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1、1/7课时提能练(二十三)I阅读理解A(2019 湖北省重点中学考试)Dont have pienty of time for reading ? If you areinterested in nonfiction books,here are good choices for you.A Room of One s OwnThis essay by Engiish writer Virginia Wooif is based on her severai iectures given totwo women s coiieges at Cambridge University in 192

2、8.In it,Wooif describes that it scircumstance not taient aione that aiiows men to be more successfui at writing.Women,in other words, spend so much time cooking, cieaning, and tending to their chiidren thatthey have no time ieft for art.To write weii,therefore,a woman must have “a room ofher own W h

3、 i”i e on its surface,this essay appears to be oniy about writing,it isactuaiiy about weaith and ciass,freedom and imprisonment,and the power struggiebetween sexes.The Art of WarWritten by ancient Chinese miiitary strategist Sun Zi,TheArt ofWar is wideiyconsidered to be one of the best books about m

4、ilitary strategy(军事战略)in humanhistory.Consisting of 13 chapters, each deaiing with a separate aspect about how to fighta war,the book has been translated into many languages and has thousands ofeditions.For centuries,it has been used to train military leaders for its detailed study ofmilitary strate

5、gy and effective leadership.Letter to My DaughterThis book of essays and poems by Maya Angelo,ua respectable American poe,t is written for“the daughter she nevetrhheamdillions”ofwomen,both youngandold,who she considers to be her“faFmroilym t”he viewpoint of a caring ,olderrelative, this book contain

6、s lessons selected from her own life experience, sincluding the2/7birth of her only child,a son,as well as the development and loss of friendship.A Brief History of TimeIf you re short on time,then why not read about,well,the creation of time? Thisbook,first published in 1998 from brilliant scientis

7、t and mathematician StephenHawking ,explores mindbending questions about the creation of the universe,includingif and when it will end ,and if so, how.Despite its heavy subject matte,r Hawkingaddresses these questions in a way thast easy to understan,d even for those who knowlittle about physics.【语篇

8、解读】 本文主要介绍了四本纪实类文学作品。1What can we learn about the four books?AA Brief History of Timemainly focuses on the matter of time.BLetter toMy Daughter is actually a common family letter.CThe Art of War gives advice on how to be military leaders.DA Roomof One sOwn is more than about writing.D 细节理解题。 根据第二段中的

9、 “While on its surface ,this essay appears to beonly about writing , it is actually about wealth and class ,freedom and imprisonment ,and the power struggle between sexes ”可知,虽然表面上这篇 文章只跟写作有关, 但是实际上它是有关财富和社会等级, 自由和监禁以及两性 之间的权力之争的,所以 D 项正确。 more than 意思是 “不仅仅 ”。 2What can be inferred from the passage

10、?AAs a physicist,Hawking is equally famous for writing.BMaya devotes herself to fighting for women s rights.CThe book by Sun Zi is helpful in policy making.DWoolf looks down upon men in writing.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的 “The Art of War is widely considered to be one ofthe best books about military strategy( 军

11、事战略)”和 each dealing with a separate3/7aspect about how to fight a wa 可知,The Art of War 对政策的制定有帮 助。所以选项 C正确。 3What is the purpose of the passage?ATo make comparisons between the four books.BTo recommend the four books to readers.CTo make comments on the four books.DTo promote sales of the four books.

12、B 写作意图题。根据第一段 “Don t have plenty of time for reading ?If you areinterested in non fiction books , here are good choices for you ”可知, 写作本文的目的是向读者介绍文中提到的四本作品。所以选项B 正确。B(2019 重庆调研)1 love the iPhone.l still remember the excitement I felt peelingback the protective plastic from my shiny new iPhone X What

13、 a gorgeous piece oftechnology! That feeling didn t last.I could point out a list of complaints,like how Face ID is inconsistent,the brightmetal casing is scratch prone (易擦伤的), and the price tag is astronomical.But theres really one shortcoming that matters to me.Though the phone is only a bit bigge

14、r than the iPhone ,6iPhone 7, and iPhone 8,the bigger screen dramatically changes how you interact with the device.The newgestures required by the notch at the top of the phone mean theres no way to look at mynotifications(通知)or access the control center with only one hand.It considerably limitsthe

