



1、Less is more少就是多的哲学思想的体现:三个领域:建筑艺术:日本的断舍离,把一切可要可不要的物品 全都从自己的生活中剔除,整理家中旧物的新理念,断绝、 舍弃不必要的旧物,为自己的生活做一次减法,进行自我减 压。在日本的禅宗寺院里,不用大量的绿树流水,而用白沙、 石头和青苔组合勾勒,制造由所谓“枯山水”庭园,这被日 本人认为是极简主义的“早期形态”。这些设计表面样式似乎简单,但在素材、工艺上更加追求奢侈繁复,简约而不简 单,整理东西和整理人生是一个道理,痛苦之后会迎来重生,真正能够寄托感情的,其实也只有那么几样而已。过多的物 欲,反而消耗了身心的能量,当人们的房间被破烂”占领,感到拥挤

2、的何止是空间呢?北欧风的室内设计也是提倡简 约而不简单。文学艺术:简洁凝练的用词创造更多的想象 .例如天净. 秋思中,枯藤,老树,小桥,流水,西风,很简单的意象, 但是组合在一起,呈现由来的画面却显得意境深远,别有一 番滋味,对于情感的表达则是运用环境的铺垫及渲染。在人际交往上:舍弃不必要的人际关系, 好好爱自己, 爱朋友,爱家人。从前,车马很慢,一生只够爱一个人。又早:Before we talk about less is more , let ' s think a set of relative concepts,what thes less and what ' th

3、e more. More work for more money, less time for yourself.As far as I understand, less is appearance and more is content.In design style, Japan's minimalism of the style of separation has reached its acme. They abandon unnecessary old things in their home, advocating to remove all necessary and u

4、nnecessary items from life. They appeal to make a subtraction for your life, and relieve yourself. Otherwise, the popularity of Nordic style is a simple of “simplebut not simplistic They advocate a simple lifestyle of material simplicity and spiritual abundance. They value spiritual and experiential

5、 happiness more. That ' s to say that less is more.In literature, fewer words often bring more imagination.Silence brings power. a few strokes or even one word in the poem can be full of artistic conception. For example, there are only 28 words and nine kinds of scenery in Tianjingsha Qiusi, but

6、 it described that a far away home person misses his home and a sad feeling of tired of wandering. The language is extremely simple, but it has a profound implication.On the expression of love, we usually will say" You are the oto lover to express the deep feeling of holding your hand and grow old together with you. Time is so slow that only choose one to grow old. We maybe also need a cat ,a tea, a quiet afternoon or a sincere greeting to love yourself, friends or families.The more is not necessarily the better. Instead,less is more.Giving up


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