1、高职高专实用英语口语大赛训练题目 全国高职高专实用英语 口语大赛 ' 选拔赛 竞赛 参考题 art ii p e ent tio 3(m es ) task: - you re req i ed to talk about t e figure, d r in and par g what you have seen 、 - youll have 3 mi ut s for repara io 、 yo mus plete y r pr ntation in 3 minutes 、 1 b r o h urs wor ed per week 01020304050japan swede
2、n num ers f days an ual hol d y h o u 051015202530japan sweden the averge japaese worker pends 7 hours a week, 2 100 ur pr ea, a he fice or try, whe he verage swede cocs u onl 、 swedish orkers ve dys o hay per yea, t the japne hae only 5、 tpical apanes worker takes siday eek, howeve, a eish oke wrs
3、les th days a eek、 if you re a orr, life is sie in seden than i jpan, fo you can ork ur shoter ah we an ou ay have a much oner anna lday、 2 change n uber of visitors by country -80%-60%-40%-20%0%20%40%60%sweden argetina bangladesh d a y group independent n 2021 th were a lare number f isitrs to chin
4、a goup or ndepndn ur、 bt there wee hanges in te numbes of stors r diffet ounre、 sme inreased t se erse、 e greatest change happeed i bangladesh、 the ne of visits fom bangadesh was ow-re re 7% fewer roup tor visiors and 8% nependent trvelers thn the yea befoe、 vitor fm argentna were up by 53% or group
5、 ors and 26 for idepndent trvlers、 te numer of viitors fom swden w u by 24% or grop trs and 5% or ideden travelers、 3 s es of put p ny 0501001502021501 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a he beginning o the year sales of th putr were a 80 00 puns、 sales ros stedily betwee februr ad apl、 however, tey hen ell
6、slighty beten aril and july、 fllowig a inor rise i auut, sles ele noticably ro 160 00 ound to 20 00 pous、 he dwar trnd coninue, and in ovemb sale eached teir owest point nce januy、 ortaly, thak to a ew maketing straeg an gowing demands for holiday oos, sales icreased dmtclly the nd of te yr n entll
7、reached 200 00 puds、 in all, its a year o bot ie a f and was finally nded up wth geat suces n aes、 sales (pound) 1000 month 4 tim spnt on iffent media by enag 024681012141618surf on-linewatch tvlisten toradiousetelephoneread booksmagazines the chart hos a sy rult about th urs the teenger spd e ek on
8、 the ffren med such a internet, v, radi, ehe an boo agzns in tr spare tim、 cleary, th eenaers l sfing th net vey much and tey usuy spend 1、7 hous per eek onlne、 nex o hs, h wold prefe ching tv, 3、6 hos wek bg pent tat、 intrestnly, n a week, tey nly pend bout 6 hor radg bok or magaies、 and te munt of
9、 tme the spend in ltenn to ro or uing tephn i jst in bwee、 5 foign te groth of china (n bilion of b) hours/week 05101520253035jan.feb.mar.apr.may.jun.july.aug.sept.oct.nov.dec.0510152025303540importsexports as h rap sos, hinese exp almost rmined seady i january lst ea、 n ebruar, hey went up raily、 i
10、n the ext hre moths, thy flutated etwen 20 bin nd 25 illion、 from ma to octoe, exports sa slght decrea, hn sall increase in noemer、 i december, h wa a nifcnt incease、 but after tat, cee exports fel dramtically、 ed th expors, cies mpos saw a ontiuou ris fr te beinnng o l year o my、 n th nxt ix onth,
11、hey shwed a adul uctuatin、 at he art o oeer, hey bega to pick p nd fr vebe to decer, mpots icrasd abrp to reach a pea of 17 billion、 at the beginnig of this year, a udden decie i exprts e t step fa in impors、 6 rke har of mx an producs japan 15% thi pie graph shows te breakdon of he mrt hre of me pa
12、ny prduct i the wrld、 as yu cn s, the 、s、a、 is still our largt ustomr、 it has t larest percenage of the arket sare of ou roucts, at 4%、 te second is euro, at 30、 ext i japan, which maks up 15% f our m sare、 and austraia acoun or 10、 fal, th smalest part of our market se is t b afra, wh y 5%、 renty t
13、he ord econoy s no boomig vry fast, s we oul imrve our management sstem ad try our est to produe etter rodut an expre oentil market te ftre、 7 total pofit its expndure(in tusand s dollars) pany name: sursonic indtris oup orp、 050100150200total profit investmentnewenterprisesnewcirculatingfund2021202
