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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上必修四Units 35质量过关检测分值:150分时间:120分钟第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。21(2012·成都一诊) Harry is_failure as a learner driver, because he failed to pass_driving test again. A. the; / B. /; the C. a; the D. the; the

2、答案:C考查冠词。句意:Harry学驾照是一个失败的人,因为他又没通过驾照考试。由句意可知,第一空加不定冠词,是抽象名词的具体化,指代具体的人;第二空表示特指。22(2012·三明普高联考)The Olympic Flame will travel to the UK on May 18 this year,_the curtain of the 30th Olympic Games.A. lifting B. to liftC. to be lifted D. having lifted答案:A考查非谓语动词。句意:奥运火炬将在今年5月18日抵达英国,拉开了第三十届奥运会的帷幕。由

3、句意可知,此处应该选lifting,表示顺理成章的结果。不定式也可以表示结果,但是指出乎意料的结果。23(2012·太原第一学段测评)Credit cards are_useful when travelling.True.They save us the trouble of taking too much cash.A.finally B.nearly Chardly Dparticularly答案:D考查副词。由答语可知,旅行时信用卡尤其有用。particularly“尤其地,特别地”。24(2012·桂林、防城港一调)_by the teacher in class

4、 is not a bad thing, but a good thing.A.Being asked BAskingCAsked DAsk答案:A考查非谓语动词。句意:被老师提问不是坏事,而是好事。由句意可知,此处所选非谓语动词是句子的主语,所以排除C、D两项;从句意也可以得知,应该是被老师提问,所以选A项。25(2012·宜宾一诊)Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?_.They are expensive and of little use.A. None B. NeitherC. All D. Bot

5、h答案:A考查代词。由答语“他们都很贵而且用处不大”可知,排除C、D两项;第一句话中those和most可知,应该用none,表示三者以上的否定。26(2012·太原调研)Hello, can I speak to Robert, please?Hold on, please.He_in the garage.A.worked B.has worked C.will work D.is working答案:D考查时态。答语句意:别挂断电话。罗伯特现在正在车库里工作。由句意可知,选现在进行时。27(2012·上海长宁区期终质检)These reference books do

6、nated by a non­profitable organization are available for_wants to have it.A. anyone Bsomeone C. who Dwhoever答案:D 考查名词性从句。whoever 做连接代词,引导名词性从句(anybody who)。28(2012·安徽省皖南高三联合测评)Not only John and Tom but also their sister, Mary,_great interest in the piano lessons.A. take B. takes C. have ta

7、ken D. had taken答案:B考查主谓一致。not only.but also.连接两个主语时,谓语动词要就近一致,所以选B。29(2012·泸州一诊)Of the two books, this is_one which has been put into a few languages.A.a thinner B.a thin Cthe thinner D.the thin答案:C考查形容词的比较级。句意:这两本书中,这一本较薄的已经被翻译成好几种语言版本了。表示“两者中较.的一个”时,应该在比较级前加定冠词the。30(2012·四川眉山一诊)We thou

8、ght they had come to repair the damaged road, but,_, they were cleaning women.A.in general Bin addition Cin vain Din fact答案:D考查介词短语。in fact“事实上,实际”;符合语境。31(2012·成都一诊)You are_advised to get your car checked before a long drive. A. deeply B. heavily C. strongly D. slightly答案:C考查副词。句意:在长途行车后,我们强烈建

9、议把你的车检查一下。由句意可知,选strongly,意为“强烈地”。32(2012·绵阳二诊)Look at the girl coming toward us. From the clothes on her,_she be a student?A.can BmayCwill Dmust答案:A考查情态动词。句意:看看向我们走来的女孩。从衣着判断,她一定是一个学生吗?由句意可知,选can表推测。33(2012·成都一诊) One activity of the Easter celebration is the Easter egg hunt_children try t

10、o find the hidden chocolate eggs.A. when B. where C. which D. whose答案:B考查定语从句。_children try to find the hidden chocolate eggs是定语从句部分,该部分结构完整,所以选关系副词;因为先行词是the Easter egg hunt,表地点;所以选where。34(2012·苏州五市区调研)I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind._. Don't forget you will drive. A.

