高一英语(上)必修二unit 1 单元图表详案(英文)_第1页
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1、Period 1 of Unit 1 Cultural Relics-Warming up & Listing words and expressionsTeaching objectives:1. Through talking about the topic Cultural Relics, help Ss interprete the name and try to use something or some sentences to interprete it.2. Through talking about the pictures and filling the missi

2、ng words, lead Ss to use some new words to explain them some cultural relics3. With the help of the example in Ex 2 (P 43), Ss learn to say and know more about the relics.Importance: Use some key words to interprete Cultural Relics; Say at least two sentences about the cultural relics in WB.Difficul

3、ty:Use proper words to filling the blanks in Ex1, Page 42.Procedures:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose1Talking7Todays topic is Cultural Relics. Q1:Whats its Chinese?Q2:Whatre Cultural relics? or List sth that belongs to Cultural Relics.1.Use the information mentioned in the unit to

4、get its chinese meaning;2.Try to use some words to describe the topic, such as rare, valuable (of great value), was made long ago and founded later, survived, tells people about the past3.Ss try to list some Cultural Relics or cultural sites.1. Get to know what is a cultural relics.2. Use some new w

5、ords to describe Cultural Relics.3.Enlarge Ss conciousness of protecting Cultural Relics.2Reading3Help Ss interprete the topic.Ss read the words in Warming up, try to use simple words or sentences to illustrate it.Eg. Cultural Relics are more than works of art. They are symbols of history. A unique

6、cultural expression and contribution.Use Ss knowledge and own words.3Speaking8Explains some language points for Ss to help them understand what they mean.Read the three tasks in Warming up and Pre-reading, choose one of them to discuss and list What to do with it (choose one of them).Arise Ss concio

7、usness of protecting Cultural Relics.4Look&Say12T write down the name of the eight pictures.Check the keys with Ss.1.Ss give the name of the things;2.Group work: fill in the blanks with proper words.3.Check the keys.Consolidate what Cultural Relics are.5Speaking 8T walks around to help.1.Read th

8、e example in Ex2, get what can we use to talk about a Cultural Relic.2.Say at least two sentences about the cultural relics in WBUse histroy and own words to describe sth.6Exx after class11. New words and phrases.2. Read the passage in Reading and complete the following table.(see Add.)Get what the

9、passage is about.Add: The cultural relic is called _ It was made of _ It was made for _. In 1716, it _. In 1770, some artists_ it. In September, 1941, it _. In the spring of 2003, it _.After teaching:Period 2Reading (Period 1)Teaching objectives:1. Through reviewing,help Ss use learned words to desc

10、ribe cultural relics and learn to use some of them in daily life.2. With the help of the uncompleted sentences, help Ss catch the genaral idea of the passage.3. Illustrate the title of the passage, try to get some details of the Amber Room. For example: Whats it like? Why are people in search of it?

11、For what have people built a new amber room?Importance: 1. Learn to use some common words and expressions in daily life;2. Learn What has happened to the Amber Room. And use at least six sentences to describe it.Difficulty:Use at least three sentences to describe What happened to the Amber Room afte

12、r 1917?Procedures:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose1Revision81.Q:Whatre Cultural relics? 2.Check the keys with Ss.1. Illustrate Cultural relics with words, expressions and even sentences.2. Complete the following sentences.( See Add 1 )3. Check the keys together.Make sure this weeks

13、 topic.Review the key words and phrases mentioned in last period.2Vocabulary81. Say some Chinese, whose English will be mentioned in Part 1, P3.2. Check the keys. 1.Use every possible way to say their English.2.Work alone to fill them in the blanks in Part 1.3. Read them out and try to learn half of

14、 them by heart. ( See Add 2 ) To read the passage more understandable.3Reading20Tips: Whats it like? Why are people in search of it?For what have people built a new Amber Room?1. Speak out the keys to Add 3.2. Complete or corret them.3. With the sentences above, Ss try to illustrate the title of the

15、 passage: In search of the Amber Room.4. Read the passage quickly and try to use more details to rich its experience.Get What has happened to the Amber Room.Try to use at least three sentences to describe What has happened to the Amber Room after 1917?4Summing up3List new words and expressions menti