14、1 thi graph reels hat our totl rofi of 209 is s00,000, whic s u$50,000 hgher han that f 200、 to expn bsiness, our invetmnt n estblshin nw eterpises was rased fm us$80,000 in 8 o us$40, in 09、 and th ew cicutaustralia 10% africa 5% europe 30% usa 40% ng nd l increase from s$70,0 in 2021 o us$50,00 n
15、209、 8 ecb the cariature a ge yur men、 9 soc of ine percen of oal i pares pt-time job fellowsh or scholarhip american studets % 5% 15% hee stuens 90% 5 5% ne sources etween inee students ad american studs ine sources hins studts r uite differet from thoe f ameican stdets、 in chia, stuens get 90 of t
16、heir money fom their prens whi in amera, ony 0% of sudents m i prvidd y prent、 n adition, chie tud earn oly 5% of their oney rom part time job nd 5% fom elowsip or scholarshi while e from hse wo resurces for american sudet akes u 5% ad 5 resctivey of their total ie、 i thik thee are probab hre easons
17、 or thi ffernce、 ist, aus of te inflen o difret il ad fmly alues, cnse stuets ave rd he hbt of akig for mony from their arns whil merc dent ve devlope ore sens of bein fiancialy inepenen、 ecod, most cines prets devote oo uch e to ther chlren ad y wuld rather sav up to aford thir chilrens edution rth
18、er tha encurge hem to tke artie obs、 but i arica, may paren pay more attenton to developng the sten ality f sef-reliace, so they ecoure their chldren o ind part-te jo to earn sm mne b temeles、 tird, ine amria s moe deveoed than cina, it is rlavly easy o stdents to fid art ime job、 in hin, u oporutie
19、 are athr rar、 bleve wth te developt of hin, more and more inese stuet wll realze an ay moe atnto to the neesity f sl dependenc、 in additin, ore nd mor opprtnities will e prvded for e t take parttime jos、 so more students wil go ut of the vor tower brden their knwlee nd to bee te matr f thr own livs
20、、 1 th tabl beow ves nformaton au chans in mes o travel in egland btwe 15 and 2021、umarise te nfrmato by seectn an reoting th mi etures, and mak parsns where elevant、 he tab idcates th nuer o mils by the vera engish peron in 1985 and 200, sin varius means o trsort、 he numer o mil waked, ce and trave
21、le b local bus ll ereased、 of tese, te umbe of miles taveled by oca us ecrased te most, rom 29 mies n 198 to 74 ies n 200、 e number of ile travd y car, long ditac bus, rain ad taxi l ncrased、 sw r y nevid elim o remun ht3,19 198 and oe by 50% to ,86 in 00、 h nbe of miles ravled by og distance bs mor
22、e than duled fo 54 mil (1985)to 14 ie (00)、 the nube of iles drive by tai trebled fom miles )581( ,ro fo eu eht 、)002( seim 24 otunspecifie, oms f tranpor also iceased、 overa, the ner f miles rvled b he verge english prson rose from 4,740 miles in 195 to 6,75 mile in 2021, ih the nse f cs cuntig for
23、 lmost all of that iree、 1 a、 stain at hoe b、 ravelng 、 doig scial investgion 、 oter ways frm he two cht, we an ee hat n the past n yar t students w o treing ad o socil ivigaion during vations ve ncrse reaty whie thos wh stay at hoe he ecree a lot、 ter are verl rasos for the chnges、 fisly, wth te de
24、vlopn o ecoomy, n people hae be bettr off、 tues an et inacial supprt fro her parents for trvling、 eodl, tourim hs gretl deoped vr the past ten yers、 my ne cenic spots ae bee built and epite、 in dditi, t studes toa ae pee ad ncourged to pariiae in fing he rel worl、 i this way thy can obtain he ecesar
25、y perence required whe ey o jb-hunting pon gradution、 ,strac et ni sgc et orwe can prdic that re and mor coeg tet wil ake her vacatins ineretig and wothwh b gong o te tside wld inste f saying a home、 12 3 how a rican s e heir mone 14 cheule for sale manager"s mart i date tim pace evn 22 octoer 205 9:0 a、 pai internatina airpot avl 10:0 a、m、 gaden htel eet m、
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