1、精品文档第三章I. Each of the stateme nts below is followed by four alter native an swers. Choose the one that would best complete the stateme nt.1. Theis ' the smallest functioning un it in the compositi on of words' (Crystal 1985).A. morph B. allomorph C. morpheme D. allopho ne2. Morphemes areun i
2、ts, which are realized in speech by discrete un its known asA. con crete, allomorphs B. abstract, morphs C. abstract, lexemesD. con crete, morphs3. Most morphemes are realized by single morphs. Words of this kind are called words.A. polysemous B. monom orphemic C. polymorphemic D. stem4. Some morphe
3、mes are realized by more tha n one morph accord ing to their positi on in a word. Such alter native morphs are known asA. lexemes B. headwords C. allomorphsD. pho nes5. The popular method of classifying English morphemes is to group them into morphemes andmorphemes.A. derivati on al, i nflect ionalB
4、. free, bound C. free, in flecti onal D. root, bound6. Free morphemes are ide ntical withwords.A. compo und B. root C. con vertedD. clipped7. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in words.A. rootB. in flect ionalC. derivedD. compo und8. Morphemes which cannot occur as words arehound.A. separateB. compo
5、 undC. derivedD. con verted9. Free morphemes havemeanings in themselves and can be used asgrammatical un its insenten ces.A. in complete, in depe ndentB. complete, free C. complete, depe ndentD. free, complete10. Morphemes which areother morphemes are con sidered to be free.A. differe nt fromB. depe
6、 ndent on C. related with D. in depe ndent of11. The minimal meaningful units of a Ianguage are known as A. morphsB. morphemes C. allomorphs D. lexemes12. im-", "ir-","il-" "in- "and are all of the, negative prefix.A. morphs, morpheme B. morphemes, morph C. allomor
7、phs, morphs D. allomorphs, morpheme13. Affixes attached to the end of words to in dicate grammatical relati on ships are known as A. derivati onal morphemes B. i nflectio nal morphemes C. bound roots D. free roots14. Derivational affixes can be further divided into andA. bound roots and suffixesB. p
8、refixes and suffixesC. bound roots and prefixesD. in flect ional affixes and prefixes15. Accord ing to the fun ctio ns of affixes, we put them into affixes andaffixes.A. in flect ion al, derivati onal B. reflective, flexible C. con verted, boundD. root, bound16. affixes are affixes added to other mo
9、rphemes to create new words.A. Con vertedB. I nflectio nalC. Derivatio nalD. Bou nd17. Ais the form to which affixes of any kind can be added.A. root B. stem C. lexeme D. headword18. The, whether free or bound, gen erally carries the main comp onent of meaning in a word.A. stem B. root C. prefix D.
10、suffix19. "-dict-" is a/an D. derivational morphemeD. derivational morphemeA. free root B. i nflectio nal morpheme C. bound root20. In the word "contradict", "contra-" is a/an A. bound root B. i nflectio nal morpheme C. free root21. In "tomatoes", "tomato
11、" is a/an and "-es" is a/anA. stem, suffixB. root, prefixC. bound root, prefixD. stem, root精品文档22. Bound morphemes A. prefix, suffix C. bound root, affixin clude two types:andB. bound root and prefixD. derivati onal morpheme and suffix23. In "went" we find morphemes, and in
12、"classroom s" root.A. two, two B. one, twoC. one, three D. two, three24. "predict" is made up of a/an _- morpheme and a/a nmorpheme.A. prefix, bound B. root, boundC. in fleet ion al, derivati onalD. in fleet ion al, root25. "a ntecede nt" is made up ofA. a prefix and a
13、bound rootB. a bound root and a suffixC. a prefix, a bound root and a suffix D. a bound root, a free root and a suffix26. Mostdo not cha nge the word classes of the origi nal words.A. suffixes B. prefixes C. affixes D. bound roots27. In "clockwise", we can find A. two free rootsB. a free r
14、oot and a suffixC. a prefix and a free rootD. a free root and a bound root28. In English, inflectional affixes are and derivational affixes are bothandA. suffixes, prefixes, suffixesB. in fixes, suffixes, prefixesC. prefixes, suffixes, prefixesD. prefixes, in fixes, prefixes29. The morpheme "-s
15、" in "desks" is called morpheme.A. derivati onalB. free C. grammaticalD. i nflectio nal30. In En glish, bound roots are eitherorA. Lati n, French B. Greek, Scandin avia nC. Lati n, Greek D. Fren ch, GreekII. Complete the followi ng stateme nts with proper words or expressi ons accord
16、ing to the course book.1. Though borrowing has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary as indicated, in modern times, however,vocabulary is largely en riched on a/anbasis.2. Before we actually deal with the means of word-formati on, we n eed to an alyze the structures of words and
17、gain a worki ng kno wledge of the differe nt word-formi ng eleme nts which are to be used to create new words.3. It seems to be gen erally agreed that ais the smallest un it of a Ian guage that sta nds alone to com muni cate meaning.4. The word " denaturalization" can be broken down into m
18、orphemes.5. Suffixes usually cha nge the word-class while do not usually cha nge the world-class.6. Morphemes are abstract un its, which are realized in speech by discrete un its known as7. "water" hasmorpheme(s).8. The =is the base form of a word that expresses its esse ntial meaning.9. A
19、nis any of the varia nt forms of a morpheme as con diti oned by positi on or adjoining soun ds.10. Affixes attached to the end of words to in dicate grammatical relati on ship are called affixes.11. Free morphemes and freeare ide ntical.12. The number of inflectional affixes is small and which makes
20、 English one of the easiest Ianguage to learn.13. affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes14. The smallest functioning un it i n the compositi on of words is 15. "-s", "-ed", "-er" and "-est" are all morphemes because they do not gen erate new
21、 words.16. "er-", "im-", "ab-", and "-ly" are all morphemes because they gen erate new words.17. usually do not cha nge word-class of the stems but only modify their meanin gs.18. Structurally speak ing, a word is not the smallest un it because many words are
22、and separable.19. The root, whether free or bound,gen erally carries thecomp onent of meaning in a word.20 roots in En glish are either Lat in or Greek.21 .A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further an-alysed total loss of ide ntity.22. Acan in clude a root, although sometimes it can