15、usability of the phone when I m on the go or when I have only one hand free.The toptwo rows of apps on the home screen are basically inaccessible without a sliding move,and it makes me paranoid 患 ( 妄想狂的 )if I m going to drop the $1,000 device.The fearof dropping the phone comes from the $549 bill sp

16、ent on repairing the cracked glass onits back.I hate the idea of risking that just trying to see my notifications.With my previousiPhone,the iPhone 6,I could use my pinky(小手 指)as a kind of shelf for the phone4/7to sit on as I tapped away,texting ,checking email,or changing songs on Spotify.TheiPhone

17、 X s size doesn t let that happen.I envied my friend when she showed me hernew iPhone 8.At first, I thought it was just an adjustment period.I experienced something similarwith my previous phone.Like the iPhone X s new shape, the iPhone 6 represented adramatic departure in form from previous iPhones

18、.When I upgraded to the iPhone 6 frommy iPhone 4S,I had similar doubts about one handed use.I ended up falling in lovewith the phone.That same thing did not happen with the iPhone X after a month intousing it.Determined!【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者买了一部新的 iPhone X 之 后发现这部手机的诸多缺点。4According to the writer, wh

19、at is exactly wrong with the iPhone X?A Its price is too high.B Its screen is a bit too big.CIts Face ID is inconsistent.D Its metal frame is easy to be scratched.B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第二句 But theres really one shortcomi ng thatmatters to me 和第三段的描述可知,在作者看来,屏幕太大、难 以操作是真正的不足之处,故选 B 项。5How do you think the

20、writer will look at the notifications for safe?AUse the pinky as a shelf.BUse the iPhone X with a sliding move.CUse the iPhone X with both hands.DUse the iPhone X with only one hand free.C细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的 “The new gestures required by the notch atthe top of the phone mean there s no way to look at my

21、 notifications (通知) or access thecontrol center with only one hand. ”和 It considerably limits the usability of the phone5/7when I m on the go or when I have only one hand free”可知,作者查看通知时应是用两只手使用iPhone X 手机,故选 C项。 6How much has the writer spent on the iPhone X?A$451.B$549.C$1,000.D$1,549.D 推理判断题。上文讲了

22、 iPhone X 手机诸多的缺点,特别是使用不方便,第三段提至 U “nd it makes me para no id(患妄想狂的)if Im going to drop the$1,000 device.on its back ”可知,iPhone X 手机价格为 1 000 美元,而作者因为修它已花费了 549 美元,作者在这部手机上已花费了1 549 美元,故选 D 项。7. What do you think the writer will do according to the passage?A.Down grade the iPho ne X.B.Change the usi

23、ng habits.C. Stop using the iPhone.D. Go on with the adjustment period.A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 When I upgraded to the iPho ne 6 frommy iPh one 4S, I had similar doubts about one han ded use .I en ded up falli ngin love with the phone.That same thing did not happen with the iPhone X after a mon thinto usi ng

24、 it.Determi ned”并结合全文讲述 iPho ne X 的诸多缺点可以推知,作者以前从 iPhone 4S 升级成 iPhone 6 时,一开始也有类似的疑惑,但最 后适应了;而这一次用了一个月也没有适应,所以作者要降级iPhone X 手机,downgrade 和 upgrade 是一对反义词,故选 A 项。n.阅读七选五(2019 东省高三预测)There are two types of party attendees 参加者) :Those whocount the minutes until they can go home,and those who stay unti

25、l the early hours of6/7morning.Regardlessof which category you fall into,though,you must have secretlywondered about the best time to head out the door. 1 Not only do you want to avoid beingimpolite,but you also don! t want to overstay your welcome.Thankfully,Thomas Blaikiecan help you out with this

26、 delicate matter.According to Blaikie, there is a golden time to leave the gathering without appearingrude. 2 If its a sit-down dinner party,but you have to leave for someth ing urge nt,youshould rema in un til all courses have bee n served .It s considered rude to leave beforedessert. 3 Aim to say

27、your goodbyes at 11 : 15 p. m.Dont be the last person to leave.4 Chatting with a drink in your hand can easily make you lose track of the time.And dont worry about hurt ing your host if you must tur n dow n an offer.After all, your hostis tired out.This advice depends on how well you know your host of course. 5 He also mightappreciate it if you stayed behind to help clean up.In that case youll need to know thebest clea ning tips for a dinner party.A. As for the weekends?B. On a weeknight, it is best to leave at 1


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