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1、2012 年银山矿年检溜槽施工方案施工方案工程名称 :银山矿选厂玻璃钢溜槽安装编制单位 : 江西铜业集团 ( 德兴 ) 实业有限公司审批人 :编制人 :编制时间 : 二 0 一二年 十二月一十九日the smooth progress of the construction. 6, coordination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to get in touch, construction progress, reasonable construction time, take

2、positive and effective measures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1, demolition (modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply,

3、 railway communications, signal cables and related facilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to let construction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experience in demolition and la

4、nd acquisition and actively cooperate with the owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1), construction drawings review and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear construction scheme andkey proc

5、ess technology gives the low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction and acceptance of technical data. (4) construction feature of the project, preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department, mat

6、erial and equipment Department and Planning Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?银山矿选厂玻璃钢溜槽安装1. 工程简介1.1工程名称 : 银山矿选厂玻璃钢溜槽安装1.2 工程地点 : 银山矿选厂1.3 建设单位 : 银山矿选厂1.4 主要工程内容 : 拆除原有铁制溜槽 ; 支撑架制作、安装及防腐; 玻璃钢溜槽安装。2. 施工组织布署2.1施工组织机构本工程由项目负责人代表企业法人全面履约,负责该工程实施过程中的组织、指挥、管理、协调和控制。项目负责人本着精干、结构合

7、理的原则,选配具有开拓精神、施工经验丰富、态度诚恳、勤奋实干、科学务实的工程技术和管理人员,组成项目管理班子。the smooth progress of the construction. 6, coordination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to get in touch, construction progress, reasonable construction time, take positive and effective measures to reduce c

8、onstruction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1, demolition(modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply, railway communications, signal cables and r

9、elated facilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to let construction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experience in demolition and land acquisition and actively cooperate with t

10、he owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1), construction drawings review and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear construction scheme and key process technology gives the low-down. (3) prep

11、are the necessary code for construction and acceptance of technical data. (4) construction feature of the project, preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department, material and equipment Department and Planning

12、 Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?银山矿选厂玻璃钢溜槽安装施工方案项目组织管理体系见下表项目负责人施工管理质材安施预检料全工算员员员员员拆安后除装勤组组 组具体施工管理人员部署见下表序号 姓名 现场职责性别 职务 备注 1黄秋冬项目负责人男 玻璃钢厂厂长 2 徐佳佳 施工管理 男 玻璃钢厂副厂长 3 庞任军 安全员 男 安全员 4 陈尚华 施工员 男 车间主任 5 张丽琴 预算员 女 预算员 6 梁金长 材料员 男 材料员 7 张水香 质检员 女 质检员2.2 劳动力资源安排the smooth prog

13、ress of the construction. 6, coordination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to g- 3 - et in touch, construction progress, reasonable construction time, takepositive and effective measures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3.

14、technological measures 1, demolition (modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply, railway communications, signal cables and related facilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals

15、 of luanhe. In order to let construction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experience in demolition and land acquisition and actively cooperate with the owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (

16、1), construction drawings review and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear construction scheme and key process technology gives the low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction and acceptance of techni

17、cal data. (4) constructionfeature of the project, preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department, material and equipment Department and Planning Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?为保证

18、创优目标和进度计划的实现,施工过程中选用有丰富施工经验,能打硬战的优秀专业队伍进行施工。劳动力人数根据工程工期要求、工程量和工程特点,结合我单位积累的同类型工程的施工经验进行配置。按要求分为拆除组、玻璃钢安装组、后勤组三个作业组。具体施工人员配置见下表:序号工种人数备注1 钳工 42 电焊工 13 普工 64 司机 ,2.3施工程序及施工段划分, 、各阶段施工顺序1(1 准备阶段 : 玻璃钢溜槽及支架制作1(2 拆除阶段 : 拆除原有铁制溜槽1(2 安装阶段 : 安装玻璃钢溜槽,铁支撑制作安装3 施工进度计划3(1 进度计划本工程主要包括玻璃钢溜槽及支架制作、拆除原有铁制溜槽、安装玻璃钢溜槽,

19、铁支撑安装及防腐等。主要进度计划控制点玻璃钢溜槽及支架制作15 天拆除原有铁制溜槽2 天安装玻璃钢溜槽,铁支撑安装及防腐4 天4 施工准备工作计划the smooth progress of the construction. 6, coordination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to get in touch, construction progress, reasonable construction time, take positive and effective me