23、 replace a root.23. Most morphemes are realized bymorphs.24. A root is that part of a word form that rema ins whe n all and derivati onal affixes have bee n removed.25. A stem is a form to which of any ki nd can be added.26. "idealizati on" hasmorphemes.27. "go ne", "easier&
24、quot;, "gree n houses" and "swim ming" all contain a(n) morpheme.28. Most in flect ional morphemes are 29. morphemes are chiefly found in derived words.30. Derivati onal affixes are added to other morphemes to createwords.III. Match the words in Column A with those in Column B ac
25、cording to (1)types of morphemes (2)language family(3)modes of vocabulary developme nt(4)classificati on of words an d(5)sources of borrow ing.AB1. manA.in flect ionalmorpheme2. SpanishB.boundroot3. -edC.stem4. sit-in5. penicillin6. pork7. Prussian8. -dict-9. pre-10. national in internationalD. deri
26、vational morphemeE. free morphemeF. terminologyG. creationH. denizenI. Baho-SlavicJ. ItalicIV. Study the following words and expressions and identify (1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1. -s- in works()
27、2. anti- in antislavery()3.liberate in proliferation()4. -dict- in dictator()5. Norwegian()6. dumb( = stupid)()7. surplus value( )8. have (auxiliary)()9. pork (from pore)( )10. guess ( = think)()V. Define the following terms.1. root2. stem3. derivational morphemes/affixes 4. inflectional morphemes/a
28、ffixes5. bound root6. affixes7. bound morphemes 8 .free morphemes9. allomorphs10. morphs11. morphemesVI. Answer the following questions .Y our answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Why do we say that free morphemes and free roots are identical?2. What are
29、the differences between a bound morpheme and a bound root?3. Are a root and a stem the same? Give your reasons.4. According to the functions of affixes how many groups can you put them into? What are their characteristics? VI. Analyze and comment on the followings. Write your answers in the space gi
30、ven.1. Analyze the morphological structures of the following words. Point out the types of morphemes. prediction strawberriesencouragement2. Analyze the morphological structure of the following words in the light of free morphemes and bound morphemes, then explain the differences between the two kin
31、ds of morphemes.idealizationhand-madeluckily参考答案I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B7.C 8.A9.B 10.D 11 .B 12.D 13 .B 14.B15 .A16.C 17 .B 18.B 19.C 20.D 21 .A 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.C 26. B 27
32、. B 28.A 29. D 30. CII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.1. internal 2. morphological 3. word10. inflectional 11. roots 12. stable17. Prefixes 18. analyzable 19. main25. affixes 26. three 27. inflectional4. five 5. prefixes 6. morphs 7.
33、one 8. root 9. allomorph13. Derivational14. morpheme 15. inflectional 16. derivational20. Bound21. without 22. stem 23. single 24. inflectional28. suffixes 29. Bound 30. newIII.Match the words in Column A with those in Column B according to (1) types of morphemes;(2)language family;(3)modes of vocab
34、ulary development (4)classification of words and (5)sources of borrowing.1.E 2.J 3.A 4.G 5.F 6.H 7.1 8.B 9.D 10.CIV. Study the following words and expressions and identify(1)types of morphemes; (2)language family; (3)modes of vocabulary development;(4)classification of words and sources of borrowing
35、.1.bound morpheme/inflectional morpheme/suffix2. bound morpheme/derivational morpheme/reflex3. free morpheme/free root4. bound root5. Germanic/Scandinavian 6. semantic-loan7. translation-loan 8. functional word9. denizen10. revival of archaic or obsolete wordsV .Defame the following terms.1. A root
36、is the basic form of a word which cannot be further anal ysed without total loss of identity .The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word.2. A stem may consist of a single root morpheme or two root morphemes or a root plus an affix. A stem is a form to
37、which affixes of any kind can be added.3. Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes.4. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, and those ad
38、ded to stems to create new words are derivational.5. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning but cannot stand alone as a word.6. Affixes are forms that are attached to stems to make new words or show grammatical meaning.7. Bound morphemes are the morphemes that can
39、not occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words.8. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with root words.9. A single mor
40、pheme may be phonetically realized by two or more morphs. These alternative phonetic forms or variants are allomorphs.10. A morpheme must be realized as certain phonetic forms or variants in different phonetic environments. Each of the phonetic forms or variants is a morph.11. A morpheme is the mini
41、mal/smallest meaningful unit of a languageVI. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be and short. Write your answers in the space given below.1. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are consid6red to be free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be
42、 used as free grammatical units in sentences .They are identical Mth root words, as each of them consists of a single free root. Therefore, we might as well say that free morphemes are free roots.2.Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. Bound morphemes include bound root and affix
43、. Bound root is only one type of bound morpheme.3. A root and a stem are not the same. A root is the basic form of word which cannot be further analysed. A stem may consist of a single root or two roots and a root plus an affix. Therefore, a stem can be a root or a form bigger than a root.4. Accordi
44、ng to the functions of affixes, we can put them into two ups: inflectional and derivational affixes. Inflectional affixes are attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical morphemes. The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable. Derivational affixes are added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come before the word and the suffixes after the word.VI.Analyze and comment on the following
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