1、 超市物流管理系统项目数据库实验报告学 院 信息与电子工程学院 专 业 班 级 计算机科学与技术071 组 员 虞赵俊 107021022 欧东旭 107021021 沈新杰 107021016 张国晓 107021004 俞芳青 107021010 组 长 虞赵俊 联 系 电 话指 导 教 师 俞 坚 目录第1章 系统需求分析21.1 需求概述21.2 需求描述31.2.1数据流图:31.2.2数据字典9第2章 系统初步设计182.1 基于PowerDesigner的数据库设计182.1.1 概念数据模型1
2、82.1.2物理数据模型222.1.3 创建表的脚本文件232.2 数据库不规范化设计举例232.2.1 不满足第二范式举例452.2.2 不满足第三范式举例462.3 基于MyEclipse的系统功能界面设计482.3.1 系统功能图482.3.2 系统功能描述48第3章系统详细设计与实现513.1系统功能界面513.1.1 登录界面513.1.2 主界面513.1.3 采购单入库界面52参考文献54第1章 系统需求分析1.1 需求概述 当今时代,在社会日趋激烈的竞争中,在商品营销业也出现了各种形式,超市经营便是其中一种。超市可能拥有更多的途径销售产品,但是超市作为一个大型销售集体,其供货较
4、系统应具有如下功能:(1) 对流动数据作及时的记录:在采购、销售管理中,借助计算机,对每一笔进货和出货进行记录,包括商品各项信息及日期,方便管理员对数据信息进行查找和修改,使整个管理具有高度的灵活性和可靠性。(2) 对流动数据进行详细审核:在进行商品存库之前,对商品信息进行审核确认,提高信息的可靠性,减少数据的错误率;在提取商品时,也要对提货单进行比对审核。(3) 对库存商品进行统一管理:库存商品按编号统一管理,详细记录库存商品各项信息以及存库日期,利于仓库管理员进行商品入库、出库的调配。1.2 需求描述1.2.1数据流图:超市物流管理系统数据流图(第0层)超市物流管理系统数据流图(第一层)库
5、存管理系统数据流图(第二层)POS收银系统数据流图(第二层)采购管理系统数据流图(第二层)销售管理系统数据流图(第二层)POS收银系统应收款数据流图(第三层)POS收银系统收银找零数据流图(第三层)1.2.2数据字典1.2.2.1 数据结构销售单编号数据项数据项别名数据类型数据项含义1销售单编号sbnochar(10)唯一标识2日期sbdatedate3员工编号snochar(10)外码员工信息编号数据项数据项别名数据类型数据项含义1员工编号snochar(10)唯一标识2员工姓名snamechar(20)3性别ssexchar(5)4联系方式stelchar(20)5所在部门sdepartc
9、,外码2商品编号wgnochar(10)唯一标识,外码3采购量bnumint4采购单价bpricemoney缺货记录编号数据项数据项别名数据类型数据项含义1计划单编号bpnochar(10)唯一标识,外码2商品编号wgnochar(10)唯一标识,外码3预计采购量planbnumint1.2.2.2 数据处理1与销售单有关的数据处理.处理过程“销售单审核”可描述如下:·处理过程:销售信息核实·输 入:未审核销售单·输 出:已审核销售单·说 明:核实销售信息,包括销售单编号、日期、员工编号等信息,建立新的销售单。.处理过程“提交销售单”可描述如下:
10、3;处理过程:销售信息送入·输 入:已审核销售单·输 出:无·说 明:外部实体输入销售信息,包括销售单编号、商品编号、商品名称、销售数量、销售金额、收银员编号等信息,建立销售信息表。.处理过程“历史销售记录查询”可描述如下:·处理过程:历史销售记录查询·输 入:查询条件·输 出:销售记录·说 明:查询条件可为商品编号或员工编号,反馈内容为员工编号、销售数量、销售金额、销售单编号、商品编号等信息。2与采购单有关的数据处理.处理过程“制定订单过程”可描述如下:·处理过程:制定订单·输 入:库存商品信息
11、3;输 出:采购信息单·说 明:根据现有商品的库存量,包括商品编号、商品名称、商品存量(主要)、商品售价等信息,制定建立采购信息表。.处理过程“库存商品的增加”可描述如下:·处理过程:库存商品增加·输 入:核实后的采购单信息·输 出:现有的商品库存量·说 明:核实采购单信息之后,包括商品编号、商品名称、采购数量等信息,建立新的商品库存信息表。.处理过程“采购记录利用”可描述如下:(1)·处理过程:采购记录查看·输 入:采购信息·输 出:满足条件的采购记录单·说 明:根据输入的采购信息输出采购信息记录单,包
12、括采购时间、采购商品编号、采购商品数量、采购商品价格等信息。(2)·处理过程:采购记录增加·输 入:核实并执行的采购单·输 出:采购记录单·说 明:根据核实并执行的采购单信息记录采购时间、采购商品编号、采购商品数量、采购商品价格等信息。第2章 系统初步设计2.1 基于PowerDesigner的数据库设计2.1.1 概念数据模型(1) 由子系统设计E-R图POS收银子系统图2-11 POS收银子系统E-R图 销售管理子系统图2-12 销售管理子系统E-R图 采购管理子系统图2-13 采购管理子系统E-R图仓库商品管理子系统图2-14 库存管理子系统E-R
13、图(1) 设计总E-R图超市物流管理系统E-R图2.1.2物理数据模型超市物流管理系统物理图2.1.3 创建表的脚本文件if exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('buy_bill') and name = '制定2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index buy_bill.制定2_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('buy_bill
14、') and type = 'U') drop table buy_billgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('buy_plan') and name = '制定1_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index buy_plan.制定1_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('buy_plan') a
15、nd type = 'U') drop table buy_plangoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('out_rec') and name = 'out_rec2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index out_rec.out_rec2_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('out_rec') an
16、d name = 'out_rec_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index out_rec.out_rec_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('out_rec') and type = 'U') drop table out_recgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('pay_bill') and n
17、ame = '出示2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index pay_bill.出示2_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('pay_bill') and type = 'U') drop table pay_billgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('payl_record') and name =
18、 'payl_record2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index payl_record.payl_record2_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('payl_record') and name = 'payl_record_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index payl_record.payl_record_FKgoif e
19、xists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('payl_record') and type = 'U') drop table payl_recordgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('receipt') and name = '开具_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index receipt.开具_FKgoif exists
20、(select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('receipt') and type = 'U') drop table receiptgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('receipt_re') and name = 'receipt_re2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index receipt_re.receipt_re2_FKgo
