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1、动词的主动形式表示被动之意一、系动词无被动语态:以主动形式表示被动之意常见的系动词有:1be动词2.起来(7个):look/seem/appear, feel(感觉,摸起来),sou nd, smell, tastee.g. She seems/appears happy. It smells terrible.3(逐渐)变得/变成:become, grow, get, turn, come, goe.g. His wish has come true.People often went hungry in the old days.The tree is growing tall.4保持:k

2、eep, staye.g. We must keep quiet in the reading room.二、下列动词(词组)没有被动式:1、happen, take place, break out, belong to ,cost, take2、不及物动词sell, wash, read , write, open, close, shut, lock, wear等,常用主 动形式表示被动意义。Ol、An accident was happened yesterday.(x)昨天发生了一起事故。An accident happened yesterday.O2、The flower sme

3、lls sweet.这花闻起来很香。O3、The watch looks good.这表看起来很好。O4、This book sells well.这本书畅销。O5、The kind of cloth washes well.这种布很容易洗。O6、The article reads well.这篇文章读起来很好。O7、The supermarket opens at 8:00 in the morning.超市在早上八点钟营业。08、The door wont close/sh这门关不上。O9、The door locks easily.这门容易锁。O10 This material wear

4、s well (won这种ea料耐久(不耐久)三、Need, want, require(要求,需要),deserve(应得,值得),be worth值得),notbear(经不住)后面接doing主动表被动。The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。The old building requires repairing.这座古建筑需要修了。These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after)carefully.这些幼苗将需要小心的照管。Your hair wa

5、nts/needs cutting (needs to be cut).你的头发该剪了。四、不定式作定语, 放在被修饰词后面, 与前面被修饰的名词或代词有动宾 关系, 又在句子中与另一名词或代词有主谓关系,不定式要用主动表被动含义。I have much work to do.我有许多要做的事情。 (与work有动宾关系,与I有主谓关系)Tom is looking for a room to live in. Tom在找一间住的房间。 (与room有动宾关系,与Tom有主谓关系)He has a family to support.他要维持一个家庭。 (与family有动宾关系,与he有主谓

6、关系)五、不定式修饰作表语和宾语补足语的形容词时,结构:主语+系动词+形容词+不定式; 动词+宾语+形容词+不定式。如果形容词是表示难易、 利弊等含义, 如difficult, easy, comfortable(舒适的), convenient(便利的,方便的), hard,cheap, expensive,等,不定式用主动表被动。The question is difficult to answer.这个问题很难回答。The work is easy to do.这项工作很好做。我觉得这种车很好坐。I found the car comfortable to ride in.That ma

7、kes poetry difficult to write.那就使得诗很难写。12. The picturein October, 1996.被动语态专项练习I单项选择again and again.A. should be readedC. were set upprinting 500 copies by the end of last month.9. Rice _ also _ in their hometown.A. isgrownB. isgrewC. wasgrewDwasgrown10. He _ by the teachers.A. is always praisedB. p

8、raisesC. have been praisedD. always is praised11. Great changes _ place. Many new schools_ .A. have taken, have been openedB. take, are openD. have been taken, are opened1. Good booksB. should be readC. must readD. ought to read2. The childrenby thenurse.after3. HeA. were lookedB. looked afterC. wer

9、elookedD. lookedsome pieces of advice, but heto them.A. gave, didnt listenC. give, wasnt listened4. When_ the accident _B. was given, wasnt listenedD. was given, didnt listenA. was, happenC. is, happenB. did,happenD. was, happened5. The question _ by us soon.A. is going to discussB. will discussC.iD

10、. has been discussedC. buildsD. hasbeen built7. A lot of tall buildingsin his hometown in the last three years.A. have set upB. have been set up8. TheyA. had finishedB. have finishedC. had been finishedD. have been finishedD. set upC. are taken, openA. was taking B. had been taken C. was taken D. ha

11、d taken13. We cant use the bridge now, because it_ .A. has been repairedB. is repairingC. is repairedD. is beingrepaired14. I _ the way to the railway station by a policeman.A. was shown B. showed C. have shown D. wasshowing15. The war_ in 1941.A. broke outB. had been broken outC. was broken outD. h

12、ad broken out16. When water_ , it will be changed into vapor(蒸汽).A. is heated B. heating C. has heated D. heats17. We cant enter the room because its door_ .A. locked B. locksC. is lockedD. is locking18. They _day and night.A. are made workB. are made to workC. made to be workedD. are making to work

13、19. Changan Road is _of people.A. filledB. fillC. full D. fulled20. Man-made satellites _into space by many countries.A. was sent upB. is sent upC. have been sent upD. has been sent up21. This English song _ often _ by the children.A. is, singing B. is, sung C. will, sing D. was,sung22._The windows

14、of our houseonce a week.A. must clean B. have cleaned C. is cleaned D.are cleaned23. When _ the Peoples Republic of China_ ?A. was, foundB. was, foundedC. did, found D.does, found24. Marys radio _ by my brother just now.D. mended25. Your exercise books _ after class.A. will hand inB. must hand inC.

15、handed inD. must be handed in26. Some trees may _ at other times of the year.A. be plantedB. plantC. are plantedD. will be planted27. The sun _ at night as usual.A. can be seenB. cant seeC. cant be seenD. doesnt seethere next week.B. will be put onD. will be putted on school yesterday.B. has been ha

16、ppened D. was going tohappen by little Tom this morning.B. is broken, was brokenD. has been broken, broken 1. I saw the boyrun yesterday.2. He told me that he would come back soon.3. You can find a lot of differences between thetwo languages.4. Do you water your flowers every day?5. The wind blew do

17、wn the big tree last night.6. I think that he is right.7. He had not thrown the bad food.8. Mother was not mending the trousers.9. They would not take him to Beijing.10. Nobody knew me in this town at that time.参考答案I单项选择1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. C6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. A16

18、. A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. C21.B 22. D 23.B 24. C 25.D26. A 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. BmendedA. will be mendedB. has mendedC. was28. A new English play _A. will put onC. is going to put on29. A strange thing _ in ourA. was happenedC. happened30. The glass _ . It _A. broke, is brokenC. was broken, broken把下列句子改为被动语态n、把下列句子改为被动语态1. The boy was seen to run by me yesterday.2. I was told that he would come back soon.3. A lot of differences can be found by you between the two langua


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