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1、Long ago in ancient China.The Peacocks ruled over Gongmen City.They brought great joy andprosperity to the city.For they have invented 'fireworks'.But their son Lord Shensaw darker power in the fireworks.What that brought color and joyCould also bring darkness and destruction.Shen's trou

2、bled parentsconsulted a Soothsayer.She foretoldthat if Shen continued down this dark pathhe would be defeated bya warrior of black and white.The young lord set outto change his fate. But what he did nextonly sealed it.Shen returned to his parents full of pride.But in their faceshe saw only horror.He

3、 was banished from the city forever.But Shen swore revenge.Someday he would returnand all of China would bow at his feet.It's almost done Lord Shen.But we ran out of metal.Search the furthest villages.Find more metal! China will beAnd then the Dragon Warriorjoined the Furious Five.And they becam

4、e the mostawesome kung fu team ever.Enough talk let's fight.Listen you can hear theDragon Warrior training right now.Stop him! That's too dangerous!Stay focus. Thirty-seven.Why is he doing that to his face?Thirty-eight bean buns!Yes new record! You monster!Keep going! Hit forty!He'll nev

5、er hit forty. You got it buddy.I'm going for forty!Do it! No problem.I'm going to make it. He did it!- Well done Po! Your training has paid off.Oh Master Shifu.Gotta go. See you later!You will save those for me right?Inner peace. Inner peace.Oh inner peace.Master Shifu. Master Shifu.What hav

6、e we got? Pirates?Vandals of Volcano Mountain?Whatever it is I'll take them down.Cause I am in the mood.I need to get something doneyou know what I mean?What are you doing? One of Master Oogway final teachings.Awesome! How did you do that?Inner peace.Inner peace. That's cool.Inner peace of w

7、hat?It's your next phase of training.Every master must findhis path to inner peace.Some choose to meditate for years.And became just like this.Without the slightesttaste of food or water. Or.?Some find it through pain and suffering.As I did. Po the day you were chosenas Dragon Warriorwas the wor

8、st day of my life.By far nothing else came close.It was the worst most painfulmind destroying horrible momentI have ever experienced.But once I realized theproblem was not youbut within meI found inner peace.And was able to harnessthe flow of the universe.So that's it. I just need inner peace?My

9、 inerts are already super peaceful.So all I need to do isjust get this thing going.Inner peace you're going down.Now show me what you weredoing there with your feet.I saw you just sort of fanciful foot work.Po bandits approachingthe Musicians' Village. Danger.Tell those musicians to startpla

10、ying some action musicbecause it is 'On'.Don't worry Master Shifu.I'll master inner peaceas soon as I get back.No snack stop this time.Ha-ha-ha! Snack stop.Wait are you serious?Get all the metal you can find!Grab the metal!Help.Help.Help.Help!That's everything.Let's get out o

11、f here! Wings of justice!The Dragon Warrior.The panda? That's impossible.My fist hungers for justice.That was. my fist. Get them!Come on! Take that! Po! Incoming!Thanks Mantis!Tigress! Double-jump strike!Feet of Fury! Tigress! Monkey!Viper! Mantis! Bunny! What?Oh sorry. Crane go!I am on it! Is e

12、veryone okay?Yeah! Awesome! I got this. Po!Chew on that tubby.Are you okay? What happened?I think I saw. I think.I got to go. Thank you.Thank you for coming toDragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu.Some more tea? Lemon sauce?If you need anything just ask.Feet of Fury! Dragon Warrior's mop.It must be ve

13、ry good.Hey! No touching!You'll get the mop dirty.He once waited on me. - Awesome.Yes I have a stain to prove it.Hey where is the Dragon Warrior?He doesn't work here anymore.He's busy out thereprotecting the valley.The Dragon Warrior. Po!You should have toldme you were coming. Hi Dad.I w

14、ould have save you some stinky tofu.Dad can I talk to you?Of course son.In honour of my sonfree tofu dessert for everybody.with purchases.It's so good to see you Po.Have you lost weight?I can almost put my wings around you.Well maybe a little.Poor you. You must feel weak.Let me get you some soup

