1、(飞 intercontinental tTo T E GROUPstandard operating procedure 标准操作程序HOW TO SCRUB A HARD FLOOR 硬质地面的清洁Task Number :任务号PA-0010Department :部门Housekeeping 客房部Date Issued:发出时间January 2005 2005年1月Guest Expectation :顾客愿望I expect floors, like walls and windows, to be free of dirt. I expect there is a regula
2、r cleaning program in hotels of high quality.我希望地面像窗子和墙一样干净。我希望在高档次的酒店能有个定期的清洁计划。TIME TO TRAIN :培训时间25 minutes25分Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么此任务对于你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers:答案1. I understand the importance of a clean floor as it enhances the image of a hotel. 我理解干净的地面对于增强酒店在客人心目中的印
3、象很重要。2. It is important for me to know, how we must scrub a floor, especially if it is really dirty. 对于我来说知道如何清洁地面,特别是脏的地面很重要。3. We can increase the GSTS sco我可以增加顾客满意程度调查的分数。4. We can show our professionalis哦们借止匕展示我们的专业性。WHAT/STEPS 内容步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 操作标准TRAINING QUESTIONS培训疑问1) Preparation准备Prepare
4、 all cleaning tools and cleaning materia required.准备好所有的工具和清洁原料。Dilute general-purpose cleaner in a bucket of warm water.将普通清洁剂在水桶内用温水稀释。l What do I do if I notice supplies are low? 当我发现原料较少时该如何处理?2) Cleaning 清洁Place “Wet Floor “ sign and cordon off tl 在清洁区域放置“小心地滑”的牌子。Move as many things out of the
5、 way as possibl 将尽可能多的东西移开。Pour cleaning solution into the solution tank of the scrubber.将溶液加入清洗机器的水箱。Fix the scrubbing brush into the drive disk then adjust the machine handle to the desired heigh 挂上刷子,调整机器的高度。Start the machine, applying cleaning solution b pulling the release lever.开动机器,控制洗涤剂用量Run
6、 the machine from left to right and backwards; ensure overlapping strokes. Cover section by section.后退着进仃由左到右,块接着一'块确保无遗漏。】eWireaio I have to place a sign?我为什么要放告示牌?eDo I have to move all the furniture?我需要挪开所有家具吗?How do I fix the scrubbing pad?t.我怎么安装清洁垫子?y What movements do I have to do?我按什么方向进
7、行?WHAT/STEPS 内容步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 操作标准TRAINING QUESTIONS 培训疑问3) Drying干燥地面When an area is covered, use a wet and dry vacuum cleaner to suck up the solution. 清洁完毕后用吸水机吸干地面。Rinse the floor with clean water and dry using the wet and dry vacuum.用清水冲洗地面并再次吸干。Mop the floor again with clean water to ensure t
8、here is no left-over chemical residue.再次用清水拖地,确保无洗涤剂残留。STOP USING THE MACHINE IF ANYSMELL OR BURN ACCURES!如果出现异味或烧的迹象停止使用机器。Do I need to do the same movement when drying as I do when cleaning?我在干燥地面时需要跟清洁地面一样的 方向进行吗?What equipment do I need to dry?我用什么机器干燥地面?4) Storage储存Store the machine in a proper
9、 place. 将机器存放到适当位置。Return chemical containers to the store and place neatly on shelf.将洗涤剂放回储存架子上。Why do I have to dry the material?我为什么要干燥机器?Where do I need to store the chemicals?我将洗涤剂放置何处?5) Report defects问题上报Report defects of the machine to the Maintenance department.将机器的问题上报工程维修部。Why do I have t
10、o report immediately or can wait until I am finished cleaning?我为什么要立刻上报,我能在完成工作 后再上报吗?Summary questions:问题总结1. What is important when preparing to scrub a floor?准备洗涤地面时应注意什么?2. How often should floors be scrubbed地面洗涤的频率是多少?3. Which floors in this hotel should be scrubbed? 个楼层的地面需要清洗?4. What is the movement when scrubbing the floor?面清洗的方向是什么?5. What do I have to consider when storing the equipment我存放机器时应注意什么?6. Do I need to report defects to HK or can I
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