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1、“Do you know the time?”Time is a very complex thing. Were surrounded by it, yet all too often we feel like we dont have enough of it.时间是个非常复杂的东西,它无处不在,又常常让我们感觉不够用。Sometimes, we take it for granted. At other times, we wish we had more.有时候,我们没把时间当回事儿,但另外一些时候,我们又希望时间能再多一点儿。When were busy or having fun,

2、 time seems to pass quickly. When were bored, or moving slowly for example, driving at constant speed across a monotonous landscape it seems to pass at glacial speed.繁忙或开心的时候,时间总是过得很快。无聊或移动缓慢的时候,比如开车匀速驶过一片单调乏味的景致时,时间似乎又像冰川挪动速度一样慢。The average tempo of daily life and work has been dramatically sped up

3、 by advances in IT, communications, transportation, and productivity. Apart from objective changes in the pace of life, our perspectives change as we grow older.IT、通讯、交通和生产力的发展大大提高了日常生活和工作的一般节奏。除了生活节拍的客观变化以外,我们的视角也随着年龄的增长而发生了改变。Young people never say: “Wow. This year went by so quickly.” Older peopl

4、e say this kind of thing frequently.年轻人从来不会说:“哇,今年过得好快!”只有上了岁数的人才常把这种话挂在嘴边。Our individual perceptions about the passage of time are influenced by a variety of internal and external factors. As a result, our feelings about the passage of time vary considerably, despite the fact that times passage on

5、a clock is a very consistent, measurable phenomenon.我们对时间流逝的认知受到很多内部和外部因素的影响,因此,时间的推移尽管在钟表上是一件非常统一而且可以衡量的事情,但它带给我们的感受却大相径庭。In a word,time is very important for everyone.In our daily life.We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.New Words complex 复杂的 monotonous 单调乏味的 frequently 频繁地 individual 个别的 measurable 可衡量的 consistent 始终如一的 take it for granted 把.当做理所当然Proyerb西汉韩婴韩诗外传第九卷:“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待也。” A tree desires to stand still, but wind does not stop. A son desires to serve his parents, but they do no


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