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1、课题: Unit 5 Text A : The most important day in my lifeText B: He led a useful life语法:倒装教学目的: 1.Master the structure of the text:2.Understand the language points and grammatical structure;3.Conduct a series of listening speaking and writing activities教学重点、难点: 1. language points 2. Grammatical :Inversi

2、on教学方法:1. Discussing, listening, reading, presenting, and role-playing by the students;2. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher;3. After-class research and practice by the students.教学器材、设备: Multi-media, blackboard, chalks, eraser教 案 续 页 第 页教 学 步 骤、内 容Teaching proceduresThis unit is arranged f

3、or a time span of 8 hours, during which a time limit is suggested for each step. Though its always important to keep a time limit in mind for each activity, a teacher should never stick to a rigid time plan in teaching, but rather follow a more flexible time table when dealing with unexpected in-cla

4、ss occurrences and make necessary adjustments accordingly. Note that not every step suggested here is a must in teaching. A teacher can make whatever changes he thinks necessary.Background Information:Helen Kellers profile Helen Keller was born in 1880 and died in 1968. She was one of the most famou

5、s person in the world. While she was still at college she wrote The Story of My Life. This was very successful. In 1932 she became a vice-president of the Royal National Institute for the Blind in the United Kingdom.Helen Keller was less than two years old when she came down with a fever. It struck

6、dramatically and left her unconscious. The fever went just as suddenly. But she was blinded and, very soon after, deaf. As she grew up, she managed to learn to do tiny errands, but she also realized that she was missing something. "Sometimes," she later wrote, “I stood between two persons

7、who were conversing and touched their lips. I could not understand, and was vexed. I moved my lips and gesticulated frantically without result. This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted.” She was a wild child. Thats Helen Keller,a greatest writer in the world.Wa

8、rming-up :1. What do you know about Helen Keller?2. Watch a video about Helen Keller, so student can be familiar with her.3. Comment briefly on their work.Text organization:Part I: Para. 1-2: The important day in Helen's life is the day when Miss Sullivan came to her.Part II: Para. 3-8: What hap

9、pened to Helen Keller on that important day.Part III: para. 9: The important day completely changed the whole life of Helen.Language points:1. tangible: adj. that you can touch and feel 可触摸的,可触知的,可感知的The tension between them was almost tangible. 他们之间的紧张关系几乎让人都感觉出来了。The policy has not yet brought any

10、 tangible benefits. 这项政策还没有带来任何实质性的好处. tangible proof/ results确凿的证据,明显的结果2. when it seemed as if 是 when 引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰 in a dense fog。其中as if happen 作seemed 的表语。3. grope:feel about uncertainly or blindly vt. & vi. 摸索,探索 grope (ones way) across, along, past, etc (sth)摸索着向某方向走We groped o

11、ur way through the dark streets. 我们摸索着走过黑暗的街道。 I groped my way along the wall to the door. 我摸索着墙走到了门口group for搜索;暗中摸索I grope for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑洞洞的屋里摸索著寻找电灯开关. 4. immeasurable: adj. too big, great, etc. to be measured 无法计量的构词法:measure measurable immeasurable immeasurableness T

12、his survey indicates that the Internet has brought immeasurable changes to human society.这一调查显示,互联网给人类社会带来了巨大变化。From his friends he gained immeasurable courage to tell the truth. 从朋友那他得到了巨大的勇气来说出事实的真相。5. contrast:n. the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared对比,对照; 差异 This book shows

13、 the contrast between life now and life 100years ago这本书显示了现在生活和一百年前生活的差异。by contrast:对比,与之对比By contrast, he was much cleverer. 相比之下, 他要机灵得多. By contrast, even the most modern aircraft looks clumsy and slow.相比之下,即使是最现代的飞机看上去也是笨拙缓慢。in contrast with (to)与相比,相比照In contrast to her elder brother, she was

14、always considerate in her treatment of others. 和她哥哥完全不一样, 她对别人总是很体贴. vt. put in opposition to show or emphasize differences对照,对比In this book , the writer contrast good with evil.在这本书中,作者对比了善良与邪恶。vi. to show differences when compared; be different The old weather contrast wit last weeks heat.寒冷的天气与上周