11、 Not at all B. Go aheadC. Take it easy D. Anything but that答案:D考查交际英语。由答语“Don't forget you will drive.”可知,应该是不允许对方喝酒,因此选D项。35(2012·湖北省部分重点中学联考)After three weeks' adjustment to the new environment, he managed to accustom himself to being more_with people.A.in relief Bat ease Cin peace Da

12、t stake答案:B考查短语。句意:经过三周的调整,他已经和人们相处得很轻松了。at ease“轻松的;舒适的”符合句意;in relief“如释重负,松了口气”;in peace“和平的”;at stake“在危急关头,在危险中”。第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(2012·成都一诊)My father was raised in a fatherless home at a time when the family of five st

13、ruggled to survive, which caused my father to be extremely tightfisted(吝啬) with money. When we children became_36_that other children got pocket money from their parents, we made a(n)_37_to ask our father for some. Immediately his face turned stone­cold, and he said, “If you're old enough t

14、o ask, you're old enough to_38_.” And we had to seek odd jobs about the neighbourhood. He didn't_39_his attitude as we grew into adulthood. There was a time when_40_of us had a car, so we had to ride a_41_whenever we came home. Though the bus stopped about two miles from home. Dad never met

15、us,_42_ in bad weather. If someone_43_(and my brothers did a lot), he'd say in his_44_father­voice. “That's what your legs are_45_!”One spring morning I was on the bus home from_46_. Tests and long hours in labs had_47_me exhausted. As other students were_48_at their stops. I looked sil

16、ently out of the window. Finally, the bus came to a_49_at my destination, and I_50_, carrying my suitcase to begin the long journey home.The row of privet hedge(树篱) came into_51_, which lined the driveway that climbed the hill to our house. I stopped to put a book in the suitcase. When I stood up, I

17、 saw something gray_52_along the top of the hedge toward the house.It was the top of my father's head. I_53_then, each time I came home, he would stand behind the hedge, watching,_54_he knew I had arrived safely. I held back my tears. He did care,_55_.Upon reaching home, I found my father innoce

18、ntly in his chair. “So! It's you!” he said, his face lengthening into surprise.文章大意:父亲一直对我们很严厉。向他要零花钱,他不给,让我们自己挣。长大后,我们回家,他从不出来接我们。有一次,我回家时,不经意地发现了父亲的秘密。这时,我才明白,其实父亲很关心我们,只是他有他自己关心我们的方式。36A. aware B. certain C. surprised D. excited 答案:Abecome aware that.“知道”,当我们“得知”其他孩子有父母给的零花钱时,我们“想”向父亲要一些零花钱。3

19、7A. attempt B. suggestionC. troubleD. plan答案:A make an attempt to do“想做,企图做”。38A. spendB. earnC. surviveD. raise答案:B你们既然长大到了想要零花钱的时候,那么你们也就能“挣钱”了。也可由该段“we had to seek odd jobs”推知。39A. strengthenB. softenC. takeD. show答案:B当我们长大成人后,他的态度也没有“软化”。40A. neither B. eachC. allD. none答案:D由句意可知,此处是指我们当时“都没”车,所

20、以选A、D项;再由43空后的my brothers可知,我们是三者以上,因此用none,不用neither。41A. bicycleB. car C. train D. bus 答案:D与该空后的bus对应。42A. especially B. onlyC. even D. once答案:C“即使”天气不好,父亲也从不接我们。even“甚至”;especially“尤其”;only“只,只是”;once“曾经”。43A. refusedB. complainedC. criedD. intended答案:B父亲从不接我们,我们难免“抱怨”。complain“抱怨”。44A. strangest

21、 B. lowestC. softest D. scariest答案:Dscariest“引起恐惧的,怕人的”;strangest“最奇怪的”;lowest“最低声的”;softest“最柔弱的,最轻柔的”。由文章可知,我的父亲很严厉,所以他的声音应该是“让人害怕的”。45A. onB. inC. byD. for答案:D你们长腿干什么用的。for“供,为”。46A. workB. homeC. townD. college答案:D由该空后的“Tests and long hours in labs”可知,应该选college“大学”。47A. ledB. madeC. foundD. pro

22、ved答案:Bmake me exhausted“让我精疲力竭”。其他选项构不成该搭配。48A. treatedB. receivedC. metD. greeted答案:C其他的学生下车都被“接走了”。meet“遇见”;treat“对待,招待”;receive“收到”;greet“问候”。该空也与42空前的met对应。49A. stopB. houseC. streetD. corner答案:Acome to a stop“停下”。50A. stepped off B. went offC. jumped on D. climbed on答案:A到了目的地,我“下车”。step off“下车

23、”。51A. mindB. viewC. flowerD. leaf答案:Bcome into view“被看见”;come into mind“记起,想起”。52A. shiningB. flyingC. failingD. moving答案:D我看到一个黑影沿着树篱回了家。shine“闪烁”;fly“飞”;fail“失败”;move“移动”。53A. understoodB. thoughtC. imagined D. realized答案:D我“意识到”每次我回家时,他就会站在树篱后“一直看到”我平安抵达。realize“意识到”;understand“理解”;think“想”;imag