16、oned in this period;The story of the Amber Room5Exx after classNew words and phrases./ Write a short passage: What has happened to the Amber Room.Add.1 1. This new bike is not mine. It _ (属于) my twin sister, Jane.2. To many foreigners, Tibet _ (依然)a mystery.3. The Forbidden City is Chinas largest mu

17、seum, w_ a great many _(文化遗产) are kept.4.The panda is now a _(少见的)animal.5. No one _(幸存下来)the air crash.6. A working party has been set up to _(调查)the problem.Add.2礼物; 加热/热量; 花瓶; 偷窃; 搜索/寻找;作为回报;怀疑;保持/依旧。 Add 3 The cultural relic is called _ It was made of _ It was made for _. In 1716, it _. In 1770,

18、 artists _it. In September, 1941, it _. In the spring of 2003, it _.Period 3Reading (Period 2)Teaching objectives: Through an Ex, Ss try to use some key words and expressions to complete the passage about the Amber Room.Reading the passage carefully, finish Comprehending 2 to get some more backgroun

19、d about the Amber Room.Reading the passage and explaning some language points.Importance & Difficulty : Tell the proper conclusion according to the details; Some language points.Procedures:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose1Revision(12)Q: What;s the story of the Amber Room?Check

20、the keys with Ss.1.Ss list the things happened to the Amber Room orally.2. Complete the passage about the Amber Room. Add 13. Check the keys.4. If possible, Ss try to add more information in oral.1.When and where the new words and expressions are used in the passage.2. From general to details.2 Read

21、ing(10)1.Help Ss understand what theyre wanted to do.2.Check the keys with Ss and discover evidence in the passage.1. Ss read the sentences in Comprehending 1 and 2, make sure what they are wanted to do and the meaning of each statement.2.Careful reading, and find the keys, then check them.Improve t

22、he ability of searching for details.3Language points151. Correct Ss pronunciation and intonation;2. Give the language points and explain the use of some of them simply. 1. Ss read the passage one paragraph after another;2.Listen to Ts translation and underline the key words and expressions, inclding

23、 taking down their use.3.Read the key words and expressions and try to learn as much as possible by heart. Add 2.Learn more about the story of the Amber Room.Useful words and expressions.4Exx after classNew words and phrases;/ Translation Add 3;Try to describe the story of the Amber Room with books

24、closed.Consolidate useful words and expressions.Learn to tell a story.Add.1 This week, we are talking about a cultural relic, which is called _. The room _gold, jewels and 7000 tons of amber. _ a team of Prussias best artists ten years to make it. In 1716, the owner gave it to Peter the Great, as _,

25、 which soon became _ the Czars winter palace. However, the Amber Room, one of the great _ of the world _ during the World War . Since then, lots of people have been _ it, but it is now still _. Then people _ a new Amber room, which was to _ the 300th birthday of St Petersburg.Add.21. such a strange

26、story2. Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.3. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape. was not made to ; was made for4. in return5. the room served as a small reception hall for 6.This was a time when the two countries were at war.7.There is no doubt that

27、. 8. Following .Add.31、我过生日时,他送了我一个MP4。于是我送他的生日礼物是一辆赛车,作为回报。2、一旦他们邀请你,你就得去。3、这件外套是用蚕丝手工缝制出来的。4、这正是他们两人相处最好时期。5、毫无疑问,她定能取得成功。6、我们找了半天,也没有找到你写的那本书。Period 4 unit6Teaching content:Learning about languageTeaching aims:1. Help Ss to retell some information about Amber Room by questions.2. Help Ss to learn

28、 the use of the words through practice.Teaching difficulty:Retelling and word studyTeaching procedure:Step 1 RevisionAsk Ss some questions to retell the main idea of passage1. Which cultural relics does this passage talk about?(Amber Room)2. What did Amber Room make of?( amber yellow-brown colour, g

29、old and jewels)3. How many tons amber were used to make the Amber Room?(7 thousand tons)4. Why was Amber Room first build? (for palace of Frederick 1)5. What happened to Amber Room in 1716? Why?( gave to Peter the Great as., not to keep it)6. What did Peter give in return?( best soliders)7. What did