21、if exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('receipt_re') and name = 'receipt_re_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index receipt_re.receipt_re_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('receipt_re') and type = 'U') drop tabl
22、e receipt_regoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('sell_bill') and name = '出示1_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index sell_bill.出示1_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('sell_bill') and type = 'U') drop table s
23、ell_billgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('sell_record') and name = 'sell_record3_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index sell_record.sell_record3_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('sell_record') and name = '
24、sell_record2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index sell_record.sell_record2_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('sell_record') and name = 'sell_record_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index sell_record.sell_record_FKgoif exists
25、(select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('sell_record') and type = 'U') drop table sell_recordgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('staff') and type = 'U') drop table staffgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('ware
26、house_goods') and type = 'U') drop table warehouse_goodsgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('采购记录') and name = '采购记录2_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index 采购记录.采购记录2_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = object_id('采购
27、记录') and name = '采购记录_FK' and indid > 0 and indid < 255) drop index 采购记录.采购记录_FKgoif exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('采购记录') and type = 'U') drop table 采购记录go/*=*/* Table: buy_bill */*=*/create table buy_bill ( bbno char(10) not null, sno char(
28、10) null, bbdate datetime null, constraint PK_BUY_BILL primary key nonclustered (bbno)go/*=*/* Index: 制定2_FK */*=*/create index 制定2_FK on buy_bill (sno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: buy_plan */*=*/create table buy_plan ( bpno char(10) not null, sno char(10) null, bpdate datetime null, constraint PK_BUY_PLAN p
29、rimary key nonclustered (bpno)go/*=*/* Index: 制定1_FK */*=*/create index 制定1_FK on buy_plan (sno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: out_rec */*=*/create table out_rec ( bpno char(10) not null, wgno char(10) not null, planbnum int null, constraint PK_OUT_REC primary key (bpno, wgno)go/*=*/* Index: out_rec_FK */*=*/c
30、reate index out_rec_FK on out_rec (bpno ASC)go/*=*/* Index: out_rec2_FK */*=*/create index out_rec2_FK on out_rec (wgno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: pay_bill */*=*/create table pay_bill ( pbno char(10) not null, sno char(10) null, pbdate datetime null, constraint PK_PAY_BILL primary key nonclustered (pbno)go
31、/*=*/* Index: 出示2_FK */*=*/create index 出示2_FK on pay_bill (sno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: payl_record */*=*/create table payl_record ( pbno char(10) not null, wgno char(10) not null, prnum int null, prprice money null, constraint PK_PAYL_RECORD primary key (pbno, wgno)go/*=*/* Index: payl_record_FK */*=*/
32、create index payl_record_FK on payl_record (pbno ASC)go/*=*/* Index: payl_record2_FK */*=*/create index payl_record2_FK on payl_record (wgno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: receipt */*=*/create table receipt ( reno char(10) not null, sno char(10) null, rerprice money null, refprice money null, redate datetime n
33、ull, constraint PK_RECEIPT primary key nonclustered (reno)go/*=*/* Index: 开具_FK */*=*/create index 开具_FK on receipt (sno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: receipt_re */*=*/create table receipt_re ( reno char(10) not null, wgno char(10) not null, rrnum int null, rrprice money null, constraint PK_RECEIPT_RE primary key (reno, wgno)go/*=*/* Index: receipt_re_FK */*=*/create index receipt_re_FK on receipt_re (reno ASC)go/*=*/* Index: receipt_re2_FK */*=*/create index receipt_re2_FK on receipt_re (wgno ASC)go/*=*/* Table: sell_bill */*=*/create table sell_bill ( sb
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