24、ine“想象”。54A. since B. afterC. until D. though答案:C由上题可知,选until“直到”。55A. after allB. above allC. in advanceD. in total答案:A我忍住了眼泪。“毕竟”,父亲还是很在意我们的。after all“毕竟,别忘了”;above all“最重要的是”;in advance“提前”;in total“全部,一共”。第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A(2012·河北省普高质检) Tha

25、nk you for your interest in volunteering with the City of Melbourne's tourism program.If you would like to receive an email advising you of the next recruitment session, please email tourism melbourne. . au.Volunteering with Tourism MelbourneVolunteers play a vital role in the City of Mel

26、bourne's tourism services. They provide information on Melbourne to around two million visitors each year. Their love and knowledge of the city and regional Victoria adds to Melbourne's reputation as a friendly, welcoming and culturally vibrant(有活力的) city.The City of Melbourne's tourism

27、branch generally conducts two volunteer recruitment intakes each year for the following tourism programs:·City Ambassadors·Melbourne Visitor Booth at Bourke Street Mall·Melbourne Visitor Centre at Federation Square·Melbourne Greeter ServicePlaces are limited and potential volunte

28、ers must participate in a selection process based around the following criteria. Volunteers must be:·passionate about Melbourne·customer service focused·familiar with computer ·available for one four­hour shift (either morning or afternoon) each week for a minimum of one yea

29、r·team players who love meeting people·able to demonstrate a commitment to the City of Melbourne's values (as outlined the online application)·More informationTo find out more about becoming a volunteer, contact us online or phone the City of Melbourne's Volunteer Project Offi

30、cer, Tourism Melbourne on (03) 9658 9658.For other volunteering opportunities, see national volunteer recruitment website Go_Volunteer.文章大意:你对成为墨尔本旅游志愿者感兴趣吗?墨尔本正在招聘旅游志愿者,看看你是不是符合条件呢?56Where will you most probably read the above passage?A. In classified tourism advertisements.B. In a radio report of

31、a tourism program.C. In a book review about volunteering.D. On a local government website.答案:D推理判断题。由第二段和最后一段可知,这是当地政府网站。57Which of the following is NOT one of the qualifications for a volunteer?A. Owning a driver's license.B. Enjoying meeting persons.C. Having computer skills. D. A four­ho

32、ur period each week.答案:A细节理解题。由第七、八段文字可知,B、C、D三项都是志愿者必备的条件。58It can be inferred from the passage that_.Athe program's recruitments take place every two yearsBGo Volunteer offers information about Melbourne's volunteer programCif you know Melbourne well, you're sure to be admitted as a to

33、urism volunteerDeven though you're interested in the program, you can't be its member right now答案:D推理判断题。由文章最后两段可知,要成为志愿者,还要通过审核。A、B、C三项都不对。59What would be the best title for the passage?A. Does volunteering pay back? B. Welcome to the City of Melbourne!C. Tourism Volunteer Program D. Intere

34、st and Tourism Volunteering答案:C主旨大意题。由文章大意,结合第一段可知。B(2012·上海春招)Frederic Mishkin, who's been a professor at Columbia Business School for almost 30 years, is good at solving problems and expressing ideas. Whether he's standing in front of a lecture hall or engaged in a casual conversation

35、, his hands are always waving and pointing. When he was in graduate school, one of his professors was so annoyed by this constant gesturing that he made the young economist sit on his hands whenever he visited the professor's office.It turns out, however, that Mishkin's professor had it exac

36、tly wrong. Gesture doesn't prevent but promotes clear thought and speech. Research demonstrates that the movements we make with our hands when we talk form a kind of second language, adding information that's absent from our words. It's learning's secret code: Gesture reveals what we

37、 know. It reveals what we don't know. What's more, the agreement (or lack of agreement) between what our voices say and how our hands move offers a clue to our readiness to learn.Many of the studies establishing the importance of gesture to learning have been conducted by Susan Goldin­M

38、eadow, a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. “We change our minds by moving our hands,” writes Goldin­Meadow in a review of this work. Particularly significant are what she calls “mismatches” between oral expression and physical gestures. A student might say that a heavier bal

39、l falls faster than a light one, for example, but make a gesture indicating that they fall at the same rate, which is correct. Such differences indicate that we're moving from one level of understanding to another. The thoughts expressed by hand motions are often our newest and most advanced ide

40、as about the problem we're working on; we can't yet absorb these concepts into language, but we can capture them in movement.Goldin­Meadow's more recent work strews not only that gesture shows our readiness to learn, but that it actually helps to bring learning about. It does so in

41、two ways. First, it elicits(引出) helpful behavior from others around us. Goldin­Meadow has found that adults respond to children's speech­gesture mismatches by adjusting their way of instruction. Parents and teachers apparently receive the signal that children are ready to learn, and th