30、 Catherine the Great do with Amber Room?( moved it outside,add more detail)8. What happened to Amber Room in 1941?(German Nazi secretly stole, remove furniture and boxes to by train)8. Amber Room that people see today is the same as before?( No, was missing, reproduction )Step 2 key phrases1. review

31、 the important phrases in the text and have a dictationas hard as stone fancy style be made into any shapeit takes sb. time to do sth. in return wonder of the world no doubt be at war remain a mystery served as2. consolidation3. do Exx one on P3 then check the answersStep 3 homeworkPeriod 5by Su Hui

32、Contents: Reading & ListeningTeaching aims:1.Through discussion and reading, know the definition of fact and opinion.2.Through listening, complete the forms.Teaching important point:Distinguish between fact and opinion.Teaching Procedures:RevisionT: Where was the Amber Room during the time of Pe

33、ter the Great? Where was the Amber Room during the time of Catherine ? Where was the Amber Room in September,1941? Where was the Amber Room after September,1941?T: Though no one knows exactly what happened to the Amber Room, a few people say that they were eyewitnesses who saw where the Amber Room w

34、as hidden. Now please listen to their stories.Listening1.Listen to the tape and fill in the dialogues.a.Hello, Im Jan Hasek, an old miner from the Czech Republic. In April, 1945 I heard something explode at . I got up from bed and ran outside. The sound came from a that hadnt been used for a long ti

35、me. The war still had not my town. Suddenly, I saw some ! I could see them in the bright light of the full moon. They were taking from trucks and putting them in the mine. Later, one of my friends told me that treasures were inside the boxes. A week later, I decided to have a look for myself. To my

36、, all the holes in the mine were ! Now, I own a little near the mine. Some people are looking for the treasure. They say the Amber Room and some gold are buried in the mine. The of a German town across the stream is also looking for the treasure. He says a Nazi soldier told him where to find it. Ha!

37、That was ten years ago and still !b. Hello, my name is Anna Petrov. I was a maid at the castle in Kaliningrad during the war. At that time the city was still called Konigsberg, its German name. I heard about the Nazis many treasures from Russia and them here. Just before Christmas in 1941, many truc

38、ks came to the castle at night. The German soldiers would not let us see what they were doing. We were told never to tell anyone the . The next spring, a German professor began to show special visitors this art treasure. But I never saw it. Later, all the workers had to leave the castle. Then, at th

39、e end of August,1944 I heard something . When I looked outside I saw from the castle. The next morning, I found a few of something. They said they were from the Amber Room.C. Ya, hello. I am Hans Braun, an old sailor from Hamburg, Germany. During the war I worked . It was at the Baltic Sea port of K

40、onigsberg in January,1945. I was told to help our soldiers put some big wooden boxes with treasures onto the ship. Then the ship went out to sea. Before we could reach the next port, a Russian sub the ship. I had to swim three kilometers until a German boat me. Most people on the ship were not so lu

41、cky. Later, I read that 5,400 people died. There are survivors. More people died than on the Titanic. Ya, terrible. So those boxes must be . Now a group of people who are for the Amber Room has asked me to help them find the ship.2. According to the listening material, fill in the forms on page 5 an

42、d 6. Reading1.Lead-inBeing a judge, what quality should he have?2. Read the passage, find the difference between facts and opinions.3. Pretend that you are a judge, please judge which one should be believed according to the listening. HomeworkFill in the sentences.I believe gave the best evidence be

43、cause I think is less believable because After teachingThe Sixth PeriodTeaching contentReading (page5) and WritingTeaching aims and demands1. Through questions and discussions, help Ss review the main idea of the reading.2. Teach the students how to write a letter on saving the cultural relics.3. He

44、lp Ss get to know how to protect the Teaching importance and difficultyHelp Ss understand how to save the cultural relics through Reading and Writing.Teaching MethodsDiscussion and writingTeaching proceduresStep I Homework checkingPossible patternT: Well, class, at the beginning of this class,1 want to know whether you have collected some information of the cultural relics that are in danger?Ss: Yes. T: OK, tell me what you collected?S1:The Great Wall in China is in danger. Some parts of the wall have been destroyed


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