15、.No that's okay Dad.I'm not hungry. Not hungry?Po are you alright?Yes I'm fine. I'm just.Earlier today I was fighting these bandits.Nothing. too. dangerous.And then the strangest thing happened.Ah. I had this crazy vision.I think I saw my Mom. and me as a baby. Mama? A baby?OhDad? Wh

16、at.what.How do I say this?Where did I come from?Well you see.son.Baby geese come from a little egg.Don't ask me wherethe egg comes from.Dad that's not what I meant.I know it's not.I think it's time I told you somethingI should have told you a long time ago.Okay.You might have been ki

17、nd of.adopted. I knew it.You knew? Who told you?No one. Come on Dad.But if you knew why didn't you say anything?Why didn't you say anything?How did I get here Dad?Where did I come from? Actuallyyou came from this.It was just another day at the restaurant.Time to make the noodles.I went out t

18、o the backwhere my vegetableshad just been delivered.There were cabbages turnips radishes.Only there were no radishes.Just a very hungry baby panda.There was no note.Of course you could have eaten it.I waited for someoneto come looking for you.But no one did.I brought you inside. Fed you.Gave you a

19、bath. And fed you again.And again.And tried to put some pants on you.And then I made a decisionthat would change my life forever.To make my soup without radishes.And to raise you as my own son.Hsiao Po. My little panda.And from that moment onboth my soup and my lifehave been that much sweeter.And my

20、 little Po that's the end of the story. Look at me.No don't look at me.That's it?That can't be it!There抯 got to be more Dad.There was a time you ateall my bamboo furniture.It was imported too.One Dumpling please.Dragon warrior's size.Po your story may nothave such a happy beginni

21、ngbut look how it turned out.You got meyou got Kung Fuand you got noodles!I know but I have so many questions.Like how did I ever fitinto this tiny basket?Why didn't I like pants?And who am I? Watch your fall.Good. Shen?Good afternoon gentlemen.Now we got the pleasantriesout of the way please le

22、ave my house.Your house?Didn't you see the Peacockon the front door?There you are Soothsayer.It seems that your fortune telling skillsare not as good as you thought.We shall see Shen.Oh you shall see old goat.Where were we?What do you want Shen?What is rightfully mine.Gongmen City.Gongmen is und

23、er the stewardshipof the Master's Counciland we will protect it even from you.I'm so glad you feel that way.Otherwise I would have draggedthat thing here for nothing.What is in the box Shen?Want to see it? It's a gift.It's your parting gift.In that it will part you.Part of you here p

24、art of you thereand part of youwhere you were there. staining the wall!You insolent fool!Show off. That is a warning.You are no match for our Kung Fu.I agree. But this is.Are you familiar with theMaster of Gongmen City?Master Thundering Rhino? - Yes.Son of the legendary Flying Rhino? - Yes.And slaye

25、r of the ten thousandserpents in the Valley of Woo?He's dead.That. that's impossible.Rhino's Horn Defense isn'tpervious to any technique.It was not any technique.Lord Shen has created a weapon.One that breathes fire and spits metal.Unless he is stoppedthis could be the end of Kung Fu

26、.But I just caught Kung Fu.And now you must 'save' it.Go! Destroy this weapon!And bring Lord Shen to justice!Okay here we go! Wow.wow.wow!Wait a second. How can I do this?How can Kung Fu stop somethingthat stops Kung Fu?Remember Dragon Warrioranything is possiblewhen you have inner peace.Inn

27、er peace. inner peace. inner peace. Peace on. Oh Po!Po I got you a travel pack.I packed your food for weeks.Cookies buns vegetablesand I even packed all your action figures. See!Oh I don't know what those are.Never seen them before in my life.Dad you got scratches on my Tigress.I also packed you

28、r paintingsof our best time together.Just in case you get lonely.That's you and me making noodles.And that's you and me eating noodles.And that's me giving you a piggyback ride.Ain't that cute?On second thought I'll hang on to this one.Hey they're waiting for me.Of course. Yo