42、ey act on it by offering a greater variety of problem­solving techniques. The act of gesturing itself also seems to quicken learning, bringing new knowledge into consciousness and aiding the understanding of new concepts. A 2007 study by Susan Wagner Cook, an assistant professor of psychology a

43、t the University of Iowa, reported that third­graders who were asked to gesture while learning algebra (代数) were nearly three times more likely to remember what they'd learned than classmates who did not gesture.文章大意:手势语对于我们的学习有着重要的意义。60According to Paragraph 1, Frederic Mishkin was asked t

44、o sit on his hands because_.A. he could better express his ideas that wayB. he always pointed his finger at his professorC. his professor did not like his gesturingD. his gestures prevented his professor from thinking答案:C细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话“When he was in graduate school, one of his professors was so an

45、noyed by this constant gesturing that he made the young economist sit on his hands whenever he visited the professor's office.”可知,教授对他的学生的指手画脚的动作不满。61How is gesturing important in acquiring knowledge?AIt draws tasteful responses from others and increases learning speed.BIt promotes second langua

46、ge learning and quickens thinking.CIt provides significant clues for solving academic problems.DIt reduces students' reliance on teachers' instruction.答案:A细节理解题。由最后一段第六句话“The act of gesturing itself also seems to quicken learning, bringing new knowledge into consciousness and aiding the unde

47、rstanding of new concepts.”可知。62What can be inferred from the passage about gesture­speech mismatches?A. They can stimulate our creativity.B. Instructors should make full use of them.C. Teachers can hardly explain new concepts without them.D. They serve as a stepping stone to solving real life

48、problems.答案:B推理判断题。由最后一段的介绍可知,老师、家长应该充分利用手势语。63What could be the best title of the passage?A. Hand Motions, a Second Language B. Gesturing: Signal of UnderstandingC. New Uses of Gesturing D. The Secret Code of Learning答案:D主旨大意题。纵观全文,讲述了手势语对于学习的重要意义。C(2012·济南二月月考)Our particular parenting style r

49、eflects our own way of “looking”. Here's a great piece of writing reflecting parent's particular ways on the parenting style that have become known humorously as helicopter parenting and submarine (潜水艇) parenting.Helicopter parents hover over their children, managing every aspect of their ch

50、ild's life. On the contrary, submarine parents remain “hidden” coming to the surface when guidance is needed.While helicopter parents may have the best intentions, in reality, they are raising children with few problem solving skills. Children with hovering parents never get the chance to face d

51、isappointment and build up their ability to recover from misfortune.Think about your typical submarine. Submarines usually remain underwater. In case of a need for emergency surfacing, submarines can rise so quickly they are driven partially out of the water. Submarine parents also remain out of sig

52、ht, yet able to pop up in the case of an emergency.I admit I'm a submarine mom. My job as a parent is to have fun with my daughters while letting them explore and learn natural consequences.My older daughter found herself acting in commercials and making more than minimum wage as a teen. To give

53、 her a sense of the real world, I insisted she spend three weeks every summer, picking strawberries and earning $3.50 on a good day.When my youngest daughter Sondra was six, she wanted a very expensive American Girl Doll. I cut the full color 18“ picture out of the American Girl catalogue and had it

54、 laminated (压膜). “Here's your American Girl Doll.” I said “When you turn nine, I'll buy you the 3D doll on your birthday.” Sondra played with her flat doll for months, making clothes and furniture for her. She learned creativity. I saved $88.00.文章大意:本文讲述了不同种类的抚养孩子的方式。64What is the text mainl

55、y about?A. Various means of transportation.B. Funny experiences of a mom.C. Humorous stories about parents.D. Different styles of parenting.答案:D主旨大意题。由第一段可知,本文讲述不同种类的抚养孩子的方式,所以D项正确。65The underlined phrase “hover over” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to“_”A. leave behind B. fly aroundC. watch ov

56、erD. set aside答案:C猜测词义题。由划线词后的“managing every aspect of their child's life.”和“On the contrary, submarine parents remain hidden”可知,划线词意思是“照看,照顾”,所以C项符合。66It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that Mom_.A. has good parenting skills B. is always making promisesC. is strict with her daught

57、er D. tries her best to save money答案:A推理判断题。由最后两段可知,我是一名采用“潜水艇”式教育孩子的妈妈,所给的例句充分证明我是一位有着很棒的抚养孩子方法的妈妈。D(2012·成都一诊)When most people think of giant pandas, the pictures of the cute, black­and­white bears from China that eat bamboo will immediately jump into their mind. Scientists from Mississippi State University, however, are interested in what the bears leave behind: their poop(排泄物). At a recent meeting in Denver, Professor Brown at the universi


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