20、asures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1, demolition (modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply, railway communications,

21、signal cables and related facilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to let construction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experience in demolition and land acquisition and active

22、ly cooperate with the owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1), construction drawings review and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear construction scheme and key process technology gives the

23、 low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction and acceptance of technical data. (4) construction feature of the project, preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department, material and equipment Depa

24、rtment and Planning Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?银山矿选厂玻璃钢溜槽安装施工方案4.1 技术准备1、做好前期各类技术交底工作为了确保本工程的优质、高效、安全、低耗,必须进行分级技术交底工作,交底的内容包括工程的施工方法及步骤,技术要求和控制指标情况,施工组织设计的主要内容和对本工程的总体布置,各工种的作业计划与工艺标准交底,最后落实到责任人和班组个人。4.2现场准备1、施工用电施工用电从业主提供的电源引出,进入现场总控制箱,设施工表,独立计量,采用“三相五线制”,各施工部位分设控制

25、箱,电线的敷设、配电箱、漏电保护器的设备均需符合国家规定的施工现场用电安全规程。2、物资准备施工用物资 : 由预算员提前做好预算,负责人提出材料需用量计划,材料员统一组织、分期分批入场,试验员做好各类原材料检验、试验工作,把好原材料的质量关。the smooth progress of the construction. 6, coordination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to g- 5 - et in touch, construction progress, reason

26、able construction time, take positive and effective measures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1, demolition (modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway aut

27、omatic blocking power supply, railway communications, signal cables and relatedfacilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to let construction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich exp

28、erience in demolition and land acquisition and actively cooperate with the owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1), construction drawings review and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear con

29、struction scheme and key process technology gives the low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction and acceptance of technical data. (4) construction feature of the project, preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Depart

30、ment, quality Department, material and equipment Department and Planning Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?主要原材料一览表如下 :序号 名称 规格 数量 备注 1玻璃钢溜槽 300*300*300 60米 2螺杆、螺帽等 12*80 500 套 3 75角铁, 100 槽钢 70扁铁4 油漆 5施工方法施工总的顺序为 : 玻璃钢溜槽及支架制作拆除原有铁制溜槽安装玻璃钢溜槽,铁支撑安装及防腐6 安全措施6.1 安全生产目标与保证体系1.

31、 安全目标 : 一般轻伤率控制在 0.5 以下,杜绝重大伤亡事故。2. 为了达到此目标,我们结合工程实际,建立较完整的安全保证体系。6.2 建立健全安全生产责任制1. 建立安全保证体系,健全各级各部门安全生产责任制、责任落实到人。2. 各项经济承包有明确的安全指标和包括奖惩办法在内的各种措施,各级签订安全责任制,落实各级安全管理责任。3. 进场前所有施工人员必须认真学习银山矿选厂有关安全生产规章制度及现场管理有关规定,并与银山矿选厂签定安全责任协议书。4. 书面安全技术交底要详细,交底要有针对性,施工班组和责任人必须签字。the smooth progress of the construct

32、ion. 6, coordination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to get in touch, construction progress, reasonable construction time, take positive and effective measures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1,

33、demolition (modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply, railway communications, signal cables and related facilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to le

34、t construction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experience in demolition and land acquisition and actively cooperate with the owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1), construction drawings

35、review and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear construction scheme andkey process technology gives the low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction and acceptance of technical data. (4) construction

36、feature of the project, preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department, material and equipment Department and Planning Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?银山矿选厂玻璃钢溜槽安装施工方案5. 建立定期安全检查制度

37、,有时间、有要求,明确重点部位,危险岗位 , 按有关安全生产管理制度进行检查。6. 开展班组“三上岗、一讲评”活动。班组在班前须进行上岗交底上岗检查,上岗记录的“三上岗”和每周一次的“一讲评”安全活动。对班组的安全活动,有考核措施。7. 施工现场指定项目负责人 ( 安全责任人 ) 一人,安全员一人,主要负责现场安全工作和现场安全管理工作的联系,负责监督现场的安全防护实施及劳保用品的穿戴工作,将事故消灭在萌芽状态。6.3 安全教育内容1. 分项分部工程安全技术措施交底,书面安全技术交底要详细,交底要有针对性,施工班组和责任人必须签字。2. 防护措施及安全作业注意事项 :2.1 施工人员进入现场,