29、u have a job to do.Far from home. In a strange cityfill with strange peopleand strange noodles.Facing horrible dangerfrom which you might never return.Don't go Po! I gotta go.I am the Dragon Warrior.It's kind of my job to save Kung Fu.And if I don't. What am I?You're my son. Right?Po

30、 it's time. Goodbye.Don't worry Mr. Ping.He'll be back before you can say noodles. Noodles.Come on guys let's go! Yeah! Mama? Mom? Dad? Is that you? Mom? Dad?Oh hi. Hey son you're back.Uh.? Honey what are you doing here?But I thought.We replaced you dearwith this lovely radish.Ra

31、dish? It's quiet polite and friendlyit does better Kung Fu.No. No. No! Wait!Ouch!.Hoo.! Radish.Radish.Radish!Inner peace. Inner peace.I'm a.training.The mast is not a worthy opponent.I'm ready. Okay. So serious.I think I prefer the mast.Apologies.I used to punch the iron wood treesby the

32、 palace.Now I feel nothing.That's severely cool. Again!So this punching iron wood treeshow long did you've to do that?Twenty years. Oh twenty years?Is there any faster wayuntil you don't feel anything? No!Besides I don't think hard style is your thing.Po why are you really out here?I

33、 just found out that my dadisn't really my dad.Your Dad the goose?Must have been quite a shock. Ya.And this bothers you?Are you kidding me?We are warriors right?Nerves of Steel!Soul of Platinum! Like you!So hardcore you don't feel anything.I was.- So what are you talking about?Nothing.nothin

34、g.Po's having Daddy issues.I'm so lucky I don't haveany problem with my Dad.Maybe it's Mom ate his headbefore I was born. No no no!Mantis this isn't about you.Po is the one freaking out.I'm not freaking out Po!I'm freaking in. Po!What? We're here. Gongmen City.My fath

35、er's throne.He used to let me playhere beside him.Promising someday this thronewould be mine. A little to the left.But it's so heavy Master.Thirty years I've waitedfor this moment.Everything must exactlyhow I envisioned it.And I envisioned it a little to the left. Perfect.With the weapon

36、 by my side. a more bit more.With the weapon by my sideall of China will bow before me.We move out in three dayswhen the moon is fulland the tide is high.Now you old goat.Why don't you tell me my.fortune? The future.I was going to say 'future'.Look into your bowl andtell me what glory aw

37、aits.If you continue on your current pathYou will find yourselfat the bottom of the stairs.I see. Pain. Ouch!And anger. How dare you?!That is the finest silk in the province!Followed by denial.This is not fortune telling.You're just saying what's happening right. .now?The most important time

38、 is now.But if you really want to see the future.Oh what do you see?A Peacock. is defeated by a warriorof black and white.Nothing has changed.That's impossible and you know it.It's not impossible.And he knows it. Who?Lord Shen! I saw a panda.A Panda? A Kung Fu Warrior.He fought like a demon.

39、Big and furry. Soft and squishy.Kind of plush and cuddly.There are no more pandas.Even with his poor eye-sighthe can see the truth.Why is it that you cannot?Find this panda andbring him to me!One panda lives.That does not make you right.You are right.Being right makes me right.Then I'll kill him

40、 and make you wrong.Will you stop that?That must be Shen's palaceon the other side of the city. Great!We'll march in and proclaimwe're the Dragon Warriorand the Furious Five.And we're here to bring you to justice.What are you doing?This place is crawling with wolves.Hey isn't tha

41、t guy whohammered you on the face?I do not like that guy.We need to get to that towerwithout being spotted by those wolves.Got it. Stealth mode.Ah get out of my way!Hmm.and where does this.ouch!Hello. I couldn't help.Okay. Anyway where was I?Where's Po?How come we lose a guy that big?Guys? H

42、ehe Po.- What!? Sorry.So that was stealth mode uh?Let's be honest it's not oneof my stronger modes.any gold nickel or lead.?This rice is raw!You stole all my metal pots.Either you cook my riceor I'll cook you!Po do something.How am I suppose to help hercook rice without getting caught?Wa