15、的炎热成对比。6. stretch: vi . extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length伸展; 张开; 充分利用; 使紧张 stretch out: extend 伸出The little boy stretched out his hands to catch the toy小男孩伸出双手去抓玩具。He stretched out his arms and embraced me tightly他伸出双臂紧紧拥抱了我。7. reveal: vt. to show or allow (something previously h

16、idden) to be seen ; to make known (something previously secret or unknown)显露出来,透露,揭露,泄露The newspaper revealed a cover-up of huge proportions.报纸报道接漏了一件掩饰真相的事件,此事牵连甚广。reveal secrets/ details/ methods泄漏秘密/纰漏详情/透露方法reveal sth (to sb)The doctor did not reveal the truth to him.医生没有向他透露真相。8. apply:vi. to r

17、equest something, esp. officially and in writing申请Several candidates have applied for the position 好几个人已经申请了那个职位。He applied to the school for a teaching post.他向学校申请了一个教书的岗位。vt. to bring or put into use or operation应用,运用He applied his Marxist knowledge to the events around him.他把马克思主义知识运用到周围的事情中。In t

18、his way they can better apply theory to practice. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去. vi. to (cause to) have an effect; be directly related The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.安全驾驶规则人人适用。The questions on this part of the form only apply to married men.表中这部分问题仅适用于已婚妇女。 9. impress: vt. have a favorable effec

19、t on sb/sth. 给以深刻印象使某人钦佩而起敬的 sb with sthShe's always trying to impress people with her writings. 她总是试图用自己的作品给人们留下深刻印象. We were most impressed with your efficiency.你的工作效率很高,我们极为钦佩。impress sth. on /upon sb: fix sth in sbs mind, make sb keenly aware of sth 使某人铭记某事物My father impressed the value of h

20、ard work upon/on me. 我父亲要我铭记努力工作的重要性。Her words impressed themselves on my memory.她的话铭刻在我的记忆里。I want to impress on everyone that the bad times are over. 我要给大家留下一个印象,就是艰苦的时期已经过去了. n. impressionHis speech made a strong impression on the audience. 他的演说给听众留下了深刻的印象 I get the

21、distinct impression that were not wanted here. 我明显感觉到我们在这里是不受欢迎的。adj. impressive: making a strong or vivid impression给人印象深刻的,感人的; 引人注目的; 可观的; 显赫 Your work is very impressive. 您的工作真了不起. 10. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. (Line 71) on/upon doing sth; on/upon + n: on the occas

22、ion of or directly after(as soon as)一就(此动作一发生,另一动作立即发生)11. in vain: adj.无效果的,无用的,徒劳无益地; All our work was in vain.我们的工作全都白干了。We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们试图使他改变主意,结果是白费心机. 12. long for sth /sb: 对渴望,非常想有某物The children are longing for the holiday.孩子们盼望放假。Exercises:对比,对照 n. c_ _ _ _ _

23、 _ _The living word_(wake) my soul and set it free.答案:contrast; awakens/awakened;有生以来第一次,我向往着新的一天来临。(long for)It is _(child) to refuse to talk to her.After Reading:Useful Expressions1出海 at sea2浓雾a dense fog3摸索着走grope ones way4正要做 be about to5成功做 succeed in doingHomework:Please write an essay on the

24、title The Most Important DayYear in My LifeText B He Led a Useful LifeText AnalysisIn this text the author briefly introduces the life of BenJamin Franklin from two aspects:He had a practical man:He did what he could for his countryAll together he led a useful lifePart I. Para. 1-2: The brief introd

25、uction of Benjamin Franklin.Part I1. Para. 3-11: Two important traits of Benjamin Franklin.Section A. Para. 3-5: Benjamin had a practical mind.Section B. Para. 6-11: Benjamin did a lot for his country.Part III Para.: 12 Benjamin Franklin led a useful life.Language Points:Stout: adj.结实的, 勇敢坚定的, 激烈的, 矮胖的, 顽强的 n. 矮胖子, 烈性啤酒a stout man 刚勇的人a stout body 坚固的船a stout ship 肥硕的身体put up stout resistance to the proposal 对提议采取坚决的抵制态度set up: 1) to create sth. or


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