38、戴好安全帽,不准穿高跟鞋和拖鞋,注意“四口”安全。2.2 重点做好施工现场保护,在施工现场周围设置红色警戒线。2.3 施工现场要注意安全用电,手提电动工具要加漏电保护器,按规程操作。2.4 高空作业系好安全带,禁止上下扔掷工具。2.5 使用人字梯工作时必须用铁丝连牢两梯之间,并在梯子根部加捆防滑胶片,拉筋绳不准用塑料或铁丝代替,必须用麻绳。2.6 施工现场临时用电采用三相五线制、三级配电两级保护、一机一闸,必须使用标准配电箱,不准使用木箱。2.7 专用设备定人定机,一机一闸,接地或接零。不允许一部分接地一部 smooth progress of the construction. 6, coo

39、rdination with neighboring residents and neighboring residents ' initiative to g- 7 - et in touch, construction progress, reasonable construction time, take positive and effective measures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal construction smoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1, demol

40、ition (modified) according to investigation of construction, the demolition of the project (modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply, railway communications, signal cables and related facilities and pipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to let con

41、struction proceed smoothly, our units will deploy this unit engaged in demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experience in demolition and land acquisition and actively cooperate with the owners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1), construction drawings revie

42、w and on-site checks, preparation of audit reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design for implementation, clear construction scheme and key process technology gives the low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction and acceptance of technical data. (4) construction feat

43、ure of the project, preparation of technical management andtheimplementation details. (5) before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department, material and equipment Department and Planning Department staff to focus on heating to (6769) ?, and in 69 ?分接零。2.8 各种设备防护装备齐全,不得乱拆、乱卸,杜绝设备

44、带病运转。2.9 牢固建立“安全第一”的思想,做到操作时思想注意集中,认真负责,坚守岗位,以防事故的发生。2.10 遵章守纪,佩戴标记,严禁违章指挥,违章作业,野蛮施工。各类安全值班人员佩戴不同颜色的标记,施工管理人员和各类工人要戴不同颜色的安全帽以示区别。3. 施工人员在现场施工时,必须严格执行银山矿选厂有关安全管理制度,服从银山矿选厂安全人员的监督检查。所有上岗人员做到持证上岗。6.4 安全技术措施1、 划出工作区标志,周围用红色警戒条围住,禁止行人进入,并悬挂安全警示牌。2、 现场作业过程中,设专人与施工工段协调,并做好日常安全检查、监督和落实安全措施。3、 本项目作业部分为高空项目,为

45、此,项目现场负责人必须严格按要求对现场安全措施等进行安全确认,并规范填写施工日志。高处作业人员必须系挂安全带,做到高挂低用,严禁抛扔物件。在高处作业过程中,必须明确互保对子,对高处作业的所有人员进行联保。在高处需动火时,要估测焊渣掉落点可能造成的危险,必要时采取隔离措施,并设置消防器材。4、 作业人员必须按规定穿戴好劳动保护用品,作业前,施工队伍要在班前会上强调各工种的安全操作规程、作业程序和动作标准。严格遵守劳动纪律。作业时,物料堆放必须按规范定置好,做到the smoothprogress of the construction. 6, coordination with neighbor

46、ing residentsand neighboring residents ' initiative to get in touch, constructionprogress, reasonable construction time, take positive and effectivemeasures to reduce construction nuisance, so that normal constructionsmoothly. 3.3. technological measures 1, demolition (modified) accordingto inve

47、stigation of construction, the demolition of the project(modified) was mainly railway railway automatic blocking power supply,railway communications, signal cables and related facilities andpipelines and cables and irrigation canals of luanhe. In order to letconstruction proceed smoothly, our units

48、will deploy this unit engagedin demolition and land expropriation, professionals with rich experiencein demolition and land acquisition and actively cooperate with theowners to do demolition work. 2, the technical preparations (1),construction drawings review and on-site checks, preparation of audit

49、reports. (2) preparation of construction organization design forimplementation, clear construction scheme and key process technologygives the low-down. (3) prepare the necessary code for construction andacceptance of technical data. (4) construction feature of the project,preparation of technical management and implementation details. (5)before construction of the Engineering Department, quality Department,material and equipment Department and Planning Department staff to focuson heating to (6769) ?, and


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