我想要的那种车。 Note: “sort of” can also be used when you are not sure about sth. (用以表示对某事无把握) Its sort of long

12、 and thin, a bit like a pencil. 那个东西好像是细长的,有点像铅笔。 discover 发现发现 How did you find out that he didnt mail the letter? 你是怎么发现他没有把信寄出去的? Has she found out that you broke(打破) the window? 她知道窗户是你打碎的了吗? vi. 1. give an idea about sth. when heard 听起来听起来What he described sounds reasonable. 他的描述听起来合情合理。他的描述听起来

13、合情合理。2. make a sound 发出声音,鸣响发出声音,鸣响The bell(铃声铃声) sounded when the mail arrived. 邮件来时邮件来时,铃声响了铃声响了vt. 1. think or accept as true or possible认为;猜想I dont suppose that he will agree to our suggestion. 我认为他不会同意我们的建议。2. have as a condition 假设The companys(公司) decision supposes growing sales (销售)公司的决定假设了销售

14、是不断增长的。n. 1. C; U usual ways of doing things 风俗,习俗Sometimes it is difficult to get used to another countrys customs. 有时要适应另一个国家的风俗习惯很困难。2. C the usual practice of a person 习惯It was his custom to go to bed early and get up early. 他的习惯是早睡早起。 for example used to do talk about be present in as if meanby

15、 think of dozens of end in 例如,举例 过去常常 交谈,谈论 出现 好像仿佛 用表示的意思 想到,想起 (非正式)许多 以结束,结果为 removefrom after all in all above all agree with a part of all sorts of find out instead of wait for as a result of 移走,去除 毕竟,终究 总共 首先,最重要的是. 同意的观点 (整体中的)一部分 各种各样的 发现,发明 替代,取代 等,等候 因为,由于 What do you think the main differ

16、ence between men and women? Give some example in the English language that show the changes as the result of womens movement. How is your mother tongue changing as time passes?IIAV History The International Archives for the Womens Movement (IIAV) was founded in 1935 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands by

17、the feminists Rosa Manus (1881-1943), Johanna Naber (1859-1941) and Willemijn Posthumus-van der Goot (1897-1989).Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 is a resource for students and scholars of U.S. history and U.S. womens history. Organized around the history of women in social

18、 movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000, the collection seeks to advance scholarly debates and understanding at the same time that it makes the insights of womens history accessible to teachers and students at universities, colleges, and high schools. The collection includes (in March 2009) 90

19、document projects or archives with almost 2,800 documents and 125,000 pages of additional full-text sources, written by more than 2,240 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools. It continues to grow with two new issues/releases annually.Gender difference in language is a universal phenomenon which not o n l y


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