



1、青春 - 新世纪的新起点女士们、先生们:下午好!首先,请允许我做一个简短的自我介绍。我是来自中海发展股份有限公司油轮公司的琳达。我毕业于大连海事大学,是一名法学硕士。目前负责保险理赔业务。今天,我有幸站在这个讲台上,并借此机会表明,我十分荣幸地成为中海集团大家庭中的一员。中海集团仅仅走过了短短六年的历程,就已在国内外航运界享有了很高的声誉,并有着极其辉煌的未来。众所周知,中海油运是中海集团旗下的大型专业化公司之一,并赢利丰厚。请允许我回顾一下今年以来中海油运所取得的成绩。 good afternoon ! ladies and gentlemen,first of all, may i hav

2、e the honor to introduce myself in short?i m linda from china shipping development co.,ltd.tanker company, graduated as a master of law from dalian maritime university last march, and now i am taking charge of claims & insurance affair. while standing on this stage, i cherish this opportunity to

3、 say i am so proud to be one member of the great family of china shipping group, who has the most splendid future in the shipping world. as you may know, tanker company is one of the biggest and most profitable one, so, may i cherish the honor to sum up our achievement early this year?七月一日上午,李克麟总裁及中

4、海高层领导来油运调研时,对我们的成绩给予了高度评价。今年上半年,我们遇到了许多困难,如伊拉克战争,非典流行,市场波动起伏等等。我们为此作出了巨大的努力,并取得了很大成功。利润比去年同期增加了16%,占到了整个集团今年上半年赢利的40%以上。最令人激动的是,李总裁为整个集团公司的发展腾飞描绘了一幅新的蓝图。XX年,中海集运将成为世界一流的集装箱船队;中海货运将成为国内一流的散货船队;XX年,中海油运将成为内外贸相结合的具有较强竞争力的世界级船队。届时中海集团将实现第二次新的腾飞。on the morning of july 1st , president mr. li kelin and oth

5、ersenior officials came to visit us. president li said high praise forour accomplishmentsin the first half of this year, we overcame alot of difficulties such as turbulence of the market, increasing ofoperating cost, break out of iraq war, interference of sars and so on,we made great efforts and ach

6、ieved great success. we earn a largeamount of profit which is almost 16% increase than the same period oflast year, and contributes over 40% for the total profit in the wholegroup. the most exciting brightness is that president li outlined theblueprint for the whole group, that is, up to year XX, ou

7、r containercompany shall grow up into the first class container fleet in theworld; our bulk company shall grow up into the first class bulk fleet in china, focusing on domestic transportation; up to XX, our tanker company shall grow up into the first class and most competitive tanker fleet in the wo

8、rld, focusing on both domestic and overseas transportation. these are the twice historical overflyings in china shipping group!面对新的发展蓝图,中海的每一个员工无不感到由衷的自豪与欢欣鼓舞。我们的集团正在日益走向壮大。美好的发展前景,对我们每个员工,特别是我们青年员工来说,不啻是一个巨大的喜讯。everyone in china shipping is very excited and proud, because ourgroup is growing strong

9、er and stronger. without doubt, that s the greatest news for every member of us, especially for us young people.我们生逢其时。我们充满灿烂辉煌的前途。因为,我们正站在由我们的前辈们所取得的巨大成绩的颠峰上。请再次允许我,向所有的海运前辈们,包括在坐的各位,说一声“谢谢”!是你们用热诚和执着为我们铺平了前进的道路,同时,你们也赋予了我们青年人一个新的任务。即我们,从新世纪的新起点开始,必须努力在不远的将来取得更大的成功。now we are standing on the peak o

10、f great achievements built byour predecessors, wed like to say“thank you ” to all thepractitioners including everybody of you sitting here today. nevertheless, you leave us young people a new task, that is, we should struggle to make greater progress in the future, as youth is a new startup in new c

11、entury.历史无数次地证实了青年对发展的渴望。青年人的渴望也是最强烈的。一个雄辩的事实是:青年一代是任何团体的财富。没有一支青年队伍,任何一个团体也无法雄起。history has established many times that our hunger for achievement is highly developed and by far the strongest in the youth. it is also a known fact that the real wealth of any community is its young generation. no com

12、munity can rise above the quality of its youth.青年人渴望得到党政领导的支持,鼓励满怀建设性意见的青年人走向成功。更希望党政领导带领我们,拼搏前行,直至整个国家走向繁荣。our youth is longing for the present leadership to support us to get moving. leaders are expected to lead a community and even a country towards prosperity. youth with constructive ideas must

13、be encouraged to achieve their goals.青年人应该树立这样一个理念:“企业是基础,思考是资本,苦干是方法”。企业为我们提供了成才的宽广舞台,我们都应该竭尽全力地为企业工作。我们深知,要为企业建功立业,除了发奋苦干,舍此没有其他道路可走。we should set up a roadmap where “thinking is the capital, enterprise is the way, hard work is the solution. ” every one of usshould struggle to make the best for ou

14、r company, and at the same time, we all know there is no alternative to endeavor and hard work.只有在年轻的时候,就坚信并树立梦想一定会实现的信念,财富和成功才会向我们走来。it is only when we begin to believe in our youth and the goals we have set out, that what we dream and expect will become into reality;prosperity and success will beg

15、in to flow.同充满创造力和活力的青年人在一起是多么美好啊!青年人有充满梦幻的激情,有追求世界上最美好事物的热情;有坚定的信念,有刻苦勤奋的精神,我们一定能实现伟大的目标。我们憧憬着中海美好的辉煌未来!我们肩负着中海腾飞的历史责任!youth have the power and potential to pursue great things; youth have the ability to achieve the very best in the world; youth have the fantastic mix of dreams, beliefs, diligence,

16、 industriousness, and capability to obtain what we set out to do. what a great feeling itis to be among the youth full of creativity and enthusiasm. what a great responsibility has been conferred on us!赋予我们信任吧!我们将接过前辈的接力棒,殚精竭虑为中海的发展壮大而努力工作。用我们的青春,把中海的名字镌刻在世界一流航运企业的行列里,尽早把发展的蓝图变为腾飞的现实!谢谢大家!give us trust and belief,


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