43、it I have a better idea.We are here to liberate the Cityand bring Shen to justice.You will need help.Thank you brave sheep.But it is too dangerous.I can't let you. - Oh oh not me.It's not safe to speak here. Right.I'm talking about Masters Ox and Croc.They are in Gongmen jail atBlack Dra

44、gon Alley. What?They are still alive?They must be in thatjail gathering intelligencehatching a plot to use their awesomeness to defeat the weapon.Okay let's go. Thanks sheep.Hey stop that costume!Get them! Sorry.Take that! Keep going! - Faster!Hey stop! Got you! Spread out!Search everywhere!Righ

45、t over there!Is there a part of "everywhere"?Yes then search there.They must be close.I can feel the kung fuchill riding up my spine.Sorry Po. It's just me.Look Gongmen jail.Oh it's cute. Cute uh? Nice work At the first sight of troubleI'll give you a signal.'Kaka' '

46、;kiki'.You mean like crane does?- Yes!Excuse me when have Iever make that noise? Master Ox!Master! The ferocious Master Croc.And Master Storming Ox.I can't believe we're rescuingactual Legends of Kung Fu.We are going to free you from thosebondages and injustice. No problem.There's go

47、t to be a key around here.No they wouldn't leave a key around here.Oh good you found it!Come on you guys! Yeah!We're coming for you Shen!Guys are we going or not?Do you want to meet us there later?You do want to take back your city right?Of course we do.But if we stand up to Shenhe'll tu

48、rn the weapon on the city.Listen to yourselves.You're protecting Gongmen cityby not protecting Gongmen city?If we all fight together.then the weapon would kill everyone.Oh would it?Then we use.a sneak attack.We get inside and then.And then you'll be stopped.By the unstoppable weapon.Nothing

49、is unstoppable except for mewhen I am stopping you fromtelling me something is unstoppable!Master Ox I'm not lettingyou stay in the cell!I like to see you get me out!You guys see that?It's called being awesome.Come on! Whateverhappened being a hero?The only hero in thistown is a dead one!Lik

50、e I said you're notgetting me out of the cell!Yes!Alright let's go.I get the top bund.It's time to surrender panda.You. 'Kung Fu' is dead.Kung Fu is.dead? Fine!You stay in your prison affair.With bars made of hopelessnessand all you get is threesquare meals of shame!With despair

51、for dessert.We'll take on Shenand prove to all thosewho're hungry for justice!And honour that Kung Fu still lives!Monkey? You! You're mine!I'll tell you what is going to be yours.My fist in your plushcuddly super soft face.Get him! Get me out of here!- Yes Sir. Stop him! Faster.Go Po

52、! Loose him! Yes Sir!Viper! - Hang on! Watch out!It's very uncool! Try this!Guys! Maybe something smaller!Not in my mouth.We better go this way! Pardon me!Okay pardon me. Fire! Fire!We lost them. Crane catch.Guys guys give me a shove!Mantis now.Is that all you got to defeat uslike a big old fluf

53、fy cloud?This cloud is about to bring the thunder!Your turn!Why are there so many signs? Come here.I like to squash you!Yes! Taste the defeat!Let me tell you something.Next time you mess with a pandayou better bring a whole army.Guess nobody told you.You mess with a Wolfyou get the fangs.I hit you t

54、wice.What are you gonna do now?We surrender.You could chain my body butyou'll never chain my warrior spirit.Hey don't forget the little guy.Did you just call me.Po what are you doing?Trust me I got a plan.No way!Eight point acupuncture cuffs?Just like the ones they held Tai Long.The more you

55、 move the tighter they get.These are the best cuffs.Greetings Panda. At last we meet.We meet at last. Yes that's it.Greetings Panda. We meet.You are afraid for a reason.I'm not afraid.He's coming to me in chains.If anyone should be afraid it's.Don't even think about it.I hope thi

56、s turns out better than yourplan to cook rice in your stomachby eating it raw and drinking boiling water.This plan is nothing like that plan.How?Cause this one is going to work.Keep moving.Ahh. my old enemy.Stairs.Thanks for carrying methese last few flights.I threw up a little bit on the third floor.Someone might want to clean that up.Is there some sort ofevil janitor or something?Greetings Panda. We meet.Hey how are you doing?


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